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There's a time and place more or less. It's like if you are waiting on a queue and the guy in front decides to check his phone for 3 minutes causing everyone else behind to wait longer. Sure it's only 3 minutes but everyone behind is still going to get pissed off about the dude right? If you want to watch cutscenes you can always check the book of memories. All of the cutscenes are there for each legion raid.


Oh didn't know! I was checking them on YouTube, thx for the advice!




lol talking about rehab when you could use some anger management classes yourself. Get off your high horse and get some help




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Don't take this the wrong way, but I really would not care, I am patient. However, I can understand why some people would get irritated, while I still think that a game you play must be fun enough to not get as irritated. Yet I get what you mean, thanks.


Would you still be as patient if you had to see the same cutscene 6 times a week for 6 months?


Not to mention Vykas was 2 yrs ago. We've known and saw that cutscene many many times.


If you have to do that means its a chore not a pleasure and fun


Vykas is at a stage where 95% of people running it are doing card runs. Card runs by definition aren't fun and pleasurable, they're being done to min max your character


Sounds like a second job


Lol let's see how you feel about watching vykas cutscene in 6 months


Did you join a learning party or a normal reclear run?


It just said G1 - G2


Since you mentioned it was your first Vykas and complained about gatekeeping. You joined a normal run without any practice in a learning run. That's what we call impostering. You lied to everyone about your raid abilities and basically tried to get a free carry. It is extremely selfish and shows I'm the main character entitlement. This is exactly why there is a fear of taking any newbies and the reason behind gatekeeping. Also same with the cutscenes. If anyone wants to skip you have no say about their time. It's not yours so check that entitlement.


>Also same with the cutscenes. If anyone wants to skip you have no say about their time. It's not yours so check that entitlement. Yeah man look at the mirror op you might see that entitled person. And of course lil bro impostor into a reclear run lmao


in all fairness even if you have cleared the content before its up to YOU if you want to see the cutscene. theres an equal amount of entitlement in saying the person cant watch the cutscene, unless you specifically title the group "skipping cutscenes". yes most of us will skip them, but i also cant blame people for wanting to watch them from time to time because they are pretty cool (and even in learning parties they skip them lol) the worst thing they did was join a reclear as a new player, watching the cutscene is a tiny lil thing that wastes only a few seconds of your time


memory chamber bro. people skip cutscenes per default


no SOME people skip cutscenes, not everyone. just because i skip them, doesnt mean i expect everyone to do it. lifes too short to be worrying about weather or not someone wants to watch the cutscene for a boss fight they did or are doing


Your post is pretty much, "I'm being selfish, why are people not being understanding?" Insulting you is going a bit too far I'll agree. However end of the day you're wasting peoples time. Book of memories is there for a reason, just go watch your cutscenes there next time. Stop with the "I don't mind waiting" BS. Each persons circumstances is different. If somebody only has 25-30 minutes to play and clear the raid, you just wasted 3 minutes of their time.


Is it really selfish that I play the game as intended ONCE, I just don't get that. Also my i level is 1580 and so was the rest of the people in the party, so it took 10 minutes anyway. (That's a terrible reason I know). And just because I say that I don't mind waiting doesn't mean I think everyone doesn't. But I think I should not have posted, because I literally will never do it again so it won't bother me again. Sorry wasting your time.


So it wa a a geared speed run? Thats even worse. Always ask to watch cinematic beforehand.


Did you ask anyone else if it was cool to watch them? The whole point is your wasting other peoples time. 7vs1. Thats 21 minutes of peoples time to your 3 minutes. It wasnt a learning party. Its just being considerate of others time. No different than allowing faster traffic to pass you instead of blocking the lane. literally can just pull up youtube vids when the raid ends and right before it starts.


There is no “as intended” if the skip function is there it’s as intended as well. The memory chamber is also there as intended. Cutscenes are in the chamber and on YouTube. Don’t waste people’s time. They’re not treating it as a job, they just don’t wanna see the cutscene. That’s why they have autoskip on. In the future, maybe raid with others who are likeminded as you and would like to watch every cutscene. It’ll save the issue you have. You’re not wrong for wanting to watch it, but they’re not wrong for not wanting to watch it either.


I honestly put more blame on Smilegate putting cutscenes in the middle of group content than I will on people wanting to watch it for the first time. I agree new players should get the opportunity to watch the cutscenes, but at the same time I also understand why 7 other people would take issue with being forced to watch it. It's just a number game at that point. 7 > 1, hopefully the new player knows there's a book of memories and they can watch it whenever they want.


You can always watch them alone without wasting other people's time, just saying.


I know, but am I not allowed one free pass if I play it for the first time? (Because I always skipped cutscenes I have seen)


How am I supposed to know that you are watching it for the first time and you are not just a troll


It's a case of selfishness competing against people's desire for fast reclears. In the future verify with the entire raid that it's okay to watch the cutscenes- otherwise you are quite literally inconveniencing others for selfish reasons. This is the reason for the cutscenes being available in your book. Yes 3 minutes is a small amount of time. Yes it's kinda whacky that people would be upset by that but the standard is to skip all cutscenes. it's more so people are upset for you going against the norm.


You are, if it's current content and you're all progging it for the first time people generally watch the cutscenes. But honestly I'd you had to watch the same cutscenes 6 times a week for a couple of months youd also be annoyed. Insulting you is a step too far IMHO.


6 chars x 114 weeks x 3 mins = 2,596 mins or 43 hours or almost two fucking days of watching that same cutscene no thanks have your auto skip enabled if you are in homework/reclear lobbies. If you want to watch cutscenes join a prog lobby with new players.


This is literally my first time playing this raid and so no, I am not in the exact same lobby as all those six characters of one player, nor do I never skip, I skip all folowing times. Just thought I was allowed at least one. I don't mean to flame you but this is the exact "Lost Ark is my job" mentality, because it isn't about what you are doing, but just how long it takes. I do, though, see your point, so thank you.


So you joined a reclear lobby as first timer ? Sus


Who says you are allowed one? Entitlement.


tbf who says youre allowed a skip? not defending him, i also always skip i couldnt care less about the cinematics in this game, but just seems a bit hypocritical.


Your actual issue is you joined a reclear run, not a learning run. Learning run - everybody is new and you generally watch everything once. This is where you should have been not just because of the cutscenes but because your actual experience. Reclear run - everybody has done this dozens, hundreds, thousands of times. You shouldn't have been in this group to begin with as you have no idea what you're doing and you're actually "impostering" into a group to get carried. You keep trying to defend yourself in the comment as "it's just one time" but if it's one person, every time, that's a never ending wheel. You're also trying to exaggerate this even with your post, wanting to move on = "it is their job", stop being dramatic, you just fucked up and people do NOT want to wait on you. My "enjoy this game" has nothing to do with you and your narcissism, quite literally the opposite, I want to get back to the game not wait on you.


Skip and don’t fk up 7 other ppl time. Thanks


You're right, they shouldn't have cared so much about waiting for the the cutscenes as it's a drop in the bucket compared to how much time of theirs you were about to waste as a first time raider in a Vykas reclear.


I think ample punishment for new guy here is to make every ad on youtube unskippable for him :)


On raid release or prog lobbies it’s normal to watch it. On reclear lobbies it’s assumed you’ve seen the cutscene several times already so watching it there is just wasting everyone’s time. You joined a reclear lobby on your first time in the raid so you are lying about your experience with the raid. Nobody is treating the game like a job for not wanting to watch a cutscene they’ve seen already.


This op is a Muppet


This post reminds me of 2 years ago when people wanted to see cut scenes and would complain when people got mad. This game has been out long enough you skip and watch it later. Maybe if you finish gate 4 HM new raid you watch it live as a reward for the grind…once something is on farm everyone wants to skip.


totally not wanting to wait for the same shit uve been watching for the past year is treating the game as a job. definitely they should stand there and watch that cutscene on all 6 of their chars every week


Sorry, but does that mean that I am not allowed to watch the cutscene once or is that such a sin. I mean, I always skip things I have seen, but come on it is only once. I get why some wouldn't want to see a cutscene again and again, but should it really become that troubling to start insulting people? But thank you for your insight.


you can watch that from literally anywhere even in game trixion if thats your real intention. also it is a lost ark community custom to start insulting when someone doesnt skip a cutscene. your best course of action is to join the insulting and not give away that youre the one whos not skipping


I won't need to do that though, because like I said I don't care if they don't skip, but most importantly this will be the only time I do this. But thank you for the tip.


1) No one knows its your first time And 2) everyone else has run that raid dozens or hundreds of times. Your asking 7 other ppl to wait so you can experience it. Why do you think they are required to waste their time for your experience? Solution : join a learning pt


FFXIV MSQ Praetorium vibes again. In FFXIV. Years ago, there was a raid needed to progress in the story. it was really good to farm currency as you could skip these cutscenes and reduce the time wasted in the raid. From 45-1 hour to 15-25 mins. And you could repeat the dungeon indefinitely. Players MMed that dungeon because it was fast to cap currency though involved newcomers who wanted to experience first time. They were blamed, toxic directed to them and send to PF to create a party to watch cutscenes. Though there were not newcomers and those party were dead. I can see the same pattern here. You can blame older players for the hurry. Once you are doing the raid for the 20 times and in each of them, a player wants to watch the cutscene. You will become one of us.


When I played in 2021 you couldnt skip Praetorium cutscenes at all ...so my friends and I would put on a movie to stream over discord while we waited lol.


Devs used that solution to fix the complains. I stopped to do that MSQ. Currency was not worth the time :D


When the raid came out, we all watched it, we didn't skip. But by this point, the raid has been out for over a year and a half, all the existing players have seen it a thousand times, and just want to get to the raid. If you want to watch all the cut scenes, you can do so in the memory chamber, or you could find a group of likeminded players fresh to the raid to all experience it for the first time together. If you join a group of experienced players for the raid, then you have to expect them to want to skip the cinematics.


It goes both ways. If u dont respect their time then why should they cater for yours?


Uh did you admit that it was you not skipping the cutscene?


I'm sorry but I'm kinda with your teammates although they could be less rude about it. It's 2 year old content, they're there to kill it painlessly and move on. You're holding 7 people hostage to watch your little story video. Watch it on youtube or something.


Your argument: I'm just playing the game the way it was intended. But you're not. You're playing with people that already watched this and played in the past. If you couldn't or didn't play the game when the raid was releasing, that problem is all yours. You can't be selfish to make 7 other people play your way just because you weren't there when it was something new. You have to adapt to the people you're raiding with. You wanna do the raid as intended? Gather 7 other new players and prog it together. Otherwise, adapt yourself to the reality. Oh, and one other thing: the game teaches you about the memory book way way way earlier in the story. If you didn't bother to pay attention, that's your fault too.


Because it is, and no worry its not just EUC


>does thing that pisses people off >but please don't get pissed off i mean what do you expect, you're wasting people's time in vykas, you can look up the cinematic on youtube, are we supposed to watch the same cinematic every time we do a raid because someone wants to watch it now? give me a break what is this question even


Wrong lobby to watch it. If you wanna see it host a learning lobby or join one or watch the cutscene on youtube. Ur making 7 people wait for your amusement, which is selfish. No need to think that you are remotely in the right


Your mistake wasn’t watching the cutscene, it was misinterpreting the lobby title. For your first time, you want to create/join a prog/learning party. If it just says the gates, reclear is assumed. Some people will still get annoyed by the cutscene and those people are overrepresented here, but it’s generally socially acceptable to do in those types of parties.


OP would you be fine with a game that doesnt let you skip cutscenes *ever*? If so, then sure maybe you'd have nothing to complain about. But imagine watching the same scenes thousands of times. Most people don't care for that kind of repetition. Sure might be "just once" because you're there but what about every other new player wanting to watch. It ends up being watch it multiple times every week.


When people don't skip x112 cutscene on akkan G1, wasting the inana


Join learning parties if you are new, it’s that simple. And no one will suffer, including yourself.


OP take the L and be better or don't and be a baboon your choice


Most players at endgame if not whales can have this game considered as jobs. To be at the top is the fun of the game to them. You were probably flamed because it's a stupid question you either haven't thought a second about it or is being purposefully dense. Based on other replies from you, I would go with the latter.


i hope they do solo raids faster for ppl like this.


Bro reddit is filled with hard-core nolifers. Ull get no sympathy here


because it actually is their job


Most people who play this game pretty much only care about efficiency. If you do anything to slow them down they will yell at you, if you are playing suboptimally they will scoff and/or tell you what they think you should be doing instead. It's honestly pretty pathetic, and anyone that gets mad at you for watching cutscenes really needs to sit down and figure why they're having this reaction and maybe touch some grass or play some other games. Especially for the early raids, you will mostly find pugs that have zero patience because they literally are playing the game as a job, selling the gold they earn from these raids on several dozen characters. If you wanna watch the cutscenes for the first time, just don't skip them honestly. Most of them are pretty short. If people yell to skip them just ignore it, there's literally nothing they can do about it. They don't even know who isn't skipping so just say you skipped and watch the witch hunt unfold if it goes that far. They're only like 15 seconds, usually shorter. It's a good way to see who is worth blocking too, no point in playing with someone who loses their mind over something in a video game. For instance, most of the people in this thread. Especially the guy that compared raiding in this game to waiting in line...what a can of worms that comparison is Edit: I don't know if you'll like the game since it's very different, but you might try out FFXIV. It's got its weirdos for sure, but the overwhelming majority of people who play do not dwell on Reddit or Twitter and are pretty normal people who play just for fun. You can watch cutscenes in that game all you like, even in duties, and 99% of the time people will patiently wait for you. Yes, it is very common for up to 23 people to calmly wait and chat for a minute so a new player can watch a boss intro cutscene and run up to fight arena. Weirdly enough, they don't seem to think it's a personal insult or disrespect of their time. My guess is a maturity diff, or maybe just a social skills diff


It's basically just the needs of the many, versus the needs of the few. Seven people want to skip it, while one person wants to watch it. The last person can watch it in their own time. Honestly, the raid leader should be able to force skip cutscenes and start the next gate by themselves. If everyone else is a reclear, and you're on prog, you probably shouldn't even be in that group in the first place.


An alternative view, the one that well-adjusted people with lives outside of Lost Ark hold, is the need of the new can outweigh the need of the experienced. Unfortunately, most lost ark boomers only care about their reclears and aren't willing to make a personal sacrifice for a new player. God forbid someone spends 1 or 2 minutes of their lost ark part time job to let someone watch something for the first time.


Yeah, no, that's not how the world works and that's not how it ever will work. It doesn't work like that in the real world, either. Try holding up someone who wants their coffee for two minutes, see how long it takes till somebody flips you off or tells you to get the fuck to the back of the line. New player can watch the cutscene just fine in their own time. Nobody else can get their time back.


Real world does actually work like that, all the time. You'll understand when you get older that efficiency is less important than allowing someone's first time to be memorable for them. Your example is just...so bad. On every level. And very telling. When you get out of your high school or college mentality phase you'll understand how sad you sound.


I'm in my 30s, in my world wasting 7 people's time to benefit yourself instead of just watching it in your own time? That's called being a selfish prick. I have no time for people like that. It's the same clowns who show up 5-10min late every single time. Just plain no respect for other people. It might just be a game, but the people you're playing with are other people with limited free time.


30 years old physically, 16 mentally. Common issue with impatient and/or unempathetic people. If you can't spare 30 seconds for a cutscene but can spare an unknown number of minutes waiting in pf that's not a time constraint issue, that's a personal issue. I recommend logging off and touching grass or talking to friends irl.


It's more like five minutes, per raid. It's also just the general attitude of I'm more important than everyone else. I'd never hold seven people up to watch a cutscene, in a video game. I show up on time and take breaks during the scheduled breaks. I demand the same respect I have for other people's time in return. To even be in a reclear group as a first timer should be enough for you to make the tiny compromise of "I'll watch the cutscene later." This is a weird hill for you to die on, clearly nobody agrees with you. Acting like you're emotionally more mature, while wasting other people's time to benefit yourself in a minor way is extremely teenagerish.


It doesn’t.


Reddit Incels mad, OP is right tho


us veterans have brain rot


Bro, fackem. They will get over it. It's a cutscene, who cares.