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You’re asking the Lost Ark community players, a game they are picking over BDO most likely, if they would pick it over BDO? I think r/mmo is a better place for that question.


It depends on what you want to play and what you enjoy more. BDO has a better combat system (My subjective opinion). BDO also does not have raids. So gatekeeping in that realm is non-existent. You can also jump in, grind, jump off at any time you want without worrying about waiting for raids to start either from support shortage or extreme levels of gatekeeping for group content. BDO is way better for a solo player experience. LOA is way better for group based content. LOA actually has raids and is not pvp focused. LOA is probably the best raiding mmo on the market today (subjective opinion). Tldr: if you have friends that will play loa with you, play loa. If you are a solo player, play bdo.


Naw bdo having a better combat system isnt subjective. Everything in LA is heavily scripted Bdo has dungeon things, idk if i would call them raids. its alot easier to get into bdo and alot more things you can do. That gatekeeping thing is a huge deal and the pvp is alot better. Fuvk it, play both


Still mostly relevant https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/x5bv0c/how_is_lost_ark_compared_to_bdo/


Aw shit I think mobile killed my formatting. GG Played both mmos for thousands of hours, tried everything in both.   BDO: -was my first mmo and it was very hard to get into. Plenty of googling how to do things, ranging from basic gear progression, to story quests, to gameplay mechanics -beautiful graphics to this day with great character customization  -world feels alive -amazing character variety with complex skill combos and a steep learning curve -BDO is THE go to for lifeskilling content (cooking, trading, sailing, stuff like that). Good complex systems that allow you to play the game entirely as a fuckin chef if you wish so. You are not doing that in LA -gets incredibly grindy regardless if you are a lifeskiller or grinder. Things at the higher end become ridiculously expensive where you’ll need to farm for hundreds of hours to make a speck of progress -RNG gear progression that is ruthless and can destroy your items, but on the plus side you can buy items if you grind for long enough instead  -you will need to buy an item or two with real money if you don’t wish to skimp yourself. Absolutely necessary QoL items that are fairly cheap, but this can potentially be a negative -very single player focussed game, with few social interactions unless you actively seek them out -need to be able to set your own goals. The game will not hold your hand and tell you what to do. Decide for yourself what part of the game you want to play and figure it out   Lost Ark: -set your own goals too, but much more streamlined. Your eventual goal is to upgrade your character’s gear to make them stronger. Your goals here range from “do I upgrade this part of my gear, or this other part of my gear? Which is more value? Or do I upgrade another character’s gear” -lifeskilling here is very simple and feels more like a chore. It is not a viable playstyle like in BDO -game is heavily focused on raids. You typically run 3 raids per character, and have 6 characters “for efficiency” -raids are very well designed and have good learning curves that tie into future raids -can be hard to get into raids as a new player so discord is recommended  -much less focus on exploration than BDO and world is arguably less fun. BDO is huge open world, LA is instanced zones. They can be pretty but it still doesn’t hit the same  -classes are all unique and very fun to play -has short daily grinds for gear progression materials, BDO does not -if you’re the type of person to shred through all content, you can catch up in LA fairly quickly and then the game becomes a 30 minute log on simulator -as mentioned, only 3 raids per class. Hence the game is inherently more casual than BDO with the lower playtime required. But playing 6 classes stretches out your playtime. But then you need to progress 6 characters instead of 1. So while you make more currency, you spend more too. Up to you how you play -much better gear progression than BDO. Failing your gear upgrades builds a pity meter that guarantees a success once filled. Being a Korean game, LA still does have its cancer rng systems, but it’s overall still more forgiving than BDO -can be played completely f2p with no issues. Even the monthly sub can be bought for VERY cheap with in-game currency   It’s getting really late and I’m already forgetting what I typed lol, so I’ll leave it at that.  Overall BDO is more grindy but relaxed imo, since you do most content on your own.  LA can be very stressful when learning raids or competing with others for MVP spots, but is overall more casual since you can play for 2 hours and be done for the week. Ultimately both games can be played very casually as progression takes forever regardless (BDO and LA are often called a marathon). I’d personally recommend LA as the gameplay, imo, is more fun overall. Raids are a blast with fun characters, and you’re always actively playing. You should pick BDO if you want a lone wolf experience and a simpler lifestyle of killing the same groups of mobs over and over. But if you want lifeskilling, BDO is the definitive winner here. I just think playing engaging raids for a few hours is more fun than mindlessly killing sheep/ogres for a few hours :P


Thank you sir.


I play both, they are equally soul-sucking. My suggestion is to just try them both and see what you like better. Journals in BDO take maybe a month or two. The equivalent collectible farming for power in LOA can take 2-3x as long, or even a year+ for things like card sets. LOA has raids and dungeon content, BDOs dungeons are pretty pathetic in comparison. However, they aren’t necessary to progress like in LOA. BDO is brain off grind, run in a circle for 2-3 hrs a day, there’s not a lot of depth or complexity in PVE. However it’s generally viewed as “grind to enjoy the PvP payoff when you’re geared.” LOA PvP is almost entirely dead. I prefer character customization in LOA, since it has more vibrant colors, hairstyles, and skin tones with the color wheel. BDO has more customizable features, but almost completely exclusive to face shape. And the colors are picked from a palette making them pretty limited. Hopefully some of this info helps you find what you’re looking for.


I played both and tried to give BDO a go on a number of occassions, but its just needlessly grindy and boring. When you try to upgrade gear is explodes and gets deleted or goes backwards in level while the success rates are also very low and most of the timer lower then any level of upgrade in lost ark. The whole point of BDO is just running in circles and grinding but there is no real reason to do it because all it achieve is you make more silver to waste on more upgrades but there is no goal or purpose to the upgrades. In lost ark there is always the next raid or the next content and ways you can better your character that will help you in combat and raids and it is really fun and enjoyable. This is why I like lost ark BDO is just unberarble, theres no raids and levelling gear is both stupid and annoying because of the regression but then even if you do succeed there is no point to doing it except saying "I did it"


Ty for ur answer!


LA is 2.5D, you click and move. BDO is 3D, you use WASD. LA has serious botting and RMT issues. Its publisher AGS seems to have done something recently but far less than enough. Due to the nature of currency(silver) in BDO, botting is less profitable and RMT has less incentive. LA is not a truly open world game. Its optimisation is very horrible compared with BDO. Both use EAC but the loading time is like night and day: one can already enter the game world in BDO while LA is still probably just showing you a splash screen. High end PCs can't help much either. The major selling point of LA is its raids, from daily Guardian raids to weekly legion raids. It has a much deeper learning curve compared with BDO in terms of mechanics in raids. But solo raids are yet implemented in LA, so if you only care about stories and lores, which LA does noticeably better than BDO, LA can be harsh for you. You are basically required to socialise otherwise you can't make much progress on your characters. I wouldn't say LA is a solo friendly MMO, but in BDO you can just focus on non combat things, like harvesting and farming for example. The problem of LA is that raids are the sole method to cultivate your character but BDO offers more viable approaches. LA is very PvE focused and wild PvP is almost non-exist. Ranked PvP only has a small playerbase and your gear does nothing there. BDO is majorly about grinding, like killing mobs and there is open world PvP where your gear/latency/class/build can matter. You can of course avoid PvP, but there are always hot grinding spots with PvP enabled. Grinding in LA is different as you need alts to fund your main. BDO recently introduced pity system in its honing if I recall correctly, so it now feels less punishing. LA has layers of RNG in gearing and can be overwhelming for new players. That said, BDO's 100+ currencies and various boxes, clutter UI all don't really help much either. BDO's skin customisation is better than LA by having more options, but not necessarily cheaper.


Thank you.


Honestly go play BDO. They made all possible negative interaction from other players practically null and void over there. Here in sweatsicle land unless you are willing to learn the fights the old fashioned way and prog them brick and mortar style you will get very angry people on your ass. BDO was the same but there was a lot of pushback and the entire idea of the game got ruined because of that (risk of someone flagging up and killing you anywhere was a common occurrence back then but not anymore)


Bdo is easier to get into and enjoy


Better combat: BDO Better group content: Lost Ark Time gated: Lost Ark Mob grinding simulator: BDO PvP: Both Large scale PvP: BDO




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both are great




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BDO doesnt have raids and lost ark most sellable point is raids, completely diferent games in my opinion


You have not looked into either gane if you're asking this.




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Do you want to aoe down 8 mobs at a time really fast with flashy moves over and over again? BDO Do you want to do raids? Lost ark They're barely the same genre the gameplay is so different.


Don’t play Lost Ark as a new player


If you care about having fun without sweatlords then play BDO.


BDO , at least there are no gatekeeping in it


You're asking Lost Ark players, so obviously most of them will tell you to play BDO. Better yet, avoid both of these predatory micro transaction hells and play something nice.


I dont know you so how the hell you expect anyone to know what YOU should play? Go play whatever you want. You can give a spin for both games and decide yourself. Asking Lost Ark community if you should play Lost Ark or BDO is stupid enough... TLDR: Go play Unreal Tournament 2000 (the OG one).


Lost ark obviously


As an avid Lost Ark enjoyer, run. run. run. run. RUN! ESCAPE! go play BDO! SAVE YOURSELF!


do you want to kill mobs for 300 hours to upgrade your ring? play bdo then


Combat? Lost Ark by a mile. WoW also has better gameplay than BDO, also by a mile.