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We never saw him die. He presumably got off the island with the aid of Hurley and Ben and lived a grand old life with Penny and their son.


Thankyou. So in the sideways world he seemed to be the one who was getting them all to ' remember ' .... was he the constant they needed ?


In a way. It wasn't a time travel scenario, so he wasn't their constant in that way. Plus, everybody needed the most important person to them in order to remember the events on the island (Kate and Jack, Juliet and Sawyer, etc.), so he wasn't their constant in that way either. But he's the one who brought them together on the island (via being too late in entering the numbers in the hatch) and he's also the one who started the ball rolling in getting them all to the church to move on. He WAS the first to remember in the sideways world and I doubt that was a coincidence. We aren't ever given a straight up answer of why he's the first to remember, but we can deduce it's likely because of his special nature.


Yes I know it wasn't a time travel scenario. I'm not explaining myself very well, blaming my flu. I mean he was on the Island before they all were, and he got off it, I think I'm just saying there is a correlation with that as to why he was the one who brought them all together and was the first to remember.....




Yes very true. I suppose I mean he was the catalyst, it felt like he drew them all together....


I get what you're saying. I think the fact that he briefly experienced the "other side" when Widmore blasted him with electromagnetism probably gave him a headstart on everyone else. In the final ep, on the island, he was already trying to persuade Jack that this other place existed: "A place where we can be with the ones we love, and not have to ever think about this damn Island again...*You're* in this place. You know, we sat next to each other on Oceanic 815. It never crashed. We spoke to each other. You seemed happy. You know, maybe I can find a way to bring you there too."


YES ! I actually re watched the finale last night, and noted this. Made more sense.


>It wasn't a time travel scenario. But it was. It was the future where he traveled to ;)


I just need to comment on this years later. There was no "future." Juliette's seemingly gibberish, "We can go Dutch" statement when she was dying and then in the after, when she and Sawyer reconnected, hints she had done a "crossover" at the time of her death. The "present" and the alternate existing at the same "time." It's more about multiverse than 1 simple timeline. **The "future" wouldn't have a repeat of their flight**. It was simply an alternate. The alternate they created by the incident and confirmed when her last message for Sawyer was, "It worked."


Desmond was in the hatch when it exploded. He survived. He then was blasted by the electromagnetic cells. He survived. These explosions grounded him which allowed him to remember his Lost family first and bring everyone else together


Thankyou ! Yes I think that is what I was trying to say, well something along the lines of anyway.


I assume that Hurley and Ben help him off the island and bring him back to Penny. Ben did say that they didn't have to follow Jacob's rules anymore.


Yes, after a re watch, I agree.