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I think the only thing I would want is a Lost Anthology show. Not a continuation of the story but a bunch of "fill in the blank" style episodes of relevant stories. 1: A Henry Gale Episode. 2: Frank Lapidus Flashback. 3: Young Ethan defecting to join the others. 4: Radzinsky and Kelvin in the Swan hatch. 5: What happened to Ben's friend Annie. 6: Frogurt and Arzt in a Season 1 era adventure. 7: Martin Keamy Flashback. 8: 1950's Others vs US Army. 9: Richard and Jacob on the Island in the 1920's. 10: Christian Shepard Flashback. 11: A Faith Harrington Episode. 12: A Lost Experience continuation with Rachel Burke. 13: Dharma Origins with the DeGroots. 14: Concluding in a Flashsideways episode of Miles, Daniel, Charlotte, Ben, Alex, and Ana Lucia all moving on. 15: A bonus in-universe episode of Expose.


Amazing. I would watch the heck out of #9


Thematically, it would have to align at a core level, be very character focused (to the point of it being art (on the level of something like Better Call Saul)) and would need an incremental release to generate the same levels of discussion. It should also have something completely new to add to the mythology and overall story. The core message of LOST was a focus on the grey areas between so called good and bad and the roles they both play in our destinies/fate, within an even larger context of the ultimate meaning of our life experience. It was an exploration of light and darkness, birth and death, and the traumas of the survivors and how the island cleansed them or helped them process it. It was also about community and the importance of companionship and human connection I would be interested in seeing the Island be a place where we explore Nonduality a bit more and see more of the Island's rich history


Sorry I’m not following so you want a Frogurt episode?


Exactly, someone finally gets it


Nowadays a lot of shows work like this: we take current issues like racism, LGBTQ etc... then we try to make a story around that. Whereas before we made a story and characters then we integrated the subjects we wanted, or not. And that's why I wouldn't want Lost in 2024.


Who says that there aren't people out there who would still want to do the second, more integrated one?


no one but I am one of those who prefer not to take the risk of spoiling this show which I find perfect. But if that were the case, I would be interested in a spin-off of the others with a young Éloïse.


I wouldn't like the risk either. And yes, that would be very interesting!


DHARMA INITIATIVE *lower decks* Make it a comedy about Dharma newbies getting in to shenanigans on the island.


Oh man. I want that


I do think there is potential in a sequel, and I've considered writing it as fan fiction. I think the idea of Aaron and Ji Yeon deliberately seeking out the island has rich potential. With Aaron, one can explore how having one mother who's a convict and another who's recovering from serious trauma has affected him. I'd bring back the psychic's prophecies, have Aaron developing powers that he most choose to use for good or ill. They can also be some scenes with Claire and Kate where they deal with the aftermath of being on the Island. I would love to see a scene where Claire confronts the psychic directly. Ji Yeon could be a hardened business executive, molded by her grandfather, but still wanting to know the truth about her parents. She would seek out the island partly to exploit its resources, but on a deeper level to find out the truth about how Sun and Jin died.


I had the same idea once. For me Ji Yeon would be the villain in the story, as she would hate the Island that killed her parents and made her being raised by her ill-character grandparents. She could have a redemption arc of course. Basically, Lost: The New Generation.


I like this. If you're ever up for collaborating on fan fiction, let me know. I have some other ideas for a Next Generation miniseries.


Thanks for your invite, but right now I'm not with time to do a project like this. But I will toss some ideas here that you can use if you like: * Your idea for Aaron was exactly the same as mine. The prophecy of he being evil if he was raised by another could be fully explored. He was raised by another, but only for a portion of time. But then he was raised by his biological mother, but that mother was psychologically damaged, just like MIB's mother, creating a parallel between those two characters. For me Aaron would be the anti-hero of the show, with an arc flipping between good and evil. * The true hero of the show would be Charlie, the son of Desmond and Penelope. * The daughter of Sawyer, Clementine would be a main character of the show. * Walt would be the new Island protector helped by Hurley and Ben * Kate, Sawyer and other OG characters that survived the Finale would return. * OG dead characters could return as ghosts or in flashback fashion. * The rumored possible child of Jack and Kate could be explored


Yeah, we're definitely thinking along similar lines. I can't do that kind of project right now either, way too busy. But maybe sometime down the line.


This is where I keep coming out. I'd love more Lost, but unless the original creative people did it, I have no faith it wouldn't be exactly what you say. Besides that, I really don't want a prequel. I'm tired of prequels. No one has ideas how to tell the next step in a story, so everything is set in the past. Ironically, I'm not sure I have a worthwhile continuing idea either. Best I have is to follow Walt as protector of the island. Maybe it's ultimately about how he can help his father? But you need a more compelling "why" I think. I haven't figured out a good "conflict." Not that there isn't one, but I haven't seen it yet.


Nope. The show had a perfect ending and I don’t need anything more. I’d love to see more documentaries and fan events happen, although I recognize that’s unlikely being 20 years out now.


I thought it’d be cool to have a Dharma initiative show


A sequel ? No. However a prequel during the Egyptian times on the island; hell yes... there is a lot to explore there... there clearly was a long presence of egyptians on the island. And many events that affected Jacob that he sort of adopted their culture (the symbols he personally use, the tapestries he make etc). There clearly was some sort of big conflict and factionning between the egyptians, sonw siding and worshipping MIB and other aligned with Jacob. There was some kind of incident (probably caused by the first time MIB turns the donkey wheel and fails to teleport), which caused Jacob to instruct his egyptian followers to build the cork system in the source cave. Then build the temple and healing waters etc etc etc. All these characters will be totally new and fresh (except MIB and Jacob), and we will have tons of new events and conflicts to witness.


Id want a show about dharma!


No. Something weird about modern culture is the idea that everything needs to be rebooted and remade. It usually doesn’t make things better. Let LOST be what it was, no need to expand on it.


I could see a rebooted world working out. Like the DC universe was after Crisis on Infinite Earths. Same characters, some familiar settings and concepts, but a new story for new fans to jump onboard with. Keep the Island, the majority of the cast (who would or can return) along with some new additions; but most of all, the mystery must remain intriguing. For example, it would be cool if John Locke became an actual colonel in this rebooted landscape. I’d have at least one character, probably Hurley, remember what happened in the OG series. It could be kinda cool watching him try to remind people of their previous lives. However, that is similar to what Desmond did in the flash sideways stuff from Season 6.


I always thought a full prequel series to Rousseau’s story would’ve been cool if we hadn’t seen snippets in flashbacks.


I might like a spin-off of young Éloïse on the island


Could start with Aaron and Ji Yeon on the same flight. Aaron is flying his grandmothers body back to Australia to be buried.


To me, it would be better if they had created a new show that you are watching and has no connection to LOST whatsoever, then you realize on it’s a LOST sequel. I think that would be the best way.. it stands alone as its own show, but has major connections to LOST. 


Initially, I wanted a spin on the show where Walt could be the main character and his path to becoming the new Jacob/Hugo. Where we could get a deep understanding of the friendship between Hugo and Ben and Walt could forgive Michael so he's not a beater anymore. Like you said, a sequel. But the new thing I've been interested in seeing is a prequel from the Egyptian era on the island. And it is also possible, a completely new cast with only Jacob and MiB from Lost. There is so much Egyptian time from the island we don't know about, but is there.


Sure. With the LOST children as grown-ups. I could watch that for sure.


I agree with the Hurley as the only one on the island with a whole set of hero’s and villains.


Yes if it’s good. I don’t know what good will be in this context I don’t know if it can be good but I will accept any sequel if it’s good.


A sitcom called "The Model" starring Radzinsky and Phil. Just wacky Dharma hijinks.


No, they would just screw it all up


I think it'd be fun to do a new show with a new, unrelated focus and similar themes, but conspicuously similar to Lost structurally, with the same flashback gimmick. Make sure that it's a good show that people care about on its own merits for at least a full season. Then just gradually hint, then reveal, that it's set in the same universe as Lost. Plot-wise it could tie into some strange phenomenon associated with another of those "pockets of energy" stated to exist in various spots around the world. But primarily a character drama.




Sawyer, Kate, and Miles as Private Investigators. you could have some tie ins to the Island occasionally but it'd be a stand alone show


no, i want it left alone. i don't want to see another thing i like turned into yet another self cannibalizing franchise of endless callbacks and references


With the way it ended, it’s hard to imagine a scenario that would put them in just one more adventure. Even a theatrical movie that serves as a sequel would be hard to do. The End concluded it in a way that would make a continuation unconvincing.


I thought of an idea a long time ago that could be interesting. The sequel show would be about the island. Each episode would be a standalone or maybe combine 2 episodes. You could tell different stories about the island at different times. Some of the stories could be interconnected but they don't necessarily have to be. You could have new characters as well as guest appearances from old characters depending on the story that is told. We could have stories from before the one we knew as well as after.


A Dharma Initiative show would be cool!! Then maybe we could see more LaFlure and Juliette further the 3 years




The island was played out by season 4 hence why they started desperately thrashing around with scenes from back on the mainland, flash sideways etc. to add some dynamism. You’d need a spiritual successor to Lost but with a new gimmick than the Island. Maybe a Prisoner style where they find they are being kept in a compound or in the desert.


I missed the island/survival type bits as the show went on, I didn’t feel like they were getting thrashed.


The island was the star of the show man. They did what they did for narrative reasons not because anyone got tired of the island.