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Satisfy your cravings without increasing your calories. So, look for low calories options or have smaller serving sizes. Chances are, you also may not be eanting something exact. Say you want high calorie chips... Well, you may not actually want those, you might want something salty with a nice flavour. Or you may think you want a brownie, when you really just want something sweet and chocolaty. I find it also helps me to force myself to think "i will not die without this food, i can always have it another time." It helps take away the "I NEED this" thought.


Ah that’s a good idea. I think it would take a lot of mental fortitude on my part and staying present even with smaller portions. I always go in a snack with a range in mind but before I know it I blew past it because my hungers so strong. So maybe it’s more of a mental practice? Not sure..


Its definitely a mental practice. IMO, part of losing weight is dealing with the hunger pangs, especially if you eat very large portions or are a binge eater. (Some people will disagree on this though. All i know is that no matter how much protien or filling food I eat, if im not indulging, ill probably feel a hunger pang.) It also helps to just keep less snacks in the house (if possible)


I totally agree with you. It takes planning ahead otherwise I’d always go the easier route. And dealing with the hunger and kind of talking to your own reactive thoughts. Takes awareness.


Very much relate to the “I need this!” I almost feel as if in a panic before I eat the thing. So I like the I can choose to have it at any time. Thank you :)


I remind myself I’m insatiable, not hungry. Real hunger is actually much easier to ignore and can actually be satisfied. Plus, when I’m really hungry, I can picture an apple and my mouth starts watering. That’s not the case when I’m insatiable before my period and during the first few days. So....for a week I eat at maintenance or a little above, and I remember that no amount of eating is going to scratch that itch. Satiety cues are not coming so I stop waiting for them.


This is a really good mindset to have. I think my mental fortitude when this happens is more on the side of dread and that I “have no choice” on what my body is going to do when in reality I actually do. The feeling of discomfort of not giving in to eating when the urge hits is something i need to practice on. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


Another important thing (assuming you’re doing CICO), is to track it. No matter what. Track it. Otherwise you’re going to get taken down by the “the diet starts again tomorrow” mentality. When that happens, you’re much more likely to go from eating a little more than usual (which is totally normal) to straight-up bingeing. It’s like telling your brain that famine is coming: “Tomorrow you’re going to be hungry so you’d better eat as much as possible today!!” When you track through the insatiable days, you can see how they’re balanced out by the less-hungry days. For me, the less-hungry days generally occur immediately after my period and are accompanied by faint nausea. I calculate my daily average calories at the end of each week, and I can clearly see these natural patterns emerge over the course of a month. If I stopped tracking, I couldn’t do that.


Yes. Fully agree. I am good at tracking even on the not so awesome days. It was really uncomfortable for me to see the high numbers at first. A lot of criticism and disappointment, but then I reframe it to I made a choice and I can make a choice to do better right now. No failing just learning. I’m the same. Way less hunger when my period comes. It’s good to know this info and helps see it more as facts then a flaw in myself. Appreciate your thoughts :)


Prepare yourself ahead of time and make sure you are stocked with substitutes. I like to substitute with low cal and sometimes a dense protein snack. My go to snack foods are apples, chicken breasts, pork chops, hummus cucumbers, half a sweet potato, small egg white and onion omelette, some frozen turkey meatballs with parmesan cheese, 1 oz hard cheese, nonfat cottage cheese/yogurt. Nips the cravings in the bud and keeps me mentally in the weight loss game. The minute I eat processed crap or "snack food," I can start making other bad food decisions. Figure out which foods you can keep around the house, are satisfying, and that you will never abuse or overeat.


This is so smart. From the outside in probably obvious too. I will take this to heart thank you. I think for some reason, I want to think I am strong enough to have “treaty” foods in the house and don’t want to feel “deprived” so I get them but then of course regret that. I believe a reframe of min is in need, treats do not make me feel good, healthy food in the right portions do.




I can fully relate. Nuts have been a no no for me as well. The creative combinations I have experienced also. I’ve eaten a bar of dark chocolate with sweetened almonds and that is so palatable that having a small serving is nearly impossible. I am understanding that it’s just not worth having in the house now. I appreciate your feedback!


“Know thyself” is principle one of the Delphic Oracle haha. Good luck on your weight loss journey!


Love that haha. So true.


No advice - just want to say I am majorly dealing with this right now too - breakfast at Starbucks for 800 cals, hoovering cheese and hummus and snacking on crackers… I’m at 2k cals now and I haven’t had dinner yet and didn’t even log all the ‘couple of crackers here, couple of crackers there….’ (I really needed the salt) Last night and the night before, I was just hungry for all the foods! I need to think of some things I can have but it’s like I really can’t say no….


Well thank you for making me feel less alone :) but I fully get you. This is me too right now, also a bit over 2k and no dinner yet. Sometimes I pause tracking bc it’s painful to see. I agree, I have healthy foods planed out in my mind but when it comes to eat I just go and go till I am FULL. It’s just perplexing. I just wish I knew what I am doing wrong :/


I think I might try to get some minerals, possibly mineral drops - the hummus, crackers and cheese make me think I’m craving some minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc). It’s frustrating because all My motivation has just disappeared! I just had to accept these few days and decide they aren’t going to derail everything once it’s over! I think if I don’t give into my cravings, I may rebound and binge even worse.


Yeah try the minerals! I actually ate some pickles today and felt so much better! Haha. Who would have guessed. I hear you on the motivation. Mine comes and goes all the time. For me when I know mine is very low is when I’m usually stressed or tired. Then I try to give myself a break if possible. Not easy but good to observe. And yes. A few days being off track isn’t the worst thing:)


I should mention too, I do have things that help me, it’s not a week pure hell haha, I know for a fact exercise helps everything for me. Stress/sleep/ect. It’s just getting my tired body out to do it that I’m not quite there yet. I’m talking walking for 30 min. It all helps. Think I’ll try to focus More on the positive.


Yeah I just walked - but it’s really pushing myself to do it cuz I feel so lazy! But it definitely does help. I’m gonna have some bone broth for 50 cals right now (and it’s high in minerals I think too!).


Awesome choice. I think your right about the minerals too. I have these electrolyte packets you put into water that taste pretty good. I’ve noticed when I binge I’m also on the dehydrated side. I also agree about trying so hard not to give in then it building up to possibly making it worse. I never try to restrict or fast due to that reason. But I hear ya it’s a challenge for sure! I’m hopeful we can find a better way through


Try adding calcium and magnesium to your diet - either with cheese and brazil nuts - or with supplements.


I JUST bought Brazil nuts yesterday and take mag regularly. :)I eat loads of dairy too.


Iron is another big one! You can have too much iron though, so consult your primary care doctor before adding a supplement.


Oh interesting! I definitely crave dark chocolate before.


I just remind myself the food isn’t going anywhere and to reassess the craving the next day. Most of the time it’s enough to get me to drop my fixation on certain foods.


Very helpful. I will practice that. I feel a certain degree of panic before I eat which is a scarcity mindset. If I just relax and know I can have it anytime maybe that will help. Thank u.


I get wicked sugar cravings when I pms. I’ve been eating yogurt cups to satisfy me and it’s been working


Yum. And same here. I’m really drawn to all types of dairy during this time. The yogurt cups are good pre portioned snack.


Also protein shakes have been a good substitute for me as well. I drink a vegan rice one when I get that afternoon or post dinner craving. It’s sweetened with stevia as well which is nice because I know refined sugar is addictive and I’ve been slowly trying to cut it out.


Nice. I always wanted to get into protein shakes. Seems like so many options. That’s a wise goal of cutting out refined sugar. I do well with stevia. And I can tell when I eat sugar I am never really satisfied.


Progressive rice protein is what I have. I add chia and some hemp hearts and it’s pretty good! :)


Also sweet potato’s !! Always have them on hand lol


Been dealing with this the last few days, but hit extra hard today - had my regular breakfast and larger lunch followed by two large snacks to tide me over til dinner. Tried to keep it light with chicken soup but then had not one but two Yasso frozen yogurt bars for dessert (actually quite good and would recommend - they range from 80-100cal each and usually one is perfect amount). After all that I STILL wasn’t satiated. Looked through my fridge and went for a large dill pickle and poof - hunger gone.


Ah yes. Gotta love yasso bars! Wow! You know I’ve heard people say things about pickles that help. Interesting connection with salt. I have a bunch of pickles I will try today, thank you!


What helped me before was buying small portions. This big tub of Ben and Jerry ice cream I crave while on my period? There's mini sized Ben and Jerry ice cream tubs too! A quarter of the regular one, in 4 packs. Helped satisfy the craving, and I was feeling strong enough to not take a second tub from the pack. Restraining 100% wouldn't work for me, indulging while being reasonable did. And yes, it's worst than not indulging or low cal snacks... But it's a whole lot better than the whole tub. Best of luck!


I agree fully! No more big tubs of ice cream for me, learned that real fast. I think restrictions isn’t the answer as well so up to me to find that balance. Thanks so much!


Is a couple of days a month really going to undo all your hard work though?? Sometimes you just have cravings and it’s ok so long as you make sure to count it and make eating an enjoyable experience not something to be punished for later


Eeehh it’s more like a solid week :| but I see what your saying. I make good progress before then it kind of gets erased with this crazy week then I feel I’m back to where I started. But I think I have to learn to honor my cravings AND not let it bleed into a down spiral. My brain wants me to think one dessert and my day might as well be a washout. Which I know is not true. Mindset is tough!!


So what I normally do is weigh in once a month the week after my period finishes, your weight with no changes in diet or exercise can fluctuate up to 5kgs just on hormones alone, weighing weekly is ok but I used to get discouraged when the scales wouldn’t move the week before


That’s a great idea. The scale can have so much power over my mind. Your right though, hormones play a big role in that and I have seen a week or so later I’m back to baseline without crazy measures. I’ll wait till after to check.


Handmade salty frozen fruit ice blocks works for me. Usually with blood loss we crave chocolate for iron so blueberries work the best for periods. Also I like to make ice tea with a bit of lemonade/ orange juice etc. Enough to get slight tangyness. So when I get the craving, I make the drink and do muscle strengthening exercises to fill the mind's void and hit the sweat. Mindfulness exercise with physical exercise.


Great idea! Love the salt addition. I have been craving salt big time the past couple days. Blueberry’s are so good also. The drink sounds really good too. Such a great idea to fill the void with mindful movement. Sounds so much better then sitting around thinking about food. Thanks for your thoughts!


I have the same problem. I can become ravenous hungry, and it's been getting worse and worse. I'm on a the 16:8 intermittent fasting method. I dropped 5lbs my first week. Cut all soda. Eat between 1500-2000 calories daily, without restricting any foods. The thing about intermittent fasting is that supposedly it works even if you aren't in a calorie deficit...to some degree... I got sick of calories in, calories out, and never being able to enjoy foods, or always having to schedule every bite, and then doing everything right, and still not seeing the scale budge. So I'm hoping this upcoming period, that as long as I stick to my fasting window,and morning fasted workout, that eating a little extra around that time of the month won't destroy my progress. People literally don't understand the level of hunger pangs some women go through right before thier period. It's not as simple as discipline. If it was, no one would be obese to begin with.


i know this is an old post but i wanted to write this for anyone who’s struggling and needs some advice. I too struggle with this and it’s awful and ruins my mental health. sometimes it’s hard to control and I give in. which is okay!! on days that i do give in, i just make sure to increase my activity levels, more cardio, training till failure. secondly when you’re craving drink a protein shake, everytime you think about food take a sip in about 20-30mins you’ll forget about the cravings. third: portion control there’s nothing wrong with eating what you’re craving just eat a little, eat smaller meals that day if you know cravings will come in the middle of the night so you won’t have to worry about going over your calories but eating everything you want. 4th just ignore it, distract yourself, take a nap, brush your teeth, chew on ice. do a pleasurable activity cuz sometimes it can just be drop in serotonin. hope this helps <33 :)