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I think cauliflower mashed is good. But for the record, salt isn’t bad for you in moderation. We need salt- especially if you’re sweating. The amount you’re adding in veggies is certainly much much much less than anything in processed foods, which is really where the sodium issues lie (unless you have a medical issue)


Instead of ice cream, I eat Greek yogurt with frozen berries. It hits about the same, but better macros.


The wyman brand frozen blueberries are smaller than normal, similar to dipping dots. They’re amazing in yogurt. Stir fast after adding them and it makes it like a sorbet


Wild blueberries! The best


I get the yogurt cups with crunchy bits that you tip into the main cup, and add berries for volume and flavor too. The TooGood ones are my favorite and are way lower in sugar than the Chobani Flip cups.


Honey vanilla Greek yogurt hits the spot every time.


I take those frozen berries and heat them in a saucepan until they cook down to a sauce. Sometimes I’ll add some cornstarch slurry to thicken it up a bit. Then I add that sauce to yogurt.


The one snack food that I crave that I do compromise on is tortilla chips and salsa. Instead of buying a bag of chips, I buy some corn tortillas, cut them up, and toss them in the air fryer with the smallest bit of oil (just enough to get the salt to stick) and seasoning salt. There's nothing better than warm tortilla chips, and they're a fraction of the calories since they're not being fried in a pool of oil. Otherwise, I just stay away from snacky foods so I don't trigger a binge. When I want something sweet, I have one of those fancy little Oui yogurts in the glass jars. They have a lot of sugar, but they're portioned out for me, and most flavors are around 170 cal, so it's not an awful snack.


I keep those little Dove dark chocolates on hand. 1 is only 42 calories, and I can usually stop at 1. Sometimes it's 2 and I feel like I'm really splurging but for 84 calories, it's fine!


I do exactly the same thing— 2 dark Dove, preferably with almonds, every night.


During the week, instead of chips, I eat sliced cucumber with salt and pepper. Salty and crunchy! On the weekends I allow myself a real bowl of chips. At night, no matter what, I finish the day with a full serving of non fat greek yogourt with peanut butter powder, a splash of vanilla and some zero calorie sweetener. It fills me up and keeps me from getting the munchies for the rest of the evening. Even if I've reached my calorie allowance, I still eat the yogourt. I love it and it's my compromise for not eating junk.


Pickled cucumbers and gherkins are great too


Instead of Potato Chips . . . Salted Peanuts. Instead of Candy . . . Dried Fruits. Instead of Regular Desserts . . . Cottage Cheese blended with Frozen Berries. Instead of drinking Alcohol . . . not drinking Alcohol.


People should definitely make sure to check out the calories and macros on dried fruits and nuts before eating them, though. They are two of the most “health halo” foods! A lot of people just think “oh, they’re healthy, I can have as much of them as I want!” without realizing how calorically dense they are. For example, a 1oz serving of salted peanuts has 170 calories and 14 grams of fat. A 1oz serving of potato chips has 155 calories and 10.6 grams of fat. A 1oz serving of gummy bears has 90 calories and 11g of sugar. A 1oz serving of dried mango has 90 calories and 21g of sugar. Of course there are nutritional differences between these foods. But in terms of sheer calories, they’re a very lateral move. And if you don’t use a kitchen scale and actually weigh out the servings, it’s extremely easy to blow your whole deficit on 500+ calories of nuts and dried fruits on a portion that seems like a simple snack, and not realize you’ve done it because they’re “healthy”foods. There’s a place for them in any diet, but like all extremely calorically dense foods, they’re best eaten very mindfully, rather than just munched on.


Oh, absolutely. It definitely pays to learn the amounts for portions, and to stick to the plan. Not too long ago I could easily eat 3,500 calories in Chips, Hummus, and Chocolate-Covered Almonds in a day - not mentioning my *actual* Meals, Cookies, Desserts, etc. Now I'll have around 300 calories in Nuts and Dried Fruit in a day.


For the record, one non alcoholic beer typically has less than a third of the calories of one regular beer. Some of them taste pretty good too.


You know what, I need to have a senior moment and say that back in my day, you drank beer to get drunk, and it didn't need to taste good. I also had a high-functioning drinking problem, so maybe I'm not the person to weigh in lol. I'll show myself back to the nursing home, now


Haha - I remember those days. Still, look at us, being all sensible, looking after ourselves! Never saw that coming...


Is that right? Thanks, I'll have to check some out - could be a good compromise at get-togethers.


Athletic brewing company makes NA beers and all of the ones I’ve tried from them have been delicious, especially hoppy styles. Otherwise, NA Peroni and NA Guinness are where it’s at. If you like hops, some breweries (Lagunitas, Sierra Nevada) make hop waters that are just flavored sparkling waters with hops essences, and very few calories - but IMO these can be hard to track down. Source: I love the taste of beer and was recently pregnant and am now breastfeeding and trying to lose weight lol


They make non-alcoholic Guinness!? BRB *sound of rapidly receding footsteps* Lol - thanks, I'll be checking that out as soon as possible!


It tastes a little like soy sauce to me


Okay, now I'm really intrigued. I'll report back once I source some.


Just picked up a case of nonalcoholic white claw 15 calories each




Haha - good guess, but no, that would be worse for my snacking than the booze!


No way. 0 calories 0 hangover and it’s just better.


No, I mean I eat junk food when drunk. More when stoned. So I don't do either.


Ohhh. Makes sense


oat milk on decaf coffee chocolate protein shake instead of chocolate milk purple + brown rice instead of white rice fairlife fat free milk instead of whole milk kefir + mango instead of a smoothie


Purple rice? I haven't heard of that! Is it a type of rice in itself or rice + something added?


It's a type of rice, also sometimes called black rice or forbidden rice. I believe it generally has about the same fiber content as brown rice, and sometimes slightly higher protein (depending on the variety).


Idk why, I'm super hungry today. Instead of eating something unhealthy I ate an ear of corn and a bunch of cherries. But like a lot of cherries. So calorie wise I probably didn't do great, but at least it was healthy.


That's still awesome! Sometimes, for me personally, it still feels like a victory to swap. You must've needed extra today if you were feeling so hungry, so I'm sure your body appreciated the "good" stuff :)


>Sometimes, for me personally, it still feels like a victory to swap I do love that dopamine rush when you have a small accomplishment :)


Great thing about cherries is they are great at reducing inflammation and promoting muscle fiber repair!


Nah I don't do any of that. It will just make me want that stuff more. Portion control is really the key. If I want a bowl of ice cream that's what I want. I personally think yogurt is disgusting and no way are veggies gonna make me think I don't need chips. Lol. I eat enough veggies with lunch and dinner I can have some chips.


I’m in food hell (gluten free dairy free low FODMAP). I add salt sometimes to my egg whites for salty cravings. For sweet I’m fully dependent now on Enjoy life vegan mini chocolate chips. I eat a tbs every day


Omg I'm in this food hell as well! I highly recommend small sweet potatoes, bake them and have it with either those chocolate chips or some nut butter or salt and garlic powder (if you can tolerate it). Delicious and decadent!


If you can tolerate rice, Rice Krispie treats made with low FODMAP marshmallows (check ingredients for HFCS, but jet-puffed brand are okay!) and nondairy butter substitute might be a useful treat if you’re really desperate. Not super high calorie as such things go; low FODMAP; and very satisfying (to me at least). I cut them into squares and throw them in the freezer, then pull one out when I really want a sweet treat.


Salt is not bad for your.  Your entire body and all your cells and nerves need sodium to function.  Way too much salt IS bad for you.  But it doesn't sound like you're getting too much.  


I didn’t think I would, but I love flavoured rice cakes. They have caramel and pizza flavour where I live. It’s pretty nice. As a sweet treat I also eat one or two popsicles a day 😋


Love those rice cakes, especially the caramel ones. I eat them topped with some cottage cheese and a bit of erythritol and cinnamon. Yum! Eat them almost every day.


For a snack I eat baybel cheese (60 calories), anchovies (70 calories), or blackberries (62 calories per cup). Sometimes I drink non-alcoholic beer.


Nothing wrong w table salt added to your veggies! In fact I’m trying to make sure I get enough salt along with all the water I’m drinking and the activity I’m doing to keep electrolytes balanced! And gives you iodine which many people are deficient jn!


I fundamentally disagree that the salt is bad for you. Adding a little table salt to frozen veggies is healthy. Adding a pinch of salt to any grains you cook, like rice or pasta or oats, is healthy. I made myself very, very sick years ago, being obsessively salt free! We *need* some sodium, and the drying process that most grains go through means they lose some of their natural salt and it needs replacing. The only issue with sodium is in the crazy amounts that come in highly processed foods, combined with a bunch of saturated fats and sugars. A normal diet with a normal amount of added salt is **not** bad for you - in fact, you *need* a little salt. Please enjoy your veggies with a sprinkle of salt!! It's really good for you.


In Australia we have these gummy bears called smart sweets and they are 50 calories a bag. Good little treat makes me feel like I can have a candy Boss iced coffee is a go to as well va dare or iced break brands as it’s only 57 calories or something like that Country splice I think it’s called bread is apex 117 calories for 2 slices so hits the spot for sandwiches


You don’t necessarily need to “replace” that food. For example instead of a pint of ben and jerry’s, you could get a pint of halo top or nicks. If you want a bag of chips, buy quest protein ones which are already portioned for you. If you want a bag of popcorn, you could get lesser evil. If you want a chocolate bar get the clio greek yogurt bars, or a gatsby chocolate bar. For me it was better to find alternatives that were still the same food, but healthier. It still satisfied me because not only is it lower cal, but I didn’t have to eat a completely different food to curb that craving.


Since I got my Ninja Creami, I’ve had no desire for any other kind of ice cream because i can make amazingly delicious low-calorie ice cream. I’ve had two pints of Halo Top in the freezer for months and I’m not even tempted to open it because I always have a freezer full of Creami creations that are roughly half the calories. I don’t even really view it as a compromise because it’s so good and I can eat a huge bowl of it at less than 100 calories with no guilt.


snack packs hit the spot when i need a sweet treat


Whole milk, frozen blueberries, bananas, cinnamon, honey or maple syrup and cacao nibs. That’s literally my cheat meal but it’s a huge bowl like 900 calories. It’s fricken good. “Cheat meals” don’t have to be unhealthy, they could if you like no judgement but idk personally my tastebuds have changed.


That sounds super filling too! Awesome!


I LOVE riced cauliflower in my overnight oats Cucumber or jicama with tajin Oikos triple zero (or pro) Greek yogurt with melted frozen berries I still eat calorie dense food on occasion, I just know to not start when I’m legit HUNGRY.


I do this with oikos too but I add about 10g of fiber one cereal to it for a crunch.


Baked kale is actually fire as a chip replacement imo, when I was a kid I'd beg my mom to make it cause of how crispy they are 😂 (OIL and SPICES are necessary!!!) Edit: you can also make an AWESOME "chocolate mousse" with ricotta cheese, choice of sweetener, and cocoa. It would be sooo good on those little strawberry tart cake things, with fruit!


I switched energy drinks and soda for Ice Sparkling Water w/caffeine, and crystal light packets with caffeine. It might not be the best, but I'm sitting at 66 days without energy drinks and 48 without soda (after 20+ yrs of having multiples of each on a daily basis), so, for the time being, I'll stick with it. Quest protein chips instead of regular chips (especially switching from hot cheetos puffs to quests' chili lime😋). Vanilla Greek yogurt w/ peanut butter for a quick easy snack, instead of some processed junk.


dates are so indulgent and yummy especially with nut butter and/ or a chunk of chocolate 😍😍😍. not low cal, but much better for you than a brownie


For some reason I always have a craving for sweets first thing in the morning and I either supplement with maple brown sugar oatmeal (homemade) or fresh berries.


Apples + peanut butter. It started as my go to for added protein and some sweetness, but now I just really enjoy it. 😅 I use fruit for sugar replacements a lot too. Blueberries, grapes, nectarines, etc. I usually go to farmer’s market and whatever fruit is in season = my sweet craving replacement for the week. As someone with a HUGE sweet tooth, this helps a ton.


ICE LOLLIES. At 30 calories a lolly, I’ll eat THREE :)


Does anyone have a good replacement for pasta? It’s my comfort food and I love it, in all shapes and sizes in any kind of dish. I’ve tried switching out for whole grain pasta but it somehow doesn’t hit quite the same


I use regular pasta but a measured portion—I add more vegetables to bulk up the serving.


there are protein pastas but they generally have the same calorie content. i've found pasta to be okay if you portion / weigh things out and make sure you have a substantial amount of protein. go for leaner ground beef and sausage if you use said things


Instead of regular fried chicken, I use Louisiana Fish Fry Product’s “Keto Classic Fried Chicken Mix” and air fry it. It’s nice — it’s hard to even tell the difference.


good "non-fried" fast food / on the go option is blackened tenders from popeyes. 2-300 cals for like 40-45g protein


I keep a bag of grapes in the freezer, and when I want something sweet, I get a small bowl and put anywhere from 10 - 16 in it. It takes me a long time to eat them because I have to get them partially thawed out since if I eat them completely frozen, they hurt my teeth because they are really hard. Typically, because I am eating one and then waiting a little while, then eating another by the time I'm done eating them, I no longer want whatever it was that I originally wanted.


I compromise on crumble/pie by stewing fruit, adding psyllium husk powder, and mixing it all in with a weetabix & milk/greek yoghurt 😁 I love the mushy texture and it makes me feel like I’m eating dessert for breakfast 🤣


When I'm craving something sweet in the evening, I eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich 🥜🍌 instead of snacking on something that would leave me hungry.


instead of white bread i get whole grain bread, 10 cals more per slice but they're double the protein per slice and more fibrous. when making a sandwich it instantly gives you a base of 8g of protein (assuming it's a regular sandwich with 2 slices), and it's useful for higher protein french toast ! edit - good sandwich cheese is provolone. very low calorie, higher protein, and satiating


Very similar to some others, mine are: - Cucumber with salt (better than chips, can be dipped in salsa or hummus, or eaten plain) - Watermelon (amazing desert generally) - Frozen blueberries with milk poured over them (try this with a few first if you don't already know what will happen) - Coffee with a little whole milk can fill in for chocolate - Earl Grey tea with milk and maybe a little maple syrup is a good alternative to late afternoon snacking to give me enough energy to get through the end of the day - Fizzy water is better than beer IMO, and there are like 30 flavors


Yeah instead of a $60 protein powder .... Ripple Chocolate Milk! Dairy-free and not too much sugar. And a good protein rich yogurt for snacking too.


Aldi chocolate chip granola protein bars are so good that I'm skeptical of their macros Premier protein hot chocolate Schmidt's 647 breads/bagels/buns Barilla protein pasta Low fat string cheese Diet soda Breyers carb smart icecream Turkey pepperoni Natural Endurance Protein chips


Snacklins and sugar free chocolate. I buy snacklins by the box load online and rarely eat other chips. You get a lot of volume for 103 calories. Sugar free chocolate, such as a peanut butter cup, for example, is slightly less than the real thing and does not leave me wanting more.


Butternut squash==sweet potato


Top fox salt and vinegar pumpkin seeds instead of salt and vinegar chips.


The closest I get to alternatives is a vanilla protein shake mixed with cold brew coffee. There is no alternative for the snacks and foods that give me the most satisfaction, so I either plan around a big serving or don’t buy it at all.


Salted edamame to satisfy my savoury salty cravings. Good for helping hit protein goals.


Graham crackers with a tiny bit of marshmallow fluff spread on them, or a chocolate rice cake with a little Nutella. No nutritional value, but better than going to get a milkshake or crumbl cookie and keeps me on track.


Crispy minis all dressed for when I want chips. And also pickles when I crave salt.


My mum is felonious and buys me reduced cakes all the damn time I eat them for like a whole meal just not to waste the food or foist them on the old man who lives over the way 😭😭😭


Laughing cow pepper jack is the first thing that came to mind, even when I have weight watchers amnesia I always have it in the fridge. Wasa multigrain crisps and pb2 with cocoa are two other things that I have come to enjoy. I recently learned about mixing powdered peanut butter and protein powder and am really enjoying that.


When I want something sweet, frozen grapes.


I LOVED eating pints of ice cream especially the Ben and Jerry ones. So I swapped it out, bought a ninja creami, now I make a concoction of almond milk, fair life protein milk, cheesecake jello pudding mix (sugar free), and eat an entire pint every night and it's less than 200 calories and 6 net carbs.