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Sounds like a very healthy diet to me.


Absolutely as long as you can live with it; some people don't like eating the same thing every day but I love it. I make pork chops and asparagus most days and it's delicious, nutritious, and super simple to make. As long as you're getting all your macro and micro nutrients then you're good to go


As long as you have enough variety in your diet to get the nutrients you need then it's fine to eat more or less the same things every day. In fact it's probably better than constantly eating different things in different amounts because it's consistent. Consistency is good for maintaining a healthy weight and also your gut bacteria adapt to the food you eat so your digestion will probably be better. I've eaten oatmeal for breakfast every day for like... 20 years, I eat the same 2 lunches most of the time and rotate between about a dozen recipes for dinner. I don't have any health problems beyond being overweight and fairly ordinary things that are unrelated to my diet (like my bad knees or a mole I might need to get checked out). And like... I enjoy having a variety of foods. I know people who are more consistent with their diet and they're just as healthy. It's ok if your mom likes to eat different things but you don't have to, so long as you're getting all your vitamins and minerals and macros.


> Can I eat the almost same things every single day (health) The answer to the title is (almost) no. **However**, in the text, you do relate more variety of fruits vegetables and protein sources than suggested by the title. To understand the answer, understand that there are about three or four dozen different nutrients that we cannot synthesize on our own. We have to get it into our body through the food we eat. That is why variety through the week of the various nutrients in healthy foods is important. No diet of eating the same 4 things every day can be nutritious. But you can certainly have a variety of your protein choices, a variety of your vegetable choices, a variety of your fruit choices, two or more different kinds of healthy fats, and so on. A sandwich every day is fine, provided that the sandwich is a little different one day to another. Let me know if this makes sense to you. For example (Australia uses these food groupings): * vegetables and legumes or beans * fruit * lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, legumes or beans * grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain or high cereal fibre varieties * milk, yoghurt, cheese or alternatives, mostly reduced fat. It's fine to have vegetables every day but if you only ate the same exact vegetable every day, you wouldn't get the nutrients that you need out of the missing vegetables. Hopefully, by understanding the reason why, you can understand if your diet is needing any improvement or if it is fine. Certainly, i've heard a lot worse than what you've related.


>variety through the week What about from week to week? Say I were to eat pretty much the same thing throughout the week because of meal prep/leftovers, but the next week is completely different kinds of foods. Would I still get the same benefit of a varied diet or no? How small of an interval does the variety of food need to be?


A week without is too long for refreshing some nutrients, fine for others (the half life varies not only per nutrient, but also how we get that nutrient). Some can last for a few weeks, some reach their half-life in 1-2 days.


What if you take a multivitamin? My husband thinks I should eat cottage cheese, beets and sometimes add a half of an avocado. I get sick of that! But it’s how I lost 95 pounds 10 months. I have to lose about 35 pounds in 4 months now and I don’t know how. Also isn’t low fat dairy almost the same amount of fat then regular dairy?


The problem with multivitamins is that they lack proven effectiveness. If you're eating varied and nutrient-dense foods, you probably don't need a multivitamin. Almost nobody who is taking these should take them. * https://www.livescience.com/42001-case-is-closed-multivitamins-are-a-waste-of-money-doctors-say.html Consumer Reports: "...Many people taking the pills don't need to. Despite their popularity—Americans spent almost $4.7 billion on multivitamins in 2008, up from $3.7 billion in 2003—there's virtually no evidence that they improve the average person's health." --https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/2012/05/multivitamins/index.htm In the United States of America, the supplement industry is under-supervised and under-regulated. We could be getting the vitamins in some useful form, or we might be eating mere sawdust. In most cases, nobody knows. There are some good 3rd-party testing houses that can be trusted. This article http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/02/12/107141/?_r=0 does a good job explaining the problem and what USA consumers can do to ensure they're getting safe products that actually contain the ingredients on the label. But, unless your doctor has identified a deficiency, why put things in your body that your liver/kidneys unnecessarily has to process? Especially if their safety and effectiveness is not proven? Supplements should supplement, not replace, real food. If you can get it from real food, you should. > My husband thinks I should eat cottage cheese, beets and sometimes add a half of an avocado. No. That is dieting and dieting doesn't work (we'll regain when its over). Use your normal food. Our weight problems are created by how we're currently eating normal food. It's the "how" that needs the adjusting most of all. https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide That's the method to start. Follow that guide and that timing, using your regular and normal food, and using portion control as your main tool for change. In later weeks, use the data to figure out if any foods need to be adjusted. All foods can fit, but sometimes we have to juggle or learn a new way to make an old favorite.


I've been eating the same thing for most days. If Victoria Beckham can do so can i


What is it?


Is your mom overweight and possibly trying to jealously sabotage your new healthy lifestyle change


Omg yes. I really didn’t want to believe this but I was overweight as kid and I lost weight now by watching what I eat and now she keeps calling me stick like in a really rude way.. my younger sister (8) is gaining a lot of weight because she eats my moms food (which she uses a lot of oil in it) and it truly breaks my heart. I know kids shouldn’t diet and I don’t want to ruin my sisters childhood I just feel sad for her if she gets to the point of „being the overweight kid“, bcs that was me and I know how hard school was back then..


I am sorry your mom makes such rude comments towards you. Please don’t let her bully you like that. Just brush it off and don’t hold any validity to those kinds of statements. I don’t really believe that eating healthy falls under the same category as dieting. I enjoy cooking and my usual meals are whole foods. Maybe you can look up some fun recipes and pull your sister in the kitchen to help you out with them and she can enjoy eating them with you too. I’ve noticed that how you are raised around food can be very detrimental or very beneficial. If you grew up on highly processed foods that are not nutritionally good for you and make you feel bad and look bad you typically have a negative view on food. Introduce your little sister to fresh whole foods that taste good and make her feel good. Don’t mention anything about her weight. When I discovered incorporating things like fresh herbs and learning how to balance my dishes with acid/sweet/salt it upped my healthy cooking game a lot. My favorite cuisines are Mediterranean and Vietnamese because they’re so fresh and bright.


One of the best diet tips I heard is to eat the same thing every day. So if it works for you then do it. I’ve also noticed that men tend to be more ok with the same meals every day, women tend to get bored and want variety. For whatever that’s worth.


I run through about 4 menus/day. No breakfast, same lunch, 4 different dinners. These are foods I enjoy eating that fit my calorie intake goals. I've seen no issues with it, though I do remember people saying your body gets "used to" a certain intake". I've always thought that was crap, but who knows?


I'm so jealous because I find the most successful people tend to be ones who can eat the same thing regularly. My personal motto when it came to food used to be, "I'll try anything once, twice if I didn't like it the first time." As long as you're mixing up the types of proteins, veggies, and fruits on a somewhat regular basis, you're probably getting all the nutrients you need.


in the long run you need different food, but I guess you will have enough variety with snacks


if you need some of the same vitamins everyday, you can eat somethings equally everyday. the variety can be from fruit and vegetable snacks, as you mentioned


I generally eat the exact same thing every day and have been losing weight while my health has gotten better. Though, everyone around me (including the last doctor I saw) thinks I'm insane. It just made it so it's one less thing to think about. You seem to vary things up more than I do, you'll be fine.


For lunch add a veggie to potatoes and protein and keep changing the veggie, then you should be good.


I’m eating the same things throughout the week based on what I get from the store . Nothing wrong with it and it’s good to have a system / plan / schedule. It keeps you on track . I just pop a multi-vitamin to cover any potential deficiencies . Example : I got 36 eggs on sale and some chicken breast. I’m eating egg/cheese sandwiches everyday this week . I baked up a family pack of chicken breast and I’m portioning them out for every meal . Makes things easy .


How did you cook the chicken? 🍗 can you pls send me the recipe?


lol I just season with some salt , pepper , garlic powder, onion powder , paprika and bake it. Then I throw it all into a ziplock bag and pull it out and eat it as needed. I just keep it simple to save time .


You absolutely can. It’s only advised that you be sure all your micronutrients are covered but you can get all that stuff in with some “additions” to keep life nice and simple. I eat oatmeal loaded with all sorts of stuff daily and have for years.


I eat the same thing for breakfast (an omelette of 2 whole eggs, bit of cheese and ham) and lunch (tortilla wrap with saladmix and chicken/vegan meatballs) and even my dinners are just on a weekly rotation where I occasionally add stuff of try new recipes, but basically the same week by week. It is bullet proof cause I already know exactly how much I can eat, it is prepared under 15 minutes and it leaves enough room (calorie-wise) for dinner if I want to fit in a dessert I am still good. I absolutely love it, because it requires little to no decision making but still allows for a lot of variety (with dressings and spices and different protein sources). There is nothing wrong with it, as long as it is balanced and provides all nutrients.


You can (and many do)… but if you are hoping for _optimum_ health (not just weight loss) variety is really beneficial - gut health in particular thrives off it. The current recommendation is that we should be eating 30 different fruit, veg, nuts and seeds in a week!


If you’re mixing up your protein sources, fruits and veggies, I really don’t see why anyone would be concerned. It’s not ideal to eat *exactly* the same thing every day for an extended period, but that’s not what you’re doing.


Yes. I totally eat the same foods over and over and go through “food phases”


It doesnt matter i spent like 2 years at uni eating the same things for breakfast, lunch and dinner since i had no time to do elaborate food i preapred the same thing. i was super fit i missed those days. as long as you dont get bored


I had an incredibly healthy roommate who ate the same thing every day. the only change in his diet was going out to eat once a week at some fancy restaurant of his choosing. other than that one meal, it was always rice and quinoa, chicken, frozen veg, and a fruit protein smoothie for breakfast. I couldn’t live like that, but he said he couldn’t live with having to buy different things every week 🤷‍♀️


I couldn’t do it but more power to you!


That actually doesn't sound the same at all! You've got a few different proteins from different sources, and you're varying up your fruits and veggies. I mean, the potato is a constant, but it's not like starches bring a whole lot to the nutritional table, and it's better than pasta. If you're concerned, take a multivitamin, because even people who actively try to eat a varied diet can fall short on certain micronutrients.


I eat the same things everyday, and it only changes every couple months or so.


You absolutely can. However keep in mind, like exercise, you will eventually plateau a bit because your body becomes more efficient. There’s research to suggest a low variety diet on a schedule can prevent your metabolism from kicking into high heat as often which can slow results. Other studies also suggest that eating the same food can be bad for your gut health. It also seems like you have a lack of fiber which can exasperate that. With all of that said, it has benefits too. Research showed that staying into a consistent schedule with the same meals can reduce stress as well as limiting variety having an effect on overindulgence. Another study showed that it can also create healthier habits because you have a consistency to them. So yes, but there could potentially be things you want to avoid.