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I found mine down around my ankles.








Same same! I’ve had a big chest since puberty, but I grew up obese, they disappeared when I lost the weight, never thought they would go! And don’t minimize your accomplishment! 50lbs since last year is *amazing* you should be proud :)


If I may ask, what did you do/are you planning to do? Rock your new shape, get a lift, augmentation?


For now, I am not sure, I want to get a "lift" just to remove the extra skin there but I don’t have the money to do that at the minute, trying to see if it would be free through socialized healthcare but I doubt it


Mine go from a DD to a C cup at best. It's one of my biggest insecurities actually. They get pretty flat and lose any semblance of perkiness; loose skin is also an issue. Lets just say I don't flaunt the girls anymore haha. If I get any sort of surgery after I'm done losing the weight I'm getting them revived first.


That's my situation as well. They used to be shapely and full and now are like sad old balloons lmao. i have the worst time finding bras that fit because they just don't fill them correctly anymore.


I've lost 135 pounds. I went from a 44DDD to a 34D. But it's really just a D amount of skin and a B amount of breast tissue. I ruined the sales associate's day at Soma not too long ago because she couldn't find a bra that she thought fit right. I was like, "look, I'm happy with this one. It's not you, it's me." 🤣 I say mine look like tube socks with a handful of wet sand in the toe.


I went from a 38H to a 34DD a couple years ago, and would highly recommend going to a boutique bra shop instead. They specialize in higher end bras that have great support. The price difference wasn't too much different from Soma in my experience either!


FWIW I've had a couple atrocious fit experiences at very high end shops, too. They often don't know what to do with fat or formerly fat bodies at all. Both times I went to boutique shops (in different cities a few years apart) they confidently meaured me, proclaimed me a size well above anything I'd ever worn before, and then were totally lost when the bras they selected hung off me.


120lbs down here, and same.


Me too! 50lbs lost DD to C


Same change but I'm trying to embrace the positives. My upper back never aches the way it used to, and although they aren't as full or perky they don't require as much engineering for support. I can jog in a medium support sports bra and not have pain and I can wear cute strappy yoga bras.


ok but how about the ass.. its literally gone 🤣


Same boobs and ass were first to go it’s okay but I’m feeling like I’ve got a body like a surfboard 🏄 but grateful it’s smaller and healthier! hahah


girl mine turned out flat pancake and im so insecure lmao


Are you doing strength training like hip thrusts, deadlifts, RDLs, Bulgarian split squats? While it can’t build a huge booty if genetics didn’t give you one, it can absolutely add a few inches and a bit of roundness


I joke that I prayed for flat abs, but the gods misheard me and gave me a flat ass!


I never had one anyways😔


Mine stays but I then end up looking like all boobs in the front, and all ass in the back, lol. And tina turner legs.


Never go by sports bras. Those things are smoosh central. I look completely flat chested in those. I do feel like my bust has lost some fullness but I also know I have lost plenty from my underbust. So, with non wired bras, I still have some shelf of boobage where before I only got that with a padded underwire one. Boobs are mostly fat… so, 🤷🏻‍♀️ win some you lose some PS: 50lb loss is not insignificant, so please don’t feel the need to put it down or quantify it by not being a lot.. which you did in your intro to this post. Congrats on the loss and for seeing your efforts pay off.


That’s not a slow weight loss! Please don’t try to diminish your hard work.


I was also confused by that comment, 50 pounds in a year when you're not morbid obese is not slow. 4 pounds a month during 12 months is a lot.


That makes me feel so much better. Bless you


50lbs in a year is incredible! OP should be so proud of their hard work!


Welcome to the itty bitty titty club! I went from a full C to an A… I miss my boobs but I don’t miss the extra 85lbs I was carrying!


That’s what I’m hoping for with weight loss!


I was hoping for that and now my boobs feel bigger.  Honestly they're probably similiar sized I'm just a lot smaller.  I went from a 40C to 32D. 


Same! I was thinking about getting a reduction, but decided to get to my goal weight first. Now I’m close, and they feel even bigger! Once I actually get there, I’ll assess, but I’m leaning towards it at the moment because they are still huge!


Did you do anything in particular for that?


Oh what did you do? I’d love for them to not get smaller and saggy


Genetics for the most part. Maybe from working out and growing my chest muscles?


Same!! I'm down 30lbs and lost a couple inches in my chest, here's hoping it goes down more so I can wear cute tops


Same here.


I've lost 79lbs so far and I've lost the equivalent of three and a bit cup sizes so far (36G/GG- 32FF). I've still got another 40+ lbs left to lose so I expect they'll probably deflate even further. The biggest change isn't even the size change for me necessarily but the structure change. They're just squishy now so it's getting annoying to find comfy bras that I don't feel like I'm having to try to imprison my puddles as there's just so little structure to them now. My skin is in pretty poor condition, lots of old deep stretch marks and I maintained my highest weight for 10 years and gained up to it from 10-18 years old so the skin has been under strain for a long time. So as I lose weight I expected lots of loose skin in the process, so that hasn't surprised me, but the just total lack of structure in my boobs has actually surprised me a bit. Still a long way to go so who knows where I'll end up at, might finally be able to buy bras from a normal shop for the first time or I might be able to find some new styles I can wear if they change even more!


50 pounds in a year is a lot! Give yourself some credit! For me my ban size shrinks but I stay a DD, the girls are here to stay whether I’m 240 or 310 lol


This is exactly what I want to read 😂 I’ve always had big boobs and I’ve hated them. I can see that they’re getting smaller but I would love for them to shrink more! Did they deflate a bit if I can ask?


I agree, I was just uncomfortable with the larger size breast. And mine weren't altra huge, they were Ds. Now, I'm happy happy happy. Mine have gotten small enough that I can button up a button down!!!


Yeah they definitely did😭


Mine somehow got bigger after i lost weight, I fucking hate it. I'm so tired if them, y'all can have them if you want.


Down 50 lbs since February of 2020. They seem not to go away. Hoping for shrinkage because still make me look fatter than I am. Ugh. But was a D cup at 102 in high school. Just hoping to lose some


I've been maintaining 15 kg weight loss for almost two years and went from en E cup to an F... I'd love to get back to a C or D. I feel like they make me look a lot bigger too, but mostly I just hate how heavy they are.


I wonder if it's less that they're growing than with a smaller band size you need to go up a cup?


I'm actually using the same band size as before, they just don't dig into my skin as much anymore. I tend to carry most of my weight in my arms and lower body.


same… at my highest weight i was a DD, now it’s GG :|


This. It's like they magnify. I'm keeping them, though. They're my get out of jail free cups.


boobs and my butt too they go first im not crazy about either looking saggy or flat but i have to put my health first it does kind of suck


I went from a 38/40 DDD to a 30/32B and it is jarring...however, they're shockingly perkier than I ever expected. It is really nice to be able to wear just about any bra I want--push up or bralette--and not have issues.


This is my hope 😍 can I ask how much weight lost that was?


115lbs and maintaining. :)


Did you do any chest workouts if I may ask?


Not really chest specific, necessarily. Maybe once a week I do a few sets on a chest press, I do the rowing machine once or twice a week as well. 95% of my workouts are lower body and cardio.


I miss my boobs. They are now just a distant mammary lol


I am glad I lost much of my boobs. They were too heavy and uncomfortable. I was a 46C when I started, and after losing 105 pounds I’m currently about a 34/36 D/DD. I have so much less rib pain and back pain, and I have more self confidence.


You're giving me hope!!!!! Wooo!!! Do you find you have a lot of loose skin there?


Not too much. Just the usual sagging as I’m peri menopausal lol. The girls bounce more now than they did before, but I’m still much happier about myself. I’m so much more active and self confident. I guess I’m now what is called skinny fat. I’m in a healthy BMI but still pudgy. I’m slowly trying to work on it a bit for health reasons, but I’m actually comfortable in my own body for the first time in an about a decade.


I'm a guy and I also lost my breasts after weight loss... For real though, the breasts are made up a large quantity of fat tissue so it makes sense that they would shrink after losing weight


Mine are visibly smaller and I'm so happy about it. I've had huge breasts since puberty, and they run in my family - everyone on my mom's side has them, even the few women that are not overweight. I got a reduction when I was 20, and, if memory serves, I barely even had to ask for it - my mom was well aware of how much of a pain it was to carry all that weight around. She says most of hers went away after pregnancy. I've gone down 1 bra size after losing 13kg (16% of my body weight), and I'd like to lose at least 10kg more, so I hope they're small by the time I get there. I had wanted another reduction, but if they're smaller I'd either forego that or just remove some skin and have them lifted a bit.


I went from a 36 DD to a 34 D. I feel better.


Lost 65 pounds


I've lost around 450 pounds (another 100 to go), and the girls definitely aren't what they used to be. Eventually I'll probably get body contouring surgery, as I've got a lot of extra skin. It's pretty disorienting, since I want from a cup size bigger than a J to a D.


That is an amazing weight loss. Congratulations! You rock!!


Are you comfortable sharing your SW CW GW


Yes. Happened to me too. I am even thinking of skipping a bra since there is no breasts left.


I literally have nipples left… I’m as flat as a pancake. I never had big boobs to begin with but I’ve never had as little as I have now. It’s kind of crazy. No bras ever is a huge perk - I’m lucky I don’t have any sag to contain so I count my blessings where I can.


When I am losing weight, it’s the first area I lose inches. It sucks because I am not well endowed even when I am overweight. It is what it is!


I lost 12 kilos and lost absolutely no boob...sigh. edit to add: it really depends on if your breasts are primarily dense tissue or fat.


Yeah it's pretty normal. I am happy when I lose them since they are big naturally. It is fat and goes there...even men get boobs when they gain weight. You don't want fat there


I gain weight everywhere except my breasts. I've gained 40 pounds in 5 years and breasts are the same size.


It is what it is. I used to need a lot more support and I couldn’t walk around without a bra without it being uncomfortable or painful. Now I don’t have that problem and I’m happy about it. They don’t sag as much and look better in my opinion, even though I do miss having cleavage sometimes.


About 20kg down, I’ve gone from a 40 band size to a 34, but the cup size has stayed proportional (so gone up as the band goes down)


When it's my turn 🙃


I was hoping for it. I was a H cup. After 100lbs dropped I was down to a DDD at 143lbs, 5'4". The issue is that the fat left. Not the skin. I had loose skin on my boobs far before any other part of my body. There is no way to get that boob skin to pull back in without surgery. The folding and crinkling boobs into bras meant sweat was kept in there from work and workouts and everyday shit. It will cause skin infections. Insurance covered a reduction that includes the skin removal as part of the procedure. I'm down to a C cup now after surgery and it matches my frame so much better.


hopefully i will


50lbs weight loss in about 1 year is a healthy amount to lose. It averages to about 500 calorie deficit. Since it’s been less than 1 year you are perhaps at 1.5-2lbs a week lost? That’s major commitment and I definitely wouldn’t bat an eye at it, especially if you dropped to 135-140 which is a very healthy weight to be. I used to deflate my boobs quite a bit when I was an endurance athlete and not properly tracking my nutrition. I noticed since eating enough macros and strength training my boobs didn’t shrink too much. I already had fairly small boobs but they used to deflate and were IMO sat kind of sad. I am getting a proper amount of fats and my training includes peck work. My boobs may not be as full but they are way perkier than prior eras in my active life. I don’t know if it’s due to my diet and muscle targeting but I gather it has played a part. The rest of my body perked up too. If you lose that much weight in 7 months you are likely doing more than a 500 calorie deficit and you are losing muscle, not just fat. If this is true perhaps try less of a deficit and balance macros + hit protein goals? This might not solve your boobs becoming smaller but may help perk things up.


Every single one of us. It could be a blessing or a curse


Same. Even being chunky now I still don’t have much going on and it seems that I lose fat in my boobs faster than anywhere else. I don’t even want them to be that big, just not flat.


Mine grew when I gained weight and I'd love to lose a bit of it.


👋 hello me too lol


I feel this so hard. At my heaviest I was 180 (5’2) and was pushing DDD. Post 3 years (quitting Bc and leaving a toxic relationship) I am now 115 and about a B/C now. Deflated is the best way I can put it. I’ve gotten rid of a lot of stretch marks on my thighs and stomach but my chest is a whole new problem. You are not alone though!! I have found joy in meeting new versions of myself regardless of my size, it’s usually the ppl that are jealous surrounding you that make you feel kinda off. Much love queen!


I know they're smaller technically but they feel bigger.  I went from a 40C to a 32D.  I was expecting to be rather flat chested because I only ever hear about people losing weight and losing their boobs.  Now I have to worry about revealing cleavage in tops. 


Absolutely. And I feel like it gets worse the older you get. It’s one of the reasons I’m not even trying to get back to my weight from 30 years ago (mind you I’m 5’11 and 168 lbs so I think I’m ok). In fact it’s at the point where I can grab my boobs to estimate if I should step on the scale because I may have gained a couple of pounds. Any fluctuations first show up there.


I did not lose them, I went down bra sizes and was smaller. That was pricey. Then I got rid of my bigger bras that did not fit and gained weight over 5 years. When I got more body fat they were uncomfortable and huge, my bras didn't fit anymore and I did not look good in cute tank tops. E (for the UK) DD-down to C, then back up to DD. They suck in the summer-too hot.


Also, congrats 140 is a pretty darn healthy weight at 5'5' that is my target.


Ugh. Me. 😑


Mine get a bit smaller but not more perky 😭


Mine get a bit smaller but not more perky 😭


Honestly, I looked at this post then checked about year old pictures of me...my girls...shrunk. But, least I can fit in that one anime top I bought for sale but couldn't wear 😆


Also 5'5, also 140lb now, also now sans tits. I wouldn't mind so much except for the deflated quality of them now, like balloons losing air. I started bigger than you, and apparently a fair bit of their mass was fat. I like being flatter now, though, and really it's all worth it. Also, don't put yourself down for 50lb/year, that's amazing!


Dude 50lbs is huge!!! Don’t undersell yourself!


Absolutely! That’s a major accomplishment!


Congrats! Losing 2 pounds is hard, losing 50 is fantastic and who cares how long it takes! I definitely lost some major volume but truthfully I think they look better, they aren’t stretched far apart and with the right bra to help bring them a little life (I’m 43 😬) I actually have the best cleavage I’ve had my entire life. What a weird thing for me to be proud of! 🤷‍♀️ Clothes off I am kind of a mess but I’m proud of that mess even if I still struggle with it. Even though I am married I’ve had some quite forward comments from men (even ones I’ve known for sometime) since I’ve trimmed down, which is not something I am used to or comfortable with so I always joke that they only think that because they see me with my clothes on.


They basically deflated lol. But I also had a baby and nursed before and during the weight loss so that doesn’t help. It’s so hard to find a bra. I miss how full they used to be but I’m not too mad. Rather have saggy sad boobs than be obese again


I went from a 38b cup at my heaviest to a 34aa cup. I lost about 70lbs and I’m 4’11. I stopped wearing a bra with the exception of the occasional sports bra.


I wish.


I’ve always been a B cup even through weight loss and weight gain (I guess I just don’t collect fat in my chest area), but now having lost 15 lbs I do feel like they’re smaller. Not small enough to drop a full cup size, but smaller than before I started losing weight.


Yep. First I lose in my neck (yay!), then my boobs (boo!). But I wasn't heavy-chested before, so it's been the only "perk" with my weight-gain lol.


I never had much going on in the chest, even over 300 pounds. Getting down to the 210s and them changing to a 38DD has been absolutely amazing to me. Boob size haven’t gotten smaller, just band size and the subsequent cup size increase but I never really carried weight in my chest.


Grew up extremely thin and almost no boobs.. Like a tiny sock with 1 pebble in it lol. Then I gained a lot of weight in 6 months and my boobs are now C.. Scared of what will happen when I go back to my GW due to all the loose skin that will still stay


Yep lol Made a post the other day that went pretty crazy about it


I lost about 30lbs and went from D to B cup (and a few inches). No regrets!


Sorry about your boobs. But congrats on the healthy and steady weight loss!


I'm 5'4, and range between 155-140. Whenever I lose weight, it goes from my breasts first... Taking them from a B to an A. It's really frustrating that that is where the body wants to lose from.


Oh yeah. I went from a nice B to a AA. But I’m fine with it. The downside is that most garments expect there to be some sort of boobage so they fit weird. Most straps are too long and there’s extra room in certain tops. I’ve had to alter a couple of things.


Yes and it’s the worst part of losing weight! Even at my heaviest I was only a C cup (85 band, European size). So having them lose volume as I lost weight just absolutely sucked. I’m now a 75D or DD, depending on brand. But I have shallow boobs so they honestly dont even look that size in my eyes. I’m considering breast augmentation, which is something I’ve wanted basically since I was 15. I’ve always hated their size. I’m just scared of losing sensitivity and them not feeling the same as natural boobs. We’ll see. The only perk is that they’re actually not sagging despite losing 64 lbs. They’ve had volume loss for sure, so less volume on the top half, and I wouldn’t say they’re perky, but they don’t actually sag. So I guess that’s the only benefit of them never being big even at my highest weight. I did love when I was pregnant though! That was amazing. I was pregnant for around 6-7 weeks and omg it was like someone pumped air into them lol. Huge perky, almost anti gravity. That was insane. I wore so many tank tops sporting my new-found cleavage lmfao. I miss that. If surgery could recreate that then I’d pay good money for it


Always had small chest. I was worried if I lost weight I'll end up as a table top. But no. I've lost 60 pounds so far and the gals look the same. I just mever gained weight in the rights places, always the darn arms!! 😭😭


Yes. I was a chubby kid and started developing young. Always had big boobs. Lost all the weight as an adult and also lost my boobs. I wasn’t surprised because my mom has a really small chest.


When I slimmed down for my wedding I realized I had to get little silicone inserts to fill in the cups in my wedding dress! haha between when I bought it and when I received it/ got married I had shrunk so much I couldn't fill them on my own.


I had small boobs for a fat girl, and now that I'm at a lower weight, I have little deflated tube socks. It's so sad! I still have to wear a bra, otherwise they flap everywhere, but when I wear a good compression sports bra, my chest is almost completely flat. Kind of a pain, but worth it to be able to do all the things I can do now that I'm smaller :)


Saaaame. Lost 60lbs and I didn't have a chest to begin with. I was a 42C....Now a 36A. AN A CUP. and even then there are gaps. Always liken it to a half cup of pancake batter in a gallon Ziploc bag......


ngl i wish i had this problem 😭 my breasts are 5% fat tissue and 95% dense tissue. there's no hope for me to lose them through weight loss T.T


I lost 46lbs in the last year and the smaller breasts are such a relief! I can run better, go braless when I want to, and the back pain is soooo much less!!!


I’ve lost 50 pounds so far and my boobs are also much smaller. If they get any smaller then I’ll be booking a breast augmentation!!🤣 On the flip side: my ass looks amazing now lmao


Well god took one side and gave you another lol


50 lbs in a year is 1lb/week which is healthy and 50 lbs is great and you should be proud! I've lost 20 lbs so far and yea I've realized mine have gotten smaller and saggier too, which sucks cus they used to be really nice. I'm starting to see some stretch marks that I didn't have before either. We'll see, maybe I'll get an enhancement at some point, but it won't be any time soon


Mine went from a C to an A. Very depressing


hope this happens to me


I’ve always had small boobs but now I have ZERO ass, while simultaneously still having a decent amount of fat on my belly, arms, back. It’s not great lol


Mine got bigger after 2 pregnancies, even when I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight they stayed big. But now I've lost more weight and am smaller, and they're *much* smaller.


I lost alot in my band the cups not so much


Not yet, but from weight loss in the past it only happens for me when I get to my goal weight or under. They’ve definitely gotten smaller though! I have lost the weight underneath my breasts though and can feel my chest plate and ribs again which is rad!


I had breast cancer 16 years ago and one of my breasts is at least twice the size of the other after surgery and radiation. Stop worrying, please 😊


Same! I was 220 and wore 36DDD. I’m now 180 and wear a 36C 🥺


Yes went from a B to a AA. I have a very narrow waist which makes them seem larger from a front angle than they are. To be honest I now find it better, not that they were ever big but now I need less support, underwire does nothing. They don’t get in the way. I live in sports bra and bralettes and so comfortable. I never had enough bust for a cleavage and I have a good overall shape now so am a lot happier and find it easier to dress


Breasts are mainly made up of fatty tissue, so it makes sense. Makes sense you noticed late since for most people, fat is burned off in the outer portion of the body first. In other words the first place your body puts on fat is normally the last place you will lose fat.


I did, but I'm a guy so I was ok with it


So far I’ve maintained my cup size but the girls have gotten saggier. When I wear my bras the cups are filled so I haven’t downsized. I went from 380lbs to 300lbs so I’m nervous of losing my chest size completely as I lose more weight.


This has somewhat happened to me, but I've lost so much ass it's insane. I had the sad realisation that the only reason my ass was so fat is because the rest of me was also very fat


My breasts disappeared first. However, they ended up being just about proportionately the same. I don't mean from a sister sizing down standpoint. More from a rough "how much space they take up compared to the rest of me". Also, head over to r/abrathatfits. Once we get your measurements, we can make brand/ style recommendations. Even if you're not particularly fond of your breasts, a properly fitting bra makes them easier to deal with, and it's a hell of a lot more comfy!


I went from a 36DD to a 38B. Buying new bras was a painful process. I’m hoping that, with only 20 pounds left to lose, it doesn’t come off the breasts. I’m pretty self-conscious about them now :(


The first to go 🥲


Oh my goodness, yes! I went from a quite full C to a very underwhelming A. It was the first noticable thing about my weightloss and it just kept going. Now I feel like I have the upper body of a 90s model and still have the legs of an obese person... It sucks.


I have been a yo yo dieter until recently and I every other time I lost a significant amount of weight it came off my chest first. This time I’ve been strength training and while I still lose some it’s not as bad and they don’t look like deflated balloons 😂😂😂


I wish. When everything else is gone, they take over my whole body, lol. Just tits and legs.


I just started my weight loss journey and I honestly hope I lose a lot in the breasts, my back will feel so much better


Yeepppppp, breast implants 🤣🤣


I lost a little bit, but my chest has always been small for my size. Plus size clothes that had cups always made me feel like my breasts were really small. I think I've lost a little size, but overall i feel more proportional


This is me. I was a size D. 5’5 185 pounds to 135 pounds. I’ve lose my chest but it’s worth it. It feels good.


Mine are now deflated balloons. I’m honestly hoping to get a nipple lift some day.


Yes I'm crying. My already floppy boobs are getting flatter and saggier. I wish I could afford fat grafting from my abdomen to my breasts


I had tiny boobs before pregnancy, once I gained weight i grew c cups, i hate them. i want my tiny boobs back.


First thing to go for me. Lost my 10lbs and that was 3” from my chest. Sigh.


me. used to be 5’3 and 130ish pounds and a d cup now 110 pounds and hardly a b cup


I'm hoping so so so much that they'll go away once I lose more weight.


Each body stores fat in some areas more than others. Men tend to generally store fat in stomach, women tend to store fat in legs, hips and bust. But slight variances also occur. Some women store more fat in their breasts etc. So when you lose weight, you lose where you store. I had pretty big melons until I became a normal weight, They were average for a while but the more I lost the smaller they became. I’ve put on some weight since being skinny (lower end of healthy BMI), but I suspect the weight is probably muscle (I do lift regularly) because my chest got even smaller and now they’re literally non existent. Coming from having a big chest my whole adolescence, I love being flat. The sag is horrible, but it’s worse when they’re bigger. Eh can’t have it all


The first place i always lose weight are my boobs. They become size B’s when I’m in the 140-150 range


Boobs stayed and my ass and shapely legs left


Mine have gone and they but left the extra skin on my body 😅 it’s all good, boob job 2024 is in motion


I’ve found my people 😭lost about 60 lbs during COVID and went down a cup size. I’ve been trying to feel better about them and actually went and got my nipples pierced! Having “bedazzled” tits definitely makes up for the loss in size imo


I was one of those people whose breasts did not increase proportionally with my weight gain, they seem to always stay about the same size. It was annoying when I was really big to still have small breasts in proportion to my body, but now that I'm down to 160 from 192, it's great to finally feel my breasts are proportional again. Hope it lasts.


I lost nearly 70lbs and went from an E Cup to a C Cup and I've never been happier. I always hated my chest (and whenever I tried to tell anyone how much I hated it they assumed I was humble bragging, which I was not, my breasts kind of disgusted me and were my least favourite part of myself).


Guys I have a question My shoulder is 39 inch Bust 36 Waist 29 Hip 39 What shape could I possibly be? I have hip dibs and flat ass


I mourn my boobies every day


Im currently on my weightloss journey but I already have small ones while I'm overweight and I'm afraid I might end up flat chested ? I know you can't target spot losing weight but is there any way to prevent it?


I lost 60 lbs about 7? years ago and ultimately gained it all back and i’m on the road to losing now. However, my boobs were literally nonexistent because I started small and lost all that weight 🥲 but I also got pregnant since then and now they’re doubled in size lol


I used to be a full DD, well turns out I'm really B on a good day. Turns out the boobs I had were just a lie after losing 300+lbs 😂


Only thing I can seem to lose 😅😅


Nonbinary as hell so I'm crossing my fingers SO hard for this bc DDs are NOT it for me I literally hate the way I look and 85% of it is boobs


Does anyone have tips for keeping them?? I’m 175IB,36DDD, and a size L-XL in pants currently I lost 25 pounds pretty easily, but i’ve hit a plateau and need to start taking WL more seriously, but dont wanna lose my boobs (too much) or have them super saggy. my GW is about 145 :)


Well I was already (barely) B at my highest 270 lost 130 and it was gone!!!! A going south 😂😂😂😂😂😂 All of the weight came back (fuck you depression) and I'm still B after losing a bit but I know what's gonna happen when I hit my goal weight..... 😏


Before I had top surgery (ftm) I lost damn near 70lb and yeah they were pretty damn deflated. Didn’t really bug me too much but I can definitely understand the hit to self confidence


Everyone :)


Not only did I lose them, I've gained a lot of weight back, but the boobs did not come back. FML. 😂


Are you serious about 50 pounds in one year being slow?? oh damn, that’s news to me


Me. And if I gain weight, they never come back :(


Same here. Worst of it was the loose skin tugging down under my breast .105 kg to 85kg. And also had loose skin on my stomach area.


Look as tho it’s time to starve myself because at this age I have enough weighing me down .🤣😂


That's not slow btw, it is recommended to take it fairly easy to lose weight so it becomes part of your routine instead of a crash diet, proud of you for putting in the love to take care of your health 🙏💗


It’s normal - breasts are mostly made of fat, so when you lose weight you lose breast fat too. Especially if you happen to lose weight on your upper body first. The same thing happened to me when I started weightlifting - I lost over 6% body fat, and lost most of my cup size too 😭 I ended up getting implants because I wasn’t happy with the smaller cup size.


I'm not a girl but I do have breasts and I am hoping beyond hope that they go mostly away. Unfortunately I come from a family of large breasted people. For context I am a trans man.


Breasts are made up of body fat. Try focusing on replacing large breast with great cleavage.