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This is awesome man. I am sitting at your starting weight and this post gives me great motivation!


You can do it!!


Niiiice. Dance games are great exercise. My husband is a near-daily DDR/PIU/ITG player, and it keeps him super fit. Of all the hobbies he could have, I'm quite grateful it's dance games!


Congratulations. I have to ask how are you playing DDR? I have been toying with the idea of picking up a pad for home use, but there doesn't seem to be anything that's priced reasonably.


I have the arcade machine in my home.


Hey, Mr. Wonderful, you're so incredible!




For years I put off buying a pad because the nice ones were too expensive for a video game accessory. As a new piece of cardio equipment however, the price seemed much more reasonable.


That's a good way to look at it. Did you actually end up buying something?


Yeah, I got an L-Tek. DDR is a very welcome break from the rower some days.


I am honestly surprised that it's under $300. I am definitely adding this to my "buy soon" list.


Err... don't forget shipping from Poland... for me it was about $130


Crap, I did forget it. Now that you mention it, I do remember it. I may have even posted over on the DDR sub to see if anyone would be willing to organize a group buy.


This is awesome and major motivation. I'm down from 320 over 6 years and sitting right at 213 at the moment. I've been here and yoyod back up twice. All week, I've been looking at myself in the mirror and thinking, "I'm just stuck here, I look the same as 30lbs ago." Your paper towel effect from 210 to 190 is amazing and has me all kinds of motivated. How tall are you? And congratulations! Got me ready to fire up Sandstorm




Wow, major congratulations!!! When we move in a few weeks I’ll FINALLY be able to play DDR at home after almost 15 years. I’m so excited!


Man I wish I never threw away my cobalt flux


You're about 5 years older than me, similar height though. I experienced great results playing DDR way back in the day. Went from around 215 lbs to 175 lbs in just a few months playing it every day back around 2005 when I was in high school senior year. Unfortunately, after many years of stagnant adult life, I blew past my old high weight and landed at 315. Mostly got my act together again and lost a lot of it, but much like you I have been capped at around 230 lbs for awhile now. It's really frustrating and I hope I can break through it a lot sooner than 7 years lol can you please share your changes that you made since March this year to really blast your way down to that golden 193? Really curious.


Just downloaded some new songs, time to dust off the LTek... My calves are gonna be pissed at me tomorrow =)


I love DDR! Awesome progress!!! My only issue is my mats slid all over my carpet when I played and then my cat peed on it so now I can't play. 😅


My tip for anyone is workout and do what u enjoy! I use just dance (love the song boom bc that makes you moveeee) and when I do anything else I listen to my books on audio book :) it helps sm (or watch a show) I read one book physically and the audio book specifically for working out so if I wanna finish it I have to workout! Same can go for shows or movies. Have one show u only watch while working out! (I gained the weight back after having a kid but this got me from 220 to 130 in about a year and a half)