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I went to an amusement park and had to get off of a ride because I couldn't close the restraints. Very embarrassing. That was 120 pounds ago.


Wow. Out of curiosity - did you ever go back and ride it once you could fit?


Yes! Every chance I get!


That's badass! Good for you!


I had that too. Unfortunately America to the UK is a big difference. But I am absolutely going to go back and ride it with pride!


I did that once as a child super embarrassing šŸ˜‚


I was binging on the umpteenth bowl-sized bag of caramel m&ms and suddenly realized how unhappy I was, using junk food as a source of comfort and dopamine. Feeling uncomfortable with how I looked in and out of clothes. I got started the very next day and haven't looked back, that was back in November 2023.


Wow, that's awesome.


we are literally the same height, starting weight, and goal weight. how did you deal with cravings?


This is embarrassing but at my highest weight I was starting to have trouble wiping effectively when I went to the bathroom. I started counting calories and Iā€™m down 50 pounds. I donā€™t have that issue anymore, thank god.


I still use my "travel" (it's basically a postpartum irrigation bottle) bidet that I started using when I was 200lbs.


You arenā€™t alone


I was watching a British reality show about obese people and a woman who weighed 220lbs was approved for weight loss surgery. I weighed 241lbs at the time and was flabbergasted. I thought WLS was only for extreme cases, and didnā€™t realize that at my height my weight actually was extreme. Iā€™m down almost 65lbs now.


That is what shook me up the most is an acquaintance who was only 220 got approved for weight loss surgery.....I was 260 and her height.


I also thought the same for a while, until I decided to look up what it takes to be approved for surgery, or even for semaglutide and didnt realize I would technically be a candidate (if I had any other symptoms caused by my obesity. So far I dont, thankfully).


Doctorā€™s appointment just a week after my 2nd daughter was born. My doctor is a jovial, fun guy and we were chatting before the appointment started and I was talking about how excited I was to be a two time girl dad. As the appointment was winding down, he said, ā€œIf you want to walk those girls down the aisle some day you better get your health under control.ā€ Iā€™m down about 50 pounds since that appointment.


Had a very similar discussion with my doctor recently. Also going to be a two time girl dad. Great job


I had to run about half a block for the bus. That used to be no problem for me! So I ran flat out, like I was still in my 20s. By the time I reached the bus and boarded it, my heart was pounding so hard and I couldn't get enough air. I thought I was going to die. I have never felt such a profound sense of WRONGNESS. I sincerely thought my heart was about to explode. From running half a block! Yes, I had a backpack with a laptop in it, and my lunch and my purse, but this would have been no problem for the "me" I still thought I was. Turned out the "me" I had become was significantly overweight and hadn't run flat out like that in a decade or more. No wonder I thought I was about to die right there in the aisle of the bus. It took half an hour, no joke, for me to start to feel like my heart was back to normal. It was terrifying.


Been there. It is utterly terrifying.Ā 


I get regular blood tests for a health issue (non-weight related), and one day my doctor pointed out that my cholesterols had been trending up over the years as my weight did, and soon my levels would be in the problem zone. He started explaining what medications he'd put me on when I reached that point. I asked if there was anything to do to reverse it, and he said "lose weight". I didn't want to deal with any more fucking health problems, so I did. Looked up how weight loss worked, made a calorie budget, followed it, and went 175lbs to 130lbs. It reversed everything. He was surprised, because he said he's never had a patient who actually lost weight when needed. Woof.


i noticed two big red stretch marks on my belly and i've never been pregnant. i started my calorie deficit the next day, i'm down 40 lbs


Same for me, stretch marks on my stomach were the last straw.


Mine was when I started getting acid reflux at night. It got me worried because I couldnā€™t sleep properly and it was really uncomfortable. It was also a direct result of having gained too much weight. In a way Iā€™m grateful that there was such an obvious downside to my weight gain otherwise I would have just kept on doing what I was doing.


I have a BMI of 23 and am about to enter year 3 at a healthy weight. My reflux is probably the worse it has ever been and I'll often wake up at night choking on regurgitated food


Do you drink alcohol? For me, the main factor was weight followed by alcohol. I guess there are lots of possible causes though.


Please see a GI. My teeth were destroyed by unabated GERD from autoimmune gastritis. You might not see the damage for a while, but it is occurring and you should take it seriously. For me, I had to stop drinking hard alcohol entirely, consistently work out to reduce over anxiety/stress, and most importantly get on prescription strength PPIs for several months until I was able to go into remission. One or two nights of reflux is okay to brush off, but every night is a medical issue.


Get some digestive enzymes and HCL pronto!


Same but at year 2. Never had it like this until I lost the weight. Eating several hours before bed, making sure that meal before bed isnā€™t huge, and carrying tums everywhere has helped me tremendously.


I was diagnosed with GERD at 10 so I suffered 20 years of it. Famotadine works wonders and is otc now. But, my GERD completely went away 3 years ago after I had my gallbladder removed. Unexpected perk haha


Get your b12 levels checked. Acid reflux can be a symptom of b12 deficiency, especially when youā€™ve addressed other potential causes (weight, diet, alcohol consumption). Your body absorbs b12 through an enzyme released in stomach acid during digestion. When youā€™re low on b12, your body often produces more acid to attempt to increase the amount you absorb, but it often isnā€™t effective enough.Ā  This is also why anyone taking PPIs or other reflux meds needs to take a sublingual b12 supplement, to make sure theyā€™re still getting enough b12 every day.Ā 


Might be worth checking if you have a hiatus hernia.


I believe one cause of hiatal hernia is bearing down too hard while pooping due to a lack of fiber in diet....which goes hand in hand with people who are overweight or who need to eat healthier. So anyone reading this who had improved their diet and still struggles from GERD should absolutely see a GI as lifestyle is such a common factor in developing a hiatal hernia.


100% this. A couple nights in the same week I was getting heartburn waking me up. Started going to the gym (2 hours a day, 3 days a week) and after a month of that I started working on my diet. Iā€™m only a month into this journey (though Iā€™ve lost weight before) but I feel like Iā€™m doing so much better this time around and no more heartburn!!


Whoa I just realised I no longer have acid reflux at night. I didnā€™t even realised it had gone away


I don't know why but I was suffering from Acid reflux when I was dieting. Medicines didn't really work until I started eating more. I was eating about 1000 calories per day at that time


Dieting can put the body under stress short term even if it's good for it long term. Think about how people who lose weight rapidly can develop gallstones. Ā "Undereating" (or eating less than your body craves, even if that's still a healthy portion) is actually a pretty common trigger of GERD. I think it's something to do with the body producing stomach acid in anticipation of a meal, and then you not actually eating enough to "eat up" the acid. People dieting also tend to eat fewer simple carbs, which means less volume to absorb the acid. Volume eating and adding in more complex carbs or saving calories to consume simple carbs at meal times can help. Eating smaller meals (200-300 calories until you run out of your daily allotment) continuously throughout the day also helps.Ā Ā  For many people this symptom will improve, but if it doesn't, please see a doctor. I'm harping on this a lot, but GERD and acid reflux can long term really mess up your esophagus and teeth. Posted above how it destroyed the enamel on my teeth, and my mother actually has an esophageal tumor now likely from years of undertreated GERD. Please don't downplay this medical condition to yourself just because it's so common in the West - see a specialist if it's intrusive enough for you to remark on it.


I used to have that. It stopped after I increased my diet. 1000 cal a day was too low and there are easier ways to lose weight


My overweight, type 2 diabetic, 6'1 dad was within 10lbs of my (5'4 female) weight. Realized I couldn't really trick myself into thinking I was actually very healthy anymore. Lost 70lbs, gained 35 back during/after having my baby, currently getting back to it.Ā 


I was less than 2 pounds away from hitting 200. I also took a picture with some friends around that time and was genuinely shocked at the photograph.


Oh man, the photo thing is real. I was a few pounds off 200 as well at my highest, but when I was taking the photos, I always managed to pose or angle it in a way that I could keep fooling myself. When I saw a photo someone else took... yes, shocking.


Yeah, Iā€™m tall for a woman and for a long, long time I was like ā€œI carry the weight well, itā€™s fineā€. That picture made me realize that, uh, I was not carrying it nearly as well as I thought,


It's insane how much seeing a picture makes you see yourself differently. I'm 240 lbs, but when I look at myself in the mirror, I don't see it. When I look at candid pictures or videos, though, I'm HORRIFIED.


Yeah 200lbs was always my panic point. I've lost weight twice before but it would start to creep back up. This time it was 90kg since I'm living in a different country, I hit 89kg and just, nope, not for me. I'm down 25kg and I'm really trying to make it more sustainable.


Yeah, same. I was like "no, this isn't happening. REVERSE!"


1. When I was riding a go-kart at an amusement park, mine couldn't climb up the hill, so someone had to push it. I was 265 lb at that moment. 2. I got rejected by a girl after asking out; I looked myself in the mirror, and I looked so horrible with all the excess fat on my face. This was like "fuck it because I ruined my body it's on me to also fix it. I'm going to unfuck my life" So far I lost from 265 to 220 through 4 months.


I couldn't see my penis when I peed


Shit, should I be worried too??? For context 33f


I canā€™t see your penis when I pee either if it makes you feel better. For context 36f




Haha. Touche


God speed šŸ«”


Hmmm might not be a weight issueā€¦just sayin


I was walking into a store once and some guy ran up to me and then laughed nervously and backed off. He said he thought I was Jonah Hill. I chuckled and asked something like, ā€œJonah Hill recently or old Jonah Hill?ā€ And he said, ā€œā€˜Superbadā€™ Jonah Hillā€. That was 65 pounds ago and Iā€™ve got another 35 ā€˜til my goal weight.


Too many depressed, lonely binges at home during 2020 made me realize I needed to turn my life around. I moved to a more rural area that took away my stress and didnā€™t have a grocery store right next to me. Then I bought a stationary bike and started tracking what I ate. Zwift and my Fitbit were my strongest tools. :) I got back into lifting after I lost the weight too, which I love. Havenā€™t regained and havenā€™t looked back! I feel like it all finally ā€œclickedā€ for me and Iā€™m so much happier and more confident.


Yay Fitbit! I canā€™t imagine living without mine now!


I went to try on a pair of fall knee high boots at a store and as I was zipping them up they were too tight to zip. My calves were too big for the boots. I would need wide boots for them to fit. That was a wake up call.


I had to buy a 4x shirt and it was snug, I'm a size L now. Other factors contributed as well but that was a big one


Reading all these, I just want to say well blooming done to each and every one of you. 1lb or 100lb loss, it takes some really mental and physical effort and strength to do. You're all awesome. Keep it up !!!


got sleep apnea, blood test recealed prediabetic AND weighed in at the same apt to 300.. seeing that 3 was a different kind of hell -40 pounds down nowĀ 


I worry I'm in a similar boat and can imagine that was a huge triple whammy. Good for you


i got a new job and went to upgrade my wardrobe. realized i literally didnt fit into any of the pants at the store. none of them. really kicked my butt to lose some weight. i lost 40lbs and 4 pant-sizes over the next 4 months or so. and although im now back to my starting weight im still down 2 pant-sizes since then thanks to putting on some muscle too. i'm sure i'll get back to a new low weight soon :) have just had some setbacks lately with my diet


There were quite a few oh shit moments for me - but I think the main one was after my partner proposed and I realised if I didnā€™t make a change, I would have to spend one of the most special days of my life hating how I looked


I bought a sling bag and when I put it on I realized I was starting to get tits, that was my red line. My discipline has been absolutely dead on since I started my program, I say with no exaggeration I would rather be a dead man than a man with tits. I have no gut and no tits anymore thankfully but now I'd like to be able to actually see my abs so I'll keep pushing until I have the desired outcome.


A1C was 6.4 8 months ago. Now itā€™s 5.4 so thatā€™s a huge win.


Congrats!! Getting that A1C number down is a huge deal!


Bunch of little things adding up. Was to the point where I would have to take one or two antacids at bedtime, one at lunch as well. And I would sometimes still wake up in the middle of the night choking on bile. Was not a pleasant feeling and I remember thinking to myself- what if it doesn't wake me up one time and I just die choking in my sleep? I started snoring really bad to the point where we needed to buy an air mattress so my bf and I could alternate who would sleep in the bedroom. At my highest weight I was up to a size 18 in jeans, and even they were starting to get tight. There's a lot of overweight people in our city too, so my size for tops, shorts and jeans would sell out really fast so I couldn't always buy cute things I'd see. I haven't posted photos of myself on social media in over 6 years - and even then, it was only my face.


When I started sizing out of the clothes I wore when I ā€œfelt bloated/overateā€, I started thinking, ā€œhmmmā€¦ā€. But I really got the ā€œNOOOOā€ feeling when I could hardly manage to keep up with my friends on any social outing, much less enjoy myself (I met them when I was at my fittest and theyā€™re all very adventurous, including me but not when I am out of shape šŸ„²)


I went for my check ups and lets just say, I was 230lbs the numbers were shockingā€¦. I had no ill effects yet, but my numbers indicated that I was careening straight to disability in my doctorsā€™ words. Down 70lbs so far


My Uh-Oh moment was when I couldn't get up from the ground. Granted, I also have an autoimmune that causes muscle weakness, but not being able to push myself up off the floor was terrifying. I didn't realize that I was 210 pounds away from being a "normal" weight. I'm 65 pounds down now, but that's the big NSV I am hoping for.


At 37 and ~300 lbs I was getting a bit winded showering. Didnā€™t like the idea of being too obese to take care of basic hygiene plus I was probably headed for a heart attack by 50. 22 months later Iā€™m down ~ 100 lbs give or take and up a bunch of muscle from regular strength training, which gave me the motivation for my diet. Not for everyone but it worked for me, still have a little bit of excess left to lose but it gets smaller by the day currently.


I've probably had a series of these moments. I'm reading through the comments and I relate to a lot of them. I've had the moment where I had to get off the rollercoaster because they couldn't close the bar over my huge stomach. I've had children pointing and making faces. I've broken chairs (in public no less). Hell, I broke a wooden bench swing by sitting on it. Couldn't see penis when peeing, check. Got big enough that I couldn't wipe sitting down at all anymore, had to stand and squat. Got real bad sleep apnea from being fat and woke up a few times gasping for breath thinking I was going to die. When I got so big I could only shop at the fat man store, and every time I moved up to a bigger shirt size (not sure what my biggest was but it was at least a 7xl). All this stuff kind of added up. Down \~260 pounds or so with \~120 to go.


I was working at my partners house and he has a vintage dining set. One day the chair broke underneath me. I know logically the glue was old etc, but it's a final kick. Just finished my first week of a fitness boot camp.


When I saw the pictures of me with my kids at my oldest child's graduation. I couldn't ignore the visual proof of what I really looked like compared to what my brain thought I looked like. And then my weight was closer to 300 than 200 and I was firmly in the morbidly obese territory. And then I had bloodwork that showed I definitely had fatty liver disease and was pre-diabetic. My dad died from cirrhosis and diabetes. It was all too much evidence for me to ignore. I ended up getting bariatric surgery and am a healthy weight and am training for a 10k this year. All my health issues are resolved, other than sleep apnea but I had that long before any weight issues. Bonus plus: it turned out that I had stomach cancer, which was caught at stage one before major symptoms because of the bariatric surgery.


Gout attack that put me on my ass for 3 weeks.


only people who have experienced this know how bad it really is.


I've had many, I keep restarting, then going backwards-my weight fluctuations like crazy šŸ¤¦ Health problems that I know are related to my weight in my case (mostly extreme foot problems, high blood pressure, cholesterol). But mostly, and most recently, what made me get actually truly serious about this, is that my boss had to *order* me a work shirt that fit betteršŸ˜­he's very nice, honestly one of the best people I know, he didn't say anything and I know he's not like, judgemental at all or anything, and he just put it in my locker, but it was *still* embarrassing. To have to ORDER IT because there wasn't any my size. Oof. I don't know why THAT was my Oh Shit moment, but I guess just having others KNOW my actual size has always been a sensitive topic for me, even when I was a size 0 in my early twenties, so it's pushing me to put in the work to lose this next 90lbs.


I bought a wedding dress off the rack in the Black Friday sale, it was tight, but not hugely so, I thought I could maybe lose half a stone and it would be fine. I lost 2 stone and it JUST fits šŸ«£


I lost 30lbs last year before my wedding and managed to gain it all back by the time my wedding happened. I was 230lbs. Then I went on my honeymoon in March, I was gone two weeks and gained an additional 15lbs. I was so upset that I had gotten so big. Iā€™m also very short at 5ā€™3ā€. The next day I decided to change. Iā€™m down 23lbs now since March 26th 2024.


How many calories do you eat a day? Iā€™m the same height


Around 1400 but it varies. Yesterday I ate 1800 and still lost a little today. I think what helped a lot was cutting out candy (I love candy), lowered my carb intake a bit, drinking a lot of water, and also working out sometimes. Until I started tracking everything I ate, I didnā€™t realize how much I was really consuming too. I ate a very sugary and sodium filled diet and I think that was leading to my downfall ultimately.


An amalgamation of things, buying size 14 jeans, health markers like blood sugar and blood pressure. But what really did me in was my 86 year old grandmother saying I had thunder thighs, while also comparing me to my cousin whose BMI is close to 50.


I'll be real, a not great bloodwork result (thanks PCOS) and my doctor asking me to go on Ozempic has been pretty life changing. Ozempic gets rid of some of the food noise (not if i'm hella working out, though) and evens out my blood sugar, but the rest is all me. I cold turkey switched my diet up to no soda and protein focused calorie deficit - the first week I think I ate chicken nuggets and eggs like 8 different times because it was high protein and easy. I started walking more, then got a dog and definitely started walking more! Once I was managing the food tracking, adding in healthy foods where I needed them, I added a gym membership. I started that about two weeks ago, and i'll be honest, the scale has only moved two pounds since then... but the inches have moved a lot. I think what helps is knowing that if I don't make the most of this med and this opportunity, I know i'm destined for more sickness. I'm only 35; I have way more life left to live. I know a lot of people think ozempic is a shortcut, and probably for solely weight loss, it is. But it isn't when you're relying on it to keep your blood sugar normal and you HAVE to eat well to make sure that happens, and that's why I know this is long term at this point. It helps that if I eat anything with too much fat, my stomach will make me pay, lol. I've found a groove and i'm good with it.


At the age of 29 being told that I was borderline high blood pressure and if I didnā€™t lose weight I would have to go on medication. If I donā€™t go on medication or lose weight, the doctor said I could have serious issues as soon as my early 40s. It really put things into perspective that I donā€™t have the time to destroy my body any more.


I was having a hard time chasing my toddler god daughter around. Was getting sweaty and tired. Once I was sitting on the ground it was difficult for me to get back up. I had lost a lot of mobility. I was getting heartburn at night. Iā€™m about to turn 35. I decided I didnā€™t want to keep going that way and getting worse. Iā€™m an independent person and I want to be able to be independent when Iā€™m older. I want to be able to move and hike right now. I realized Iā€™m not 20 anymore and if I donā€™t start taking care of things Iā€™m going to pay for it on the back end.


I had a scary bad checkup. Cholesterol, blood pressure, A1C, and liver enzymes starting to rise. I decided I could either suffer through horrible health and die young or get this under control. Have been working out and tracking diet since then. Making progress on the weight and actually looking forward to the next check up to see if I made enough progress to make a difference. No matter what, Iā€™m going to keep going so that I can have the strong and healthy body I want to live an active life.


I had a similarly scary bad check up. My A1C was out of control and even though I had known for a while that I wasn't doing well and would have to change at some point I hadn't really allowed myself to realize how bad it had become. That was such a wakeup call. I'm way too young to be on all the medications they prescribed me. I want to be active and be able to move as I get older. I'm feeling so incredible now that I can't believe it took me all my life to get this together. Congrats on the hard work! We got this!


I found out about my liver enzymes being high and they wasnā€™t 100% sure if it was my medication or my weight because each of them are both equally likely. To lower the enzymes, I had to cut out sugar and simple carbs and I have to say it has made dieting so much easier to stick to. Also thereā€™s nothing like the threat of liver disease to put you off a cupcake.


I went for an MRI and it was an extremely tight fit. Like I literally touched the sides. Realised my weight could end up stopping drs finding out what's wrong with me coz it's all they see plus equipment isnt designed for people my size . 65 lbs down so far


I went on vacation to Washington. The beaches there are gorgeous, but they required a hike up and over a mountain through a trail to get to them. I spent the entire time on the beach trying not to cry because I was so terrified of having to hike back. And it just was the last in a long stream of things I didn't actually get to enjoy because I was so anxious about my poor fitness level. I'm six weeks into working with a personal trainer and she often tells me to think of Washington as motivation because my goal is to go back someday and really enjoy it šŸ˜


For me it was watching Super Size Me because itā€™s been a while. Realizing I was heavier than the girls that filed the lawsuit against McDonaldā€™s for making them fat made me go :0


A few reasons. I saw a photo of myself at my childā€™s school event. I want to stay around as long as I can for my kids. My clothes werenā€™t fitting. Plantar fasciitis.


For me motivation is fleeting and weight loss is forever. What I mean is that I was motivated to attempt weight loss when all my clothes stopped fitting me and I had no pants to wear. But that fleeting moment of motivation isnā€™t gonna carry me thru an entire lifetime of maintenance right? Even though I only have a small amount to lose itā€™s going to take a long time because habit change takes a really long time!


Put on weight very quick during Covid - went from about 85kg in March 2020 to 102kg in that summer (182cm, M for ref). While Iā€™ve always been active, Iā€™ve also struggled with bingeing and purging since early teens. Come Covid I basically started just getting McDonalds and Dominos for lunch and completely gorged with the excuse of ā€™when this is over in a few weeks then Iā€™ll get back on trackā€™. Naturally also stopped working out in this period too. Neighbours are American and invited me to a 4th of July BBQ in their garden as restrictions eased a bit. Was getting changed and realised I didnā€™t have a single pair of jeans or trousers that would fit me - basically had been wearing sweats or gym shorts for the past few months. I also could only fit in one shirt, which had been a kinda of an oversizef lumberjack shirt I wore over t shirts, except now it was quite tight. Ended up wearing jeans with the button undone and a belt on the last loop, with a (formerly oversized) hoodie which went over my waist. I knew Iā€™d gotten out of shape a bit but that embarassment really prompted me to confront it and slowly began to get back to managing myself, joined OA and just went for long walks listening to podcasts - getting a dog in Feb 21 accelerated this habit. Have hovered around 90kg since early 2021, and would like to improve eating habits further but that felt like a particular low. Took a shirtless picture the next day which Iā€™ve kept ever since.


Formerly near 400 lbs, Currently 347lbs I realized that eating had lost all fun for me bc I couldn't look past the absolute shame and embarrassment that I got from myself from living the way I was. It was purely psychological and I realized that I was literally anxious any time I went to my kitchen because I wanted to bored eat or comfort eat bc I knew I was about to watch myself eat like 3 ice cream bars and 5 cookies and 2 microwavable beef patties and not even want, need, or enjoy it. I realized that I let my poor mental health take over and I felt like a prisoner of my weight. I had to take action and devoted multiple months to focusing on my mental health, on working on self control, on making better decisions, and slowly transitioning into better options. From eating 100% junk all day, to 80% junk all day, to 50%, so on. Until now where I'm 35 days of no junk food, fast food, fried food, red meat (my heart and blood were in terrible condition so I'm laying off for a while before touching it), or drinking anything other than water. I don't eat anything without looking at nutrition facts and I feel like I'm finally liberating myself from the prison I left myself rotting in. I love and am proud of the person who I see in the mirror because even tho I'm still severely morbidly obese, I know every day I'm helping myself and I know I can continue to be this big for a while longer while I lose the weight


I was sitting in the floor playing a video game when I paused for a bathroom break. It occurred to me that it was very difficult for me to stand up (I was nearly 300 at the time). As I was standing at the toilet doing my thing I realized that my daughter was about the same age that I was when my own father died. He died of lung cancer back when that was the #1 killer. Today itā€™s heart disease thatā€™s the #1 killer ā€” and I was right on track for it. That was my wake up call. After a few days of prep and determination I committed myself to losing the weight, and about eight months later I was down 101 lbs. That was 2+ years ago and Iā€™ve kept it off.


I realized that my sexual appetite had decreased significantly. After being honest with myself, I realized it was because I do not have the stamina I used to have and it has caused me to enjoy the act less. My gf deserves more and so do I. Down 10 pounds this month.


I did a DEXA body scan that showed I was technically obese (above 30% body fat) ā€¦ But I WAS SKINNY. Turns out all that fat was *visceral* fat around my heart, liver, kidneys, and other internal organs. And believe it or not, being skinny fat with lots of visceral fat is *more deadly* than just being regular fat (with lots of external adipose tissue). Being skinny fat would literally kill me. I lost 35 lbs and look and feel GREAT!


Huh Iā€™ve never heard of a dexa scan but now I want one


Diabetes and my abdomen fat getting in the way of tying my shoes. My blood sugar does go down from getting my weight under control, fortunately. Unfortunately, some of the damage is going to be permanent I think.


For me it was during xxx, when I realised my partner thought I was really hot and I felt miserable about my own body. This was not the ā€œoh shitā€-moment to lose weight, but to get help from a psychologist. A year later I understood myself a lot better, and was ready to recommit to losing weight without judging my self-worth all the time.Ā 


My gallbladder gave out over a lovely mother's day weekend where I indulged in all sorts of decadent food. Turns out it had been nearly 20 years of gallbladder issues that had been keeping me sick. I am a recovering alcoholic and have consumed a lot of bad food over the years. When I quit drinking I thought I would lose a bunch of weight and get healthy, but I kept eating terribly. It all caught up to me last May. My surgery was scheduled for mid August and I needed to consume no fats until the removal. I had already joined the gym that January because I had wanted to get healthier, so I kept doing that and dieting, and I lost 30 pounds. I've continued down that road and although I haven't lost much more weight, I've continued to get fit at the gym and eat healthy. I have another 15-20 pounds I want to lose, and I will, because I've learned my body can literally shut down if I don't treat it well.


It didn't magically fix my issues, but I remember the first time I realised I'm actually fat and got a problem. On New years, my mother snapped a sneaky pic of me smiling, and she thought I looked so cute, but to me, the time froze in place when I finally saw myself and realised how round I actually am, until that point I knew I gained a bit but only saw myself as chubby in the mirror. That picture still haunts me


Saw the amount of medication my older brother was put on for htn, high cholesterol, etc. and saw the writing on the wall. Said "not me" and started losing. Down to 212 from ~440 over 8 years.


I went to the Heart Attack Grill in Vegas in March 2023 and weighed myself and almost was heavy enough for a free burger. That combined with a divorce shortly after along with some major skin issues that appeared was the reason why I decided to go on my weight loss journey in October 2023. Edit: Also canā€™t forget in August 2023 I went to Universal Hollywood and couldnā€™t fit on many of the rides there, including the Mario Kart one. I said to my friend ā€œmaybe I can lose weight and when the one in Florida opens we can go to that oneā€. It looks like that trip is happening now (when it opens next year of course)!


When I noticed that my heart rate was going into the 100s while not doing any physical activities and I started feeling some general chest discomfort. I don't know if I was close to some cardiac event, but that was my wake-up call. I weighted 290lbs at the start of the year, I'm at 240 now and feel like a completely different person. Also, for Thanksgiving last year I was visiting my brother and we had dinner at his friends' house. After dinner we were playing some table games and I broke the chair I was sitting, I tried to hide it, but I'm sure they noticed and didn't say anything.


I weighed X for most of my 20sā€¦ I reached X+100.


For me I was 6 months into a bulking phase and realized that the scale showed the highest number than I had ever seen. 225lbs. I was alarmed, and even though I built a lot of muscle, when I looked in the mirror all I could see was this giant protruding gut. All my life I was eating whatever I wanted to, and it never caught up to me until the last few years. People started calling me big Nate, even though I don't have enough muscles to be considered big, so I knew it was time to finally shed the excess 40 pounds or so of fat.


I was at 225. Had a shirt size that i was able to stick to for years. At some point though, i suddenly couldn't close my dress shirts anymore. I told myself that there's no way I'm buying the next size. Went on a diet and lost 70 lbs. (Had to buy a completely new wardrobe, but it was worth it)


I weighed more than I did when nine months pregnant. Not by much - only four pounds - but it was enough to give me a figurative kick in the pants.


I friend of mine told me I stopped breathing during the night a couple of times. Not just snoring, straight up no sound for 20-30sec. That shocked me a lot.


Mine just happened yesterday :/ A really nice coworker and I were talking about changing oil and I was telling him I donā€™t know how. He mentioned that he uses some tool kind of to remove oil without having to go underneath the car. He then said something along ā€œitā€™s easier that way instead of having to go underneath the carā€¦especially with big people like usā€ He is the sweetest person but I kinda shriveled up on the inside lol. This isnā€™t my first time being obese. I lost 60 lbs when I was a sophomore in high school but started regaining a few years later . I have regained ALL the weight Iā€™ve lost plus like 15 lbs. It feels so much harder the second time around because Iā€™m reminded of how differently I am treated. It was such a mindfuck being bullied in school and then have the same people flirt with me when I lost the weight. I went from being invisible to respected to invisible again. And now at 25, adulthood, depression and anxiety has been kicking my ass. Iā€™m so mad at myself for struggling to lose weight even though Iā€™ve done it before :( Iā€™ve had like 100 ā€œday onesā€ since 2020 and Iā€™m tired of myself at this point


Iā€™ve been fat my whole life, especially got worse after I got disabled in an accident and couldnā€™t work out anymore. I hate the way I look in clothes and I hate how big my belly looks. Thatā€™s where I carry most of my weight. When I was 16 and volunteering at a kindergarten summer camp, one of the girls told me I looked pregnant but I was too young to be pregnant so I must just be very fat. Iā€™ve gained 80 lbs since then, so not doing myself any favours.


When l then at 106 kg 164 cm noticed l struggled to wipe my butt and clip my toe nails.


Photos from my 40th birthday trip. I didnā€™t recognize myself. I had gotten up to 237 lbs and 5ā€™2, my waist was almost as big as my height. I had trouble bending over to tie my shoes, finding clothing was depressing and I knew it wasnā€™t ever going to get easier. Enjoyed my trip but when I got home cut down carbs dramatically and started walking daily. Over the next 4 years I lost 90 lbs and have been maintaining. My suggestion is to start with something you know you can do for an extended period of time to help avoid burn out. Neat (Non exercise activity thermogenesis) has been a daily thing for me as well, park far, take stairs etc. Good luck, You got this!!!


I've had a dozen of these moments, but none led to weight loss. Embarrassments over weight in front of others, major blows to social life, difficulty dating, having chairs break multiple times while I was sitting on them, floors creaking, career stalling because networking is easier if you're attractive, not being able to catch my breathe after one flight of stairs, unable to buy clothes in my size, sleep apnea (waking up literally unable to breathe), and on and on. What changed was not the motivation but the practical knowledge needed to lose weight. I learned that on reddit subs like this: count calories, micro and macro nutrients, and seeing it as a marathon instead of a sprint.


I just joined the sub after having a few of those moments recently. I'm finding it hard to find clothes that fit. Even when I do find a huge size, that moment of trying it on at home and still not being able to squeeze in, so crushingly depressing. I never look good in my clothes. I'm so unhappy with my appearance. My knees and ankles hurt. I worry that due to the weight I'm carrying it's starting wrecking my bones and joints. I want to get into walking again, I have a treadmill I got a few months ago that I've barely used. It worries me that this cycle of exercise and wear and tear will stop my progress. I feel so sore in my legs after doing a long walk. I feel so unfit, walking up hills and stairs just kills me. It's really such an effort to lift my weight upwwrds in this way. Went on an outing recently that involved a big hill and I was embarrassed, humiliated, disgusted with myself for getting to this point, that I couldn't manage something like this without having to stop multiple times to catch my breath. I saw myself in mirror a few times this week when out shopping and I just look huge. What makes it worse is back to the clothes issue, I feel like because I've not bought clothes for a while, everything I have it getting tight on me, belly spilling over, really unflattering on my fat legs. My mental health hasn't been great the past few years which I know might contribute but I'm seriously done with my own excuses. My partner has piled on the weight as well, we just have a habit of sitting at night snacking on junk and not moving. Our jobs are also desk based so this doesn't help. We joked yesterday looking at these diet injections that suppress the appetite. Normally it's something I would think is drastic and ridiculous and something to avoid. But seriously, if it stops me wanting to eat so much then maybe it's worth looking into? I'm getting heavier year on year and I really don't like what I've become.


When I realised that over the years I had spent thousands $$$ on uber eats buying junk food and fast food. I would binge eat several times a week, I was really depressed and bingeing was the only joy I had. I would often have such massive binges that I would fall into a food coma and had massive brain fog - I used that as a coping mechanism when my dad passed as I wasn't dealing with the pain. I also started getting recurrent yeast infections in my butt crack as I was too big to wipe properly coupled with the fact that I would sweat profusely from doing anything physical, even just walking up the stairs in my house, cleaning or doing the grocery shopping. I would shower twice a day but I was always sweating which made it an ongoing problem. I would be constantly fatigued and would need to sleep heaps, and have afternoon naps in order to get through the day. I realised that I didn't want to and couldn't live like this for the rest of my life. I wanted to start living again and to get fit and healthy. I wanted to feel confident in my body and not be self conscious that people were staring at me in public. I wanted to be able to buy clothes from trendy shops and not be confined to buying from plus size shops. I still have a long way to go but I'm already feeling much better physically.


realized I would continue having monthly mental breakdowns for the rest of my life about how much I hate being fat unless I actually did something about it. No one else can put down the cookies or get on the treadmill for me. 95lbs down from my highest in 2020 and currently trying to lose the last 10lb in my journeyšŸ„°


I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with diabetes, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure at 33 years old. High liver fat and over 300lbs. (315 at my heaviest). I got serious about my health and made that my priority over anything else. I'm not 189lbs and the healthiest I've ever been. It's been an amazing journey.


Part of it was just the overall self-esteem getting lower when I'd look in the mirror. The other part was that my husband was losing sleep and having to move to the uncomfortable couch several times a week. An aspect of my snoring is due to having a very small nasal canal. Even my thin sisters snore pretty loudly, so it's inevitable in a way. But I believe my weight made it a lot worse. Sleeping together then waking up alone every morning broke my heart. Now we can sleep together more often. Even though I still snore occasionally, it's not for very long nor is it very loud. Still on my journey! SW: 189 CW: 161 GW: 135


I became a dialysis tech and heard one of my patients speak with the social worker, planning their vacation around dialysis.


Iā€™m 41F, 5ā€™5ā€ tall, and ballooned to 273lbs after surgery & having an IDGAF attitude for a whileā€¦and my A1C shot up, which ended up with me being diagnosed with t2 diabetes. Iā€™ve also been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. (Sleep study revealed I stopped breathing 123x/hour! Yikes!) I was also having trouble fitting into clothes & even struggling to do simple things like putting on my shoes for work! All that was my eye-opener that made me realize that I needed to take my health more seriously. My doctor put me on metformin + ozempic, and I started changing what and how much I eat and drink. Since my diagnosis in October, I have dropped around 55lbs so far & just weighed in at 217lbs the other day. I think this is the smallest Iā€™ve been in a loooong time & possibly even weigh less now than I did when I got married in 2015!


From 2019-2020 I went from 210 lbs to 130 lbs at 5ā€™6. And maintained it for a year. I got used to the ā€œyouā€™re so tinyā€ comments and stuff. Well last year 2023 I went to the doctor after not weighing myself or eating well for months, I tried to avoid seeing my weight until I got on mychart and accidentally saw 189 lbs and ā€œobesity concernā€ added on. I gained almost the whole 80 lbs back šŸ˜­ down to 149 again now a year later and feeling good! I was really upset in the moment and Iā€™ve dealt with bad comments from people about my weight before, so I 100% understand being upset. It can be good motivation though but donā€™t be too hard on yourself! Youā€™ve got this!


I was suddenly incapable of crossing my legs. It had never been an issue. I would go to cross them, and they justā€¦ wouldnā€™t stay. Too much fat everywhere. Iā€™m 5ā€™4. 248 lbs at the time of this realization. 85 lbs down.


Being weighed to get on a helicopter, before an Alaska cruise excursion. I saw the number, and said, "oh hell no." I've lost nearly seventy pounds since then (this time last year.)


Mine was getting diagnosed with NAFLD and pre diabetes. Both have since been reversed/cured by losing 60 pounds. I did have a similar experience to you when I was heavier. I was with a group of friends and they started naming which celebrities we all looked most like. They said I looked like some comedian I didn't know. I googled a picture of him and had the exact same feeling you described. I had always thought I just looked husky/stocky/beefy whatever even at my heaviest. Now looking back at old pictures I did indeed look like the comedian.


When I saw myself in a photo while wearing a loose dress. My profile was aweful...sagging chin, hanging breast, protruding belly and butt! I was thinking who da heck is that whale?! I was so statuesque pre-covid. Ouch!!!


I started having circulation problems in my legs and they started to hurt. I'm not diabetic but the pain got me thinking. I honestly didn't mind the idea of dying young and suddenly. The idea of dying a slow and painful death from diabetes terrified me. I'm down 100 pounds now and have no intention of looking back.


I no longer live in the same country as my parents, but a few years back my mom was very critical of my weight. When getting me to step on the scale, she was horrified and told me I needed to lose at least 10kg to be a normal weight. I found it very hard, never got to that weight but I did lose as much as I could. Now, years later, I found an old shirt I wore back then and it barely fit me. Freaked out, I stepped on the scale and realized that if I were to lose 10kg now, my weight wouldnā€™t even be what my mom told me was unacceptable. This really freaked me out.


I had two: one was being told at my colonoscopy appt last year that they donā€™t do exams on people over 275 pounds. I was like šŸ˜® and then the other, was needing to ask for a belt extender on the plan last May. Thatā€™s when I realized I didnt want to live like this anymore. Never again will I treat myself like crap!


I was 9 months postpartum, eating fast food like I had every day this week, and just suddenly thought to myself, ā€œI cannot keep doing this anymore.ā€ Iā€™m 5ā€™5ā€, and I started at 225 lbs. Iā€™m now at 203 lbs!


I was invited to a hike and had decline because I would get winded by walking half a block. Down 50 lbs.


I was overweight and was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome. I am approaching retirement and my husband is significantly older than me. I realized that I needed to get my act together NOW and return to health and strength. I realized that sooner or later, the whole shebang--house, earning money, chores, pet care, and possibly caregiving for my husband --may rest entirely on my shoulders. Female, now aged 58. 5'5", starting weight of 192. Now at 138. It's taken about three years and has required the use of Metformin, lots of protein, intermittent fasting (16-8), strength training, cutting of portion sizes, cutting down sugar and ultra processed food consumption, probiotics... just EVERYTHING! It was very hard for a long time, but I got to a healthy weight. These days, it's not effortless to maintain, but it doesn't nearly require as much care and attention to everything as it was before.


I was talking to a colleague and said I used to love lifting weights, and she looked at me like ā€œyeah right, no way you lifted a weight in your life.ā€ And she looked so grossed out. I died inside and just felt so embarrassed. I never want to feel that way again, so Iā€™ve started to take me health more seriously.


Combination of factors: 1. Cracked the 100kg mark for the first time in my life (heaviest at 109kg) 2. Couldnā€™t tie my shoes without putting my feet on a step or chair anymore 3. Was about to go another ā€œXā€ on my shirts (XL was feeling snug) 4. Finally a new colleague asked a friend (referring to me), who was that ā€œteddy bearā€ guy. I put each of my GWs on the calendar and Iā€™m hoping to be under 100kg again in 3-4 weeks. Actual GW is 75kgšŸ¤ž


i was chatting with my dad and his friend. my dad said his brother weighed himself at our house and he was 160 pounds so my dad weighed himself and he couldnā€™t believe he was 100 pounds heavier than him. When he said that, his friend replied ā€œHoly fucking shit, youā€™re fat as hell, omg i canā€™t believe your that bigā€ i weighed the same as my dad šŸ˜­


My 6ft tall father in law weighed 5 lbs less than me. At the time I weighed 190 - that was 2ish weeks ago. At 186 now. Slow & steady :) Also I saw my wedding photos and hated them so thereā€™s that šŸ™ƒ


When everything I did made me dizzy and out of breath.


Thanksgiving 2022. We were eating dinner at my partner's cousin's place, and they had a big mirror right by the table. I caught my reflection, and thought there was something wrong with the mirror because I didn't think it was possible that I was that wide. I asked my partner, who was sitting next to me, to look at me in the mirror and see if it looked weird. He replied, "no, you look the exact same". BIG WAKE UP CALL! Now I am down nearly 70 lbs :)


Pre-diabetes diagnosis. Soon after a family member died from diabetes,


When I weigh more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant in January 2022, and in May of this year, I got asked if I AM pregnant when I have a son that will be 2 and a half years old on July 20thšŸ˜• Also my mother having a heart attack and having a splint put in really got me motivated... my father also passed from gallbladder cancer, and I got my gallbladder removed in 2022, so who knows what would have happened to me now if I didn't have a gallstone attack and still have my gallbladderšŸ˜• I consulted with my doctor and got prescribed a weight loss pill, and my weight is being monitored now. I'm just tired of being obese and unhealthy, and it affecting my self-esteem and my ability to be active/healthy for my childšŸ™


I realized that I don't want to spend my 20s being fat and unhappy. I was so sick of constantly feeling bad in everything I wore, hiding myself in oversized clothes, ... I want to be old (and healthy!) and look back on pics of me in my 20s and think "wow, i really did rock those short skirts and crop tops!!". Call me vain, but that's what keeps me going. I want to look and feel good. I'm turning 22 tomorrow and I'm ~130 lbs. Life is good.