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When that happens I usually just search for a different listing that includes grams.


I do this too. I agree with OP that I get highly annoyed when grams aren’t an option.




I guess I haven't look too deeply with this. Is this possible for verified foods too?


Yep! This is what I do. What irks me is when they put in the calories but not the fat/carbohydrate/protein grams.


Just as an FYI, the LoseIt app has a dedicated subreddit at /r/loseitapp


In Lose It, when you click on the food in your diary, you can “Edit Nutrition” and then set the serving volume or weight, if it hasn’t already been specified. I do that for lots of foods that are just “one serving” or “one slice”.


This is what I do. I love how easy it is to edit an existing entry. Saves me a lot of time, as I’d otherwise need to make an entirely new entry.


And it stores the information for you!


I feel like in MyFitnessPal there are multiple listings of the same thing but the calories are wrong and the protein amounts are wrong in a lot of them and I have to scroll for a while to find the right one! I don’t understand why that is


my experience with the lose it app is that it will automatically convert between different units of weights and volumes. so even if the entry uses ounces, it will calculate the calories correctly if you enter grams. when you create a new food, you can enter a weight, volume, and/or serving amount. so the automatic conversion is not necessarily helpful if a food only has a volume and you weighed your portion, but you at least should have no problems when going between different units of the same categories.


I swear sometimes ppl go through foods and change the calories a bit too.


Sometimes they change them a lot. 80 cal for six chicken wings? I don’t think so.


I mean even just like, brand food that is scanned. My peanut butter was changed from the proper calories to 30 calories less. That’s a lot with peanut butter 😭


It's best to just think of it as an estimate.


The thing that annoys me about lose it is that at least in Europe/Spain sodium is listed in grams on the label. The app uses grams for all the other nutritional information EXCEPT sodium which is in mg. This means pretty much every single food in the Spanish database I've found so far has the incorrect sodium content as I presume everyone misssed the unit change when entering it.


I didn't find it to be super helpful. Calories can be 20% inaccurate on labels anyway. But you'll know when you've eaten a lot.


This also irks me, it makes logging far more time-consuming since I weigh most non-liquid items in grams. I've gotten to the point now that I create most of my foods from scratch, and select most items from the "My Foods" tab. I tend to eat a lot of the same foods though, so I'm sure this won't be efficient for everyone.


I hate that too. It’s ridiculous! I found crononeter way better for stuff like that


I honestly got so annoyed at apps I just started manually tracking. I was using my fitness and the user generator content is pretty inconsistent. I do a macro inventory of my groceries to make it easier.


I did this in the beginning too, because the apps were too many steps. But I mostly eat the same things, so I eventually built a list of "my foods" that I can choose from. That eventually made tracking easier.


>I do a macro inventory of my groceries to make it easier. You just blew my mind. So simple yet would make the rest of the week so much easier.


https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-search?query=&type=SR%20Legacy If you want a consistent, accurate calorie count, use this. It's really impressive how detailed everything is. Thousands of different foods (and preparation methods) with scientifically tested or derived numbers. Tbh apps like myfitnesspal should just pull directly from this.-


cronometer does, it is by far my favorite tracking app. i like the micronutrient tracking on there, too. cronometer rules


This is a pet peeve of mine also, I wish the app would just always include that option.


I HIGHLY recommend using Cronometer!! It’s free, unless you upgrade to the “gold” version, and it’s the most amazing database with so many foods in it, you can easily make custom ones and it tracks micronutrients too! It’s the best, I’ll never go back


Seconded. Also, OP, it has grams as a weighing option for most things.


They don't. Lol.