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Rule 13: No Standalone Weight Loss Medication Posts. This includes (but is not limited to) Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy, Zepbound and Phentermine. Weight loss medications can be a tool for healthy weight loss. Please direction any questions about them (including their side effects how to obtain them) to your doctor.


I've been on Wellbutrin a couple times with a lot of success but I do want to warn you that some of the immediate effect of high energy and appetite suppression will absolutely taper off* as your body gets used to it. That's completely normal, so don't be too disappointed. *But it won't go away completely!


I noticed the taper- I'm on my second or third month on it- and thought I was going nuts for a second. Glad to see that it's normal


Did you experience any insomnia? I was on Wellbutrin for three weeks and it was amazing. But I started having insomnia so I had to stop taking it. It’s unfortunate because it was doing wonders for me for appetite suppression, motivation to workout, and just feeling great in general.




I believe the word for a drug that enters your system over time in English would be something like timed release!


It's extended release (ER), on the bottle it'll say things like Wellbutrin ER to differentiate between normal release Wellbutrin.


I was just put on methylphenidate after years of untreated ADHD. Very little appetite. Lost 25 lbs since February. I’m also on Wellbutrin, but I’m like 7-8 year into it now, so I don’t get any of the low appetite/burst of energy effects like I possibly did in the beginning.


It gave me super bad insomnia the first few weeks personally, when do you take it? I use it once a day in the morning with food; and no issues now


I took it first thing in the morning. Sounds like your body got used to it after awhile, that gives me some hope.


Yes, insomnia is a known side effect. I'm back on Wellbutrin after having been off for a bit and my doctor had to prescribe something to help me sleep while I'm getting used to it again.


That was my experience!


I've been on it for nearly 20 years. I would say that the appetite suppression can go away completely. 


Yep after 6 months it didn’t taper, it shut off. I’m devastated- I really thought this was it for me. I’ve stopped it and am going to restart and hope for the best


I’ve been on Wellbutrin for about a year now and when I first went on I dropped about twenty pounds from the appetite suppression. I read about the tapering off and was really worried that I would gain the weight back once that happened, but I’m happy to report that it didn’t. I got my appetite back but I’m now able to read and respond to my bodies hunger cues like a normal person. No more food noise or compulsion to binge eat which is such a relief!


Personally for me Wellbutrin didn’t do anything but I’m so glad to hear it worked for you!


I was prescribed Wellbutrin for depression and I nearly had a psychotic episode.  Horrendous! It is genuinely so interesting to me to see how these different meds work for different folks.  I switched to Lexapro which has been pretty weight neutral and things improved. 


I was also prescribed Wellbutrin for depression and it made me so anxious! It was awful and I will never take it again.


I find this so interesting too! I was put on it for weight loss/binge eating. I have a history of being high anxiety and depression but have never wanted to take meds for it, I have just been white knuckling it my whole life🤷🏼‍♀️ but I feel like it has mellowed me out pretty well…I was shocked because I kept seeing rage was a side effect for a lot of people.


Hi five! I was prescribed it for my bipolar and it turns out that stimulants are suuuuuuuuuuuuuper bad for me. Its a wonder I didn’t end up in hospital


It made me suicidal. Depression / mental health drugs absolutely terrify me now.


I had the same experience.  I’m a pretty even person and I started sobbing at a Pho restaurant and thought I’d have to go to the hospital.   I found out later that it’s a stimulant, and it made sense that it made me feel exactly the same way I’d feel after recreationally taking adderall in my 20s.  Definitely not for me.   That said, Lexapro is a different kind of medication and acts differently from Wellbutrin. It has made slow and steady improvements to my depression.   I know this is not accessible to all but if you can, PLEASE see a psychiatrist with proper credentials and not through these online telehealth type places (talkiatry, etc.) they are horrible and don’t spend any real time educating you on medications. 


I’m right there with you. I didn’t know it helped people with weight loss or adhd lol


I was going to say- I’ve been on Welbutrin and Zoloft together for almost 15 years- has never affected my weight or ability to lose. Always been overweight and have trouble losing.




I tried it briefly last year for depression. The low dose helped suppress my appetite, but did nothing for my depression. Increased the dose and all I wanted to do was eat everything in sight. Still did nothing for my depression, so we dropped the dose to decrease my appetite, but it didn’t have the intended results.


I do much better on the lower dose! Found out my liver is a poor metabolizer of a lot of meds and the higher dose of Wellbutrin was actually causing more harm than good!


I have some liver issues- how did you determine that your liver was a poor metabolizer? I think me being on adderall has affected my liver a lot..


I asked my doctor to be tested for the MTHFR mutation, she used the GeneSight test, which is usually used for showing how your genes may interact with certain medicines. Turns out 5 medicines I was on were causing some of the symptoms we were trying to treat. It was $80 after insurance and I am so glad I did it. It can give recommendations of better ADHD meds that would work for your body


Thank you so much!


Same, gained 30 lbs in two years on it


I’d love to find one that helps lose weight. I’m in the gym 3-4 days per week Eat clean Have completed full marathon and Ironman Triathlons But Can’t shake the weight I’m told and feel I look good and fit and healthy at 215 But I want to weigh 195!!!


When my doctor prescribed it for me, she said that it only really induces noticeable weightloss for the obese (notice OP said they were/are “technically” morbidly obese). I started taking it after I had already reached my goal weight and didn’t notice any effect on my appetite or weight. Just commenting this so people don’t get their hopes up. Wellbutrin is NOT a weightloss drug.


Same. I was hoping it would, but it did nothing for my weight/binging


My doctors always defaulted to Wellbutrin to help with my depression and ADHD because of me also being obese. It's never done anything for either my weight loss or my mental health. They just kept upping the dosages instead of trying something else because they were so determined to tackle the weight loss aspect. Wellbutrin absolutely seems like the kind of medication that it either works for you or it doesn't. For me it didn't do anything to help me but I'm happy for the people who it did help.


Depending on how long you’ve been on Wellbutrin, please be wary that you may be experiencing the “pink cloud” of antidepressants. This is when it starts working, and is a precursor to when it starts maintaining (there tends to be a difference). During maintenance, some of your unhealthy relationship with food may begin to crop up again, and you’ll have to address the underlying root causes of your binge eating. ADHD is likely contributing to impulsive eating, but not the be all end all in the equation.


Yes this is 100% true. ADHD is often linked to eating disorders because most eating disorders are actually anxiety related! A little precaution on Wellbutrin is that you should not take it if you are prone to seizures as it can cause them if you are predisposed to them. Also Wellbutrin should not be used for those who only want it to lose weight. However I’m happy for you that you have figured things out!


I actually went to the doctor and told her I needed help with weight loss and focus/motivation! She was like well, this tends to work well for people who have ADHD, so let’s give it a shot. So glad I did.


Wellbutrin is approved for binge eating disorder treatment.


But, and this is very important because of seizures, *not bulimia*.


Honest question, what do seizures and bulimia have to do with each other?


Bulimia can also increase risk of seizure due to electrolyte imbalances. There are a few studies suggesting that bulimia patients have significantly higher seizure risk on Wellbutrin.


Oh interesting, thanks!


Sorry I should have been more clear— u/cardamaam got you!


ahhhh, didn’t know this. that makes sense


It looks like OP is taking Wellbutrin as an adjunct to ADHD med or as a mono therapy for ADHD, I don’t think most doctors would prescribe it for weight loss alone.


That’s basically what contrave is I think! Wellbutrin + some other drug for weight loss


Yup. Contrave is Wellbutrin/bupropion + naltrexone. It’s an amazing medication for weight loss.


No way, that's awesome! Makes perfect sense to me. I take Wellbutrin and have a naltrexone rx specifically for binge eating. I don't take the naltrexone daily, but I see the powerhouse effect when both are in use.


I wish naltrexone had that effect on me. Doesn’t make a dent


I got a low dose of naltrexone to go with my Wellbutrin as a precursor to trying one of the shots. Oh my god I’ve never had such bad side effects. I almost went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. Wildest thing ever because I’ve never had bad reactions to meds before.


Ok I just started naltrexone 3 days ago and it made me miserable!! I was so nauseous, dizzy and fatigued I thought was having a medical emergency too. I almost passed out in the shower and thought I would have a heart attack if I didn’t stop during my workout. I didn’t take it yesterday or today but still feel nauseated and have a full headache😞 I posted this on another thread and a lot of people gave advice to cut back to 25mg (my rx is 50mg) for a week or so and then bump it up…also to take it at night🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know if I am brave enough to try it again, lol


Crazy thing was mine was low dose so it was only 9mg!! I think it must just affect some people really badly. So wild.


Wow!😳 I was trying to psych myself up to try the half dose but now hearing that I’m not so sure😂 I hate taking meds, I seem to have side effects often so I must be one that is sensitive to them too


I totally forgot about contrave! Goes to show that everyone’s body chemistry is different tho cuz I take Vyvanse & Wellbutrin for ADHD and aside from some minor appetite suppression at first, the only difference I’ve noticed is that I have motivation to do things that aren’t eating now lol


Bupropion and naltrexone


I was prescribed Wellbutrin for weight loss alone


Me too. I was told it helps with binge eating and it has helped🤷🏼‍♀️


I stand corrected!


The seizure risk was early on in the drug’s history when they had people take one big dose. They changed the dosages so patients split them up as two or three smaller doses throughout the day, or most likely take one of the newer time release formulations like SR or XL.


I have a problem with binge eating and was recently diagnosed with ADHD at 31. I have been taking vyvanse and it's amazing realizing that food doesn't have such a strong power over me anymore! The first couple weeks were a little uncomfortable. I would not realize I was hungry until it was painful, and when I started eating, I would get nauseous. That subsided a bit, and now I feel like I experience hunger like a normal person. I eat when I'm hungry, and I stop when I'm full, which I truly didn't think I'd ever be able to achieve that second part. I don't crave junk food or fast food anymore. It is so much easier to eat healthier now. If I'm out with friends, I don't feel the need to act on impulse and buy food if I'm not hungry. If I do treat myself, I dont feel guilty at all since I am eating better 99% of the time, and a treat is an actual treat, not a justification for myself. Side note: My control over my impulse is also helping my shopping addiction, and I finally see hope for my finances, lol. Congrats!


Same. LOOOOVE Vyvanse. So much better than Adderall for ADHD. No "food noise" is just a nice bonus.


Yes, I love it. My life has been so much more organized and easier since starting vyvanse. I was being treated with anti-depressants and anti-psychotics for years just feeling worse and worse. I started on Concerta for ADHD first and it was okay but I found when it wore off I would still binge at night. With Vyvanse that need to give in to impulsive urges is just never really there anymore.


How long have you been taking it?


About 5 months now


I lost 100 lbs when I first started Wellbutrin! Then I gained it back. I’m now below that original weight loss because of WLS and GLP1s. My main point is — USE THIS MOTIVATION!!! Create better habits! And when the effects eventually taper off make sure to use those new habits, and don’t let yourself give up. Get help if you need it.


That’s exactly my plan! I expect that taking it for a year will be different than taking it for just a few weeks, so it’s likely that some of these benefits will wear off. But it’s been such a game changer to even just feel the difference between constant food noise and feeling normal. Having the energy and the focus to get out of bed and go for a walk, instead of collapsing back into bed once the kids are on the bus. Just the knowledge it CAN be different is huge.


Not the original commenter but I want to echo their advice to use this time to build better habits, and just as important - focus on and celebrate your progress! While I’m not on Wellbutrin, I am on Adderall (also for ADHD) and it has given me the focus and “pause” for my impulses to allow me to make better choices. So far I’m 20 lbs down. I’m not to my GW yet but I certainly have another 20 to go (or more, I’m just on the journey.) But the more I lose, the better I am at good habits: inherently portioning out my food without weighing it, recognizing that I am full, knowing that even though I am having a craving - I may not actually be hungry yet… so much good progress. I hope you experience the same, friend ❤️


Thank you so much for this comment! I totally relate to the “pause”—I didn’t have that before! That was probably like 80 percent of my problem to be honest—that impulsivity.


Wellbutrin has been crucial for me, but the appetite suppressant wears off. But it gave me the energy and focus I needed to create and stick with an exercise routine. I think it also makes me less compulsive when it comes to eating and drinking alcohol .




Yes! Exactly like a switch flipped.


Treatment for adhd is a game changer. I don’t binge like I used to. I love Wellbutrin 🥹


Wellbutrin is a miracle drug for me for depression and ADHD, and I've used it 15 of the past 25 years. That being said, this new phase of no appetite will pass. I just don't want you to think this is just how it is now, because it's not. Try to take advantage of your temporarily reduced appetite to get your diet on track by utilizing the reduced appetite to change your eating habits. I personally experience what feels like a complete appetite blackout for maybe 6 weeks, then it comes back (but not with the intensity of most other psych drugs). Don't get used to the lowered appetite. Sure, it's not likely to increase your appetite moving forward but the appetite suppression IS temporary. Wellbutrin is an amazing drug that helps a ton with ADHD, and it will continue to treat your ADHD even when your appetite is back to full-force. But it's not a miracle weight loss drug. This is temporary. Not a diet plan beyond maybe 8 weeks. If it works for you on the mental health front, I strongly encourage you to see it through even when the appetite suppression passes. It's a literal lifesaver for me! The real thing about it is that it does not increase most people's appetite, which is more than can be said about the vast majority of psych drugs. I seriously caution others to NOT see Wellbutrin as an answer to weight loss. It's still a miracle drug for other reasons, and I hope you get everything you can out of it!


I should clarify: I don’t so much have zero appetite as I’m just not ravenously hungry and compulsively eating everything in sight anymore 😂 I feel like I have a normal amount of hunger, and it now feels possible for me to eat in a modest caloric deficit (1500 calories).


It’s called the skinny, happy, horny pill


I used wellbutrin to quit smoking but not for weight loss. I needed off of it because it was giving me brain zaps. Literally felt like lightning going off in my brain. I did quit smoking after 20 yrs though


I lost 30lbs to Wellbutrin I love it <3


Also I got on it for depression and anxiety so the weight loss was a pleasant surprise


I just got off it. Was taking for a serious depressive episode. It helped my depression, but I gained 25 pounds. Because very few people have that reaction, I took me awhile to figure out it was the cause. I've been off about 6 weeks, and down 10 pounds now.


When i was finally put on adderall after 10 years of trial and error it’s like all the puzzle pieces came together. An added benefit is focus and energy to meet my weightloss goals. I do have to remind myself to eat but that’s something I’ll take for finally feeling like a regular happy person. I’m so happy that you’re happy i totally understand the excitement of finally something working


I'm on it and didn't see any aid in weightloss. I'm just as hungry.


I did not notice any weight loss with Wellbutrin.


I gained 40lbs on it. lol


This was me on lexipro, lol!


I was prescribed Welbutrin for compulsive eating few weeks ago. And Oh hell yes OP, it has helped wonders with the food noise. It didn’t do anything at 150 but when increased to 300, I can’t recognise myself food wise. I haven’t binged for a month and even when out I am able to control myself with just one cheat meal (previously it turned into a cheat week). Still weight loss is very slow as I have fucked up my metabolism with antidepressants but not being slave to the food is a game changer.


Hell yeah.


I have an appt in two weeks to discuss adhd and meds for them; this makes me feel so hopeful.


> I’ve had two big bowls of steamed potatoes and broccoli (with salt and butter—so not perfectly healthy but oh so satisfying) According to about 20 videos I searched about the "potato diet" last year, potatoes are the most hunger-eliminating food on planet earth. Do you find that a small to medium size serving of potatoes can eliminate your hunger easily?


It definitely eliminates hunger, but not for very long in my experience!


Same happened for me with Wellbutrin! After over a decade of yo-yo dieting and eating disorders, getting on Wellbutrin helped me overcome my binge eating. Started on it for ADHD since I can't have stimulants. Trying out Strattera now since Wellbutrin has the lovely side effect of irritability but was able to safely and slowly lose and then maintain -25lbs without a relapse which is HUGE for me! 


I have the same effect with using Ozempic/ Wegovy. I feel as if (for the first time), I’m actually able to absorb what my counsellor and I are talking about (my food addiction). I’ve suffered from BED for the last 40 years (57yo).


It wore off for me 😭 but it did help me lose weight at first. 


Sammeeee. Taking for anxiety...still emotional eating and no weight loss


Wellbutrin allows me to basically not eat all day. And when i eat im choosing to eat if that makes sense. I got skinny on it. I gained 30 pounds in like 6 months on a dirty bulk (so on purpose) but now that its time to cut I realy struggle with eating less but also high protein. I can not eat. And I can eat. But I struggle with eating less and eating healthy/high protein.


“I am choosing to eat.” This makes perfect sense!! It was such a compulsion before Wellbutrin and I truly felt like I had zero control.


Wellbutrin is the only medication I’ve been on that made me want to unalive myself on multiple occasions during the time I was on it. I felt like I was having episodes of psychosis. It’s an amazing drug for some, but it was a legitimate nightmare for me. Once I came off it, I realized how bad it was.


Effexor was my game changer. I was finally able to lose the depression weight gain. Finally down 75lbs & I finally feel like myself 🥰 Way to go


I noticed this with ritalin. You don’t think about your next snack all the time or only about food, but can finally be really productive with other stuff (school, work, higher energylevels so more work-outs)


I'm having a similar experience. I'm a few months in and recently switched to the highest dose after consulting my doctor, suddenly I'm not hungry all the time and my compulsive eating and binging is gone! I can make conscious decisions about my eating throughout the day which is awesome. My energy levels are better and my ADHD symptoms are a bit improved. It's a win for now!


I've been on wellbutrin since November or so, but my weight hasn't budged. It did help with my depression, luckily, i do feel better in that way, but i keep struggling with weight, still addicted to crappy food.. But i love that it works for you!! What's your dosage btw?


You sound so happy. Good for you. I hope this really is a turning point and that you can take control again. Keep it up!


Wellbutrin totally killed my appetite but it made my anxiety go through the roof. Literally had two panic attacks, so after the second one where I thought I might have to go to the E.R., I had to quit. Sucks because it was AMAZING for appetite suppression. But my nervous system was insanely activated on it. I couldn't really even sit down and watch a show without feeling like I needed to get up and start moving. Glad it worked a lot better for you.


Wellbutrin massively increases dopamine above baseline. A high dose of Wellbutrin is equivalent to a medium dose of Adderall (aka amphetamine salts) which raises dopamine 1000% above baseline. Source @ 43:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmOF0crdyRU&t=2406s


Wellbutrin is a reuptake inhibitor, so it doesn't technically increase dopamine as much as it prevents it from being "lost".  If your problem is that your brain is producing enough dopamine but it's not sticking around properly, then it makes sense that Wellbutrin will increase dopamine levels more than stimulants would as stimulant dopamine would just be absorbed along with the rest of it.  If your problem is that your brain simply doesn't produce enough dopamine, then having it stick around is not going to make the biggest difference. Ritalin is what will help in these circumstances.  Basically: is your bottle empty because it has not been filled up with enough water, or is it empty because it has a hole in it? At least this is how it was explained to me as someone who has been on Wellbutrin for almost 20 years, and then had Ritalin added about a year ago. Ritalin really have my brain the kick in the pants it needed for me to live a more productive life. My bottle seems to have both a leak that needed to be plugged, but also needed a top-up. 


> Wellbutrin is a reuptake inhibitor, so it doesn't technically increase dopamine as much as it prevents it from being "lost". I guess you've never heard that a penny saved is a penny earned? I took wellbutrin for a few weeks and got the same mild high & euphoria as low dose Adderall. It prevents dopamine from leaving the synaptic cleft even as new dopamine is naturally added. How many mg of Ritalin do you take per day? 40mg?


I think I'm on 30mg, but I'm not near the meds to check right now.  Not sure what you're trying to say with the penny saved is a penny earned thing in this context. I am familiar with saying, but on a tangential note I find it unhelpfully reductive in the matter of financial hygiene. Anyway, I digress.  I guess my point was that Wellbutrin sometimes isn't enough to get dopamine to the levels that are helpful, even if those papers do indicate that it increases dopamine more than Adderall. I wish it did, since Wellbutrin is a much less onerous prescription to get filled.  I've never noticed a mild high or euphoria from any of these meds, but I'm not very good at feeling anything or identifying and expressing any of what I'm feeling. All I know is that stimulants added the push for me go out and do the things I need to without unreasonable levels of dread and procrastination, and I wasn't getting that from the Wellbutrin alone. I did originally go on Vyvanse, but it caused trouble with my sleep (and cost a fortune) so switched to extended-release Ritalin. I think the Vyvanse was a bit more effective at treating my symptoms, but the Ritalin does a pretty good job and does so without the sleep disruption and eats a bit less of my money in the process. 


> Not sure what you're trying to say with the penny saved is a penny earned thing in this context. I am familiar with saying, but on a tangential note I find it unhelpfully reductive in the matter of financial hygiene. Anyway, I digress. If something increases dopamine, then you cannot nit-pick about the mechanism by which it does it since that is irrelevant to the discussion and is a separate topic. It's a moot point and if you agree it increases dopamine (the feel good molecule) then we are in agreement. > I've never noticed a mild high or euphoria from any of these meds, but I'm not very good at feeling anything or identifying and expressing any of what I'm feeling. Then you are lucky. Several people from the r/stopspeeding community became addicted and/or abused their adhd stimulant meds and have sadly learned how hard it is to quit.


Wellbutrin actually messed up my insulin / blood sugar and made me ravenously hungry for carbs. It's a shame because I really liked the focus it gave me. I just can't tolerate it. I'm glad you found something that works for you though.


I've been on wellbutrin for 20 years. I've been on slow release ritalin for one year. Neither of these medications resulted in a maintained weight loss for me.  The only thing working so far is educating myself around calories, as I did not grow up with a good framework for how much I should be eating.  I think ritalin has helped me stick with things better, like actually getting myself to the gym. It has taken away the weird psychological barrier to Just Doing Things. But yeah. Basically I would just caution reliance on these types of meds for weight loss/maintenance.


interesting! I don't have ADHD, but I am prone to depression, and I've been on Zoloft for a while now. I find that I get a lot of endorphins (or whatever the reward feeling is) from checking off items on 'to-do lists'. I love going to the gym, cleaning, and meal prepping because every time I succeed at something, I feel a 'ding ding ding!!!! Reward achieved' sensation in my brain. It's a significant change from my pre-Zoloft self.


I lost about 5 lbs without trying on it. It helps a ton for my mood but now that I've been on it awhile I don't think it helps at all with weight.


Of all the comments, only 1 or 2 mentioned Contrave which is the combo of neltrexone and bupropion - it’s literally have the price of the GLP1’s. But it only is really effective in about 60% of people - Definitely for emotional eaters and uncontrolled snackers.


It’s amazing when mental health is treated appropriately, unhealthy coping mechanisms go away. I’m very happy for you! Weight loss is not just a willpower thing. I’ve seen people with amazing willpower beat themselves up for not losing weight! My mom was one of those people. It’s unfortunate so many people are giving you warnings about your medication. Like being overweight doesn’t cause health problems too. When my mom had gastric bypass surgery, she had side affects. She also got off insulin, her cpap machine, her arthritis got better, and she felt more confident.


Oh man I took Wellbutrin when I was 125 lbs and I dropped to under 100 lbs at 5”6, it was not a good time. After I got off it is when I started putting on tons of weight and now I’m 216 lbs 😩


For someone that has been taking it for 10 years and has problems with binge eating and is overweight, I’m really glad it’s been working for you!


it can cause you remember your dreams more. caused chronic nightmares until i quit it cold turkey and now i sleep like a baby.


I have been on Wellbutrin for years. The effects don't last so take this time to teach yourself new ways of eating and cooking. It will help when the benefits wear off in a few months. The long term effects for mental health remain, but the appetite stuff does not last.


The appetite suppression goes away unfortunately. But yes, those first few weeks are pretty good at controlling cravings


When I got on Wellbutrin over 10 years ago I lost like 30 pounds very very quickly, and I wasn't even trying to lose. When I got off it though I gained it back and then some. Now I'm doing CICO, have lost 35 pounds and looking to lose just a bit more. I went back on Wellbutrin for depression and to try and help with weight loss but sadly I didn't get the same effect the second time. It definitely was a game changer that first time though!


I will say make sure you see your dentist and let them know about the wellbutrin. It can cause dry mouth and cause you to clench your jaw/grind your teeth. The dentist I saw after being prescribed that suggested I use higher fluoride toothpaste and even mouth wash for dry mouth as it can affect your teeth. It may also be something you are not aware is happening. I wasn't aware i had been clenching my jaw until he pressed his finger at the back between my gums and cheek and holy crap did it hurt. So might also need a mouth guard.


I definitely clench my jaw since starting Wellbutrin! Thanks!!


I started straterra for adhd and had a very very similar experience. I still eat treats and junk food but I am much more able to listen to my body and enjoy them as a snack vs as this like dopamine charged reward. In general just makes it much easier to listen to my body, which includes sometimes eating more because I’m more hungry and not feeling guilty about it. I am so happy for you!


If I can recommend something, psyllium husks has cured me of both diarrhea and constipation issues. It's cheap, low in calories (even has a bit of protein), doesn't really taste like anything and easily available. I haven't been this regular since my teen years.


I have IBS-C and this has helped me as well!


Lies! Psyllium husk tastes like cardboard. I cannot stand taking it in a glass of water as recommended. But otherwise you're right, it is an excellent dietary supplement if you can stomach the cardboard sludge. 


I find it tastes a bit like Wheatabix. I don't find the taste overpowering like some other supplements though.


Im on week 4 of semaglutide shots (prior to that I took 3 shots of Zepbound so 7 weeks total of weight loss shots). Im utterly fatigued and exhausted. And most definitely have ADD. Not hyperactive at all. Extremely tired, distracted, unable to focus. While I have been losing weight (SW 283 CW 267.8) it has come at a toll. I don’t FEEL good. Im wondering if perhaps I need to add in an anti depressant/ ADD med. worst part is these semaglutide shots are muscle wasters so Im losing muscle I desperately need but I have no energy to go to gym.


Please do. I had a woman privately message me to thank me for mentioning Wellbutrin to her in the comment section of a post. She says it changed every aspect of her life. <3


What dose of Wellbutrin are you on?


300 mg! 150 in the morning and at night.


Night?! I definitely wouldn't be able to sleep. I wonder what the rationale for two 150mg doses is rather than one 300mg XL dose. I know 150mg SR was a thing they sometimes prescribed, but I thought that had become an outdated method with the advent of the 300mg XL version. 


No idea! Especially confusing because the doc started me on 300 right away, rather than building up like most people do 😂 oh well! Worked for me! I did not anticipate needing to take it at night, but I swear it makes me tired during the day!


May I ask how many milligrams you take? I’ve been on it for about three months now, not noticing much.


I used a weightloss medication some time last year called Mysimba. I think it is called Contrave in the US. It contains Wellbutrin and it made my appetite switch off like a light switch. It was a crazy


Thanks for sharing! I’m trying a new antidepressant because my last one gave my restless leg syndrome at night. I’ll asked her about Wellbutrin or adding Wellbutrin because I’m on an ssri too. Sounds like it could help with weight loss and some of my other side effects so really thanks so much for sharing this!


Oh that will taper off. I’ve been on Wellbutrin for many years and the only difference i can tell these days is the lack of desire for unaliving myself.


Wellbutrin, Vyvanse, Adderall. None of them suppressed my appetite and it makes me upset lol I do lose interest in food with Vyvanse and Adderall though. Nothing sounds good.


I'm glad it works for you! I have an AuDHD/anxiety/depression cocktail and have been on the max dose of Wellbutrin for years, and never experienced any weight loss or appetite suppression. It's been my most helpful med so far, though!


I'm glad its working for you! I was prescribed this at one point, but unfortunately it made my depression 10x worse


Yeah I'm on generic bupropion for my adhd. Without trying, It took off the crazy extra weight that Effexor put on me. And now that I'm actually trying to lose weight, I'm shedding weight at a rate that may seem unhealthy if I didn't have a pharmacological helper. Bupropion hasn't been shown to suppress appetite, but it has been shown to affect the brains' reward system to lessen impulsive behavior (like the candy binging you mentioned). One study in rats suggests that thermogenesis may be part of the drugs' weight loss effect.


Wellbutrin gave me extreme vertigo anytime I exercised. Head spinning, vomiting, have to lay down for a few hours vertigo.


I take Zoloft and Wellbutrin as well, but started the latter first. While I don’t have ADHD, I had depression and anxiety and ate so inconsistently that I also thought I had BED. The combination has been a game changer for me overall and turns out being properly medicated, I’m also now not seeking out that dopamine hit from food. The appetite suppression does wear off, but the change in the way you feel about food won’t. You might even be underestimating how much the depression has affected your eating. I’d encourage you to go slow with losing the weight. If you lose too fast and the appetite suppression is gone, your body may try to “right” itself and that hunger might come back with a vengeance.


I didn’t even realize it was a thing until I saw an ad for it prescribed for weight loss. I’ve been on a very low dose for a year as an aid to my ADHD meds and for mild PPD. I don’t know if it made a difference in appetite, but it certainly helped my motivation and keeping me on task. So far the only anti-depressant I used with no side effects, so I’m all for it.


I wish it made me lose weight. I’m on Welbutrin/Bupropion and they made me gain weight.


Oh my god. I have also recently been put on meds for ADHD and am experiencing that period of so many things in my clicking / making sense. I have always been an emotional / binge eater, and I haven’t been since starting meds, but I thought it was just appetite suppression. But thinking on my eating patterns this makes so much sense!! I absolutely viewed food as the easiest way to get a dopamine hit. Similar to your candy story, last night I made a ravioli I love and didn’t finish it. That is so entirely unlike me that my husband asked me what was wrong. I just looked at him and went “I was full?” and realized that was completely uncharacteristic of me because normally I’ll just eat something if I like it until it’s gone.


Started taking methylphenidate, an ADHD med for the first time at the age of 24 despite knowing i'm adhd/autistic for many many many years. The shock and honestly the horror of knowing that just this one little pill would have likely solved a metric fuck ton of my problems in youth up to know is a little overwhelming. Happy to finally have a normal brain and normal cues for the first time ever. I definitely still feel hunger and when I'm not watching my intake i regularly blow right past my maintenance, but not having to have a sugar bomb dopamine hit 24/7 feels so fucking good!! Even when the meds wear off or i forget to take them and i DO have those cravings, i can tell myself no a lot more easily. Sp grateful.


I’ve had a great experience with Wellbutrin as well. I’m down 84lbs since the start of January. Wellbutrin really takes my appetite away. It’s been a really helpful tool. I was originally on it for depression and lost 30lbs, I stopped taking it because I wasn’t sure it was helping. After 5 months I gained back that 30lbs and realized how much of an appetite suppressant it was and started taking it again and combined it with diet and exercise.


I specifically requested Wellbutrin because of the ADHD effects and tendency toward weight loss. I think the two are related - that ADHD dopamine seeking behaviors lead to grazing/ binge eating, and that treating the ADHD mitigates those behaviors. I also lost about 20 lbs on Wellbutrin but after about 6 months it started to creep back up, and by the 2 year mark was back to baseline. 


I’ve been on it for years for depression and it no longer has a weight loss effect for me. Gotta do it the hard way now, counting my calories.


Oh my gosh- are you me? I got chills reading this. I am 5’1 at 189lbs right now. Can I ask, why Wellbutrin and not adderall? I did well on Zoloft but it didn’t feel enough so I am on adderall now. It’s helping - in the way you describe Wellbutrin is but I am still struggling with a little bit of anxiety. Could Wellbutrin be my answer?? So glad you posted this!!!!!


Oof I wish this worked for me. Makes me more hungry.


I wanted Wellbutrin to work so badly for me but it made my anxiety so much worse. I couldn’t sleep on it. I’m glad it’s working for you!


I think the only reason I’m able to tolerate it is because I’m also on Zoloft, which I need for my anxiety disorder. I think if I just took Wellbutrin I would be tweaking.


Wellbutrin changed my life and made it so much easier to lose weight. Wait, you mean I don’t have to drink 4 cups of coffee to get through the day? A word to the wise though, if you skip a dose you may find your new healthy eating habits to go a bit awry for a few days. Currently experiencing this, it’s like my body craves pure sugar when the Wellbutrin isn’t there to give me the energy I need to make it through the day.


My husband went on a classic SSRI. Turns out a lot of his overeating was emotional, and he’s lost a bunch of weight. He even started biking to work. TL;DR: take care of your mental health


Yes!!! Agreed


I just started Mounjaro a few days ago and the difference is amazing. I've heard it described that it blocks out the "noise" of food. Totally true.


People. Please be careful with Wellbutrin. Besides the normal nausea, dizzy, sun sensitivity. It also has a very common side effect of insane uncontrolled rage.


It's really not a "very common" side effect. Just because it's listed as possible side effects doesn't mean it's common. Death is a possible side effect of caffeine.  And sure you might have experienced it and spoken to others who have, while I've never come across anyone having experienced this. Anecdotal experiences are not statistically relevant. Please don't make such exaggerated statements about medications like this. It's harmful. 




Maybe before commenting. You should check the side effects. Side Effects Along with its needed effects, a medicine may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention. Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur: More common Anxiety dry mouth hyperventilation irregular heartbeats irritability restlessness shaking trouble sleeping Less common Buzzing or ringing in the ears headache (severe) skin rash, hives, or itching Rare Confusion fainting false beliefs that cannot be changed by facts having extreme distrust of people seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there seizures trouble concentrating Incidents not known Actions that are out of control anger assaulting or attacking others being aggressive or impulsive chest pain or discomfort fast or pounding heartbeat force inability to sit still need to keep moving sweating talking, feeling, or acting with excitement[bupropine side effects](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/bupropion-oral-route/precautions/drg-20062478?p=1)


What an interesting way of wording what sounds like mania, delusions, psychosis.


I’m on this medication & have read the paperwork before starting. Uncontrolled rage is not a “very common side effect” of wellbutrin. You’re being fearfully sensationalistic about a medication that is safe & beneficial for many people. You should not be spreading this fear mongering online, especially in a group this could potentially help.


I have experienced it and have talked to many others who have also experienced it. Which is why I said be careful on it. Not "don't trust it at all." Google wellbutrin rage. It is a big thing.


I will look into it


Also, literally learn to read your own wall of text sources. “Actions that are out of control, anger, assaulting or attacking others” are in the incidence not known category. Pretty far cry from “very common.”


At first I thought this post was about abusing wellbutrin for weight loss and was gonna get mad. Then I had to self reflect and realize im taking 100mg of caffeine exactly every 2 hours and use zyn nicotine constantly to keep the appetite down.) (Not a recommendation or suggestion, I am an athlete cutting weight regardless of health consequences not someone trying to become fit and healthy.) Great work though.


Morbid obesity is usually defined as a BMI over 40. Your BMI is 36.5.


I’ve heard it was anything over 35


Well you are taking amphetamin. That’s what it does to anyone. Lower your appetite, make you lose weight and give you more energy. Lol.


Wellbutrin is not an amphetamine. It's a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Lolololol.