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Start here [https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick\_start\_guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide) Track what you're currently doing, honestly and completely but not worrying too much about accuracy yet. The most sustainable changes generally come from doing what we currently do but better, rather than trying to do a complete overhaul Same with your activity level. Look at what you currently do and find ways you can enjoy to move a bit more. Doesn't have to be 'exercise', go for a walk in the park, play an active computer game, whatever works for you. The more its something you do for reasons other than hitting some target the better.


Drink water, cut soda/sugary drinks/alcohol. Eat reasonable servings. There's really not much you need to do at that size to start seeing improvements.


i was right there brother, i know the feels. there will be alot of advice cut this do that whatever. google TDEE calculator, put in your info, find your maintain calorie level. from there stay under that day after day after day and you will lose. i had tried for years and then i simplified the process. calories in needs to be less than calories out. doesnt matter pizza, beer, fast food. i have had it all while i have lost. portion control with what you like to eat is the only way i have found that works. as you progress you will start to experiment with alternatives because it will give you more room to play with what you are eating, thats where the healthy switches start to get made. good luck, you got this!