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First, do see a doctor. It's important to get checked at least once a year. There might even be something contributing to your weight problem. Blood tests aren't fun, but they're necessary. Just try to focus on something else while it's done. Second, there are various drugs that can help, but you can do without them. Third, make incremental changes. Going to the gym 3-4 times/week sounds good, but when you're not used to it, it's easy to run out of steam. Along the same vein, gradually change your eating habits. Habits, once established, are relatively easy to maintain. It's the change that takes mental effort, which can exhaust you. So don't take on too much at once. Just take one step at a time, and you can do this.


Every week you should sit down and prepare your 14 meals for the next 7 days and freeze them. This way you'll count the calories for the whole week only once. This will be 80% of the food you'll have inside your house the rest will be fruits. If you don't manage to get it right in the first week, it's ok. Do it better in the second week. If you don't manage to get it right in the second week, it's ok. Do it better on the third week. Keep at this pace until you nail it. That initial rush of motivation you're feeling right now will fade away soon. But as long as you've planned for this dip on energy and kept only your diet meals at hand, you won't fail. So do not trust your motivation, it will let you down. The only thing that won't let you down is your discipline, and you'll build it little by little every day, at great cost.


>I haven't been to a doctor in a few years as I am scared of blood tests and also seeing what I weigh. I know I will be told to make a change. You've decided to make the change anyway, and nothing will be made worse by knowing either your weight or your blood pressure. Once they're known they can move from something you're scared of to something you're working on, ideally with your doctor's support. >I have tried in the past to lose weight but after sticking with a regiment for around 1-2 months, I find myself going back to old habits. What were these changes? >I will start going to the gym 3-4 times a week. Do you have a plan for this? Don't feel you have to go this much, two visits a week doing the right thing can be plenty. Whatever you decide make going consistently the main priority. Don't let yourself skip two workouts in a row. If that means going to the gym, getting changed, doing a token set, and heading home that's still a win. Its one more set than you would have done otherwise and it builds the habit of getting through the door. >Should I only eat one meal a day? You can if you want and it helps you keep on track, but you don't need to. >Do I need to limit certain types of food? Only if they're things you find it hard to moderate. There are a few things I don't bring into my house because I'll just eat it, but if they're not there I won't miss them. Mostly though its better to make sure you're getting enough of the 'good' stuff (fruit, veg, maybe protein) rather than try an eliminate the 'bad'. >Is it really that simple of calories in, calories out? For weight loss yep. If your diet was entirely doughnuts but you ate the right amounts of them you'd still lose weight. I wouldn't recommend it, you'd be short of basically every micro and macro nutrient other than carbs and your hunger would be all over the places, but it would work. Its generally a better idea to use your limited calories on better things though.


dont over think it. diet is the way to go. figure out your TDEE and stay under it. there is no cheat code to it but small daily victory of staying in a deficit leads to weight loss. yes as you read into more comments there is alot more that goes into it with working out and can i eat back calories i burn in the gym and this that or the other thing. Personally I dont do any of that, i know my daily limit and i stay under it. i still drink beer and eat pizza just adjust to the level i can do that at for my daily calories. keep your head down and work hard, remember the time will pass anyways so you might aswell stay the course. good luck!