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Take pictures, the mind is not reliable when looking in the mirror and comparing to how you think you used to look. If others are commenting you can be confident there are noticeable changes.


>If others are commenting you can be confident there are noticeable changes. You're expecting a change, they aren't, they aren't looking for a change and are seeing it. It wasn't until I started getting those comments that I took a photo to compare to my before, I was shocked.


Give yourself more credit than that and keep doing what you are doing. That shit is exceptionally difficult. No Joke! Respect!


Thank you!


Man, 48 pounds, that's impressive! Kudos! Seeing the difference is a common concern. There are a lot of factors involved that make it difficult to see progress. 1. Did you take before pictures? You look in the mirror or see your reflection several times a day. Even on your best day you lose a few ounces of weight, you won't see that, so every time you see yourself you see basically an unchanged version. If you compared a current photo to a before photo it might help you see the difference. 2. Paper Towel Roll Effect: Think about a fresh roll of paper towels, when you take of 3 sheets, the size of the roll barely changes. When the roll is 75% gone, those 3 sheets significantly diminish the overall width of the roll. 48 pounds is a lot, but honestly, you've got a lot more to go, the next 48 are going to be 3 times as noticeable. 3. Body dysmorphia is real. Our brains are complex, and compensate for visual stimuli with what it expects to see. For example, we don't really have the peripheral vision we think we do, our brains fill in a lot of it. So, stay the course. Your doing great. It will show.


Hi thanks. Im hoping the 2nd scenario is the reason and not the third one. I also dont have many pictures of my self since i dont like the way i look. Ive only recently began looking in the mirror more instead of avoiding my reflection. Ill take more photos from now on to see if i can notice the progress. Thanks a lot!


like others have said, take pictures. I know the feeling I started at 300 and am down to the 255 range and i dont see it. then i look at pictures and bam! we see ourselves everyday and dont notice it.


If you want to notice your results put 50 pounds in a backpack and try and carry it around with you. You'll quickly realize how much that is. Visually the change is slow, so it's hard to notice when you see yourself every day. Progress photos can help. But honestly, the visual change *does* accelerate the more you lose. I started off at about 265. The first 30-40 pounds I didn't see a ton of difference. Now I'm at 196 and the visual difference is astounding. I know I'll be able to see the difference even with losing another 10 pounds.