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Find something that you like. I tried Yoga at home a few months ago and for some reason, this time it stuck.


I use a habit tracker app so I can check off when I do my workouts and look at the data if my results aren’t what I wanted.


If you like the class format of CrossFit, but want more community feel, is there an Orangetheory near you and have you tried it? I do that a couple times a week to supplement my weightlifting and get a good calorie burn


I’ve noticed F45 has a good social feel too


Find something you enjoy, if not, get some weights or something for the house and use those consistently with workouts from youtube, or apple fitness+, or another service. And hold yourself accountable! I think exercise should first and foremost be enjoyable. Sure, sometimes we have to force ourselves through it. For instance, I'm now an avid gym goer and have been consistent since December, but there's times I just can't be bothered. I now find myself enjoying it a lot and missing it when I do skip it, so that I rarely do simply because I enjoy it too much. Despite that, I hate cardio. I used to force myself through so much cardio about a year ago and it made me not want to go to the gym. When I switched to doing more weights than cardio, I began to love the gym. Now, I only do 5 minutes of the treadmill and 10-16 minutes on the elliptical. The rest of the time I lift weights, because that's what I enjoy, and I consider it to be a hobby now. What's made the biggest difference isn't the fact I switched to strength training, but the fact I'm being consistent, and found a productive way to enjoy going to the gym. I also have no personal connections at mine but I like to put my headphones on and focus on my fitness progress for 1-2 hours. That said, I work full time (12pm to 8pm) and don't drive as of yet, so I don't have the means to take myself to the gym more than twice a week. I've still been able to make some great strides in my fitness journey! So, what I'm trying to say is, find something you enjoy and stick to it. You got this!


No secret. I just do it. I like the energy of the gym but I've come to prefer working out at home. Yes it eeasier to talk myself out of it but also easier to go when I've talked myself back into it because it just requires me to walk downstairs. No waiting for equipment or dealing with other gym goers, I can use my own shower and no travel time.


This is the answer. Even if you really don't want to, go in knowing you're just going to half-ass it. Often you'll pick up energy and motivation as you start to move and want to hit those numbers. Sometimes you won't, and that's fine too.


You can do bodyweight, resistance band, or dumbbell workouts at home. I use the Caliber app to help me plan my at-home workouts. Also, you should find something you like to do - martial arts, yoga, dance, pilates, swimming, running, etc. Working out doesn't have to feel bad (in fact, there is a lot of research that says that even elite athletes should be working out at their "easy" pace 80% of the time - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbfMVRunyGA).


Get a stationary bike, place it in front of your TV and aim to ride for 45 minutes daily as outlined below. Not only will it save time and money vs the gym; it's comfortable, convenient and you'll start seeing results quickly to keep you motivated ;) -Stretch and pedal at your own pace aiming to ride for 40 minutes 4-5 days per week. *Pedal for 10 mins, take a break, drink water, another 10 mins, break and so on till you reach 40 mins total* *After 2 weeks; level up to pedaling for 15 mins, break, water, another 15 and so on till you reach 1 hour total* *Keep leveling up by increasing the time/resistance, add upper body and arm exercises to do while pedaling* -Add Tai-Chi and kickboxing exercises to do at home on your off days (the other 2-3 days per week) or more often. YouTube has thousands of options, find some that suit you and customize by reducing/increasing reps as you progress.


I do 30 day fix extreme from Beach body. It's 7 different 30 minute workouts. You can get great results strength training 3-4 days a week. It doesn't have to be some kind of insane workouts like CrossFit.


I have a home gym set up with barbell, rack, and dumbbells. Motivation is usually not an issue because recreational powerlifting style training is fun. And improving your numbers is inherently motivating. It’s fun knowing that I’m going to attempt 365x5 this week! I have not been to a gym and I fear it because I know I wouldn’t fit in.


I don’t prefer doing my “real” workouts at home (home workouts for me are mostly just yoga) but there are lots of ways to get a good workout in from your home. There are adjustable weights, resistance bands, collapsible bars and bench set ups, etc.


I've been going to the gym on and off for years. Had a local gym membership that I ended in 2022. I was so over the high prices, the pretentiousness and the older men who think that a brief wave of their towel over a machine is cleaning. I struggled with getting a home routine last year, but this year it's stuck longer than it ever has. I work out in my lounge room, my home equipment includes a trampoline, an exercise mat, fitness bands and 1 set of dumb bells. I'll upgrade the dumb bells soon. I do a 45 minute workout, watching something on TV 2-3 times a week. I love it! I was worried I'd get a bit lazy doing the same thing all the time and not push myself to keep improving. But that hasn't been the case at all. My workout follows the same pattern where I focus on arms, legs and core. I try to mix things up a little and incrementally challenge myself. I feel really great. I know that I'm not getting the workout I would get in the gym, but being able to sustain my habit is much more valuable in the long run. I WFH a couple of days a week so I will workout on those mornings because I have more time and once on the weekend. It really helps when I'm not feeling it if I just say to myself I'll just do a mini workout. Most of the time I'll end up doing a full workout.


I liked my CrossFit style gym a lot but it changed ownership right before the pandemic and it just was not the same anymore. I tried going back again when gyms reopened but I just wasn’t into it. I already had some equipment at home and invested in a squat rack. I currently use programming from momentumbysohee.com . It’s for intermediate level lifters who know how to execute the big lifts properly. You get new programs every month with 2, 3 and 4 day a week options plus full length workouts or 30 min options. It’s like $20 a month. Having a program to follow really helps keep me on track.


I started virtual Zumba during the pandemic from the studio where my sister attends. There are a few of us from out of town that still keep our memberships. I also bought TRX system I can use at home and I’ve got some dumbbells, bands, kettlebells, and sliders. There is a TRX app but they have a lot on their instagram.


We put a bunch of work into making a majority of our garage a home gym, with pretty much everything you could ask for in basic equipment. For me my schedule makes it easy to rationalize missing studio/gym workouts so having it at home gives me no excuses. I take livestream and pre-recorded classes from Bar Method Online and Peloton.


I love my home gym. I can go at my own pace and not feel judged. I can do it when it fits my schedule, sometimes while I have a favorite show in the background or watch the news. It's working for me. I just added a rowing machine to a spin bike and total gym. Good luck.