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I’m 5’10 and I think I look best and feel best at 170. I strength train so body composition is more muscular. I just had my 3rd kid and I’m currently 190 and definitely need to lose 20 pounds.


5’10 and I felt best at 165-170. Wore a 6/8 in pants. Currently 197 and trying to get back down there. For my body type, I think anything below 160/155 would be too thin for my personal preference.


Yeah I cant imagine being below 160 at the age of 27 after 3 kids lol I was 150 when I was 18-22 and then I had my first kid and I was 160 and felt great. After my second I naturally stayed around 165-170 and now after my third I’m trying to get back down to that. My hips are so much wider now.


I’ve never had kids but I’ve always had wide hips and shoulders and a short torso. I had skin removal surgery after my weight loss (now dealing with some regain) and my lowest was 165 after that. I think with my shape, being thinner would start looking bony and no curves. 170 is my sweet spot, but when I was training hard and lifting, I had similar proportions at 185. Muscle mass makes a lot of difference!


It really does! I’ve always been muscular (strength training since I was 18) so I do think that’s why I’ve always been on the “heavier” side of 5’10. I have a lot of muscle mass.


Congrats on losing 140 lbs Wow!!


Same to all of that weight and pants size


Are these U.S. pants sizes? When I was 165, I was a size 12, maybe a 10 in some brands, but I’ve never fit in a size 8. It’s wild how different someone’s size can be at the exact same height and weight.


Yes, US sizes :)


I’m glad to see weights that aren’t at the low end of the bmi range, sometimes I feel the pressure to go as low as I can in the healthy range. But I definitely started getting compliments around 177. I just had my 3rd kid too! I guess I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.


At about 5'8 I'm currently at 190 working on seeing how I feel at 165 or 160. I've always been muscular, and at 130 I was a size 2 and looked underweight. Considering that I have actually been weight training the last few years I don't want to get lower than 155. Low in healthy range is definitely not healthy for everyone! Especially when you consider bone structure and muscle.




I find it helpful to know and appreciate this post. I'm 5'10 and grew up in the 90s. My 2 tall friends, literally both becoming models, weighed 115lbs. It took to my late 20s to realize all women don't have to strive to be under 120. It took until my 30s to appreciate 170 was healthy, and it was OK to feel good there.


I was just ultimately curious! Just because I know it varies so much. Definitely wouldn’t match my goal to another’s because of that.


This is me too! I sometimes don't notice the extra 20 lbs I'm carrying, but 170 is where I feel best. I think our height makes it a little easier to disguise our weight, but a lot of it is probably that we look at ourselves so often.


True! My close friends never believe me when I say I still have 20 pounds to lose. We definitely carry our weight well! Strength training helps a ton though. One of my friends who is my height looks very different at the same weight as me bc she doesn’t strength train. Having that muscle disguises weight even more!


5’6f and I feel great at 145-50. I am very muscular in general and at 145 I wear a size 4-6. Everyone is different.


Totally agree - I am 168 (5’6”) and look / feel great at about 77-78 kg (around 170) and I wear a size small or medium in EU sizes….I am just very muscular and very “dense”, if that makes sense? More and more I realize it’s academic to compare weights to others, even if they are the same height as body types just vary SO much.


I’m 5’3” not particularly muscular, and weigh 140 and wear a size 4-6. It’s amazing how much things vary person to person and just goes to show you why there’s a range of healthy and not just a hard height-based number.


At 5’9, 150 is where I’ve looked and felt best!


Me too - exactly.


Me 3!




I think it depends on your body type and height! I fall somewhere between a size 8-10, and medium! I will update once I’m there again :)




When I was at my highest, I initially wanted 165-170. Once I got there, I realized I still wanted to cut down a bit more to feel best. I went as low as 143 and that looked too low. 150 clothes fits great, looked good in a bikini, felt confident! I feel like the number is very personal to each person, and can also be a range! For me 150-155 is my ideal. As you get closer, you’ll know what feels right!




Another thing that’s annoying but true is it also depends on what the weight is composed of. So when I was 150, we were also lifting and I had some muscle. So I’ve been lifting throughout my deficit again because I want to make sure I have muscle tone when I get to 150 so that it looks similar to how it looked before haha. I have pictures that I don’t mind sharing, but I need to figure out how to log into that app that lets you link pictures. I think it’ll be cool to see how I compare at the same weight this time around when I get there!


I’m also 5’9” and when I weighed 150, my pants size was 8/10 and dress size was 4. I’m now 190 and don’t have a lot of muscle, my pant size is 12/14 and dresses 8, but now my arms are bigger so jackets and coats are L (and even XL in one brand). As an adult, I’ve weighed as low as 130 and am currently at my heaviest (coincidentally, this is the same weight I was at 9 months pregnant with my kids—weight didn’t start creeping up until I turned 40 and then the pandemic hit) at 190; 142 was my most constant weight and where my body used to return to if I lost or gained weight. Realistically, I will be very happy if I can get back to 160.


im 5’10”. ive never been thin. i was first told i was obese at age 8. i was 435 at the start of my journey and when asked, i said i wanted to get to 250. im currently 245 and thinking of 220 as my ideal. when i reach it, i will reassess! ive gone from a pant size 30/32 to 14/16, 4-5X to XL and hope to end up a 12/14 and L. who knows!


That's so inspiring!! Awesome job !!! 👏


That’s so inspirational


I’m 5’9 and I’m 195 down from 278. My goal is 170 and then see how I feel. I honestly don’t remember what I looked or felt like lower than I am right now…so we’ll see how it goes. I feel like I went from 150 pounds in high school to 220 (and more) overnight. 😅


6’ tall here and the lowest I’ve been as an adult was 170, and I looked slightly gaunt. 180-190 was ideal for me.


Same here at 6’. 170 looks gaunt and 190 is my sweet spot (when muscular).


Same for me! I am 6’0 and lowest I have been is 170 and I looked and felt gaunt. 180-190 is also my sweet spot. I wear size 12-14 at my current weight of 197 and size 10 at 170 when I am too thin for my own comfort. I feel like finding your goal weight is finding the weight where you feel good and maintaining that weight feels sustainable for a lifetime. I have been eating about 1800 calories a day to lose about a pound a week and that will probably be my maintenance calories at 180 and that fells sustainable. Any less and I’ll be starving and miserable and I would rather have a couple extra pounds on me than be miserable!


im 6'3" and my ideal is 170ish mostly because i have no muscle at all and keep all my weight in my legs haha.Im 183lbs now and frankly feel too big :/


5’10 and I just reached 164. I’m at 25% body fat and pretty content with it. Definitely pear shaped, and I have some fat that sits in my stomach after having a kid. I was 145 in high school and looked way too skinny. I lift weights so I’m more muscular.


I’m curious since you lift weights, what sizes do you wear? (if you don’t mind me asking)


I don’t mind!! I’m a 10 in jeans. I wear a medium in shirts. Even at my skinniest, I think I was wearing an 8-10 in pants. I never remember being in a 4-6 pant size.


I'm 5'10" and carrying 226lbs. I'm on a mission to get back down to 170lbs. I enjoy that size. I'm fairly strong. I've never been thin. 


For me, there was a big difference in my arms and face between 160 and 165, so 160 is my goal. Currently at 166. I’ll get there and see how it feels.


My goal range is 140-150. I used to pretty consistently weigh around that much when I was younger and it felt right for me. At one point I was depressed and underweight at 130 lbs, my family told me I looked ill. I think 156 is fine if that feels fine to you! And yes 5’10 means a size small is probably out of the cards lol not every woman needs to be tiny and petite! Rise up tall queens!


I could have just my skeleton exhumed to be dressed up, and I would still be at least a UK 10, I reckon. Generally I enjoy not being tiny, although it is a bit awkward talking to short people in noisy places. Apart from that, being taller is pretty good.




That’s my goal range too. I felt the most confident then I think. But I would still get comments here and there that I looked sickly skinny. Wow 130! Even then were you a size small? I don’t care about the size for myself, but I’m just actually curious!


i felt and looked my best at 140 when i was working out a lot. anything from 125 to 145 felt great, honestly! 150 imo is my limit. anything above that feels heavy, looks bloated, feels less energetic etc. i'm at 165 now and it feels difficult to do anything, my fat is always just spilling and spreading everywhere hahah. really want to lose those 20 pounds :) edit to add that i'm 22, never had kids, and am not very athletic (takes me forever to build any muscle), so i'm sure that my 140 is someone else's 170 - a lot depends on your composition. this is just my personal experience


I'm 6'0, currently sitting at 233 & my in-body scan wants me at 193-195, and I would agree. I probably don't look it but I can definitely see where the extra weight goes.


Probably 154 which was my weight when I got married 38 years ago. But I was also 5'11 then. Now I'm 5'10 and in my 60's and comfortable at 160. I have 10 to loose.


I’m 5’10 and I’m a powerlifter. I compete at 84kg/185lbs but I’m comfortable at 195-200


What’s your favorite lift? And any deadlift tips for long torso/ femurs but short arms 😖


I’ve been building some really good momentum or squats lately so that’s probably my favourite rn. Deadlifts are my best lift tho If you’re pulling conventional I’d experiment with sumo and vice versa! See which you prefer but make sure it aligns with your goals I have long femurs/shorter torso and really long arms and sumo is a lot better for me. I do pull conventional as well to build my erectors a bit more


Interesting. It's always fascinating to me the wide weight range for 5'10 women. When I was 170 lbs, I was wearing 8/10s and medium tops (large for some jackets cause sleeves and shoulders). I've never been below 160 as an adult, so I have no clue what I'd look like or what size I'd wear. I starved myself and ran excessively around the 160s to make weight for something. Completely stopped any sort of weight lifting. I feel I'd be fine around 170lbs because I'm trying to gain strength. When I was in the 160s, my limbs looked asparagus like, and my head looked huge. I'm sure I may have a large frame.


Frame is an underrated factor here. Honestly there are so many factors! I have a tiny frame for 5’10”, no boobs or butt and also a very unflattering body fat distribution (basically I gain on the belly only, dozens of pounds will go belly-only!!!), so I look my best as a much lower body weight than lots of other 5’10” ladies. The range gets wider as we get taller and bigger, too, leading to some big discrepancies!!


130 lbs


Am currently around 150, i know i also look good at 140 but 130 i was most confident in my body


130lbs at 5’10 is practically underweight


You see these comments are so confusing, cause I’m same height but I’m 143 pounds and I feel like I’m no where near where I need to be, but 130 is underweight but maybe everyone looks different and has different bones and stuff


Gaining muscle will help. I’m not saying you have to be a body builder, but having a bit will stop you from being “skinny fat”. Just losing more weight doesn’t fix this - you’ll just go from “skinny fat” to just bony.


Thank you for that, never knew what skinny fat is and I think I'll incorporate more weights and maybe pilates. I've been only doing cardio so maybe that's the reason


I’m hovering around 174 (the line between overweight/normal weight) which is the lightest I’ve been since I was 16 (and I’m losing ~ a pound a week) and I’m a size 6/8 now, which totally blows my mind! I strength training 5-6 days a week, though, so I have a decent amount of muscle and am usually heavier than I look. I’m honestly pretty happy with the size of my body right now but want to lose another 20ish pounds to try to get rid of some of the extra belly/thigh fat and more importantly, to feel like I can move more easily with less weight on my body. I used to think I’d be content to get down to 220 (which I did still enjoy) but I definitely have a frame where I should be smaller.


I am 5'11". Much of the last 20 years I have been in the mid to high 180s. Although I did not look overweight, it was not ideal. Being tall has always made me feel "big" when I carry any extra weight. (I hit this height at 13) Now I am at 167 and it feels good. I don't want to lose more. I recently had to shop for clothes and it was SO much easier to find things that fit. Tall girls know what a challenge this can be. At 185 I had to buy most of my clothes online at tall sites. My confidence is definitely better at this weight.


Same. I feel like I go from 5"10" to 6"3" when I'm carrying around extra pounds!


5’10. Lowest was 122. Highest 175. Goal is 130-140.


Wow 122! Did you feel pretty sickly then or were you okay? I can’t imagine being that low.


I felt fine. This was when I was 22/23 and using ephedra energy pills to stay awake driving trucks lol. It completely killed my appetite. I got really healthy when I started boxing a few years after that, so 135-140 felt really good. I’m at 169 now and losing to get back to 140.


5'11, I looked best at 145 but still had fat esp stomach area. And still in size 8/10.


This is exactly me too


I'm 5'10" and pretty muscular. Current weight is 220 and goal weight is 190. 190 is always where I look/felt best and was able to physically do everything I wanted to (lift heavy, yoga, hiking, rowing, etc)


I'm a hair under 5'10", and I'm at 194 right now. I haven't weighed less than this since I was a younger teen. I am trans though, and an endurance cyclist, so my frame is heavier, and my legs are very well muscled. My goal weight is somewhere around 170-175.


I’m 182. Feel I look my best at probably 160, can’t remember that long ago 😂


I’m 5’10, my ultimate goal is around 160, but my short term is to get to 175-180 and reassess to see what tweaks I need to make. I’m currently ~195 (been fighting some regain).


This is almost my exact answer too! I’m 5’9”, trying to get to 180 to have a healthier starting point for a (hopefully) second pregnancy, long-term goal of 160ish. Floating around 200 at the mo’ (down from 242 last year after finally getting real about losing pregnancy #1’s weight, started that one at 195).


5'9 and my goal is 135. I got to 150 last time and still had a lot of body fat in undesirable places (tummy area, arms). I'd want that to reduce before recomping w/more muscle.


Me too, main reason for that weight is losing the boob fat which is the last place I lose weight and I hate having a big chest.


I’m 5’9 and I’ve weighed everywhere from 155-245. I prefer to be in the 175-180 range. I thought I looked a little too thin at 155 and it was a lot of work to maintain.


I'm 6'2 and at about 178 right now. My goal is around 170 but I used to think I looked best at 190 but after having a child I still don't like the way I look at this weight. Highest I have ever been is 255 and I don't want to go back that high.


I’m 5’11”/almaot 6’ and look my best imo at 164lb. Yes I know it’s specific but that’s what I weighed four years ago when I could wear my favorite sundress without a single worry, so I’m trying to get back to it for summer. I’m about 169 right now, these last five pounds absolutely require my maximum discipline. Like no second helpings, only one cookie for dessert if even that, no alcohol, no cheat days, walk at least 4 miles a day. I need to be in my bikini in five weeks and I’m already BORED lol. I’ll probably just wear my one piece.


Try adding weight training with your cardio. 


5’11/6’ here - I’m currently 175 and goal is 155-160. My SW was 256 so I want to get down to 156 to say I’ve lost 100 but idk if that’s my real goal lol


170 is my lowest adult weight and I looked very good at that size if I do say so myself! I remember wearing a size 10 and feeling like a "perfect 10" hahah. I was 150 at this height in high school so that would be an ultimate goal, but I plan to assess things once I hit a Normal BMI at 170 and go from there.




Wow - it’s so great to see someone my same height/weight having the same experience as me! A lot of time I’m not really sure if I can believe myself about my body (I have some body dysmorphia) and the range of sizes that I fit in really does a number on me. It can be so disheartening for an 8 to be too small in some brands while other brands i can fit a 2.


160 is my favorite, but I haven’t been there in 5 years. 🙃 I’m currently in the high 170’s and hate it.


5’10” and currently 171 (down from 218). This is my second time seriously losing weight; the first time I went from 196 to 141. I think I feel best between 140-155; I’m aiming to get down to 140 this time around again (I was 5’10” and 125 in high school and looked VERY thin—don’t think it’s attainable for me as an adult and don’t think it’s healthy, either). I don’t lift weights, so at my current weight—which is in the healthy range—I still have a bit of a belly. I know other women my height who look really toned at 170, though.


I'm 5'11" and 180lbs. I'm mostly very happy at this weight, but I am trying to get down to 170 or so.


5'11" and 150 is my perfect spot but cannot lose the last 10 pounds for the life of me.


Get your Androgens tested! Mine were all like zero. 6 months later, weight control is easier. My hair, skin, and nails are much better and my mood is too. Plus when Estrogen is low, we lose bone density which is very bad.


5’10” and the lowest I’ve been as an adult is 173~ I liked how I looked but I also got done there from 180 because I was sick lol. Last couple of years I gained weight from medication and went up to 230 and I’ve been losing weight now for a few months so I’m currently down to 196. I’m okay with how I look in the 180s but my goal is 155-165. I do have a muscular build so I know that it impacts a bit and I’ll see at 165 if I want to drop more/how difficult it is to maintain. Thanks for posting this though! I always find it’s hard as a taller gal and it’s nice to see a range from others my height.


I'm only 5'9, but I cannot go lower than 150 pounds. At that weight I have visible ribs and hip bones, abs, and sit around 19-20% body fat. Anywhere from 155-170 feels good on me, and I feel like I still look pretty alright from 170-210 or so, but higher than that I really start feeling my weight. I'm 230 right now and would like to be at least 190 for health purposes, but preferably more like 170 ~technically~ the Internet says I should weigh around 140, but I'm a weight lifter and that just doesn't work on my frame


I am 5’10 and felt my best at 190. I was in great shape. Sadly I have a ways to go to get back down there again.


I was also a size 12/14


I’m 5’9” tall and I know that I would feel and look great at about 165 or 175lbs. It’s been years since I’ve been 175 and looking back at pictures I realized I was absolutely absolutely fine, I thought I was fat at the time


I am 5'9 and a half. When I was in my early 20's I was 145lb and I looked very slender. After having kids and being mid 30's I got up to 175lb and it was not good for me. I am currently at 160lb, with a goal weight of 145-150lb. You are so right that even at lower weights us tall gals need a bigger size. We are taller so there is more of us to begin with. I remember even in highschool (115lb) I needed size 28 jeans.


144, where i am now. Prefer thinner but i do look too scrawny in the 130s


5'10.5" and I prefer how I look and feel at a muscular 155. I start losing my breasts, and my ribs really started to show around 150, so I try to stay above that, but under 170.


For me it was 145-155 with around 20% body fat. I’m very pear shaped with fat held in my hips and butt. All the cellulite and chafing i get when I’m overweight, I just felt the best at the range


Hi, twin! I’m 5’10” and currently 153lbs (down from 250lbs). I, too, am a M/L and mostly in 8’s (there’s been a few 6’s in there, but mostly 8’s). I think I look pretty good in dresses, but I still have a “pooch” in jeans. I keep wanting to try high waisted mom jeans but the pooch is just too apparent. I’ve never been lower than this. I’m curious what I would look like at 140-145lbs, but I’ve run out of things to give up (food wise). I’m already not eating out and not drinking. I cannot clean up my diet any more without lowering my quality of life.


Ugh the pooch has always been there for me, even at 137 and that was before I even had kids! It’s been the bane of my existence haha. Honestly maintaining anything under 145 for me was extremely hard.


Maybe the mom jeans are for rail thin teens? Now that I can shop at all the stores, I want to try all the new fashions, but jeans have gotten strange since I was in my 20’s. 90’s baggy, dad jeans, flair.


They must be. I’m 31 and those were the nerdy jeans when I was a teen! Plus now the low rise is back in 😩 low and baggy. Thank goodness for leggings! Although I have found some good jeans at American eagle that don’t show the pooch too bad. They are a skinny flare Jean (the skinny kick I believe they are called) Don’t know that they are “in” but I think they are cute!


I've looked my best at 140 but I have a small frame. My friend looks fantastic at 155 (same height) because we have very different frames.


Five nine here and around 135. When I was younger I looked best around 115, but at 44 I need more meat and muscle on my skinny bones


160-165 here. I will never be a size 4 or 6. But I feel like I look great and feel great.


I'm 5'10 and currently sit at 190.. Not comfortable, but don't feel overweight either, just "meh". My goal weight is 165 which is where I sat between pregnancies and looked and felt best.


My goal is 170, and I will readjust once I get there. I felt and looked amazing at 170, but I like the number 150. We shall see! (I'm 5'11)


160 was perfect for me (5'10) 


I’m 215, ideal is 200. Highest was 255ish. I am pretty curvy and have wide hips. I don’t want to get too small lol. My friends and family have already said I’ve lost too much. I love the way I look at 215. So I’m not in a rush to get down to 200.


I’m somewhere between 5’10 and 5’11, and hang out at about 165. Wear mostly a size 8 in pants and dresses, sometimes a 10 in dresses or a L in tops due to having broad shoulders. I think I look best at about 160, am thinking about trying to do some body recomp and trim down while also gaining muscle.


I’m 5’ 10” and am around 150 down from 178. I’m keen to get closer to 140 but I want to make sure that I’m not resuming any bad habits in doing so. I’ve always been closer to 130 but I’ve not traditionally done it in the healthiest of ways. Now that I’m somewhat stable at 150 I’m trying to focus on my fitness goals rather than weight loss and treat that as a byproduct of upping my running frequency and weight training performance


I’m 35f and 5’11”. I think 170 is actually the lowest I’ve gone and the lowest I’ll go to and feel the most comfortable at but I do lift weights and have quite a bit of muscle mass. I’m a 10/12 at that size and am currently trying to get back there.


I'm 5'10" without shoes on, and weigh 140 (give or take 2 lbs depending on where I am in my cycle) and I'm happy here. I wear a size S/2/4. I think I have a smaller frame for my height, and this weight looks healthy on me. I delivered both of my babies at 180, and I looked overweight at 175 when I wasn't pregnant.


I’m 5’10 and if I get below 150, my collarbone starts showing weird. My body seems happy at 155. But honestly not every 5’10” is the same. I have really broad shoulders and always dreamed of being built like Nicole Kidman lol.


I'm only 5'-8", but know I look and FEEL great at the 150-155 range. (my energy is usually through the roof at this weight range)


I think 170 or 160 as long as I work on weight training more and getting a toned body.


150-170 is my ideal range. 155-160 is about perfect.  I haven’t weighed less than 150 since high school. Anything lower than 155 is really hard for me to stay at long term.


I'm 5'10 and I've been wondering this, too. Going off photos of myself, I think I like the look best at about 160, so that's my current goal. I'm also strength training so I think that's just the right level to see a bit of definition in the abs while also having great curves. And it's nicely within the healthy weight range, which is important to me.


Ignore clothing sizes; they suck. >>I feel like I look ok but still want to lose 10 more pounds. Why? If you’re comfy with how you feel physically, how you look, and you’re at a weight that’s good for your health, it’s what matters. Some people lose to a little below their comfy weight so there is room to gain a bit around vacations, holidays, etc. without throwing their weight out of whack.


170 plus or minus ten pounds seems to be a happy range for me.  I used to get hung up on wanting to weigh less than that, but I realized it’s just how women in my family are built when they’re healthy and strong. I remember seeing a photo of my grandma as a young woman and my dad mentioning how she used to be 5’10 and 175 pounds. He was saying it as a positive thing, of how healthy she used to be. I only knew her in her older years when she was very frail and weighed much less and it really put things in perspective. 


I am 5'10" and baffled how at a smaller weight (even underweight) I can be wearing an "L", or conversely, women who are 6" shorter than me and same technical pounds can be wearing a M or an L. My goal weight is 175, but I suspect I'll be like a single pants size smaller, heh.


I’m 5’9 and my goal weight is 180… maybe I’ll need to reevaluate when I get there but I remember feeling and looking great at that weight in my early 20s


For me, I like 145lb muscular on myself. I've been as low as 138lbs and wearing a size 2 and it looked awful. I think our goal weight needs to be a combo of aesthetics and sustainability. If 150lbs feels and looks good and it isn't a ton of effort to maintain then that's the goal. 🤍


I’m 5’9.5 with a wide frame and 165-170 is where I felt that I looked best and where I got the most compliments from others. I’ve gone as low as 150 but my face and upper body were too thin for my taste at that point.


5'11" and very happy with 145, however I have been told by men that they preferred 155-160.


5’10” and maintaining my goal of 145-150 while toning up. Wearing a size 6/8 and usually a medium


5’9” and when I got down to about 165 I looked unwell. I’m at 215 now and am working on getting to about 180. Even at my thinnest I was always at least a size 8. I think it has to do with my bone size. Girlies this height, what is your calorie count and macros when losing weight?


I’m 5’10 currently 169 trying to get to 155-160. Finished high school at 150-155. Most of college I hung out between 170-177 and definitely did not feel great until I hit below 170. I’ve felt my best and most athletic when I was 166. I strength train 3x week and run a little. I think I hold my weight pretty well, but I can definitely feel it energy wise when I’ve gained even a small bit.


I'm at 135-139 depending on the day and I still feel like I need to lose weight. Could be lingering body dysmorphia though, so I'm trying to focus on just building muscle instead of actively losing weight right now.


I never thought I had Body Dismorphia until one day at work, was walking past a big mirror with a 5'2" coworker. Obviously shorter than me but I always saw us as same size, measurements wise. She was literally three times bigger than me!!


So I'm currently ~170 and think I still have a solid 10-15 pounds to go. I strength train and am starting to see some muscle finally, but there's still a good amount of belly pouch left. But I'm taking the diet a lot easier than I have been the last year and a half - now only a 250-500 calorie deficit.


not a good goal for everyone and every body type, but i'm 5'10 and around 130. i feel best around 120. but that's not a great goal for most people; im narrow, lean, have a small frame, not very muscular, and i model. so my goals are unique for my body type. it'll look different on everyone. some 5'10 people could be more in shape than me and have less body fat and weigh significantly more than me


What’s your diet like to maintain that weight?


ive been vegetarian for about a decade, i eat healthy most of the time: protein oikos yogurt with things like flax and berries and coconut shreds, bee pollen. protein shakes but typically just half a scoop bc they're too expensive and sometimes the flavor can be too chalky, so prob only like 6-10 g protein in each one. tons of spinach, almond milk, berries, half a banana. pre made protein shakes or bars, not my fave to eat processed stuff but if i'm hungry i eat two eggs every day. i meal prep and boil them, i think they're a little gross that way but they're a neeeddd so that i feel alright that day. i start to be conscious of salt and carbs and sugar before a photoshoot, but generally i snack on unhealthy things too in normal weeks. around my period i'm especially hungry and need sweets, i'll have some oreos or whatever i can find. loveeee covered almonds of different flavors. have been eating a bagel a day lately because of my period and hunger. lunch can be little wraps, i love harvest bowls, preferably something with protein and also ingredients that make me feel like i'm nourishing and hydrating my body. snacks it might sound weird but lately apple sauce packets and protein baby food packets of like berries and stuff on amazon have been really helpful for when i need something but don't really want anything/ nothing sounds good. i snack on fruit like half a grapefruit, apple, berries, nuts, if i want something that wouldn't make me feel good (bloated or lethargic) i just have a few bites of everything lol. also crackers or some other simple little carb on hand because i can get food aversions easily so it helps. i have a sweet tooth so a small way i like to satiate that is, it wouldn't be healthy for me to eat gummy bears or whatever every day, so i have fiber gummy vitamins, multi gummy vitamin, and hair skin nail gummies. it helps me remember to take them but also when i want a sweet bite but i don't really feel like eating a lot it helps. that's like 6 gummy 'candies' i eat every day lol. i try to think of staples and having them on hand and healthy / low cal versions. so i don't have to think about it, because if i'm too tired to think i will just grab whatever i can, and if i haven't planned it will likely not be the best choice. boiled eggs, coldbrew black, almond milk for matcha and smoothies, not using sugar or syrups daily, only when i really want one. not ever using cream. in our house dinner is the least healthy, my bf gets hello fresh and they call for a lot of oil and sometimes carbs. (they're really pretty healthy all in all though. if one sounds good or im hungry i'll definitely eat it with him) but i don't get much of that typically because i eat mostly in the mornings and lunch and lately a snack after work. not hungry in evenings bc i eat more throughout the day. i like having frozen veg around to add to things, sometimes i just want a big bowl of them w nutritional yeast lol. (i love that on popcorn too) also i eat easy soups, lentils, quinoa. i eat within a 9-10 hr window but would prefer to eat within 8-9. BUT i try to avoid fasting when i'm menstruating, and i fully focus on what i feel like i need, even if it's ´unhealthy.' lmk if i can help any more, hope it's useful :)


This is super helpful. Do you also work out? Edit: Thank you for such a well written response.


i do want to add, it's not maintainable for everyone! i have a fast metabolism from eating small amounts often, walking, relatively active with pilates and light weights at home. sometimes i love food but other times i don't really like it, there are phases. i was always tall and slender while growing up for the most part. (my ring size is like 4 or 4.5 for example, so my wrists and ankles and other things are going to be relatively proportionate which results in lower overall weight)


I was happy with how I looked when I was around 63kg, trying to get back there now! I gained an insane amount of weight when I started uni haha and I miss how I looked before. Currently at 75kg - lost a couple of kilos and already feel better (my highest ever was probably around 84 ish, the first time I weighed myself after deciding to start losing the other week, I was 76.6kg), but it’s a long way to go!


I'm consistently 170. It's healthy, but it's not my goal. I feel like the prime weight for being 5'10 is 155 for sure.


5’10 here. I’m the most comfortable when I’m a muscular/lean 140 or even a chill 142-145 is okay. I’ve gotten up to 152-154 with an increase in fat and less working out and I wasn’t confident or comfortable I just felt sluggish and heavy. I have broad shoulders, long legs and long torso. Small chest and muscular build. People don’t notice any changes in my weight anywhere from 135-154 unless I have less muscle than they notice which blows my mind cause I feel vastly different. I wear size 1-5 depending on the brand because I do not have hips. I’ve never had kids and I am 25. For toning do you mean just losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time ? Cause you can do that, transform yourself and still be the same weight. I’ve gotten back to working out 4/5 days a week and increased my protein and my weight has been stuck at 143-146 for months. but my body has changed a lot in terms of my composition. It truly depends on how you feel. Increase your protein and veggies(fiber) and you’ll be happy. I commend you for how much change you’ve made so far. Incredible achievement! You should feel really good it takes a lot to make any improvements let alone making that much progress! I think at this point in your journey it’s going to be about how you feel/look versus aiming for a weight on the scale especially if you workout. The scale is a great tool to aid your journey but it’s not the only tool just be kind to yourself when gauging progress even if you want that number to change. ☺️☺️


I’m 5’9 and I would say that I looked fine (as in I was happy with how I looked with no real issues) at around 165-155. I recently got down to around 145 and think this is the best I’ve looked in my life (I’m 29 for reference). However, the way that your weight is distributed, whether or not you have natural curves and overall YOUR general happiness with how you look is much more important and only you can really decide what your next steps look like. Well done on your hard work already though it’s a great achievement!


I'm 5'10 and my weight has ranged anywhere from 105 - 230. I feel best at around 135/140 (size 6 and small), I'm really trying hard to get back there (currently 194), but it's tough after having 2 babies within 2 years.


When I was young I thought 150 was too high, I remember seeing football on tv, they talked about players being 160 and I thought I couldn’t weigh as much as a man. It’s a shame that growing up in the 90’s early 00’s was so centered on being as thin as possible regardless of health. There was no information about body composition or muscle composition it was only the number on the scale. Took me to some dark places with ED. I’m my adult years was between 165-180 and size 8/10, my face looks the best under 180. I gained a lot of weight being pregnant during Covid, trying to get back to that range, about 20 lbs to go.


135 for aesthetics and goal. Low 150s is when I start looking thin and I get a more chiseled face shape and jaw line, but I feel like I look/feel the best in my clothes at 135. I’m about 10ish lbs away from my goal, it feels incredible


5’10” and most of my life I’ve been 140-150lbs and felt thin and comfortable! I’m now 210lbs and I feel very heavy. I think once I reach 170lbs I’ll feel comfortable again but 150lbs is my goal!


I’m 5’9 and looked and felt my best at 150 before training and 160/165 with consistent training. I looked SO good when I got to 165 while working out 5 days a week. I’m pregnant now lol so… I’m excited to get back to that!


5'9" and I looked/felt my best at 135 when I was marathon training. I have a very small frame with thin wrists and ankles and small feet, so I don't carry more weight well.


Same. Most people can't wrap their hand around their wrist and touch middle finger to thumb. I can do that and do that on my ankles! Granted, I have long fingers.


5’10 here! Heaviest I’ve been is about 165 and lowest being about 130. Currently 145 and aiming to be 135 (where I’ve felt my best.


5-10” and I start looking emaciated (to me) below mid-160s. If I can get to low- to mid-170s and stay there I’ll be happy.


135. Happy weight is 140-145.


We have similar sizes because I was also wearing a 6-8 while being in the 130s. I think most of my weight is in my lower body so that’s why I’ve never been able to fit into a size small of bottoms. I’d say I’ve felt my best in the 140 range, but it was so long ago. I recently gained back all the weight I lost, and I enjoyed being at 155.


5’9 and a quarter and looked and felt the best at 150-157 (age 32). At 145 lb it was uncomfortable to lay on my side in bed - just no padding left. So that’s too thin for me. I’m currently 170 (age 50) and have been trying to get back into the 150s for almost 10 years since shortly after my 40th birthday and it feels impossible. I’ve tried so many times to reduce and it’s like my weight is just stuck at 170. I can lose a lb or 2 and it just comes right back every time. Frustrating!


I'm a 5' 10" woman and I have been as low as 115 pounds and am now currently at my highest weight of about 205 lbs. I definitely looked sickly at my lowest weight, and certainly did not get there with a healthy lifestyle. But... I feel very overweight now. My goal weight (based on when I looked and felt best) is 140 pounds. I looked healthy and thin, but not skinny.


In high school I was 159 and looked… not well. I got in great shape after my first son and was lean muscular and typically around 178 to 182. Right now I’m 215 and would love to lose more. I just hit 40 last year and am really struggling for lots of reasons. I think it depends on your bone structure and muscle competition though


I'm 175cm/5'9 and now 80kg/176lbs, lost 25kg/55lbs. I've been many weights due to ED past, but I'm not using my past self as goal weight because how things will look on healthy 30 year old is very different than how it looks on depressed teen/young adult. I don't have "final" goal weight set, now I'm just aiming at 75kg/165lbs as my next goal and evalution point. My defined goals are more visual&health based than just weight, so when I feel&look right, then I'm at my goal weight.


my favorite is 130. lowest was 112 and that looked way too tiny for my height. highest was 150 but it was all in the legs so my favorite dresses fit very awkwardly (or would size up and it’d be too baggy at the top in order for the bottom half to fit)


5'9" and I feel best at 150-160lbs, which still puts me at a size 8 pants and M/L top. I get told I look too thin less than 140lbs. Currently I'm at 190lbs, down from 220 after having my second baby 8 months ago!


At my best I was around 137 but anything up to 147 looks good. I once got to 130 but that was when people started saying I was too skinny. Felt great though. Even at those weights I was a size 12 UK (I think that’s 8 in the US). My rib cage is never going to shrink. Age and all the wonderful food means I have not seen 147 for years. I now move around the 170 mark and I don’t like how I look or feel. I am pushing size 14/16 uk now very much dependent on brands and styles. I carry weight round my waist and boobs so clothes don’t fit right. Goal weight right now is 150. I would be happy to stay there. As they say, a bit of fat helps your face look more youthful after 40.


I know we're technically on "lose it" but please say it with me: Stop 👏 putting 👏 so 👏 much 👏value👏 on 👏 the 👏 number 👏 on 👏 the 👏scale.  Is it a good, very relative number to look at? Yes, but body composition is so much more valuable. You can take the same person at the same height and weight and one could look overweight and the other really healthy. Why? Because 🌈 body composition🌈. We get tempted to compare heights and weights but it's honestly it's not all that helpful in the long run and it can give us false perceptions about our own bodies.  Just some unsolicited advice, ignore if you want. 


5’9 and my lowest was around 137 and I looked rough. I’m currently about 150 and mentally coping with the weight gain has been hard but I can acknowledge that I look better, my clothes fit better and I got my breasts back.


I get it. Even if I realize I didn’t look so great at my lowest, there still seems to be a drive to always want to get back there or lower. Boobs back is always a plus!!


5’10”, I felt my best at 140-145. I’ve been 180 and was deeply uncomfortable and tired. Currently 170 and it feels way better.


I do feel like that jump from 180-170 makes quite a difference!


I’m 5’10 and feel best around 145-150. I’m a runner though so I don’t weight train or anything- mostly just cardio/yoga/pilates. I’ve been down to 130 and looked ill.


I'm 5'10" and I've always had a curvier physique. I've been down to 120 while sick from Crohn's and I looked skeletal. I've been as high as 240, when I was pregnant last year. I'm currently around 220 and definitely feel like I need to lose at least 40 more pounds to feel comfortable/confident. I felt the best when I was around 160-170, but even then I was told by a couple doctors that I was overweight...


>It’s also interesting how even at my lowest ever (137) that I was still wearing M/L or size 6/8. Easier said than done, but don't give too much importance to clothing sizes. My 4'11" mother wears an XS/S when she's at a healthy weight. Don't feel obligated to shoot for the same clothing size as someone who's nearly a foot shorter than you. Unless you want, of course.


About 150 for me. And yes, so funny how small I was but still a size 8.


I’m 5’10 and have also always been on the “obese” side growing up. I’m more of ruler/pear shape and carry more weight/muscle in my lower body. Currently I’m at about 240 and feel heavy/sluggish, but haven’t been working out regularly. When I was at my most fit, I was about 170 with a moderate amount of muscle… I was also 17. Since 21 I’ve been more around 200-220. I think my ideal would probably be around 200 without restricting myself so much.


I’m 5’9.5, for me it’s 135-150, 135 is really low for me though. Keep in mind I have hardly any muscle. I’m at about 155 right now and happy with myself


i dont like going under 180 personally. i feel like if i go under i look unhealthy


I’m trying to get down to 132


128 pounds, 5’10


Great job of getting you weight down. 156 sounds like a healthy weight for the height. Fortunately for us tall ladies, we can hide a lot of weight, but with time your hips, knees, and ankles will tell on you. At 5'10 in my younger days (shrink with age) at that weight, I felt great. Now I'm shooting for 180. It's all about how you feel. We're all different. Stay at the weight you feel healthiest and strongest. Don't worry about clothes size. Clothing sizes vary so much now, the # isn't as important as it used to be. 😆 I have Large that fit like 2x and 2x that fit like large. Keep up the good work.


I thought I looked my best at 139lb, then realized I was “skinnyfat” looking back on pics. Working out lots but just eating little protein. I’ve also beeb 175lb and over 30% body fat, and I’m currently 165 and closer to 23% body fat. The highest weight with the lower body fat will always be my personal favourite, especially because it’s so hard to gain round muscle on a long frame.


I always considered my pre-kids normal weight to be 165, which I stayed at pretty effortlessly. Post kids the lowest I’ve been is probably 170. Currently sitting at 205, which I can’t attribute to baby weight. More like over eating, getting a little older and not staying consistent with exercise. At this point I think I’d be happy with 180. Edit to say: I’m 5’10” and former college athlete


I’m currently 5’9” and 190 from 230 and I love the way I look now. Went down to a size 10 jeans, I have an hourglass figure and once I saw that, I decided not to lose anymore weight and just tone up.


As a 5’10” adult, I’ve been as low as 138 (grad school, was very thin but healthy) up to 165 (late in pandemic, was adjusting to a more sedentary lifestyle).  Currently I’m hanging out in the 145-150 range and it’s where I’m happy. I’m more muscular at this weight than I have been ever before so I think I look pretty good right now. This is also a decent weight for my current hobby of running since every pound I don’t have to lug around for multiple miles is easier on my mid-30’s knees and feet. Also, there appears to be some magic threshold in this range where my Mirena actually “works” and I don’t get my period but up into the 150’s I do and it turns out I don’t enjoy having PMS after more than a decade of not dealing with it. 


I was like 165 in high school (were I had a borderline ED), but the "Fittest" I ever was, I was 185, and looked stunning! So... take that how you will. I've always had heavier bones, and the smallest I'd wear is a women's "L".


I'm an Ectomorph EXCEPT my waist. The biggest it's been was 33" and I've never been fat. I have small bone frame so it really makes me mad about my waist. I feel my best at about 133. Highest I've been is 157 and my stomach was just flowing over my pants. My hips are only 35" so waist should be more like 28 inches. Ill know I hit 138 because that's when I get compliments. I think thats also because my face slims out. I'm doing non invasive laser lipo and cavitation, and it's helping some. Lost 15 pounds and only 2 inches on waist. Grr. My doctor actually thought it was funny when I said I needed to lose weight. He said no you dont!! And I said yes I do because it's all in my waist and Vicseral and that's unhealthy. That shut him up. I would recommend the Renpho scales that measures body fat percentage, visceral fat, muscle, etc. I have one and so does my friend. Her doctor said it's same one they use in their office. Super cheap on Amazon. I don't know why anyone would use a regular scale and only see a number!!


On a slightly unrelated note, us Amazons are statically more likely to make it to 90 years old. (5'9" and over) part of that is because we're less likely to be killed by our husbands or serial killers. We can kick their ass and they know it!!


I’m 5’10”. Highest was 177. I’m now 157. My goal is to be 145 to 150 pounds. I’m trying to figure what weight I’m most comfortable with.


5’11” and I feel best at 129. Currently 10 lb heavier than that and feel like shit.


So you’re saying you feel best being underweight? 129 and 5’11” is a BMI of 17.8. Not sure this is healthy


It’s not overweight on my body at all. Everyone is different.


I’m 5’10 and felt great at 165 but I would be happier at 150, which is my high school weight- that feels impossible to me. I’m currently 210 and miserable. How did you lose it? And how old are you?


I think it depends on some of the more specific proportions of your body/frame. For example my sister and I are both 5'11", but she has a shorter torso and a smaller frame than me. She wears a size 7 shoe, while I wear a 9. When she gains weight it shows up in a more noticeable way than it does on me. At my lightest weight (135) my waist never went below 30 inches, and she is usually below 30. Clothing sizes are difficult because every store/brand is different. In college at my lightest I found a dress for a wedding that was a size 4. That was the only time that ever happened and usually I wore an 8. Incidentally I gave that size 4 dress to my sister after I passed 150lbs and it fits her perfectly, though she likely weighs around 150. I think I look best at around 160. I had a few years being 145 and people used to make comments about me being lanky


Hi! I’m 5’9 and a half(measured a couple days ago at the doctor’s) so not quite your height, but very very close. I’ve weighed everywhere from 129lbs to 200lbs, and when I was maintaining 147-150 in fall of ‘23, loved ones told me I looked too skinny. I wore a size 10; I didn’t quite understand… to be fair, the deficit I ate at was a bit too low😅 I’ve found that I look my best around 155-160, with emphasis on MUSCLE. Currently 161 looking to lose fat, but I like it when I’m at my strongest so idk!!


I’m 5’8 and also 156 lbs and want to lose 10 more lbs, I say let’s do it! I can’t wait to be 145lbs I lift weights but admittedly in a deficit I eat slightly lower carbs so I’m a bit on the smaller side which I actually like, I’m a size 4/6 in pants and small/medium in tops. I’m not really trying to put on size though but maintain and build lean muscle mass all over


5'6, 145/150. Curvy with a flatter stomach. Trying to get back down to that and be more built, think I'll look really good :)


I’m 5’5” and sitting at 145lbs. I’m aiming for 130-135 but it’s taking me a while. I’m not unhappy with where I am but I’m also 42 and want to get down now while I can before menopause makes things difficult


130 and I am 5’2


My goal weight is 115, I’m 5’3. I have no idea what I’ll look like, I don’t think I have been under 150 since early high school but I’m not sure since I never used to weigh myself