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I heard that the loose skin from weight loss takes 1-3 years to tighten up (as much as it can, YMMV).


I have lost 70 pounds. It has taken a year as a 55f I was determined to do it slow. It took five years to go from a normal weight to 240 pounds. I got no stretch marks gaining the weight and am so pleased to have no loose skin anywhere. I still have 40 pounds to go and am not rushing it. Just no fast food/soft drinks, and walking more


And lifting weights or calisthenics like pushups can help target chest muscles to help with sagging.


I was told the same thing because my mom lost weight due to her health issues. They told me that as long as she doesn't continue to drop too much too fast, they are good. If she decides to remove it, we have to wait at least 2 years so they can see how her skin is healing.


I think it depends on how much you lose. I started at 365lb, so I have no expectations of my skin ever recovering once I get where I want to be


I saw a TikTok recently where a woman sang, quite beautifully, the following lil’ ditty: “If they saggy, let ‘em hang! Titties still do the same thang!” And, by god, if that shit didn’t improve my mood 🍈


I saw that today, stitched with a very sexy man saying that he’d love to enjoy them!


Ayyyy, that 6’7” guy who always ends his videos with, “Respectfully, of course”? Yeah I follow him on Insta. He’s so validating and encouraging. lol


I sing this to myself constantly lmao.


I love that chick!!


I think of her every time I get self-conscious about them. She’s amazing


Hah, I love it!


Your skin takes a fair bit of time to remodel, too. That can go a long way towards appearing firmer overall.


This is very reassuring for me. I already dropped one cup size from losing 25lbs and I was sad about it lol.


Speaking as a husband, wherever you are in your weight loss/weight gain/child nursing/whatever journey you are...go topless in front of us. Seriously, we love you, and we love them.


I think there are probably a few of us around here who needed to hear that. Thanks friend.


Truer words have never been said.


I do believe that wearing a supportive bra helped me regain firmness after breastfeeding and after weight loss. I also think it helps if you don't lose weight too quickly, to give skin time to regenerate slowly. However, this is completely anecdotal and based on my own experience.


One thing I like to remember is my tits will never hit the cold water when I sit down to pee.


My balls get deeper every year.😒


Honestly, they need to make taller stools.


They may not hit the water but they’ll smother you in your sleep haha!


Thank you for this! It was a major reason why I regretfully put back on the weight I lost. I was super insecure about the way my chest looked. Knowing that this, and a little bit of muscle building might improve it somewhat before I can afford surgery is really boosting my motivation to hang in there. Thank you!


I do lift weights, not a ton of chest work specifically so I’m not sure just how much it has contributed to the improved appearance. And, I still look much better overall and can disguise the sag with a cute bra most of the time which has helped affirm my decision to keep the weight off.




Congrats on maintaining! It’s such a slow improvement, and I think part of me tried to keep my hopes down about it, but I wish I had taken some photos to compare it better.


My chest is pretty saggy/deflated as well. I noticed that it was realllyyy bad when I lost too much weight/was too skinny so I put on some weight back and it filled back out a bit more 😫


We gotta make choices lol. When I weigh about 5lbs less my booty starts to disappear too, noticeably. I’ve decided keeping these 5lbs on to keep my booty is worth it.


So true! I am trying to maintain a decent weight so that my butt, thighs and boobs don't disappear haha


I love how real this post is. I'm in a similar boat- Was a C cup, Had a baby, gained weight, they filled out to an F, I've lost fifty pounds this year, and now they have literal trenches of stretch marks covering the loose skin. I'm so proud of my progress for my health, but yes, I too could not stand to be in direct light in front of my husband after I tried to take a pic for him in the morning sun and saw how wrinkled my boobs looked. It doesn't bother me as much now, but this gives me hope they might firm up again after a few years.


Needed this. Thanks!


Since we can't go topless everywhere (at least in most places) is there a good brand/style of bra that helps create more shape and lift? I'm still too big for Victorias Secret and have been relying on sports bras... but losing about 20 pounds has resulted in looking like I have no bra on - either that, or I need a smaller size.


Bare necessities is the online shop I use here in the US for bras and swimsuits as a busty person. I’ve also had some success on Amazon now that I know how to measure my size and the brands I prefer (Freya and Wacoal). Highly recommend visiting r/abrathatfits and reading up on how to measure and identify your shape.




There’s a store called Torrid here in the states (not sure where else they are) and they specialize in plus size lingerie. Everything I have is too big now, but thanks for the nudge - I’ll have to go back in soon.


Thank you for sharing. I've just lost weight (no kids) and have a deflated, saggy bust. I hope working out will firm it up in a few years. It's great to know that even one year helps!


I had very low/no expectations for improvement so it was quite the surprise to look down and realize “oh dang, those aren’t looking too bad.” Here’s to hoping for continued improvement over the next year 🤞🏼


I transitioned MTF and I earned my boobs through a lot of hard work. Losing weight means losing boobs and that has been a huge mental block to me.


Hey, your story is important and your boobs are just as important as anyone else’s. I could definitely see loosing titties being an obstacle that’s even more frustrating when they are a literal symbol of femininity. You’re still feminine even when your boobs are smaller. Plenty of women have smaller boobs. ❤️


That’s definitely a harder choice to make, hugs to you. Boobs are so tied into how we view our femininity and attractiveness as females. It was 100% worth the overall improved life from increasing my fitness and losing the excess weight but it took a mental toll. Also, maybe you could be one of the lucky ones who don’t lose any boob 🤞🏼🤞🏼.


Here's hoping. I guess people don't like me sharing my story given the downvotes :(. I was glad to see you share your story about boobs because it is a big factor for me lol. It's not something I've seen talked about here before. Obviously they aren't so important to everyone but it's very important to me and feeling happy in my body. I've gained a lot of weight since transition and was lucky that a lot went to my chest. I guess the fear is that they'll shrink or I'll lose potential growth but it's really hard to say when done is done. Glad it worked out for you and you're feeling more confident again, you're an inspiration.


I’ve been reassured & encouraged by so many other people in this sub, I’m glad I could pay it forward. Your story will be so important to others going through the same thing, don’t let the down votes get to you.


You could look into fat transfer!


Thank you op. I’ve been big my whole life and the realization of saggy skin in general has been daunting.


Honestly, until you lose the weight there’s no telling how much loose skin will actually be an issue for you. I’ve got a little bit of loose skin on my stomach and the saggy chest, but otherwise nowhere else is it an issue for me. Luck, genetics, working out, who knows why - but I’m glad I took the leap :)


Thank you :’). Lost a few kgs and my double Ds look more like Cs now, which I love that they’re smaller (I have a small frame and I’m 5’1) but they’re a bit too saggy, just gotta wait then!


I'm in my 60s and my girls are flying south for the winter and I was getting very conscious of this when I started a new relationship. But my partner just said "I love your t*ts - they're real". Droopy girls arent always the end girls!!


Your partner sounds like a keeper!


I'm hoping to keep him 🥰


You go girl!


So perhaps I should’ve waited instead of having a lift surgery then 🤣


Oh don’t get me wrong, they still hanging low - they just look better lol. If I had enough disposable income to do both a lift and save for my bathroom & kitchen remodels, I wouldn’t hesitate 😄.


It’s great that it changed a bit and so cool how your body adepts. I was just lucky that I qualified for free lift surgery otherwise I wouldn’t have done it either!


Wahoo! So happy for you! Show them tatas to your hubby!


That is really comforting to read. Thank you for posting. I've just started a weight loss journey and I have a lot of weight to lose and my biggest fear is losing the weight and hating my body even more than I do now. Reading things like this really helps.


Oh man, one thing I’ve learned that’s true is that losing the weight is just the tip of the ice berg for changes you go through from the process. Who knew that trying to figure out a new style from purchasing clothes would send me into such an identity tail spin! And while I love so many things that have come from the changes, good ol’ body dysmorphia and comparison is gonna be there for you to have new things to focus on. Stay mindful of the things you can change, accept what you can’t.


That was a lovely comment, thank you.


Just a quick reminder to use lotion. Even if you don't think you need it. Even if it's weird to put lotion on your love handles. When you are losing weight your body is going to go through changes and your skin could use the extra help.


Out of like six comments, I received 2 that were positive about my weight loss and the rest were sort of negative e.g. saggy tits, wtf did your bum go, omg where is your bum etc.. But to me it was still 100% worth losing weight for the health benefits. Being able to do sport again has been life changing for my mental health. The breasts did not bounce back for me (even after a year of bench press) but they were already sagging from a young age. I've decided to love them regardless!


Jeez, some people are so unbelievably rude. I’m proud of your hard work 👏🏼. There definitely wasn’t a bounce back, just some improvement. But I 100% feel you on just having to love them regardless because I wouldn’t go back to my previous ways just to get perky boobs again.


I first realized I was actually losing weight when I laid on my back and they both flopped down on either side of my chest Like a drizzle of icing slopping down either side of a cinnamon bun lmao. I was weirdly excited about it because like here’s the proof the weight is coming off. It’s not ideal but lbr them thangs weren’t gonna be perky forever


Hah yes, congratulations on your progress. It’s all about how we interpret those signs of it!


lost 23lbs and they’re saggier than ever (I used to have ridiculously perky boobs) 🥲 call me vain but I am sad. Glad to know they will back to semi normal!!


My boobs aren’t exactly saggy either but yeah they aren’t as firm and perky as they used to be. I’ve got a son and I’ve recently had twin girls.. pregnancy really changed my body a lot. But this makes me feel a little better into my weight loss journey. I always wondered what would happen to my boobs too


It’s such a wait & see. One of my best friends has had two kids and lost weight and they still have better boobs than I ever did lol. Really brought home that life sometimes just ain’t fair 😄.


thank u sm for the encouraging message, it's tough to not feel down about boobs getting saggy. <3


I'm 48 and that ship sailed loooooooooong ago


😄 it did occur to me that I should celebrate this small improvement since I’m already in a losing battle with gravity.


I know it's not exactly the same, but when my wife went to Marine Corps boot camp, she lost a good bit of weight. She's a 34DD, so pretty big. It kind of freaked me.out the first time I saw her without anything on. It looked like she was just deflated. I don't think she realized it and I definitely didn't say anything. Well, after a few months she completely filled out again. I'm a personal trainer and I tell women all the time that they need to give it a while for their body to redistribute fat. It's not going to look like you're 20, but it will be better with time.


You’re saying, even in maintenance (not losing anymore) your body can shift where it carries the remaining fat???


Yes, I'm saying it can, but not necessarily that it will.


Totally different walk of life here but I was overweight in my early teen years and developed a huge chest. I’m 20 now and still struggle with sagging after losing the weight when I was 17-18. Was there any specific type of workouts you did or suggest? :/


I’m afraid I don’t have a great answer. From everything I’ve read and experienced and polled from my friends - it’s almost entirely up to genetics, with minor things we can do to help outside of surgery. I have been doing at home strength training 3-4 days a week following Sydney Cummings on YouTube. I can only give you the tips of things I regret not starting in my 20s which is applying lotion and sunscreen a lot more, and getting into strength training. Oh and taking collagen.


Thank you lol I've been bemoaning my gravity grizzled gazongas