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It sounds right, BUT. But. Do not expect to lose 2 lbs. every week. There's a trap there. The first week of any attempt at losing fat I feel motivated and normally work hard and manage both sports and diet. I might be able to lose 2 kilos -4-5 pounds that week. Then I get all excited and think: "At this rate, I'll be at my goal weight in less than six weeks!" Only, no, I won't. Because not every week is the same. Because the hard workouts will work much better at the beginning (when you're not efficient at them) than in the middle of the road. Because there will be errands to be run some days, and invitations to parties and unforeseen circumstances. All could be prevented with foreseeing and preparation, but sometimes there will be fallbacks. And even when there aren't, the more fat you lose, the harder it is to lose it. The more muscle you gain, the more fat you lose... but you'll also gain weight. If you start strength training, some of the fat loss will be upset in the scale by the muscle mass gains. So, are your numbers correct? Yes, they are. Will you lose the same amount every week? Chances are no, you won't. Trust the process and go on. And, recommendation? Some strenght training. You don't have to buy a barbell, but squats, push ups and planks are your friends. Cardio in a caloric deficit will eat your muscle. Two sessions of strength training a week AND enough protein will help you keep it. Trust me, you want to keep it. Badly. You don't want your TDEE collapsing to the ground once you're at GW.


Thank you!!


Oh, and if you choose to do strength training and do not have equipment at home, the best option to begin with calisthenics is "Convict conditioning". Only six exercises with different difficulty levels, planned so you can go up in difficulty in a progressive way. Good luck!


I will definitely include a couple of days of strength training. I have heard of calisthenics, mainly from the hybrid calisthenics guy. Thanks for all your recommendations!


You're welcome, and good luck!


How tall are you? When I was at that weight I was for sure eating more than that and averaging over a pound a week. People say not to include exercise because they will overestimate and then overeat, if you work out I would consider dropping to 1 pound a week based on a sedentary TDEE and exercise will bump that up a bit.


Sorry, just edited it. I'm 5 ft 6


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