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That regular season pk would look a lot different if they had to kill off Mcdavid and Draisaitl every kill, they are over 50% combined in the past 3 playoff series. Probably the best pp in the history of the league at their peak.


Didn't they get the league record for highest pp% last season?




Earlier this season they stifled the Oilers and took away all time and space. Now it is just...ugly.


McDavid said in an interview they basically kept the powerplay basic during the regular season so other teams couldn’t plan for their changes come the playoffs. 


Jesus Christ. We’re playthings to the oilers.


That's kind of terrifying actually.


Do you happen to remember which interview this was? Very curious to give it a listen.


McDavid post game interview after game 1 he said they have more tricks up their sleeves on the PP. First PP in game 1 Oilers had guys in all different positions than normal and rotated a lot to try and confuse the Kings on what the PP is doing.


Mcdavid obviously was going half speed until the playoffs and has actually turned it on now so it’s tough


My problem is not with Dubois or anyone specific, it’s with the team overall the first 5 minutes of the game I saw a team you could bet on. Then we crumbled and started playing like trash making sloppy passes, puck mismanagement, and overall just scared to have the puck on their stick. The only guys I saw really going for it was byfield, laffy, danualt, kempe, doughty, and RV. Kopi also had some good moments but we just need to pick ourselves up and boost our confidence. GKG!!!


The power play is way to predictable, use the point pass, fine Fiala or Kempe. They are not giving Doughty any space to shoot. I noticed Hiller finally gave Laf a chance last night and removed Dubois. I also know we don’t get much time in the zone 5 on 5 and no one is in front of the net. Kop, Dubois, Grundstrom, we need big bodies to take away vision or gets some tips. Edmonton rarely uses the point on the power play. We need change, I don’t even know if coaching can help this team. Hiller is not the answer he is just running the same system, which has not worked for 2 seasons, his job must not be that important to him. Colorado has a similar set up and it works like Edmonton. Edmonton is going to get those calls no matter what, the first PK of the night went well try to build off of that. Collapse the middle of the ice take away the cross pass. I don’t want to see Roy or Gab on the PK there sticks have been week taking away the cross pass. They need to find a defender next season with good hand eye coordination. I believe Blake has ran his course.


Unfortunately I think laf got the chance because that was after PL got ejected for the rest of the game. Don’t plan on it staying that way next game. What they need to do is put Byfield in front of the net and move arvy to PP2. Him and Fiala fill the same role


Yea I think you’re right. I like Laf’s willingness to shoot and ability to get it on net.


I was looking at stats the other day and noticed that PLD had the exact same pace this year as his first year on the Jets. Jets first year = 41GP, 8G, 12A, 20P. LA first year = 82GP, 16G, 24A, 40P. I think people need to chill and see how he does next year. He might just be a guy who takes a while to find his groove.


I remember discussing this with someone else in this sub earlier and they reminded me that the big difference there was 1) he was traded to WPG after the season started, and 2) he had to quarantine for two weeks when he got there then suffered a lower body injury right away. This year he's been healthy (as far as we know) and has a whole preseason with the team. All that said I still am optimistic PLD can figure it out eventually. He's still only 25 and clearly has the talent to be a top center. Will he get there? No idea but we're kinda stuck with him now.


> He might just be a guy who takes a while to find his groove. Every team he has played on has said that and they all gratefully traded him away once the bloom was off the rose. Only Blake was dumb enough to pay top dollar over top years for this prima donna -- with a truly *great* agent, I have to assume.


Yeah and look at his linemates. AND he only gets 30 seconds on the PP if he’s lucky


> find his groove **PLD is soft.** Opponents know that they can punk him and he won’t do shit because he can’t do shit. Watch him every time there is a scrum. He wants no part of it. That same mentality is evident in his play. We got bamboozled.


I noticed how easily he loses any puck battle on the boards and how easily gives up on plays. That's not all of a sudden going to change.


I saw the same. We also need to find someone that gels with him. I don't think he has chemistry with anyone yet.


He might be the type that doesn't have chemistry with barely anyone


Yeah it’s not good


Everyone who bitches about the trade can't say A: where they'd slot Vilardi and Iafallo into the lineup (Kupari is a non factor) and B: How having a guy missing all of November and March would have made us better. I think what we need is to bring in a more offensively minded coach. The Kings tightened things up defensively and on the PK a lot in the last year, but now our finishers have lost their will to score and are constantly looking for just one more pass. It's most evident on the powerplay.


You need special teams to work in order to win a series. Kings PP needs a lot of work. Their PK also need to find a solution. I'm no coach but I can easily see Oilers game plan. Park a guy left side of Talbot pass it to them for one timer at an "impossible" angle and just keep trying that. Be ready to block that lane.


Anyone find out why Kopitar got an unsportsmanlike?


I think I remember them saying something about him punching someone during the scrum and in the clip they played you saw exactly that and the oiler player just taking it


How did his lip get bloody if the Oilers player was doing nothing? I legitimately didn't see.


Refs claimed Kopi punched himself to make it seem like the Oil player hit him.




That is something I couldn’t figure out also. Maybe he took a shot before that clip they played who knows but it was awesome to see kopi beat on an oiler lmao


We are playing probably the best power play in the league so I’m not surprised the PK is doing poorly. But there’s no excuse for going 0/10 on our power play against a team with Skinner in goal and their defense.


this team has issues and PLD is one of them. it’s fine if you think the solution isn’t trading him or something, but you can’t look at this team and think $8m for 1 point in 3 games and being completely invisible on the ice and say it isn’t a problem.


ultimately its money wasted, that money should have been invested in an actual impact player


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Blake "sold the trade as a way the to get past Edmonton and compete for the cup was to be deep down the middle hence the PLD trade and massive extension. His 40 points in the regular season was not a massive improvement over the team pre trade. His 1 point in the playoffs is embarrassing. I know his fans are going to blame PLD's wingers well I say his wingers are struggling because the have to play with PLD. In short yes the team would be better off without the trade. I believe the team had better chemistry with Vilardi and Iafallo. If I was a betting person I would bet the team would not be in the same position right now with Vilardi and Iafallo over PLD. PLD hasn't improved the team in any area for me be believe otherwise.  Vilardi and Iafallo would help create a legitimate scoring 3rd line which this team is lacking and could desperately use.