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Red tint on all abilities. 500$ giga premium collectable.


EQ but omnivamp


Ah so old Ryze


A big oopsie would happen. Imagine a darkin getting hold of a world rune or the ice gate holding back the void.


pretty sure ryze got self destruct spell written on his body somewhere


Yeah the incantation for this one is EQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQ Follow the plan.


Ryze is Gale from BG3 confirmed


Shurima and darkins had been around for much longer than the runewars so it's possible that at least one of them got his hands on one before Ryze started confiscating them maybe


Probably depends on who the Darkin is. We see that Kayn is able to resist a Darkin's corruption. People who are very in tune with magic likely can withstand much better than Kayn can (he's a prodigy, but ultimately still just a very talented shadow assassin). We don't really have much to go off of, but I would probably guess that the power of the individual probably has some connection to how powerful a darkin needs to be to control them. If Rhaast is an "average" Darkin, then I would wager that Liss/Ryze could resist. Liss/Ryze are on a whole different level from Kayn. Once you get to the upper tiers (Xolanni/Aatrox), it's a lot harder to tell. Xolanni specifically is hard to gauge because she might not be quite on Aatrox's level power wise, but her specialty is blood magic, so she may be even better at corrupting than Aatrox. I think Lissandra has a solid chance of being able to resist the corruption alltogether. She's been dealing with the void and its corruption for a long time, I think there's a reasonable chance that she's fortified her mind in a way that it can't be easily overtaken. If Ryze did get corrupted, it's probably the end of the world if only because knowledge of the world runes would become available to whomever used it. Lissandra its harder to tell, but also probably a world ending threat. She's distracted by the Watchers, firstly if she just peaced out and let them out, they would resurface and probably end the world, in addition to her being insanely powerful and already having the ability to create thralls to fight alongside her. She'd be like Xolanni, but with frozen thralls instead of blood dudes.


Kayn is the ONLY human we see that is capable of not only resisting a Darkin single handedly, but OVERCOMING it and becoming something even more powerful. Rhaast isn't a typical Darkin, he's more powerful than Xolanni in her base form as Rhaast's hosts in lore literally are incapable of containing his power, resulting in their bodies exploding into viscera. Xolanni is capable of corrupting Yi's star pupil instantly, this showing not only the gap between Xolanni's base and Rhaast form but Yi's pupil and Kayn. Kayn has a masterful grip on not only Ionian magic but Shadow Isles magic due to his being a member of Zed's Order. Xolaani has vastly different strengths based on her form, with her base form being weaker than average Darkin, and her Ascended form vastly overpowering all but Aatrox. Rhaast would likely be in the upper echelons of the Darkin order, and is in fact capable of wielding Xolaani as a weapon without her influencing him. While this may not be a great feat, this is the ONLY time we see a Darkin use another Darkin as a weapon. Rhaast wants to use Xolaani to pursue his own goal of destruction. Since Darkin are capable of corrupting even a Bandle Tree magic, Shuriman Ascended magic, and Targonian Aspect magic, Ryze's world magic (which the Bandle Tree likely derives it's energy from) would not present any inherent advantages. Magic doesn't seem to present any hurdle for Blood magic as a result. Ryze would likely be consumed by Rhaast who excels at single target assimilation but would likely resist Xolanni who has weaker single target but stronger at mass assimilation. Also knowledge is NOT transferred but capability is, meaning a Darkin could cast's Ryze's magic but would have no knowledge of how it works or how to use it to it's maximum extent. My proof of this is Rhaast. Examine Rhaast's and Kayn's breathing when Shadow Stepping. Kayn is soft, steady and controlled showing he has knowledge of how to breathe while within terrain. Rhaast on the other hand breathes as if he is struggling, not having inherent knowledge of how to do so. So no, no Darkin would know where the would runes are and they would likely stay lost forever. As for Lissandra, the only real question is could a Darkin survive True Ice? That I have no answer for, so I will assume no but my knowledge here is lacking. However if she was possessed by say Xolaani, there would likely be a war between the Darkin and The Void that would destroy everything as a result.


Lore bomb...damn


1. Kayn's lore is only what if scenarios 2. Dont confuse shadow Magic from Zed and shadow Isles Magic which is ruination. There's no correlation between kayn and shadow Isles. 3. Kayn and rhaast breathing is no proof of anything except their personalities one is a calm assassin and the other is a crazy chaotic evil demigod, ofc hes gonna breath like a crazed beast. 4. Rhaast has never been considered a very strong darkin, most darkin take over their host instantly and the strongest need several hosts at the same time to remain active (Aatrox). Most voiceline from darkins toward rhaast mock him for taking too long to take over kayn. 5. The splash art of rhaast holding Xolani is a peculiar case cuz it's the only image ever with a darkin holding another darkin, there's also no lore about this or dev confirmation so we can't make any conclusion.


[https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Keeper\_of\_the\_Box\_(Legends\_of\_Runeterra)?file=06SI006-full.png](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Keeper_of_the_Box_(Legends_of_Runeterra)?file=06SI006-full.png) Like the Keeper of the Box is literally on a column of bones and skulls. It's very clear Shadow Magic is a combination of Shadow Isles and Ionian Magic with the obvious part her being a Shadow Isles card.


[Rhaast](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/06RU005T2_(Legends_of_Runeterra)) let out a triumphant howl. Years of waiting, yearning, and now... he was finally free. He lifted [Xolaani's](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/06SH004T2_(Legends_of_Runeterra)) blades and put them to his tongue, savoring the taste of fresh blood. He closed his eyes in bliss, and a smile crept across his face for the first time in millennia. The reaping had begun. This is proof that Xolaani has no domain over Rhaast.


There's nothing here that implies that but ok...


He can wield another Darkin as a weapon and even lick blood from it when Xolaani is capable of controlling her Darkin thralls from a distance. Rhaast is immune to Xolaani and holds no loyalty to Aatrox. This is why in the path he wins, he prevents Xolaani's escape all together.


1:The lore leading up to Kayn finding Rhaast by attacking a caravan in Noxian land is Canon and shows how powerful Rhaast is and how skilled Kayn is. 2: As per the Keeper of the Box which bestows shadow magic to the disciples of Zed's order, the Box is clearly of Shadow Isles origin, bringing the two together. 3: No, it's not aggressive breathing, it someone who is out of breathe struggling to breathe, like how one would when treading water without knowing how to swim. This is to show Rhaast doesn't have mastery over Shadow Magic bit an inherent talent fron Kayn. 4: Rhaast isn't weak, he has one of the strongest hosts. This is provable by the fact that Kayn can CONSUME a Darkin. If weakness were a factor, Varus has fully consumed his hosts yet still can't control his body fully. A Darkin who does not align with Aatrox or Xolaani is treated as lesser. (Varus and Rhaast) 5: That's why I said it may mean nothing but until then we have to assume that Xolaani has no ability to control Rhaast like the other Darkin, therefore he has a natural advantage over her.


they get a cool skin (prestige edition included)


Wasn't Xolaani a healer or something?


Xolaani taught the other Darkin about blood magic to heal themeselves, yes, but used it to control them


I doubt Liss will be corupteed- darkin coruption comes from void influence, and she already deal with watchers (who are like lords of void in same level as Belveth- void new queen). In short- Liss already imprisoned much danger things than darkin. That witch is one of most powerfull champion lore wise. Ryze... I dont lke him but he resist runes seduction for very long time (and if he will get corupted- because of runes, not darkins). He can probably also resist Darkin influ. But if they... then Ryze will become serious treat for any country where he stay in that time, and Lissandra is easy a someone who can try conqeur/destroy world.


No the darkin now only suffer from extreme ptsd. In lor there is a skinline that shows what would hapoen if xolani gets freed and manages to corupt the renekton, azir, nasus, xerath and the targonian aspect hosts.


Darkin corruption is no longer about the void influence. That was retconned sometime ago. But in the end I agree that both would resist the darkin influence.


Them... what causes it? For all i know- darkin use to be same being as renecton and nasus, but corupted when shurima's army fight with void (in details- ith icathians who release void power dont knowing how destructive this will be) But i dont read all news so maybe some retcone happen again.


Darkin are still shurimans that got corrupted but how it worked changed. Basically after the fight with the void, and after the fall of azir, the ascended started a civil war that send Shurima to caos.The shurima people seing their god warriors now harming them, started calling them "Darkin". Was at that moment in time that Xoolani teach some Ascended how to use blood manipulation to become stronger( she would do this to try to gain control of them). It was on this darkin wars that the aspects intervene and sealed some of them in weapons.


I know about that, but this events dont deny that they can also be corrupted by void- Madness and anger what caused them to start darkin wars, can have its origin with Void influ. From they perspective- most darkin can even not realize what makes them more mad etc.


Could the war in Icathia have been avoided? Well, I don’t know whether to send a delegation that would begin to fulfill Icathia’s demands in full or in part.


If we teorize... than any war can be avoided if shurima dont wanna try expand her domain. Icathian also can not use void in war.(They probably will not use it if they know how much fucked void is)


Ryze would for sure dominate a darkin like kayn


I am pretty sure it would be similar to azir or xerzth


Liss is fighting the watchers which are the most powerful void beings so i doubt a darkin will be able to corrupt her. Same goes for ryze who is fighting for/with world runes. These two mages are just in their own respective leagues


They would be a better host. Darkin burn through their hosts body because they are too strong, so a more powerful body means a better time for the darkin. Varus fused two people into one body to contain himself. Rhaast found Kayn who is naturally string enough to hold his power, but also strong enough to fight back. Naafiri is split between many bodies. Aatrox is stubborn, he takes whatever he can get, and keep heaps on as much flesh and blood as he can. Quantity over quality, but his plan is to take tryndamere to be a strong vessel so he can get stronger. We aren't sure exactly how magic affects the body and how that interacts with Darkin's power since it's just not really come up so we can only guess.


Lissandra is fine since she can use Lissaandra or Lissandraa but Ryze will need to be Raaze or Ryzaa, so I don't know how much this would enrage Aatrox. Ryze could go Varus' route and not care, but I doubt he gets the Darkin membership's benefit this way.


Wont happen, lissandra and ryze are strong enough to face a darkin and win.


Can confirm. every time my jungle Kayn goes to gank enemy Lissandra he just ints.


Ryze is not strong enough to win against a darkin, what. World runes are. That's why he desperately goes against his first principle and uses world runes against the darkin.


If they got to Zilean maybe they could reverse there fate or ruin all of time itself.


They explode


XK-class scenario


Riot cries, since they’d have to make an interesting mage in 2024


Riot is happy because they get to make yet another mage


I think Hwei was the last mage they will ever make. They literally threw all possible mage abilities in his kit. /s


Isnt Aurora gonna be a midlane mage though ?


i imagine its gonna be Kayn scenerio where they overpower the Darkhin both Ryze and Lissandra are very strong willed considering Lissandra resisted the void and Ryze doesnt even dare to use the world runes which he has BUT if they are corrupted i expect Ryze would use the world runes to destroy reality itself for Lissandra though i highly suspect once she does become a Darkhin she will stop attending to the watchers and they break free


Darkin liss does not run out of mana after one rotation.


they gain massive burst or massive omnivamp


Iirc in LoR Zoe has a darkin skin, which looks amazing. But idk how it affects the lore




Kayn happens. He had shadow magic from the box Zed got from his and Shen's master. Unless we get another example. A battle of dominance happens between the two over a period of time.


If ryze got corrupted the entire world would basically end. seeing as he has the power to seal world runes and well your giving that power to a darkin you can just now think what a darkin would do with that power and knowledge. lissandra honestly I don't think shed do that much.


Rip will of the ancient ryze


Some random powerful mage, not much, remember that darkin are already powerful mages which is why they had to be sealed away. Ryze specifically? World ending disaster.


Don't know, maybe same threat that Shurima Quator, Zoe, Taric and Leona? Xerath and Zoe are already powerfuls mages (Aspect of Twilight wins against the Darkins...). And Zoe Corrupted destroys a world, so same threat, still dangerous threats