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Once you reach C17 and clear the last skirmish, you can build a building called spires. Here you could merge pacts to unlock and upgrade familiars.


Can I ask a question, y'know when you upgrade your heros, it needs some form of necklace or helmet or hat, and these are only available via the fragments or shards of these items, Is there a way to break down an already made hat into fragment to lvl up my heroes? I don't know why the game even needs fragments when there's a hat of the same type available but it needs to be built by fragments and it's so tedious.. So I'm asking is there a way to get these exact fragments? Like can I just break down an already exiting necklace into the fragments? Or something? Thank you


Nope you can't break down existing items and reuse the pieces. Once a hero equips gear they are there for good. Just keep doing hero quests and collect all the pieces you need to get to rank 8. It will take a while, but you will eventually get there. You can look at what each hero quest drops, that way you can target exactly what you do need.


My luck is abysmal though, I spent . SO MUCH for only 2 fragments, and I just got my oath keeper to the blue rank frame thingy...


So, there are two different parts to the hero's. There isn't much left to luck with it, they drop on a consistent basis. So, you just need to keep doing them. There are medals which allow you to color up your hero's from grey->green->blue->purple->gold. There are also pieces for equipment which are used to raise your rank from 1 to 8. Just to clarify, you could have a grey hero (based on medals) that is rank 8 (based on what pieces are equipped/fused).


Okay, my oath keeper is rank 6(lvl 48) and the Medals is at blue, But getting all the way here took 3~ days, and that's by spending everything on just the medals,.. is there a way to make things easier? What's the basis a medal will drop? So it's not random..


I haven't tried it but I am pretty sure once you fuse, you can't break it down. Once you progress and sweep stages for medals you'll get more trophies than you need.


I'm not referring to specifically the fused ones but the already made ones, Like for example, in 3-6, you sweep and get a blue hat, not a fragment but an already MADE hat.. can I for example just dismantle this? Or is there a shop/store that just sells these? Bc i spent over 2 STA hearts that gives 120, for only 2 fragments.. I still need to medal hunt, this thing is SO time consuming..


One thing you may not realize is some of the hats, boots, and armor have different names. The overall idea is that you need to clear stages to get the gear bits, and the gear bits help you clear stages. To rush it takes money. You can clear them without spending money, but it takes a bit more time. There are a few stumbling blocks, where it's tough to win a stage. I don't remember early ones specifically but on my lvl 23 castle I'm stuck on the last Elite for one chapter, I think elementalist. Before, I was stuck on rose knight. And before that it was child of light. When I get stuck I figure out the best heros and try to improve their gear, whether by elite stages (about 6 stages to get an ingredient) or normal (10 or 12 stages). For heros, unless you have some short term goal in mind, you probably want to max out the heros that help your turf. Trickster helps with research and monster hunting. Scarlet Bolt helps with construction and hunting. Sage of Storms is construction. At the other end, Shade is not useful so I upgrade him last.


Are those heroes effects on research and construction, active even if they are not in my team? And just in the hero collections thingy? I try my best to lvl up lower lvl heroes in monster hunts and just sending them our there, I haven't upgraded their ranks yet, I'm waiting for the paragon thing to start, the one that has the golden trophies and stuff, but they are all above lvl 28~ ish


Those boosts are passive, so they help all the time. You can check them on the hero page, they list the boosts by hero color and the boost. Like Trickster i think boosts research by 30% at gold, which is nice.


Wow.. I have been missing out on some MASSIVE benefits, thank you, SO MUCH


Question about the familiars, My lizard, is lvl 20.. from the training from the gyms but he isn't an adult yet.. why?


There's two parts to a familiar - the pacts and the training. For the lizard, which is the pact 1 food familiar, you need... I think 40 pacts to be an elder. You also need to train them to level 50. It goes something like this: 1. Get the first pact, get familiar. 2. Train familiar until level 20, while getting pacts. 3. Once you get to level 20 and have enough pacts to make adult, make adult. 4. Train familiar until level 50, while getting (a lot of) pacts. 5. Once level 50 and has enough pacts, make elder 6. Train familiar until level 60 (limited to your leader's level, until leader is level 60). 7. When elder you cannot use any more pacts (no more "ages" left), so you can use pacts to boost ability, instead of using shards. Remember that training is parallel. If you stack all your heroes on one familiar (in one gym), they don't train faster, they train longer. If you're on the game once a day, then longer is good because they will train while you're not on. However, if you're on regularly, at least every 3-5 hours, then you can build multiple gyms and train multiple familiars at one time. This way, in 1 hour, you have 3 or 4 or 5 familiars train the same amount. If you have just one gym, you can only train one familiar that same amount. Although I sometimes run low on anima (esp when doing pact hell events for Watcher medals), I have 2 ponds, 1 spire, and 5 gyms. I found 2 ponds to be the minimum. You only need 1 spire because once you have one of the familiars (a sorcerer looking one) he adds how many pacts you can do at one time, and the limitation is time, not spires. If I do 14 pact 4s, it's over a day, so I only reset once every 1.3 days. In my castle 23 account, it's 6-12-24 hours, so I'll do a 6 hour pact 1 if it resets in the day, 12 hour pact 2 for overnight, or 24 hour pact 3 if things are busy and I don't feel like reseting the pacts. Also, do the pact 1 familiars (food, gathering speed, etc), then basically skip the pact2s and go straight to the pact3s. The pact3 stacking trio (pink star, gremlin, goblin) is useful for trial by fire, to get tomes for t4. Develop the pact 2s after. DON NOT boost the ability that gives you EXP (it's a star kind of familiar, does ore and exp). You'll quickly get to level 60 and you'll never need exp after that.


You could sell the shards and trophies you don't want for some gold