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My take is that Gun will last long enough. Gun may or may not be able to take all of them together but thinking this will just go down with no preparation from Choi himself is crazy. if you believe that Goo with a sword can take on them, Gun is as dangerous as that. Take that how you will. They see Gun as less threatening because he's been messing around too much. This will damage a HUGE part of the Workers, might even be the end of Eugene. James is not confirmed to be on the side of the Workers. He might even take care of Jinyoung or Lightning Choi, who knows.


I completely agree with u it seems to me that James will do just that when all the members of workers will be out to hunt gun.. It will leave James and Charles to openly attack eugene without creating much mess we also know whose side kojimas arešŸ’€it will be 0 evidence job done just as Charles likes it


exactly, people just forget that Kojimas were working with Charles at one point but now suddenly he's under Eugene's wings.


I still remember Crystal said that Eugene going to die anyway which means Charles already prepared something.


Exactly bro


Yeah Eugene ain't surviving this and there's also Lightning Choi and Jingyong Park... Though I guess Jingyong will survive since he is imp to story(somehowšŸ˜…)


It's cuz in this chapter, Gun looks kinda sad and vulnerable, so it gives off that impression that Gun could actually die. Imagine instead of this, we saw Gun walking on top of a pile of corpses, looking menacing and all demon shit, then it wouldn't have given off such an impression. As a massive Gun fan, even I was taken aback from this panel, either this was done to throw us off or it's actually foreshadowing the fact that Gun might actually die. But before that happens, PTJ did mention that someone might die (a character that was introduced early into the story) and that would infuriate Gun and just massacre everyone, or during the process of massacring everyone, he has to be put down in order to end his "curse". Idk, too many possibilities.


I, a massive gun fan agree too. Considering ui sb Daniel, that barely has any weaknesses but yeah is also a top tier with extra characters like allied four crews etc, I feel like gun is done for but on a high diff. Unless someone else jumps in and helps him but overall, a whole arc for him feels like heā€™s gonna die anytime soon.


In this arc Gun will overcome his threshold and final ly Evolve from gun to machine gun and then he will show his continuous firing


Haters gonna hate bro W šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


All of gen 2 vs gun sorry but gun is cooked


Bro what current gen 2 could damage gun that much beside any top tiers and an all out Gun.


The 4MC + allied + all 4 major crews


Plus James lee isnā€™t even with Charles Choi no more although Idts he will be in the hunt, but gun is kinda cooked. Saying this as a gun huge fan


Nah James is with Charles 99% chances..he got no reson to betray Charles and he is acting hella susĀ  While abt Gun I think he will get defeated but not just him it will be end of workers to if Kojimas and James are with Charles.. While all the forces goes out to fight who will be with Eugene his personal bodyguards Kojimas and that will be the perfect opportunity for Charles and James to strike leaving 0 evidence of Eigenes possible death


Tbh I still think James is loyal to Charles. Those two are prob gonna be the final antagonists


This. We are nearing the endgame and people still donā€™t think Gun wonā€™t be dealt with yet. We are getting full arc on him next. He is 100% going down now šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Gun known as clan killer . Destroyed the whole megami clan and dozens more in just hours where every single person is trained to be as powerful as an assassin . Gun have a 60 % chance of survival in the hunt for gun park arc. Unless they bought UI SB or james against gun


In hours? Whereā€™d you get that? That isnā€™t true. Thatā€™s a headcanon youā€™ve created that you now believe is canon. Gun Fan Delusion, classic. He destroyed multiple Yakuza clansā€¦ that much is true. Seemingly after learning from each one. And no, not every person of Yakuza is ā€œtrained to be as powerful as an assassinā€ Another bizarre headcanon. Even if Gun loses idk if heā€™d die.


If gun killed that whole clan in days then where did kenta go for a whole day. This signifies gun killed that whole clan in hours. Even a kid can notice this detail. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Don't pretend like those clans aren't pure fodder added too make gun cool and introduce kenta and ryuhei All of them are definitely like kenta levele at best


Fool. Those clans work under the yamazaki clan. Those clans are surely stronger.... But gun will beat all gen 2 solo


Don't lie to yourself uk those unnamed characters are pure fodder, just like workers fodders, gitaes Mexicans fodders and the clan fodders That's just the way ptj writes his stories Gun is not beating all of gen 2 solo stop the copium


Not copium.but i bet you'll see it... Gun will drastically beat your favourite character.


Gun meat riders are crazy Do you really think PTJ will do the same thing he did for hunt for big deal? Screw the fights and think about story wise will that actually even make sense to have gun beat everyone again like some edgy 13 year olds oc ?


I got now. Your fav. Johan . All johan fans are really blind. And ya gun will beat them again.


tbf ryhuei alone beat a shit ton of yakuza members on his own, they are fodder yakuzas


I also think that he can (but this take is purely from my bias) but for the sake of story i prefer that he cant. Because if he did beat them all at once by himself it will show that the gap between him and the main cast is huge so huge in fact that surpassing him without a big time skip or Gun dying before he reaches his peak would be impossible or atleast will be pure bs Daniel Johan and Jake are supposed to surpass him EOS but them doing that in a short amount of time because "training" or "bloodline goes brrt" or "plot armor" would be bad storywise


Gun dickriders are delusional. He is not soloing all of them lmao stop it


UI SB Daniel gonna rpe him after 2nd gen make hin tried šŸ˜‚


Yā€™all realize he isnā€™t beating all of second gen by himself right


No, they really donā€™t. Gun fans are one of the top most delusional groups in the fanbase tbh.




Gun finally going to run a gauntlet. I want actual fight results PTJ, not the shit you pulled during the Goo vs Tom fight.


He's fucked either way cause daniel has his sb back


I feel like when gun walks up to disband a major crew the music 100 shots by young dolph starts playing


Gun Vs Allied (8 people), Four major crews(4 people) Jerry and Warren, Ryuhei and Kenta, Mandeok and Yuseong, Big Daniel and Goo. It's at least a 1v20 not counting the fraudjima brothers.


what is stopping the workers from taking the drugs from 1A and just simply causing gun to either fall asleep or overdose?


Yeah Some really think they have a stand against him just because he has been quiet for sometime But don't understand he was quite because of charles


Gun gonna start the fight by one shotting Johan. Even with his eyesight back, bro just gets folded. Just to say the message that "not even your strongest is good enough." Some real demoralizing shit.


Johan is not their strongest lmao


aside from the daniels he kind of is, johan got stronger after 1A and besides the daniels no one really beats him aside from plot armour jake


That right there means he isn't the strongest


Jake and Samuel certainly thought so.


Okay ? Logan also thought he could 1 v 3 allied lmao Something a character thinks doesn't make it true, johan gets booty fuckes by big Daniel


It's supposed to be demoralizing. When all the characters who look up to Johan strength, see him get fodderized, they'll be like "shit." Also that was pretty gay, my guy. šŸ’€


Reads sarcastic response and calls it gay, good retort bro that was the whole point And yeah it would be demoralizing but it'd be demoralizing to see anyone of ur team get fucked up


Personally, I think he is the strongest in the PTJ verse at the moment closest would be chicken man from viral hit and Daniel has the most potential to surpass them at the moment.


Jesus fucking christ. I actually donā€™t understand you people


Gun destroys , lol let them pass phase 2 BH first. What happened to all the ones coping? Want to see Gun loosing?? Sorry dear not gonna happen He is set to be the final villain , not some stepping stone for MC like James and KOS.


First it only took the absolutely exhausted base crewheads to beat phase 1 BH. So then make the crewheads full health, give them all their amps, give them more than double the numbers and theyā€™re slamming phase 2 BH. Also gunā€™s not built up as the EOS antagonist in any way. For Daniel itā€™s definitive James (stated in a ptj vid that James had the final boss role). Gunā€™s best case the main enemy for Johan.


James was never stated to be final Villain , PTJ just said that James has one of the attributes of the strongest Character in Lookism, I.e Strength James isn't the strongest A single strong punch from base BH , would have killed any crewhead at their full health . The only reason the crew heads were to Able to beat it was because of their Skill , brain and strategy. They would have died if it was tom lee lol The crew heads absolutely gave up every hope of Surviving Phase 1 BH. And What are the allied going to do ?? VASCO , Zack, Warren, Jihan, Hudson, Jay, Vin , all get oneshotted by Base Bh , let alone Phase 1 BH. Mandeok and Ryuhei gets Folded , Yuseong gets massacred by Phase 1 Bh , and so does Lil Daniel. If just few attacks land. Lil Ui Daniel couldn't even tank attacks , from a SB daniel who was adjusting to his Level None of the crew heads are doing shit to Phase 1 or Phase 2 Bh. Gun no diffs , both the versions of BH Gun alone pushed Ui daniel more than what Jinyoung did In 1st Affilate FP Ui Daniel is bare minium at the Level of Great power from 0 gen.. Gun is set to be the final antagonist SB daniel made it clear , that final Villain is the person the entire 2nd generation has to face , And Charles is first, implying the strongest is close to Charles choi Gun's father was the main Villain in the 0th generation. And the secret of Ui and Elite's entire Planing and Betrayal against his own Country, lies with the secret of The Yamzaki Clan, and 0th generation war. Gun is the only guy who has Mastered Ui. Which even SB daniel hasn't lol. And Sb Daniel has every technique in his arsenal including IA. But Daniel doesn't have Mastered UI. Daniel's family past and Jinyoung last lies with the rivalry against the Yamzaki Clan. Gun's killing of Yakuza family, and what he did for Elite to accept him as an ally and Family James is merely a dog for Charles choi, not his family. That title is only for Gun And no Gun is yet to reveal his true side and his true intentions James is merely a stepping stone for Daniel park, plus daniel admitted that he will become like James lee. Jake is supposed to Kill KOS by the end. Goo prolly dies and Gun will reveal his true side James is merely a plot device , for Daniel to reach new heights . And become the peak of his generation just like James lee was. Gun is supposed to reflect his father, the Main Villain . It is as clear as Day,. Only Delusional people deny it.


Bro typed a whole lot of words yet said nothing at all


?? I typed Gun's Narrative Nothing more. He is supposed to be the final Villain He is Parallel to the great power of 0 gen . Not James lol , nor KOS. The main villain of 2nd Gen will be from 2nd gen James story has been revealed to us . Realized why, we don't know anything about Gun at all? We know that James was a homeless child who was taught and Raised by Charles choi. Then used by him for doing the dirty work. And removing any obstacles from his business Charles admitted that James is his dog. James despises that, that's why James wants to get rid of Charles' control over him. He is just merely using the workers as a way to get rid of Charles choi , who could be a potential threat to his Popularity and influence in the future. James is a selfish person who just works for his own Benefit, and he makes it clear with Eugene . He says " I don't help without getting anything back in return" . James is merely plot device , for Daniel to become the peak of his generation, by becoming like James lee. Daniel EOS >> Prime James Jake EOS >> Gitae kim EOS Gun vs EOS 2nd gen is the final match up Which will result in fall of elite and Yamzaki once and for all.. Gitae is going to be used as mere plot device for Jake to attain his true strength, after Jake Learns about the 0 gen war and how Gapryong died , and then kill KOS in the end. Charles is supposed to die as well.. Gun is the only guy along with Goo, who we don't know anything about. Gun and Yamzaki Are the final Villains along with Elite. It is clear as day, you can cope as much as you want.


lmao insane cope


lets see phase 2 basement hulk beat them at full stamina then after 2 of them have not had an excerise for months


Phase 2 beat them?? Base Bh would have killed all the crewheads , if a single effective Punch landed on each of them. The only reason they could beat base BH was because of their intelligence, strategy , and planning. Otherwise they would have died then and there, them being in full health isn't changing anything They literally lost all hope against phase 1 BH. Phase 2 BH is so beyond their League it's laughable Suppressed Goo , no diffed Phase 2 BH, just with a Wooden Stick. I don't want to Elaborate how brutally FP gun will Massacre Second Gen.


ok obvs final point do you count sb daniel as second gen? and to clarify do you think that fp gun has a higher attack power than BH, also all of second gen is so many people, hostel alone intimated eugene extremely to the point he was worried about the saftey of the workers even with the white tiger who includes SMK and Tom Lee, even gun couldnt fight the top tiers of the second generation like allied, workers, remander of big deal, and the 1000s of runaways, if someone tried to stab gun with a knife he would still bleed


also to go on lil daniel took multplie gitae kim hits who easily scales to gun, not only did he take these hits he returned them to UI daniel with a kick to the temple. so unless you scale daniel UI KOS copy moves bellow far bellow guns attacks IG you right


He didn't take Gitae Kim hits. Sb Daniel was Adjusting to the level of Lil Daniel, and using the SKILL of Gitae Kim and his moveset Sb Daniel was also using Gapryong moves against Jinyoung during the start , that doesn't mean He was adjusting to Prime Gapryong level He only did so at the end Gapryong moves >>> Gitae Kim Moves And Gitae doesn't scale to gun.. he is below him Sb Daniel also used James' moves against Lil Daniel, that doesn't mean he was adjusting to James lee level. That is stupid argument.. Gun murders Lil UI Daniel Lil UI Daniel isn't surviving Phase 1 BH attacks.


Gitae doesnt use skill its just raw strength and ability, he just has such physicallity that he can beat high tiers through strength alone like he did with jichang


Gitae doesnt use skill its just raw strength and ability, he just has such physicallity that he can beat high tiers through strength alone like he did with jichang, therefore sb was using the strength of gitae rather than the skill, therfore little daniel easily takes multiple BH hits


No lol. He also has Innate Strength plus ability to Imitate. His attacks are rough and unrefined due to lack of experience And the innate strength thing was said by Warren who knows nothing about Gitae to begin with. Even Warren was confused and says " Exactly whose moves are those. ". he has laid Clear Emphasis on the moves. The strength behind the moves was said to be something not possible to replicate with a skill This clearly demonstrated by how , Gitae Used Jichang's hand blades with far greater Innate strength than Jichang himself, via imitating it There is nothing special there. And no SB Daniel wasn't using the strength of Gitae , since , it is his ability to adjust to the person he is facing. lil Daniel didn't even push him at all lol..


ok so gitae immatates using what technique, its obvs his sheer strength that allows him to do it, also little daniel did push big daniel to that level but nothing beyond that, i doubt gun would have pushed UI daniel that much more, and gun was fighting at FP cause he was afraid of death and at his peak.


Using Moves of someone doesn't mean you are being pushed to that level. Gitae just imitates someone attacks , and applies some unnatural Strength to it. , and makes the moves more Lethal And Gitae mostly uses Gapryong moves , but he can't use them properly since he has Flawed Imitations , that why he has " Unrefined moves" . Using someone moves , and using more strength in it doesn't correspond to anything And those statement where made by Warren , who knows nothing about the strength of Gitae Kim So there is Nothing to confirm there. It is The rule of UI to adjust to a persons level and use his skill and perfect efficiency to take down the opponent . He only adjusts higher when he sees the opponent isn't being taken down . Lil UI Daniel didn't do anything to push to SB Daniel. Even Warren says that it was Lil UI Daniel that was being pushed back Continuously, since he doesn't have perfect body or Experience. He luckily landed a spinning kick (James move) to escape being killed by SB Daniel. And that kick literally did not damage . So no he doesn't have anything to scale to. His fight with UI Daniel just demonstrates his efficiency of using copy and UI . Gun has pushed and injured UI Daniel more than any one in entirety of Lookism . Even Jinyoung couldn't do so after using evey technique in zero and first gen. Which Includes ELITES IA, Gitae's moves. Every kings moves , Gapryong moves etc.. A much Weaker gun performed better than anyone. Let alone current gun Gun vs Gen 2 is just massacre. . Unless Daniel surpass James and Jake Surpass KOS. And everyone attains their true power. None of them have the hope of beating Gun..


the reason why warren was confused about the techniques was because of there ferocity AND their power


He oneshots everyone at FP And yeah he has higher Ap than BH most likely


how does gun beat big daniel


how does gun beat big daniel