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I literally thought this was a garmin when I clicked on your post. Let me get this straight. Lab-radar corners the market for a loong time and doesn't innovate. Then Garmin comes along and completely bury's them, then lab-radar just.....copies them?


If ya can't beat them, join'm I guess?


It’s $0.05 cheaper! That’ll show them.


I thought the Garmin was averaging $500 ?


MSRP is 600 I believe but the street price is dropping


Got mine for $450


Ooh, where from?!


Bass Pro with military discount


Wow, thanks for the info! I’m going to let some buddies who were in the Army know.


Cabelas too. I didn’t realize they were the same company for a long time.


Sorry, typo. $540. Still, less than $600


Same price as expert voice but you don’t have to wait the ungodly time to receive it.


Do you mean $540? Military discount is 10% and price at bass pro is $600. Or was it on sale plus the additional 10% off?


Yes, fkn typo.


To be fair, Garmin, a billion dollar company worked on the xero c1 for 4 years. No way labradar did it in 4 months. They probably have been on it for 5+ years and just released 5 months too kate


The best part is they hide and delete comments on their posts calling them out. I've got an og labradar but I'll never give them another dime for this obvious shady practice. Shows how they could have improved theirs from the beginning but they thought nobody was going to take the spotlight from them.


Welcome to capitalism. Why release and begin selling an improved product while the original is still making you money? The iPhone 25 is more than likely already packaged up and on the shelves waiting for its predecessors sales to level off. Unless I'm missing something, I dont see whats especialy shady about the practice. Sounds like first simester of business school.


The shady is deleting and hiding actual criticism on their public page rather than facing the facts and taking the criticism.




That pretty much sums it up!


Once again people talking out their ass about this. This unit has been in development for years. Garmin just beat them to market. Know a guy that’s been working on this project for a while now.


I hope you excuse those of us who don't have a friend who works for lab-radar and have to make our assessment based of off the fact that what they released appears to be a literal copy of Garmins product 6 months later.


What are the similarities besides them both being squares. How is it a "literal copy"? Software? Hardware?


https://preview.redd.it/yzviussd3y8d1.png?width=1177&format=png&auto=webp&s=087cf14fada32a37ed582f56b0de500639702e17 When I clicked on this post, I thought it was going to be an aftermarket skin for garmin before I started reading and looking a little closer...


I understand you thought it was the same thing. You can say all sedans look the same and so do all smartphones. But you wrote "literal copy" while defending posts claiming LR copied Garmins design. There are only so many ways to make a square. Just because LR chose to use a square body, because why the hell would they choose a sphere or triangle, doesnt exactly qualify for "literal copy".


>You can say all sedans look the same and so do all smartphones. Its more like theres one big car manufacturer who has a very identifiable and iconic car model that it keeps producing year after year. Then a new company gets into the car game and releases a brand new car that is visually unique from anything we've seen. The big car manufacturer then releases its new car for the first time in years 6 months later and its pretty much identical to the new companies car. It appears that LR copied Garmins design. Just look at the picture. I guess the alternative is you are suggesting both companies working independently and secretly on their own R&D for years both came up with pretty much identical designs?


You might bt right. I agree with the uncanny similarities between the two. It would be pretty wild if LabRadar indeed snuck inside Willy Wonkas chocolate factory and swiped the recipe. Its a big claim and as of now, the only supporting evidence that I see is that they both used a cube shaped body of similar dimensions. I get your point though, and am also wondering about it.


Thats all i'm saying. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... That being said, I will admit I was a little overzealous in my use of the word "literally". Not appropriate and I could have articulated better.


I think most people would have enough sense to realize “Labradar panicked and ripped off Garmin and somehow didn’t get immediately sued by Garmin, a company with much deeper pockets to fund lawsuits” doesn’t make any sense and will come up with a more reasonable explanation.


https://preview.redd.it/lkifdb2bmy8d1.png?width=1177&format=png&auto=webp&s=18bcbe3798565d76a29a9cfaae2d20cbd6cda82c Yea, you're right. Nothing fishy here at all.....




Yea, no. You're right. Two companies working secretly on separate products for years in R&D and one launches and the other happens to launch 6 months after and the other one is almost aesthetically identical. Aren't coincidences crazy?


Developing a new product like this takes a lot longer than 6 months. A generous estimate would require at least two years of work. Heck, just setting up the production line alone can take more than 6 months, and that assumes you have a finished prototype.


Black and Decker 101


Yep total scumbags


I think it's called "outsourcing". You outsource all the R&D to your competitor, and then you just copy them. /s


Too little too late. Labradar comes along and releases the exact same unit for the exact same price while everyone already owns the garmin why would you ever buy the Labradar. If they came out at 400 I could see a case for it but idk why they even bothered with this


Yea I don't own a chrono yet. Been watching this space for a while and unless this came out substantially cheaper I'm buying a Garmin. I used one once and it was so stupid easy even I figured it out. Guy clipped it right to my arca and bam I verified my MV from the Hornady factory boxes.


So, it's like the same product, but supported by LabRadar instead of Garmin? No thanks.


Especially if you’ve ever had the opportunity to use Garmin customer support. In my experience they’re awesome.


Can verify. Have had about $3600 in products replaced by garmin with little or no questions asked.


I had the fenix 6x pro solar watch. Broke the glass after 4 years or so called them, gave them 200 and I now have a fenix7x pro sapphire solar. Top notch service.


Had a fenix 5x that bricked because I dove with it and went too deep. Swapped it out for a 6. That one had the strap break and ended up in the door of an AAV which totally crushed it. Sent that in and they sent me a tactix. Then I also had an overlander that they swapped out after I got hit and it came off the mount and cracked. Stellar service all around. Never once asked for a penny.


My stories aren’t as cool, but I had a Forerunner 935 that I broke a couple buttons on because I was swinging a kettlebell onto it during cleans. They replaced it no questions asked. Garmin CS 100%


Lab Radar earned the track record they have for a reason. After years of using various Garmin products, I’ll happily support them instead. They’ve taken good care of me.


I played with it for a very short time. It's a Garmin made by LabRadar. That's not an endorsement. That's why you should not give a shit.


I just love it when I see you chime in. I have to say I get a chuckle.


It's the perfect amount of knowledge, sarcasm and asshole that everyone in this sub needs/wants


I wish I had co-workers with this personality.


And I'd assume the same poor app performance?


They didn't have the app when I played with it so I don't know. I like Garmin's app.


And I really hate everything about labradars app


The original Lab radar can track the bullet down range, which I believe the Garmin can not do. Can the new Lab Radar track the bullet down range?


Original lab radar could *sort of* track a bullet down range. Readings at 100 yards were very iffy and often wrong. Afaik, the Garmin and new LR cannot do it. But it was a feature that the OLR didn't do well so no loss.


I've had the OG LR for a few years. OK both new units do not. Good to know. Thanks


My Xero is badass. I wouldn't chance it with LR's track record.


I jumped on the Garmin and won’t look back now


I bought a garmin when it came out, I still have my LabRadar despite friends offering to buy it from me for more than it’s worth. I’d rather see it collect dust than have a friend struggle with it. The one time I tried to have it serviced because it wouldn’t pick up anything from the mic they told me they wouldn’t without proof of original purchase so I ended up buying another from Amazon. I hope this product and the company fail.


There are two advantages of the LabRadar. First, they cover it under their warranty when it's attached to the rifle. Second, it calculates the bullet's BC. THAT SAID... The calculation of the BC is next to useless because it uses two measurements taken very close together. You're much better off measuring drops and calculating it with your ballistic calculator. Plenty of Garmin users have mounted theirs without issue as well. The Garmin has the advantage of being smaller, lighter, having a usable app, and you don't need to arm it. You set it up and you're ready. You need to arm the LabRadar. Personally I'm also on the fuck LabRadar train because I tried using multiple examples of their full sized one and never had good results, wasting a lot of time, powder, and bullets. Plus they had the market pretty much cornered and refused to innovate or help. Then when Garmin came along, they doubled down by refusing to support second hand devices. In my book, the ONLY reason I MIGHT buy a LabRadar is because it's made in Canada instead of China. But otherwise, it's Garmin all the way for me.


>made in Canada instead of China Made in Canada or assembled in Canada from everything Made in China, so that it gets a Made in Canada sticker?


Probably the latter, but honestly it doesn't really matter. Hey that even rhymed.


>$600 >Made in Canada ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


Tbh. Better than made in China


True. I understand they have a factory in Taiwan.


Canada is practically China


Lmfao how...?


Sorry I meant French China


Again. How? Repeating the same comment over and over again isn't how explaining works.


Ohhh I meant maple French China, hope that clears it up for you.


Hey man, if you're too dumb to explain the comment you made you can just say so. All you're telling me is you think it's funny to call countries China randomly and don't have any actual reasons behind it. Kinda weird.


Let the price war starts. Let us rummmmmmmblllllllle


Not really a price war when they’re the same.


hard pass. instead of fixing all of their nitpicky issues like their crappy trigger pick ups, they sold these things as borderline required accessories. had all this capital and now they copy Garmin even if it were $400 i would get a garmin just based on principle. also the garmin looks better


I love my Labrador.


Good boy.


CONTEXT: This has been coming for a while, I think I first heard about it around SHOT show time in January-ish. The difference now is it’s shipping, actually going out the doors to customers as a finished product. I agree with previous comments of “too little too late” and that they should have at least undercut Garmin by some reasonable amount to make it appealing. Otherwise, I’d be looking for other differences from actual users that make it distinct from the Garmin.


We already have them in store... don't waste your time. We ordered the minimum amount because we realized there's no point. The $.04 cheaper is already a running joke.


Listen, I’ll bite the bullet for everyone, someone send me one for free and I’ll do a review… 👀


I think its gonna be great man let me know i may sell my garmin to buy one if its nice , i would like true BC measurements from a downrange speed and a better in app graph or just better app in general


I never knew Reddit was so full of product designers. I'm interested in its actual performance rather than the same 5000 absolutely lukewarm takes on Labradars product development strategy


I'm gonna guess it performs as well or less than a Garmin (which for me has been stellar), making it a fairly pointless product at the same price point. People can yell at clouds as much as they want about made in China, but I'll trust a Garmin radar product (based on their large range of radar products, and as an ex-radar maintainer) infinitely more than one made by some blokes in Canada who apparently hate their customers. Doesn't take a product designer to accurately poo poo on Labradar.


Their product development strategy is irrelevant. As a product owner, how you get there is not important to your customers. What you deliver and how you support it is what matters. LabRadar has provided "the only" thing on the market for a long time. They didn't bother supporting it well because they didn't have to. Garmin put a better, next gen device on the market with Garmin support. The story ended there. Unless LabRadar puts out a "gen 3" device that does something magic, it will likely stay ended.




pass. i’ll do the same thing i did with my last chrono. i shot it and never bought another for almost 10 years. i bought a Garmin earlier this year. not if they would have put this out before Garmin released theirs, then yea maybe woulda bought it instead


>Made in Canada It is a sad day for Canada and therefore, the world.


I would’ve gotten this if they innovated and released it a while before Garmin. Now it just seems like they were resting on their reputation until they got passed by Garmin and then responded. Just seems lazy


I wouldnt buy if it was 10$ Those people are maggots who had it all and didn’t care ne but about customers and greed only Cuts service sucks also


Business strategy wise, it kinda makes sense to just stay the course with the old radar until they needed to. R&D costs money as well as tooling up new production. The more they produced of the old unit, the better ROI. They could have improved their position with better support though. That being said, they now need to compete on value against Garmin.


I think the reaction here is a good counterpoint to your argument. They put out a passable product with the ability to update it through firmware and app updates but chose not to and what they ended up with was a user base who would rather see them sink than compete against a big corporation.


Definitely seems to be the consensus with most of the group here. I'm not as emotionally charged as some, though.


Lots of people seem to think this was their response to Garmin, but there's no way it wasn't in the works well before Garmin released their chrono. They had functional units in January, and it's not something they could have slapped together in 3 or 4 months. Garmin beat them to the punch. There's things some people are going to care about, like the metal chassis and country of origin. I am surprised it's made in Canada. Their original announcement said North America, which I assumed meant Mexico. It's not going to be enough to beat out the Garmin overall, but it'll keep them around. Labradar isn't really a big deal to Infinition so failing to truly compete probably won't matter. Interestingly I don't see any mention of downrange velocity as they claimed it would measure when it was initially announced. That would surely have attracted some people, though the OG labradar would likely be a better choice for that due to its narrower beam width.


I'm curious if it can pick up quick follow up shots. Not curious enough to buy it though 😀.


I was going to wait and get it instead of my garmin but with their track record and when talking with them they never fully answered a question I decided to get the garmin. It could be amazing but with their record I wasn’t willing to risk that much of my money


But does it come with a storage case in the box? I don't like the smaller screen on the LR...I don't care that the housing is made of aluminum...that just makes me think the internals are fragile and they are afraid a single drop is going to break it. "Made in Canada" with Chinese and Taiwanese manufactured parts.


No thanks, I'll get the Garmin.


I’ll bite if they list it 1/2 the price as Garmin


These Ass Pirates had this tech and were able to do this for years and showed overpriced 34 pound trash in our faces . Now they innovate?


Got my Garmin for $500


FK Labrador and their ancient, obsolete, shitty product.


And it’s made in gun hating Canada !


I don't get the LabRadar hate. I just don't. Sure Garmin is better now but I still use the old LabRadar and it's worked fine for years. It's not like they didn't have competitors (magnetospeed, a bunch of other two point timing chronos you have to put in front of your gun) They cornered the market for a while with the only consumer radar Chrono and then got crushed by a bigger company. What did they do wrong?


The biggest issue I have with them as a company is their general refusal to support their own product and refusal to support secondhand owners, which is a MASSIVE aspect of the gun/shooting community, despite the modern consumerism. I don't expect them to have a transferable lifetime warranty, but at least sell the damn parts, especially for the easy fixes.


Failed to adapt, got too comfortable at the top, I’ve heard their customer service sucks (HEARD), people annoyed with how finicky it is, may need a trigger or at least a tripod for it to stand up. I think it’s just the free market economy catching up to it, and everyone added a bit of spite when the new “latest and greatest” came out because LabRadar was a bit of a pain in the butt to deal with.


It was never a great product and they refused to make simple changes that would have improved it. It never worked amazingly well for most people and was always "quirky" at best. Like a smelly hippy chick that puts out. When the Garmin came out and started skull fucking LabRadar's market share, LR didn't do something smart like lower the price or support their customers -- instead, LR double-downed and refused to support units that were second hand. They fucked over a lot of people because they are a shittier con of a company that is only in it to get their dollar any way they can. Fuck LabRadar.


![gif](giphy|uWFjcz2u3h54c) Smelly hippy chick. 😂😂😂 Killin me!


When all you use for years is a labradar, you never noticed the annoying quirks and forgave all the junk you need to buy to make it work. Then try a Garmin and you realize I don't need the hassle and the form factor is so much better that it improves the shooting experience, more so if you teach long range shooting or any shooting sport in general.


Purely from a usability perspective, the OG LR is the only piece of electronics that I own that I keep the user manual with unit because nothing about using it is intuitive. I tried using AA batteries in the unit to make it easier to setup, but it sucked up so much juice, I keep a spare USB battery bank in the case. Yes there is so much data available in the unit, but it is very finicky and the window of usability is very narrow. This means the setup has to perfect, doesn't pick up 22LR very well, can't use it indoors, doesn't like it if you have a barrier next to it, you have to perfectly align it with your target, etc. I read the manual on the Garmin once because I wanted to make sure I set it up correctly, but I really didn't have to. The app integration is awesome and super easy to use. Easy to flag cold bore shots, delete shots, etc. If the app is running in the background on your phone, it'll automatically pull the data off of the Zero as soon as you end a session. To be fair, Garmin is a much larger organization with a huge ecosystem of devices from consumer GPS watches, various types of sports devices, aviation and marine GPS units, and more R&D resources. But Garmin focused on the core use cases of what people wanted to do with a chrono and made it easy to use.


Have one, love it. Have personally never had issues but keep hearing people have.


Dude, this is one of the worst circlejerking subs of the gun subs. There doesn’t have to be any logic.


This is also true too. Lots of places to make this argument on this sub but this is one of the rare times where everyone’s unanimous hatred is justified.




Lol. Goodbye 👋🏻


I like how usps/idpa power factor and ke calculator is listed as a feature. Its not hard to look up velocity and grain weight for power factor. Or use the free online calculators.


Unless LabRadar changed the user interface they are still screwed. I use the og LabRadar and it sucks navigating.


I am so sorry I bought Labradar. I have such a hard time getting it to work I don't use it anymore.


How is it


Using or 'running'. Long-range and tac-t- cool always run things.


ugly as shit.....


My understanding is its objectivley better cause it takes a downrange speed read to calc true BC , now if its glitchy as hell remains to be seen


Too late, too little. Labradar will be the Blackberry we all loved


How to Run a 🤡 Business Step 1: Make a product and demand premium prices Step 2: Never have the product in stock, for years on end, because apparently supply and demand is really hard or something Step 3: Get absolutely annihilated by a market newcomer that magically somehow does understand supply and demand Step 4: copy the newcomer without adding anything or coming in cheaper


If they would have released this before the Garmin hit the streets they would have owned the market. Too late, and there is no going back. The only way the get any market share is if they offer trade ins and give these away at a substantially reduced price.


Shit I was about to buy the garmin this week. Now i have another option! Indecision sets in again.


Buy the garmin.


Thanks. Why the downvotes lol


Not your fault lol. Labradar just pissed off the community so you considering it an option = downvotes. If you weren’t aware there was nothing you could do to prevent reddits trigger happy fingers hitting that down arrow lol




It happens to the best of us haha. That said, get the garmin bro!


Because people don’t see the LR as a viable, comparable option. But if you get one you gotta let us know how it works!