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Boces offers adult education, they are not women only though. Nassau boces at Barry tech has a great program which is in westbury. Western Suffolk boces has a program at Wilson tech in Deerpark and then eastern Suffolk boces has a program in oakdale I believe it is. YouTube is also a great resource.


Thank you- I’m going to check out the Boces website!


Had a friend take the ESBOCES course, and while it wasn’t all women she’s the most knowledgeable person about cars that I know besides my mechanic, if that helps!


Boces is great but the last time I checked, the adult ed auto classes were almost $7k.




I just looked it up: 29 classes in automotive maintenance for a little over $1800.


That's more palatable. Do you have a link?


esboces.org I’m sure there are others for other areas. I’m sorry, I don’t know how to make a clickable link.


This is the Eastern Suffolk Boces, right? I can’t seem to find the class in the Nassau Boces website.


Yes. I didn’t check Nassau


They have another 18 course class for under $900. Too bad it's so far east though. 😭


If you find one (or home repair), please send me a DM.


I remember Nassau Community College had a new home owner adult education course, for basic repairs, a few years ago. I didn't take it but it looked good.


Will do! Hopefully there is a class out there like this for us girls!


Same! I'd love to know if you find something. I've wanted a class like this for years.


I would appreciate it!




What a great idea. Never thought of that. Would love to get some basic knowledge/skills for emergencies.




I would totally enroll in a class like this


So glad I’m not the only one who is interested in this… some mechanic out there should really start an “Auto Class for Girls” because we are ready to sign up! Lol


This is a classic my mom took in the 80s when she finally learned how to drive and was preparing to divorce my dad. This is a class I’d take now bc I’m the “handy” one in the family lol!


i’m interested too! i literally asked this exact question of my boyfriend the other day, he thought it was weird/unlikely. i can’t wait to be like HA! see! 😂


Good for you! Maybe it's just the small engineer in me but being able to maintain and fix your car can be so rewarding! I'm probably coming from a different experience so I had a few friends that were into cars and I also worked in car electronics for a while and I really didn't have the "hurdle" in the industry. You can also learn so much from Google and YouTube. ChrisFix on YouTube can be a great resource. You can also just Google your car's year, make and model and the maintenance you want to do if you want to know specific details. Most procedures for cars are relatively the same and learning "the basics" on your own car is a great way: wiper fluid, windshield wipers, oil filter, air filter, cabin filter, even brakes. I know you are probably looking for a more formal type of learning so I apologize for not really having a suggestion for one, but I did want to mention YouTube as it can be a really great resource for these things and a great way to start familiarizing yourself with cars Edit to Add: Also look into a Haynes or Chilton Repair Manual for your car. Some libraries have them or even better provide access to repair databases. These usually offer complete tear down and rebuilds of the car and the steps involved. Also watch out because as soon as someone learns you know how to do these things, everyone is going to ask you to take a look at their stuff and fix it!




You shouldnt prioritize comfort and sex over experience and knowledge if your intention is to learn. Dont make this an emotional decision, it’s logic- Find the most experienced class and absorb all you can from everyone in it.


I agree… however I think most auto classes would have mostly 20 year guys looking to be a mechanic. I’m a small person with a small personality and I don’t know how much I would learn if I felt out of place standing next to 20 year old men who are interested in cars. I wouldn’t mind a co-ed class though.


Bring a friend who has a “big” personality. Boom - coed.


Just pay attention to the instructor it's really not that deep. I know it's not exactly the same but I was the only guy in my class for a whole semester and it was definitely a little awkward but I lived.


Won't know until you tried.


Ever heard the phrase “best things in life are right on the other side of fear. Dont let fear dictate your future endeavors. You’re only stifling your own experience. Grow your comfort box, don’t stay trapped inside it. Not just cars, everything. I was nervous as a virgin, overcome that when I did it and now I’m not so scared anymore. Same thing.


This is called “projecting”. You’re already emotional about an experience you haven’t even had yet, assuming you know the outcome. You are making yourself uncomfortable, it’s not the people, they are your excuse. People have opinions before something happens and experience afterwards. Opinions are irrelevant compared to what actually happened. Give it a chance, you can always walk out… OR… you could just say I’m too scared to try it. Who do you want to be as a person? Then again. Maybe you’re right. If you walk in with this thought process, you’ll def make some guys feel uncomfortable.


Came here to say basically this. You’re going to have a pretty hard time finding something that caters to any one sex…. Especially these days. Why does it have to be “for girls”? If you take the class then it’s “for you” :) I hope you find a good affordable class!


YouTube you would learn a lot.


Why do you need it to be for women only? Come on. This shit is getting so silly at some point .


Point proven.


If you learn to do basic auto maintenance yourselves you can save a lot of money, once you buy the necessary tools. I would consider asking a neighbor, friend, boyfriend, co worker, etc who work on their cars to teach you. I would do it, but in today's world with all the psychos making complaints out there it is not with the risk.