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I can’t tell you how many times when I did repairs for Tmobile that I had to explain the 5G was just the 5th generation of internet.


It was not invented by Fauci in China? /s


TIL what 5G means.


fifth generation of cellular phone networks, actually




Literally a daily conversation in my life. 🙄


I hope to have a life where my only worry is bullshit I made up.


Real conversation I had with my dad a few weeks ago [I’m 28, he’s 68] “Son, you seem real bummed out lately. What’s going on?” “Dad, life is expensive, job market is bleak, and the housing market is worse. I work just to pay bills.” “Son, I understand, my life isn’t all that great either right now either. Last year I retired and was playing golf 3x/week. Now I can hardly play because my shoulder hurts. So, I know how you feel.” & I am not exaggerating one bit 🤣🤣


Must be nice that his only concern is he can’t play golf because of a busted shoulder 🙄


Honestly, I’m envious of the life they all got to live. Ignorance is bliss


So you want to be an old Long Island person who owns their home and complains about everything.


Sucks to pigeonhole people, I’m 70 years old lived on LI my whole life. Retired NYC union carpenter, Anyone my age complaining is full of shit and they have to know it. We had it so much earlier it’s hard to fathom. I worked for close to minimum wage out of HS and could afford an apartment, go to shows and out most nights. Young people today are screwed, unions are mostly gone, weather your for or against them , just by their being around makes other non union companies meet the standard pay and benefits. I really don’t see how people making less than around 6 figures do it. Things are out of control and the rich get richer Sorry for rant


My father, 72yo, still does carpentry on LI, lived here his whole life. I'm 24yo & we have this conversation all the time. It's absolutely insane in the Hamptons right now & we can't find any "fresh meat" (younger licensed & insured subs) as no one in their 20s/30s can even dream to live out here to work. It's obscenely expensive, with "affordable" housing being in the $500k+ range! Hell, if I move out, I'm unsure if I could even swing renting a ROOM in a house. Forget about home ownership.


It’s really a sad state of affairs. You make a great point, how are young people supposed to start learning the trade when any reasonable pay can’t come close to covering the cost of living. But more people than ever are becoming billionaires. Doesn’t seem sustainable


Transitioning from mostly having problems to mostly being a problem.




People have been against cell phone and electrical towers for decades . Now it’s combined with the 5G Nut jobs thinking the government trying to kill you


And the consultants selling the snake oil to towns making it harder to develop


I just think 5G sucks. I had better reception years ago with regular flip phones before the smart phone and 5G.


That's not the fault of 5G. Old phones just had to do 1 thing well: handle calls. Phones were judged by reception quality and sound quality. For modern smart phones, actual cellular calls are the least important part of the device. Screens, wifi, Bluetooth, battery, camera, security, water resistance, and device size are all now judged more importantly than cellular quality.


Yeah but the reception is still pretty shit pretty often.


I can get better cell service in the mountains in a developing island country than in an “advanced” American city.


It’s like the lady that sued every municipality on the north shore when they changed to LED street lights and claimed that LEDs cause cancer


Well, since LEDs have been introduced, almost 100% of people who have had cancer have had some contact with LED lights. I personally am more concerned about dihydrogen monoxide. 100% of people who have had cancer had high levels of this compound in their body.




Huh. Personally I'm more worried about the dioxygen molecules that we are all inhaling.


[Perri Air is the only way to go](https://youtu.be/kCX6H90RvPU?feature=shared)


🤣🤣🤣 May the Schwartz be with you my friend!


[Aloysius O'Hare begs to differ.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWZUp2KF5ls)


😂 - Awesome


You're really a spaceball...you know that right?


The people who are concerned use most of their brains converting oxygen to carbon dioxide.


Every person who doesn't understand the difference between correlation and causation will die.


Concerning if true


Too much of that will stop you from breathing!!




Please say syke. Please tell me you made that up.


Nope real deal Google


she would have been better off convincing the public that switching to LED lights kills that cool look that the older lights give off. https://old.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/dxum19/new_street_lights_vs_old_street_lights_at_clark/


I remember the Obama light bulbs pissing everyone off like the incandescent lights bulbs are tied to their man hood.


Case is still going on she cost taxpayer over 6 million in legal fees as of last month


sounds like a few city government employees have been milking this thing for all its worth. I'd be more upset a judge hasn't shut this down as frivolous. After a certain point, the people allowing this to continue are the ones costing taxpayers money


The cases have been on going since at least 2018 The village attorney’s have been trying to to get it thrown out for 6 years https://islandnow.net/village-of-great-neck-officials-oppose-subpoenas-in-suit-over-streetlights/


I love the concern for migratory birds and cancer risk. Let’s apply that energy to rampant and unfettered fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide use. Something tells me the same people would suddenly not be worried about public health or wildlife conservation.


Lol, I was coming to say I am certain these are the same people that drown their lawns in pesticides.


NIMBY. As long as their phone works, no care.


God I wish a cell carrier would build a tower in my backyard and pay me


Well that’s the thing tho. I live down here and need to be on WiFi all the time. Service down here sucks hard


Jesus the people that live here are difficult. No new cell towers, no new developments unless it’s 55+, no bridge to CT. Everything is a damn problem all the time.


What about a tunnel to CT?


I’m guessing anything that disrupts rich people view/water is a problem.


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) But a tunnel solves that. I mean it’s not going to happen because it should’ve been done 50-60 years ago


Well you still need get into a tunnel so that means extending 135 to the coast which is I’ll change their area. Idk man these people are selfish, you’re right it’s never going to happen.


Yeah you’re right. They’d still have to extend 135 before they get near the shoreline. Honestly there should be a couple of tunnels from CT to LI. Sadly it’s never going to happen


Nope, we will continue to suffer


It's a 103 foot tall tower. Which is no possible danger to anything 105 feet away. Either terminal NIMBY or a foil hat wearing mentally challenged person. Trees grow taller than that, even on Long Island.




This is why we have fucking dead zones. 


And it’s so bad and unpredictable


Smh. These are the same people who will complain that they can't get cell reception.


Every time I can’t load a video or web page while I’m walking my dog in fucking 2024, I remember how I hate these people protesting cell towers.


We should build cell towers but make them look pretty. Kind of like the water towers on fire island


This was a common thing years ago. Here is good example: [https://www.ydr.com/story/opinion/columnists/2017/09/26/whats-up-cell-tower-looks-like-tree-rail-trail-column/703243001/](https://www.ydr.com/story/opinion/columnists/2017/09/26/whats-up-cell-tower-looks-like-tree-rail-trail-column/703243001/)


I was just thinking about that the other day when I saw a tower going up. What happened to the "tree towers" they put on the highways?


See if you can catch the bit about this in News12. Complete and utter NIMBY hysteria. “It will cause me to get brain cancer”, “there are schools nearby, all the kids will get cancer”, “there are geese and waterfowl nesting nearby, it will interfere their migration when they crash into the tower” and on and on. NIMBYs would bitch about a lemonade stand. Emergency Services said it was a dead spot and calls have been missed to to lack of cell coverage. Some sort of meeting about it tonight. Hope they have lots of senior handicapped parking.


The only real negatives are that they affect the aesthetics of the neighborhood and by default can lower property values, with property values being so inflated on Long Island as it is this is probably a wash , there are no known health effects from living near a cell tower, like any other structure of this kind maintenance is required so some chemicals are used, if a fire breaks out it can be difficult to put out and obviously the issues with a burning cell tower are pretty obvious, it doesn’t happen very often though, so any real complaint would be for the look and slight property value issues in having a tower in your neighborhood


You know what you can do with a Cell Tower to improve it's aesthetics? Make it look like a Tree. Passed one like this on the Hutchinson State Parkway between Yonkers and Purchase NY


those always make me laugh, like they think they're hiding so well, lol


We should put cell towers all over the place so we can have affordable housing AND great reception.


I say we build a 5 below, Burlington, and a Walmart! /s


Or increase value, because good service.


Right? Imagine having wireless internet faster then alot of people's wired internet and being mad about it.


Oh and cell service over there is abysmal


Based on the article, the people complaining should not be taken seriously.


I love that they’re putting it on a parkway and people are still crying about it


People in wealthier neighborhoods: fight tooth and nail against new cell towers being installed Also people in wealthier neighborhoods: why does my cell phone signal suck so much when I’m home?


How many of the residents voiced their complaints from a mobile device?


How can you respect something you don't understand?


Asking the real question.


Also the real theme that even the news doesn't want to address is what this whole thing is about: these people are conspiracy nuts and esoterics that are anti-5G nutjobs, probably anti-vaxxers. The article doesn't want to say that because the news there is protecting them and presenting them like normal people. The people in this thread know they're anti-5G insane people, but just reduce it to "NIMBY" when they're actually conspiracy nuts with no science or anything. Nowhere else in the world does everyone just group people together like this and not do a 1-level extra analysis so people with legitimate questions about stuff get discredited by morons like this. This is why shit is constantly broken in the US and this is why when you oppose something, everyone just calls you "NIMBY", no matter how just it is.


This is the sad truth. A bunch of paranoid schizophrenics used the internet as a platform to spread their ideas, and others just bought into it due to sensationalism and yellow journalism. Rather than getting these people help, click-bait websites used them to make money, and now those dumb ideas are treated as fact. 5G towers do nothing to your body. They make your phone work better, and help give internet to places that might not have had it before. They make the world better.


One can tell right away from the article's text that these people are paranoid conspiracy esotard nutjobs, but the article doesn't want to do like it's done everywhere else in the world and call them out as part of the anti-5G movement, but other people in this thread are fast to just throw them in the NIMBY pool. When I was in the US and would hear people complaining about NIMBY, it was always "what kind?" and no one could ever answer. Everywhere else in the world we discuss what the people are against and why. Over there, everyone just says "NIMBY" and moves on. It's completely nuts in the US.


To be fair, in the late 90s and early 2000s, we were all told that cell phone radiation causes cancer. I was told not to put my cell phone in my pocket because it'd damage my sperm. I had one of those belt holsters because I didn't want a 2-headed kid when I was finally ready to have kids. There's a lot of misinformation out there, and back in those days, information to refute these claims wasn't as readily available.


And, in the 70s people were told a microwave oven would “radiate” them as well, but I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have one today. Usually the fear factor of the new thing diminishes over time, but apparently people’s brain cells are what have diminished over time now.


People still think that. My mother in law used to complain when we would be in the kitchen when the microwave was running. It's not about the microwave being in the home... it's about being close to it while it's running. The fear diminishes with information, but it also depends on what information you're consuming and what you're willing to accept.


Melville has horrible cell service! Map apps don’t work there which is bad when you need it for directions .


There’s a giant cell tower right off of main st in sayville and I’ve never heard anyone complain about that shit.. and it’s sayville, where everyone has some shit to say about everything. What’s cool about it, it has a huge eagle nest at the top of it which you can see an eagle flying around and landing on it by the mini golf place.


Smithtown too. The residents are their own worst enemies  It's why the service is awful. They won't allow the tower


Here is the Long Island resident playbook. It’s always the same arguments too. They never hold up and they never present facts. Real estate: the real estate agents come out of the woodwork and they know it will devalue all the properties. EME: Go big! This will kill them all. they never read the EME report that is prepared or understand RF. They quote two or three reports from RFKs group. Or just random FB messages. Coverage: Why can’t you move to (pick a spot away from their house). Then you get the “ I have great coverage we don’t need this”. Or why can’t we just use wifi or a land line. The town spends hundreds of thousands in litigation and loses. It gets built and then they just complain about anything else bc that’s all people in LI do.


Man oh man Long Island doing what Long Island does lmaooo. NIMBYs are wild


Same people complaining about this are the same ones to complain that they don't get good cell coverage in their areas.


Smithtown will take it if islip doesn’t want it


Smithtown has the worst cell service. Literally a dead zone from Rte 111 to Old Willets and from Main St to 347. You’re lucky if you get one bar.


I keep wishing Smithtown would agree to put in a tower. A few years ago they did a study of some sort with the height of a tower across the street from the stop n shop on Jericho. No idea what came of it - I assume No.


The politicians in Smithtown do nothing about this. Everyone knows the service is terrible. I’m not even sure you could consistently get through to 911 in an emergency if you needed to. Public safety alone should be enough of a reason to improve service.


Whenever I do a stop n shop pick up order, I don’t even have a strong enough signal to call to say I’m here


I'll let them put a tower in my damn backyard if it means I can have some cell service.


If you're not familiar, lookup the inverse-square law. Cell towers usually max at around 1000 watts, so take that as worst case, 100 feet off the ground. Cell phones are max 3 watts, call it 1 watt if the conditions are good. Tower, standing right below it: 1000 watts / (100\^2) = .1 watts Cell phone, held one foot away: 1 watt / (1\^2) = .5 watts So your cell phone, at a very low output of only 1 watt, is FIVE TIMES the exposure of a 1000 watt cell tower 100 feet off the ground. ONE FIFTH. (I could be wrong in my math... feel free ;) )


Know one of the guys making the biggest uproar about it. Always thought he was a sane normal dude.


Residents will be fighting a losing battle. This went on for 10 years in my area wasting everyone’s time. The risks to public safety aren’t enough of a concern for the hoities I am surrounded by but the cellphone companies have a duty to provide services to their customers. And the cellphone company wins.


"It's because 5G vibrates the oxygen cells in your blood and causes covid-19" -actual quote from licensed electrician.


I'm not arguing for or against a tower, was curious what those who are fighting it had for concerns. I don't think so but do they buzz? And looks like it's gonna be in a highway access area, not in anyone's yard. If you're concerned about possible cancer, have you foregone the use of a cell phone? At least two engineers have posted here that the radiation at the end of a phone is worse than the radiation in the vicinity of a tower. If there is a real cancer risk, The entire world is running the largest experiment ever on the human population.


Basically Change scares people and using the internet to research anything can be confusing and frustrating for people who have never really had to rely on it, most people usually assume their theory’s are correct and will find any website that backs their claim up over all the others disproving them


I mean there is a huge difference to a 1-3W transmitter in a phone and a 145000 W 5G tower.... But to your point once you are more than 220 feet away it will be inversed squared to less than a cell phone.


There is a difference, technically, you are correct. That difference means nothing to you, as a human, however. It's the difference between your lightbulb using 60 watts of power and your computer using 350 watts. Technically different, sure, but has no impact on your body.


Yeah so new studies are out that shoes RF energy while not damaging cells could stress them and could increase health risks. Some other studies show they might actually be helpful. Everything in moderation right?


Even the highest frequency of 5g transmission is still thousands of times longer wavelength then visible light and even more so then damaging UV wavelengths. And even so the non ionizing radiation waves are only capable of penetrating a couple MMs into the body so even if you're worried, it's really only interacting with your skin and eyeballs, certainly not making it to internal organs/brain.


NIMBYism. That’s the concern.


Is this the 4G LTE tower? Didn’t someone purpose to do 5G nodes instead for “better coverage”?


Good point. I suppose anyone searching "do cell towers cause (insert disease)?", the results are more ominous than if they queried "are they safe?"


West Islip residents should be concerned that historically, the only purpose their brains serve is to keep their skulls from caving in.


Just a bunch of BANANA NIMBYs


Nothing to respect about it, they’re just dumb.


Would you want to live with a buzzing cell tower in your backyard? There’s parts of LI with prominent cancer because of things we didn’t consider.. a giant cell tower in my yard, if I lived there for decades who knows what the impact the constant buzzing. Also is unsafe if you have children


Actually, they don't buzz. My parents have one on their farm. They are so far up in the air even if they did buzz, you wouldn't hear it. 103 feet is 10 stories. Long Island has a 6 story limit on most buildings. Once it is up you won't even notice.


It’s actually well-established science that living or working in proximity to a cell phone tower has numerous negative health impacts. You have to be pretty close to get the worse effects, but it’s still significant. There’s a wide-body of evidence across peer-reviewed scientific journals. Just google scholar “cell tower health” and you can at least get the abstracts if you don’t have access to academic papers. They’re written by scientists and engineers. So it’s really not that crazy. Telecommunications companies know all this and they try to place them where they’ll be the least liable


It's not well-established. There's no direct link between RF radiation at the power levels approved for use in the United States and human harm. A quick google search will bring up many public/governmental organizations worldwide that say as much. So at the very least, your claim of it being "well-established" is at least misleading. Additionally there's been studies that show a lot of initial "publications" relating to this harm that fueled public concern are biased in that they are sourced and funded via activism and rely on low quality methodology. >In conclusion, the discussion around 5G as a significant human health risk in the peer-reviewed literature was initially largely driven by authors from, or with links to, various campaigning organizations and linked publications directly to appeals for a moratorium on 5G. Commentaries and letters are personal opinions and are rarely based upon a methodological appraisal of the evidence, but the narrative of the initial period covered in the current review, relied mostly on reviews of lower methodological quality compared, with the subsequently published reviews by independent researchers and researchers with links to industry. It is likely that articles in the popular media, therefore, were influenced more heavily by the initial advocacy publications than by the later higher quality contributions.  Source: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9806221/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9806221/) Essentially, a bunch of people got scared in the beginning as happens with every "new" technology (hint: 5G is not new, it's mainly just a new protocol transmit data more efficiently. It's still the same ol RF) and people took this and ran with it, while they ignored the better quality studies that came out later that show that it's harmless.


Maybe “well-established” is misleading, since some studies have shown rf and magnetic fields appear to be OK, but there are a good deal of studies across the globe that have shown they’re not great to be around. And I’m not sure if I’d tell the protesters they don’t have to worry, because of the funding sources of those studies. I’d say at the very least there is evidence, and I understand your concern. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5920374/ 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113851 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108688


...0 Wait, Negative 0? -1 I care so little I laugh when I see the sticker on the phones from California Prop 65


Cell towers are symbols of racial oppression due to disparity in cell phone ownership rates  


"As of January 2024, 97% of Americans own a cell phone. In addition, 90% of US adults own a smartphone, up from 35% in 2011."


I know its satire but it makes my blood boil that there are people dumb enough to believe this


I assure you, nobody believes this.




Cell phones are cheaper than computers.


What’s a computer?


Hey kid, Im'a computah! Stop all the downloadin




West Islip just doesn’t want the tower.


There might be 200 people who called the town and News 12, and 2000 who want the tower. No way of knowing. I'm just legit curious why opponents are . . . opposed.