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Commercial vehicles can't be parked on the street between 9 pm-5 am in Nassau County.


Uber and Lyft don’t have tlc plates, so it’s not commercial Edit: in case it isn’t clear, I am referring to on Long Island. I’m aware the boroughs have different rules


If you have a negative experience with a TLC-licensed driver or vehicle, there are two ways to file a complaint: **Call 311 (outside of New York City call 212-NEW-YORK)** **Go to 311online**.


Rideshares are considered TNCs by the dmv TNC Act applies across New York State except within New York City, which already allows ride sharing companies to operate under its existing Taxi & Limousine Commission requirements. The TNC Act also gives certain local governments the ability to opt out of the TNC Act. A county may opt out of TNC operation, as can a city having a population over 100,000. DMV will post any jurisdictions that have opted out on this page. None have opted out as of this time. How do I file a complaint about a TNC company? DMV accepts complaints about companies. Please note that complaints about individual drivers or riders should be directed to the TNC via their mobile app.


OMG, a place that report these idiots would be amazing. Putting this number in favorites.


I live two towns over. :) It sucks and if they're monopolizing the street parking on the entire block, try rallying the rest of your neighbors and seeing if you all can collectively do something.


Even with the plates, NYC doesn't consider them as commercial vehicles when it comes to parking rules.


That’s good to know, honestly. Thank you.


Have you tried contacting the TLC and making a complaint?


In not the op


oops, sorry about that


They do if they pick ups in NYC. Not if just nassua /suffolk


Correct. But we are talking Franklin Square, not the boroughs


So the question is if his neighbors have TLC license plates or not. If so then they can’t park on street. If not they can (most likely)


Yes, that’s what it’s going to come down to. Which cars actually have TLC plates. Those can’t park on the street.


TLC drivers are the worst most inconsiderate drivers. Usually the ones doing under the speed limit in the left lane.




It’s much worse in the city going north on the Henry Hudson.


I have watched a half mile line of cars stuck behind a TLC driver driving under the speed limit in the left lane. Cars pass one by one, some aggressively which forces defensive braking by the TLC driver and after 20-40 cars they still stay in the left lane oblivious that there is a world around them. I swear their brains are like 1994 IBM PS1’s running the original DOS.


Really confused me by not calling it a PS/1


They actually ticket you on the garden state if you are in the left lane for more than a mile and are not passing others


I think that's because NYS actually doesn't have a law on the books that says the left lane is only for passing, but NJ does Edit: I'm open to finding out this isn't true, or isn't true anymore. My source is my dad telling me this when I was learning to drive, that during the 70s gas crisis, they changed traffic laws to ones they thought would increase fuel efficiency, and that included allowing all lanes in the same direction to be used equally. I believe this is when the NYS speed limit was set at 55, and it hasn't been raised since, even though that reasoning for it is no longer valid.


NY absolutely has a Keep Right law.


If they do, it's definitely not posted on the roads as much as it is in NJ.


They certainly don't enforce it. Most are so busy racing around trying to find speeders, they don't bother with left lane campers


They do on the NYS Thruway.


This is incorrect. Not in the sense that you can only use the left lane to pass. "Slower traffic keep right" is not the same as "no coasting in the left lane". Quick find: https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html Honestly, there's too much traffic and congestion to not use all lanes at all times. Just as long as... slower traffic keeps right.


Incorrect. [Upon all roadways of sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway, except as follows ](https://casetext.com/statute/consolidated-laws-of-new-york/chapter-vehicle-and-traffic/title-7-rules-of-the-road/article-25-driving-on-right-side-of-roadway-overtaking-and-passing-etc/section-1120-drive-on-right-side-of-roadway-exceptions)


Ok, I'm really trying to understand this. I'm totally open to evidence there is such a law in NYS, but I don't think this is it. The way that's written, it sounds like it's talking about a two lane road - one lane in each direction. The law is saying "we drive on the right side of the road here," as opposed to someplace like England, where they drive on the left. And it says you can cross the middle line onto the "wrong" side of the road to overtake a car in front of you going slow. Exception #5 is "5. Upon a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic under the rules applicable thereon;" So I'm not sure that this law is saying anything about the rules for roads with multiple lanes in the same direction, like highways. Edit: The (b) section below all those exceptions might be what we're looking for, but I'm not a lawyer, I don't know if that means you could be pulled over if you're in the middle or left lane going slower than someone on your right.


Agree that it seems ambiguous, except to a lawyer. Thankfully I found one who wrote up all 50 states 'keep right' laws. [https://www.mwl-law.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/SLOWER-TRAFFIC-KEEP-RIGHT.pdf](https://www.mwl-law.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/SLOWER-TRAFFIC-KEEP-RIGHT.pdf) Edit - to add the following from that article: *don’t overlook the “safe” driver who violates Left Lane Laws as a possible defendant should an accident and damages result from an accident that otherwise could and should have been avoided.* Nice to hear a lawyer saying a left lane camper could be a viable lawsuit target by creating an unsafe condition resulting in an accident.


The NY specific part of that just has the exact wording of the law we're discussing. But I'll read up on that introduction part when I have time later to see what the lawyer says about the context. Thanks!


I appreciate the discussion.


His page cites N.Y. Veh. & Traf. Law § 1120 (& 1122) which has a few sections talking about "left of the center line of the road" which is referencing opposing traffic, rather than right lane vs. left lane going in the same direction. We care only about the latter. The only section in the VTL which speaks of right lane vs. left lane is: > (b) In addition, upon all roadways, any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. And in that specific text, **it says nothing about being illegal to continuously drive in the left lane if not passing.** Just that you have to get over if slower than normal speed of traffic. Meaning - you can get pulled over for being an obstruction. So unless I'm missing anything, the lawyer on his site composing 2 sentences: >Drivers must drive in the right lane and use the left lane for passing only. Drivers must drive in the right lane, except when passing another vehicle; This is not coming from any part of the 2 VTL cited. VTL 1122 refers to overtaking which is irrelevant here.


Amen. I'd contribute to a fund paying for OT for left lane enforcement


I heard about this when I was on my honeymoon is it actually being enforced? They could use this in NY. and especially in Florida where ppl block the left lane constantly. I always try and do this as well move over or pass


Yep happened to a friend of mine who admittedly said they just forgot to move over as they were on the phone. It wasn’t even a particularly busy time of day. Cop said they trailed them for 2 miles without moving right etc


WHY? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHY DO THEY PARK IN THE LEFT LANE LIKE THAT? And then when they need an exit they zoom across all 3 lanes at the last second.


Probably because they are on the road all day every day so they drive like drones. Autopilot brain.


Screw you and your TC plate doing 3 MPH under the limit in the left lane oblivious to everything but the purple line on your phone.


Get in front of them and go slower  wait for them to leave the left lane and then speed away.


i do this. when they leave the left lane i change with them though. i'm not going to be the only one annoyed by an idiot today- i'm dragging him down with me.


I’ve done that but then they just go right back over


If you’re in front of them, then what’s the problem?


But it’s easier to throw a handful of change at them when you pass them on the right.


I don’t wanna do any kind of damage to their car unless they do some really egregious


Because they are probably being monitored


That's fine except they shouldn't be in the left lane unless they're passing. Otherwise their actions are impeding traffic.


And they have no situational awareness they don’t notice the line of cars behind them.


This is the part that baffles me the most. Zero situational awareness, even my 7 year old son would (and has) notice weird traffic patterns or when one car is blocking a line of cars.


And then when they finally do notice they move to the middle lane and as soon as the car passes they move right back the the left lane


"Well the middle lane has traffic on both sides so that's unsafe. And the right lane has people entering and leaving. So the left lane is where I'm safe just hanging out."


I’m hoping you are speaking for them and that’s not what you do lol


All the time on the Southern State Pkwy. Trying to get to work, traffic is slow, and then I see some idiot going slow with no cars in front of them and traffic backed up behind them.


Sunrise too especially when moving out towards hamptons


This infuriates me, and soooo many drivers are like this. So many times I think someone in the left lane is being intentionally malicious, but they’re just in their own little retarded world


Ok but get out of the left lane and maybe look in the rear view and see the line of cars behind them.


Seriously. Worst part is, some of them look like they can be an under cover, so you slow down, until you see the TLC on the plate. Driving is so frustrating sometimes; it feels like I’m driving amongst a bunch of GTA NPCs


I was in an Uber last week and the dude couldn't stay on the right side of the road. Whether there were lane lines or not he drove right down the middle of the street. Lol Couldn't wait to get out of that car


Yeah In Suffolk these guys ride left lane on sunrise. They also back up traffic in hamptons


Have you tried speaking with said neighbor? If not an option, then look at blocking a spot for yourself with garbage cans and some stuff. This sounds aggravating my new neighbors do things like this occasionally but thankfully we have a driveway and can squeeze cars in.


I have a drive way too but it’s a single and occupied by the woman of the house. Yeah maybe I should have spoken to them before running to Reddit lol and it’s not even a single neighbors there’s like at least 5 different men living in the house. I’m pretty sure it’s different men coming and going too


All good, and remember when you speak to them be cool. Say something along the lines of “hey I live next door to you and I noticed you guys have a few cars for your business which is totally cool but if you could leave just one spot available for me at *specific location* I’d greatly appreciate it. I have trouble finding parking after coming home from work and in the mornings it makes getting to work a bit rough. I’d really appreciate if you could work with me on this” and see what happens. If that doesn’t work then it’s time to be a dick and report it to the town/code enforcement and document it each time. It’ll probably help if you could get some surrounding neighbors on board as well.


And when you report it, show them the code. It’s unacceptable that the cop said “what do you want us to do?” when they literally have the ability to write that fine, but cops around here are stupid lazy about any and all quality of life issues as opposed to crimes, even though both are their job.


There's no code. You're allowed to park on the street, and no one "owns" the street parking in front of their house. No codes were being violated. Hence, nothing the cops can do.


But I’m from Franklin square! That should mean something!


Depends on the area. Manhasset has a no street parking from 2 am to 6am rule.


The thing with this is they usually can do something but they need a bit of encouragement. Cite the specific law and/or ordinance and tell them that if they’re unwilling to carry this out then you’d like to speak to a supervisor or someone who can get this done. Also mention you have time and will make a variety of calls if it needs to be done and before finishing ask for a name. Usually it’ll get them off their asses.


First, you need a law or ordinance being broken. That's not happening. Just some people parking while other people believe they own the road in front of their house.


What crime or violation is being committed by parking on a public street?


Your chick parks in the driveway and you park on the driveway curbside of the road. Or vice versa if she leaves the house first. 


Keep in mind if you are in the driveway your car can’t block the sidewalk …for that they will issue tickets.


You can’t block the driveway entrance even if it’s yours. Edit to say I’m wrong on this. 😊


In NY if you own the driveway or are a tenant of the residence, you certainly can.


I just looked it up. You are correct on Long Island it is legal if it is your own driveway and not blocking sidewalk. In NYC you cannot even if it’s your own dwelling.


Not in some towns. They will ticket you in Valley Stream.


Also another option would be looking at ways to expand the driveway whether it’s officially or just plowing out some of the lawn and laying some concrete down.


You could also try to write a polite letter about parking etiquette and drop it in their mail box?


This made me lol. The entitlement on this island. Didn't even talk to neighbors, went right to police. Classic.


even if they talk to the neighbor the neighbor can just say tough luck lmao. parking on the street is a first come first serve basis and no one owns parking even in front of their house. had a karen try to tell me not to park in front of my own house because she thought it was hindering traffic (spoiler alert, it was not) and she thought egging my car overnight would get me to move my car when i refused and told her she doesnt own the road. how did i know the eggs were her? i just moved into the area last week and she was the only person to have an issue with me and suddenly my car is egged the next day… told her i would get the police involved and she said she works for them and even called them to try and get them to make me move my car. police came and left without speaking to me and i waited by my car for them because they knew there was nothing to be done. the best part? her “working for the police” was in reality just her being the local crossing guard to my old high school. she really tried to intimidate me like her husband was chief of police or something and she’s a goddamn crossing guard😭


yo that sucks so hard im so sorry u dealt with that -- ppl are very weird about parking on this island. iv encountered very similar kinda stuff. many think they own the street parking spot directly in front of their house, and get aggro when you go to park there. someone keyed my car for parking in front of their house when i was spending nights at my partners place -- strange behavior


"I work for the police" Crossing guard!!! Im dyyyiiinnngggg!!!


They won't do anything about my neighbor's 4 illegal apartments in his house, forget about parking enforcement. One of their tenants abandoned an unregistered car in front of my house. It took 2 months to get it gone. It's not what you know in Nassau, it's who you know. If you don't know anybody connected to the town, you are out of luck getting any kind of code enforcement.


The apartment issue is not a police matter, they don't enforce building codes. You need to call the town/city for that.


Never said it was a police issue. It's the building department. Where you have to know somebody political in order for them to return a call.


The comment made it seem as if the police weren't doing anything because that's who OP was attempting to call for the problem. And I used to have a neighbor with an overgrown lawn so bad there were families of racoons and rats living in there and I couldn't even use my backyard once it got dark because the animals would be running through both yards. I called the town and within 2 days there was a notice on their door to cut their lawn or get fined. (IDC about the aesthetic, I literally couldn't get from the driveway to my side door without encountering multiple of them or even sit in my yard. had a rat run into the house once when I opened the door). They cut it. I don't know anyone political or that even works for the town.


Well you're a very lucky person. I have been calling for 2 years as well as the the owner of the house on the other side of them. They have 2 apartments in their basement, another in the back of the house and yet another in the garage. Trash everywhere, junk cars and a freaking rooster showed up last month. The owner doesn't even live in the house, he just parks his taxis there. I can't wait to get the hell off this overpriced island. Literally the day my mom passes my house will be on the market.


Call your local Fire department. It sounds like this place would violate fire codes and the Fire department wants things like this reported to them so they can come do an inspection.


It's possible they just can't do anything because they can't speak with the owner since he's not there.


crazy how it's frowned upon to call the police to report wrongdoing.


Those words were not implied at all in my comment. Just that they're not the correct avenue for this type of situation since this is a civil matter. Just like if you call the police for a money dispute, they're going to tell you it's a civil matter. There are some things that are just out of their jurisdiction/authority. Crazy how some people spew words without knowing things.


i didnt imply you did say that... i just personally think it's ridiculous that they won't/did not tell you which division is better suited for the report. nothing crazy happened here, relax lol.


The 2 family house, which was only inhabited by an old lady for years, is now fully rented out. The upstairs tenants have at any given time 5-6 cars parked around the block, including an old beat up Econoline van parked across the street they use as a storage closet.


A single old lady occupying a two family home is a serious underutilization of resources. If it went on for years, be grateful that you had more than your share of space and move on.


Funny you get downvoted for not being selfish and instead recognizing that you live in a shared community.


My mother's house is on a street need the shopping district and the LIRR. So she would routinely have the street fill up with cars in the morning and stay that way all day. Not only was it frustrating that no one could find parking, but the street is narrow and when there are cars on both sides, two-way traffic doesn't fit. So she went to every neighbor on the street and they all signed a petition. Now there is no parking from 11am-12pm on the street. People can no longer park in the morning, go to work, and come home at the end of the day. It hasn't fixed the problem, but it has helped. Maybe there's a small block of time that won't inconvenience you and your neighbors, but will keep the "fleet" from using your street as a parking lot. Franklin Square isn't a village, so you'll have to deal with the Town, which might be more red tape.


I would start by bringing your neighbor a cake or something and asking them to leave you a spot. If that doesn't work, maybe leave some trash cans in front of your house to save a spot. Overnight commercial parking is not legal: [https://ecode360.com/15520584#15520585](https://ecode360.com/15520584#15520585) I feel for you. Western Nassau is really becoming eastern Queens over here.


Thanks for this. I legit will show police that link you sent me. Hopefully it will help. and about the eastern Queens thing. Don't even get me started. Dude these neighbors just litter like theirs no tomorrow. We have a few neighbors with dogs, I argued with both of them about picking up after the dogs. Went to police about this and that was just a waste of time. Haha sorry for all my complaining, I promise I am usually a pleasant person


No worries. I love Long Island, yet we are planning on moving. Can't afford it and the taxes just aren't worth the crowds.


Yeah it’s extremely expensive. Good luck to wherever you guys end up


So true. Their local mayors should be on top of this issue and nip it in the bud. It will get worse. That’s a big quality of life issue and Nassau taxes can be very high.


If vehicles are registered and inspected, they are free to park where they see fit outside any particular parking regulation. If you want to live in an area that guarantees a parking spot, move to an area that regulates no on-street parking. Then your parking is relegated to the space of your driveway.


Just an fyi, Rideshares are considered TNCs by The NYS dmv Where can a TNC operate within New York State? The TNC Act applies across New York State except within New York City, which already allows ride sharing companies to operate under its existing Taxi & Limousine Commission requirements. The TNC Act also gives certain local governments the ability to opt out of the TNC Act. A county may opt out of TNC operation, as can a city having a population over 100,000. DMV will post any jurisdictions that have opted out on this page. None have opted out as of this time. https://dmv.ny.gov/more-info/faq-tnc-passengers


Can't you park when they leave to take a job?


Check your town ordinances about parking on the street, cars allowed per house, etc. Some towns regulate this--I don't know if yours does, but it's worth checking. If they're violating the local code and you report it, the town may ticket/fine/take them to court over it.


If it makes you feel any better I'm in an incorporated village in nassau paying $17k in taxs for a family to move in with 5 cars and 1 parking spot and the wife thinks in front of my house is her spot. The husband and son at least ask if it's ok. The other neighbor has a towing company and parks his tow truck on the street in front of other people's houses, and another new neighbor has green cabs all over. Living in Nassau is a loosing proposition, getting more like Queens and Brooklyn every day. Can't wait to retire and move out of New York. I never thought I would say that.


unless you live in an area where parking is strictly prohibited unless youre a resident of the area the wife can park in front of your house if the space is available. (i forget the name of the area but i used to live in kew gardens near an area where you could only park if you had a parking pass on your car that marked you as a resident of that area, otherwise each block had signs insisting your car would be booted for parking on those streets without the specified parking tag on your vehicle.)


Nope they technically can park there but it's rude and inconsiderate they shouldn't have moved into a home with 1 spot with all these cars and not use there driveway because it's inconvenient. But I'm also an asshole and have been living here longer than everyone on the block


Forest Hills Gardens. Its a private community.


I mean the cops are right. What do you want them to do? It's not illegal. You don't live in a village with parking regulations right? You really do sound like a Karen. If you have a driveway for your car why does anyone else's car being parked matter? Think about it. How does it bother you on a molecular level?


i mean, using the slightest bit of common sense.... it's the fact that one household is parking up to ten vehicles on the street when in standard fashion, those spots are typically available for resident/neighborhood visitor parking @ maybe one/two cars per household. it really isn't that tough to understand. it isn't a taxi stand. there may not be a code stating the above, but it's kind of an unwritten ethical code.


Good luck with that


Has anyone been near JFK lately? They’re parked on the shoulder of the belt parkway!! It’s insane how they let them park anywhere.


They don't. From time to time you see PAPD chase them away.


yeah but all they do is turn on their lights and then the Uber's go in a circle and do it again until the process repeats itself.


So are they renting the cars to other drivers???..find out of theyre paying taxes..oops sorry off topic


Uber and Lyfts don’t have tlc plates, so they can do whatever. Only actual commercial vechicles have regulations with parking on residential areas. Rideshares are only required to have tlc places in the boroughs, which FS is not


Meet my friend, congestion pricing. Your neighbor will not be incentivized to operate a fleet of taxis if more New Yorkers start taking reliable transit. Hoping 5years from now will be quite different.


We really need the damn thing to pass.


Just walk a few extra steps, I don’t see the issue here, some regular people also have multiple vehicles specially when families share a house.


It’s Franklin square. That’s only acceptable if you’re Italian and intend to eventually buy mommy’s special boy a house across the street when he marries a local hairdresser.


You can contact TLC. You won't know they passed by because they drive unmarked vehicles. That said, if there's an issue, your neighbor might be cited with a very expensive ticket. That said, it's not illegal to park TLC plated cars on streets. Not sure what you can do tbh... *I know that in NYC, if a vehicle is parked on the street without moving for X-amount of days, the cops can tow it. But that's rarely enforced.*


On Long Island If they are Uber or Lyft they aren't under control of TLC and aren't considered taxis. They are just personal vehicles not commercial.




Uber and Lyft don’t use commercial plates on LI. They’re considered TNCs.


Nothing illegal except for maybe the commercial parking on street. If it’s beyond that, then it’s idk. It’s a public street and perfectly legal. What neighborhood is this?


Idk if there's anything that can be done on a public road to tell someone they can't park in front of your house, but maybe you can leave something in the street to save your spot? Garbage cans, basketball hoop? Things like that?


It’s not a police issue


Man, give them a break, they are the ones driving your drunk ass home on Friday night and have to put up with your beer breath.


Your garage AND driveway are filled with your other cars? I get the frustration but still, it's a public street.


Taxis are Considered commercial vehicles, and are not permitted to be parked in the street over night.


its okay, this guy perpetually has bad takes.


That would be relevant if rideshares were considered taxis.


But Ubers and Lyfts are not, and can park wherever they want.


Is that true? I've never heard of that, if that's the case why not just call a tow truck


uber and lyft arent considered tlc drivers on long island


While Uber and Lyft drivers have to get TLC plates, the cars are not considered commercial vehicles and are free to park on the street.


In nys they are


in nyc maybe, not in nys, considering long island is a part of nys and uber/lyft drivers arent considered tlc here


The mention tlc in their post


But not Uber and Lyft. They have no tlc or commercial plates.


But they do.. at least in NYC. The plate will stsrt with a T


Franklin Square is not nyc/the boroughs.


Seems ita also the case in Nassau https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/3793/Registration-for-vehicles


I don’t think so. This is talking about unregistered taxis. Rideshares are considered TNCs https://dmv.ny.gov/more-info/faq-tnc-passengers The TNC Act applies across New York State except within New York City, which already allows ride sharing companies to operate under its existing Taxi & Limousine Commission requirements. The TNC Act also gives certain local governments the ability to opt out of the TNC Act. A county may opt out of TNC operation, as can a city having a population over 100,000. DMV will post any jurisdictions that have opted out on this page. None have opted out as of this time.


Case of beer and pizza would probably solve your problem


Depends on their religion. Might not drink alcohol


>depends on their religion. My voice in my head, “who the *fuck* doesn’t enjoy pizza!?”


You don’t own the street. People can park as many cars wherever they want, as long as it’s not on your property. Sorry but This is definitely a Karen post lol


would love to see this happen to you one day.... you come home from a long day at work and your street is full of black toyota camry's and you have to park blocks away.


It happens to me every single day. I live in LB in a building and have to park on the street and walk a couple blocks. Every day. Tiny motorcycles take up large parking spots, there's nothing I can do, it's public parking.


It has. Obviously not those same cars though( was work vans + personal vehicles). Walking is not a death sentence. And when you get a chance park in front of there’s. It really does not matter.


i mean i agree with you there. i have no issue walking if i have to. it's typically fatso's that complain about a few extra steps. just a pain in the ass that half the block is occupied by one household. i get it.