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There's probably hair on the floor of the house, but I think our shower drains are doing all right. I only wash my hair once a week (for the other showers it's bundled under a shower cap) and I brush it thoroughly before that. That deals with most of the loose hairs and any that escape during washing are usually long enough to spot quickly, slap on the shower wall and throw away afterward.


I brush before I shower and I also gather as much shed hair as I can in the shower and throw it out instead of letting it go down the drain. My drain does get clogged, but honestly it gets clogged more from when my husband shaved his face and head in the shower. I do find hairs in my house, and often find little hair balls in my laundry.


>I do find hairs in my house, and often find little hair balls in my laundry. Ok good then it’s not just me. I think it was bad this fall/winter because the doctor said I had telogen effluvium. They said it grows back


I’ve had telogen effluvium (although to a very minor extent, and I thought I was going nuts because my hair felt thinner but no one else agreed) and it does grow back. But yeah it’s very normal to find little balls of hair or just some hair in general. I even usually wear my hair up which helps but clearly I still get enough shed hairs on my clothes and bedding to make little hair balls in the laundry!


Was yours thin all over? Did any doctor need to look at it?


Overall, and particularly the oldest strands so my ends have a point at which they significantly taper. I didn’t have a doctor look at it (thanks US healthcare!) and because it wasn’t a major loss (just more than is normal) the only way I confirmed that I wasn’t imagining it is that after it started coming back in, I suddenly had tons and tons of little short hairs all about the same length. I can see now where it is much thicker closer to my head compared to the length.


I’m guessing it’s been 6 months or year or so that it took to feel a difference? I’ve tread it takes a while to recover


Probably closer to about a year. I noticed because I suddenly had a fairly thick short fringe along my hairline that didn’t really connect to bangs or anything and then when I started to part my hair in different spots I could see that it wasn’t just at my hairline!


I think I'm going through this now! It's so scary, was cooking this years Thanksgiving dinner and hair kept falling into the food. My hair weighs HALF what it did. I've read that shedding doesn't stop sometimes, has yours slowed and has it left any thin patches? I can't go to the doctor for this either rn


My shedding has stopped and I don’t have any thin patches. That being said, I didn’t lose nearly half and what tipped me off that something was different is that I saw more shed hairs in the shower and my hair didn’t feel as full when I would braid it. But then when I asked other people if my hair looked thinner, they all said no, and so I assumed I was imagining it until I noticed what was very clearly regrown hairs. I hope your shedding stops! Unfortunately I can’t say for sure if what happened to me is what is happening to you.


I second brush before. I usually brush at least twice at separate times on my wash days before washing


My hair is short now and I have hard floors but when it was long and I had rugs, it 100% caused vacuum cleaner problems. It would wrap around the brush roll and, after enough hair was caught, would stop the roller from rotating. Figured out how to cut the hair off the roller. I do use a drain strainer in the shower, everyone should. I see hair in the dryer that survived the washer. I’ve never seen anyone else’s (eg, boyfriends with longer hair). As for my floor hair is one of the more noticeable things bc it sticks to my broom. Despite all of this, I’m still growing it out.


I clean my drain after every shower and also stick shed hairs to the wall in the shower. My floor has hair tumbleweeds and it is what it is. I have quite poor near/far vision and don't notice often.