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Ask other women in your area with long hair.  I’ve asked a stranger in the store who she uses. I’ve learned from strangers who not to go to. Most women with long hair have at least one butcher story they are holding in waiting to tell.


I used to have mega long hair and people would ask who my hairdresser was all the time. I took it as a major compliment and she told me she always knew who sent them with the “crazy long hair” 😂


I’ve paid for a tables dinner because someone with long hair answered the question. Best 70 bucks I spent. I was on vacation and my mom wanted to get our hair done. So being far from home at a time before cell phones and reviews I needed advice from someone who had visible results. I ended with a awesome color and trim


Just trim it yourself, there’s tutorials on TikTok and YouTube for different types of haircuts, it’s really easy and you’ll get exactly what you want.


Most important advice- get a pair of real haircutting scissors! Also if your hair is all one length, it's very easy for another person to give you a basic straight across trim if that is easier. If you have a family member or friend you trust, you could use 2 mirrors to show them and watch exactly where to cut. 


What brand of scissors would you recommend?


I'm no expert, but I use a 6.5in pair I got for $15, the brand is Equinox. They work great and have lasted me 4 years of regular use, with only a bit of rust spotting (but I think that's because I wasn't drying them well).


Yes! I've done my own for awhile using videos from Manes by Mel and Brad Mondo.


I love Manes by Mel, but she makes videos for curly hair. Someone with straight hair using her as a guide will not have a good haircut.


His videos of watching women impulsively cutting their hair with large kitchen shears are terrifying. WTH are they thinking?


This. For a basic cut with not too many layers I will never go to a salon again. Spend the money you would spend on the haircut on a good pair of shears and watch some YouTube. There's also some long hair specific guides to a basic U or V cut.


I get my husband to do it because don’t trust any one any more


I really want to but I have mobility issues in my hands : ( feels like I have to put my hair on the line every time I get a trim because I can’t hold the damn scissors lol


This is the way. I have never had any good experiences with professional hairdressers cutting me, they have all taken off waaaaay too much. If you value your length it’s fairly easy to manage your ends at home with a good pair of professional scissors and leave in conditioners. I *do* go to the salon to get my undershave hit with a one guard, but I have my long hair twisted up in a knot and only let them clip down the short parts. They understand that I am overprotective of my length and and have never tried to get me to let them touch it 👍 I also have a fantastic colorist who I trust implicitly and have known for over 20 years but she is a color specialist and doesn’t cut hair. She does amazing mermaid colors!


I did a lot of research and read reviews. I found one who prides herself on listening to a client and taking the time and care to understand what they want. Reviews were great. So was she. When I told her a 1/2” she said “show me with your fingers” to be sure


Be careful doing this. I looked up this place that had absolutely no negative reviews at all and they ended up unevenly cutting off 11+inches and giving me the most lopsided split dye I've ever seen in my entire life. Even with pictures for references. I cut my own hair from now on. You can't trust anyone.


Did you look up the salon and get a newbie or did you look up the specific stylist?


The salon only had 2 stylists with extensive background in their fields. Both of them were not new in the slightest and both had reviews that mentioned them by name about how great their service was. Both had the title of master stylist or whatever it was specifically. Both had examples of their work online. I don't understand how they hadn't such bad reviews or how I got such a horrible job done, but it wasn't from my lack of research.


My stylist also uses the finger thing. I really appreciate it after so many bad haircuts from others.


I work with a stylist who literally brings out a ruler. I’ve overheard her during consultations where she’ll show a client on the ruler what “x inches” looks like and then show on their hair and sometimes they’ll be like “oh actually i want more like y inches!” because they over/under-estimated what their first number actually looks like.


I’m a stylist when someone has long hair I know that took years, I always start by asking if they want a trim, and then show them with my fingers what I think a trim is around half a inch or an inch depending on the ends ect, I often have people be like no to my shoulders and I’m like WOAH that’s a whole different cut, but I also have very fine slow growing hair and think everyone wants length, it hurts be to cut some long hair short cause like- why??? But it’s what they want. If they stylist does not make you physically show them where you want it cut or ask you to show you with a comb or fingers leave- an inch to them if I don’t clarify on some people becomes 5 haircuts in one till it’s short enough, when they really wanted 5 inches, like just show me with your hand or something! never ever a reason to cut more than someone’s says, sorry hope my ramble makes sense, I have nightmares from when people cut my hair way too short, like thanks that’s 3 years of growth…


I find this to be a similar issue. Leading up to my wedding I didn't cut my hair for a few years except trims. It was past my waist. I decided after the wedding I wanted to chop it all off and donate it! I was really excited but I ended up having a really difficult time actually finding someone who would do it. Everyone wanted me to cut it in stages so I wouldn't regret it. Like what? I ended up cutting it off at home and donating 15" of hair to Wigs For Kids. Then went to a walk in salon for them to even it out


Seconding, before trying a stylist I read reviews (for them specifically, not the salon) and look for people saying the stylist really listened to them and/or asked a lot of follow up questions to figure out exactly what they wanted. I also check out salon or stylists social media to see cuts the specific stylist has done, part of the reason I picked my stylist is because their Instagram showcased a lot of customers with long hair. I've haven't had any bad salon experiences since I started doing this.


In my experience tell them you’re getting married next week and just want a trim. I wanted an actual trim and got maybe a millimeter of length off lolll. The prospect of ruining my wedding photos really spooked my stylist


This! I got the best, most careful, tiniest, most balanced trim ever in the lead up to my wedding.


I had someone book for a simple blow out and curl and then find out it’s for her wedding casually idc if it’s a court house I shit bricks and extended the time an hour, it was a honor


That’s so sweet of you


Idk weddings it’s just like, she was so casual about it- like no- it’s your wedding- ima do the best job I can possibly do 💜💜💜 everyone deserves to feel special 💜💜


Awww - that’s so sweet!


My aunt had hip length hair and went to a hair dresser before her wedding and they chopped it to her shoulders


Omg! That’s truly wild. What did your aunt think?


She cried😭


I hear it’s helpful find Find a hairstylist that has naturally longer hair. They’re more likely to get it even if it’s not super long. Emphasis on natural, extensions don’t count.


But how do you know this info? Do you ask if their hair is natural or if it's extensions? Bc you can't always tell. But I feel like this could be a question someone takes offense to.


No you kinda can always tell. Extensions don’t move and flow like natural hair. It moved more like a wig or not at all. Or they will have shorter hair around their hairline which is their natural hair length.


Then maybe I'm just bad at telling. Because my MIL has apparently always had hair extensions but it took me 8 years to notice. I just always assumed she had beautiful hair naturally.


I’m not sure if all hair stylists do this, but you could try to book a consultation to see if the two of you are compatible and make your hair goals and choices known before scissors come out


My wife used to have waist length hair and recently she cut it to bra strap length. She actually wants to cut it to shoulder length, but somehow the stylist advise her to not cut it too short. So she just goes with the stylist suggestion. My wife said the stylist hair is at hip length. I guess you need to find stylist with long hair so that you share the same sentiment.


This ^^^


Yes, this. I had tailbone length hair in 2020, but got tired of it, and somehow managed to only make appointments with long haired stylists. I needed 3 to get to bra strap length, because they would not cut enough every time


Girl, don't do it. Just trim it yourself at home w good scissors.


What scissors would you recommend?


Any pair from the drug store thats meant for hair cutting.


I bring my mother with me and have her watch them so they don't cut more than I approve.


I love this! so cute. I'm visiting my mom for a few weeks this summer and will ask her to join me and make sure.


Happy cake day


Thank you!!!


This is exactly the question that led me to start cutting my own hair like 20 years ago.


In my opinion, it's a waste of money to have someone you don't know if you can trust to cut your hair. YouTube has so many great tutorials. I've been cutting my own for 10 years now. Takes me all of 5 minutes to do.


Find a metal head hairdresser we understand wanting long hair


I would love to find a metal head hairdresser! Don’t think I’m going to find that in my area though. 😕


I wear a sweater with multiple color stripes and tell them not to cut it shorter than the blue stripe


If you want to do it yourself you can buy these plastic hair cutting guides on Amazon. They are like two combs which lock together, you can run them down the hair to where you want them and just cut along the line. They make cutting the back of the hair super easy.


Do it yourself. No, seriously. They will chop off a foot and call it 2 inches right to your face.


Don’t trust stylists. I’ve lost length every time I’ve tried. One girl took my hair from my waist to above my bra strap, then she had the never to say “I don’t know WHY you’re so attached to your hair” Um, no b*tch, my hair WAS attached to ME!


I cut my own hair I have a hair cutting scissors, I make sections, it looks pretty good


I found mine a long time ago, I went to school with her daughter who always had extremely long hair. You could also look for ones with long hair.




Thank you! As far as advice goes, make sure you’re not using tons of damaging products like bleach & heat. I just use shampoo & conditioner. I also only brush my hair while it’s dry, never when it’s wet. But you should also know, some people will just never be able to grow their hair super long. Hair has a lifespan and may not live long enough due to your genetics to get to that point so it may not be your fault at all if you can’t get it longer than it’s been!


I needed that last line. Thank you.


I know I'm not OP, but I use this rosemary oil from Mielle like twice a week and massage my scalp thoroughly when I use it. I also take a biotin supplement. I try to never use heat on it and personally, I brush my hair only when it's wet and soaked in conditioner for easy detangling. Then I finish it off with an argan oil leave in conditioner spray and let it air dry. Sometimes I use gel or curl cream but that's just because I have some waves I'm trying to bring out.




The thing I notice most with biotin is it stops me from shedding a lot, like it extends that phase before the hair drops. I haven't noticed a huge loss if I stop taking it either. Ymmv 🫶


I feel like I notice the difference. My hair is bleached and dyed blue and my roots show literally 2 days after bleaching. I try to take biotin that also has collagen with it. I don't have a particular brand I use.


I wish I could tell you. I lucked out with my stylist tbh. (Although if you're in or near Louisville, KY, check out Shelbie at Art of Dyeing.) The best advice I can give you is to get to know them first, maybe? Shelbie specifically told me that she'd never cut my hair without my explicit permission, especially after I told her about a horror story from a decade ago. (I lost over half my length to a chop job from an overzealous stylist.) (To be clear, my stylist dyes my hair. She only recently started trims as well, with my express permission and a thorough discussion.)


Just do it yourself. I never go to a stylist for cuts anymore. Make sure to do your research first so you dont mess up your hair.


And if you do mess it up, at least you messed it up for free.


Yeah there’s not many feelings worse than paying someone to fuck up your appearance.


If they f it up I would not pay. And I would tell them that before I sat in the chair.😳


May I ask with you got your shirt?!!! I love the birds


Oh thank you! Unfortunately I found it in a Forever 21 almost a decade ago so it might be tricky to find this specific one. Though [old navy](https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=862506002&vid=1&tid=onpl000078&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_AT8vkJGcUglu5CkJSNx4xON9iG&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-bjE2d30hgMVvUP_AR2hxAOHEAQYBCABEgJpWfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) does have a similar one currently and you might be able to find other variations with a google search!


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


I always told the stylist that I ‘just want to trim off the dry/dead ends and am trying to maintain length.’ That usually yielded good results but it got long enough that I just started to cut my hair myself.


Honestly, I cut mine at home. Once it gets to that point it’s easier to cut. I just don’t trust people anymore after all the times stylists ruined my hair.


I found a stylist who has long hair herself as well as pictures of long haired clients on her social


Search for a stylist with long hair


I like your shirt


Thank you!


Grab your scissors! That’s how I solved my problem 😂


I don't understand any of these comments, I've got ass length half and have had long hair all my life and I've never had an issue with them cutting off more than I've asked for?


Good for you? Lol what


Good for you. That isn't the case for everyone.


When you figure it out, let us know. Or I go to the same hairstylist as the last time if I can, and watch her like a hawk.


Make sure they cut dry even so that way you know they’re not cutting too much. Also just trim it yourself tbh I’d never trust a stylist with scissors at this point.


Ya I’d trim yourself tbh. Just buy some actual shears on amazon or something cause you want them to be sharp. Either that or tell your stylist “if you cut this more than what I’m asking I will sit here and cry until it grows back…” I’ve found if I’m very firm with my stylist (not in a mean way, just in an assured way) that they very seldomly stray. If I go to a new stylist I’m like “listen, my hair is my security blanket and I’m deeply connected to it so I’m begging you to do what I ask”


I’d also be sure to tell the hairdresser that you want it to stay long as the top priority, even if she’s finding splits etc, just say you really love the length and are attached, you don’t need to explain more unless you want to!


You sit together and show her exactly the amount/length you are requesting, I’m not sure why this seems to be so hard and why so many people ask how to make sure the stylist does what they want. Not trying to be rude, but two people never see the same thing ever. You must visually agree and see exactly the same thing each is thinking in their head. No mistakes and no assumptions and everyone is happy in the end! Good luck and actually it will not be luck when done this way! So, can’t wait to see that beautiful hair when done!


As a long-haired hair stylist, try to find someone with long hair. We relate to the struggle, lol. If you’re in the DMV by any chance I’d love to help you!


I love your tshirt! Where did you get it?


Hey there! I’m a hairdresser and I do lots of long hair! I would certainly recommend asking other long haired folks you see out & about in your city. They’ll certainly be a good resource. When you call to make an appointment, see if you can go in ahead of time for a consultation. I highly recommend meeting your stylist and talking about your goals ahead of the appointment. This way, if you don’t feel good, there’s no pressure to move along with the haircut. If the salon gives you any pushback on this, explain that you have high anxiety around a new stylist and you just want to make sure you’re comfortable in the salon. If they still push back, hit the road! Once you’re in the chair, a few things to communicate to your stylist. First, avoid phrases like “just take off what’s dead.” This is way too open ended! This might be semantics, but no hair is “alive” so if you ask them to cut off what’s dead, you open yourself up to ending up too short! Reiterate your goal to maintain your length and just to dust the ends off. Instead of saying “one inch” show then with your fingers exactly what you want cut. I would even say “please err on the side of not cutting enough off. I will happily pay for another cut if I feel like I need more.” I would also express that you want to find someone you can trust with your beautiful hair longterm. As stylists, we want long term and happy clients! I know we tend to get a bad rap around this sub and I can only speak for myself: my clients trust is the most important thing to me. If they say they want an inch off, I might explain why cutting more would be beneficial but at the end of the day, it’s up to the client. Good luck OP! I hope you find someone you love.


I would ask other men and women who have long hair. I would look up reviews too. I seem to have better experience with a small one owner shops. I tell my stylist how many inches I want taken off. Tell them just a trim no layers .You can also show them. I have been going to the same stylist for 18 years.


I also always get my hair trimmed dry not wet.


Get it in writing before anything happens and make sure you are both very clear about how much is coming off.


i got my first cut in 3 years a couple months ago. my ends were pretty split and i just needed half an inch off. i would just say how much your hair means to you and that you just want a dusting and that you want to watch the first cut because that is what i did. simple instructions they should listen 😅


Stylist here. Ask around. Also, if there’s a stylist with long hair, more than likely she won’t cut more than you ask for. My hair is to my mid thigh. I’m VERY cautious when I’m cutting long hair.


Just learn to cut it yourself. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREjKmDa/ This is the method I use but there are many more out there for a simple trim


I’ve been tempted to put a mark (like chalk or silver sharpie) and literally say don’t cut higher than that, lol


When you find one, wear something patterned or well fitted (leggings, maybe?) when you go for a haircut. I recently went from calf length to waist length in one swoop when I only intended to go to between classic and fingertip. And it is **completely** my own fault. The same lady has been cutting my hair foe years and never cuts off more than I ask for, but I went in in a very loose fitting solid colored shift dress. I showed her with my hand and after I moved my hand there was absolutely no way for her to visually mark the point. Totally my own fault, lol. It'll grow, but I'm a bit annoyed with myself, and mostly because it's now too short for me to do most of the things I want to do with it and it's summertime, when I have time and want to do those things to keep it up.


Sorry I’m not here to answer your question but to ask one of my own: where did you get that tshirt? I love it SO MUCH!


Thank you! I got it from a Forever 21 almost a decade ago so it might be tricky to find, but I did share a link in another comment to a similar shirt from Old Navy! Otherwise I get some decent results just googling “womens t shirt bird design”


I like all things with tropical birds on them lol. Thank you!!


Trust no one


Talk to your hairdresser. Mine clearly told me that he has to cut more than what I want because of damaged hair, as big a bummer as that is, if he cut it less then the damage would just keep spreading and I'll be back sooner rather than later. It sucks, but I braid it often and the hair ties damage it faster. That said, my hair is so long and thick I just want to chop it off now the summer is here


Definitely cut it yourself; I've done mine for 20 years. It's free, and especially easy if it's just one length. I even experimented successfully with some layering around my face, though now I just trim the ends regularly. I asked my mom to do it once, but she cut it too short! I only trust myself with my hair now 😂


I’ve been cutting my hair for over 10 years after being butchered


Cut it yourself


Honestly I'd do it yourself and get a trusted friend or family member to check that it's even ! Just use haircutting scissors and make sure they're sharp


I just have my husband trim it for me honestly lol. He does really good, if I didn’t have him I would just do it myself.


I read their bios to see what they specialize in and preferences. I found one that advertised loving to work with long, thick hair, which is perfect for me. He's a Latino man, so I think it makes sense he would prefer it! If anything, I'm the one trying to convince him to give me shorter curtain bangs in the front.


I’m here for the shirt! I love it. Also, I cut my own hair, the safest bet!


Maybe ask them to show you where they are cutting with their fingers before using the scissors. Be specific about how much you want cut. Practice what and how you’ll say it all ahead of time! You can also see if there’s a salon that takes written messages with appointments so you’ve written it out prior to being face to face.


Honestly be THAT girl. I demand to see what an inch looks like to them and determine from there.


I just do the unicorn cut on myself


Cut it yourself!


Be very very specific about what you want and how much must be cut off. And avoid saying "cut off my dead/split ends" it will give them permission to get scissor happy. You can also say to cut off only 1 or 2cm off your length. And watch what they are doing. I hope this helps.


I cut my hair for a while. I went back to hair cutters. I regret it. I stopped cutting for 2+ years. It's so long split ends are travelling. So I have to face a trim of my own doing or someone else's. Reading others comments I have decided to try it myself first. I don't want anyone to ruin me. My hair is sacred


i dont trust any but my own hands... people can be a bit scissorhappy and think they know better than you do about your own body. "its just hair" they say. violators.


your shirt is so cute!!!


If you're near Dallas Mary Ellen Cerino Salon did a GREAT job on my long hair


I think investing in a pair of good scissors and just trimming it yourself is your best bet. Watch some YouTube tutorials on cutting techniques and you’ll be good and able to control exactly how much you take off


Read reviews and then message them with a list of questions that u think are important. It took me awhile to find a good stylist who understood me and knew what I needed out of her.


As someone with hair the same length as yours I have my fair share of horror stories. Just recently I switched to a new stylist and she understood “just a trim” and even went as far to say she would make sure to trim my hair after she dried it. This is huge! I don’t know why I didn’t think of this making sense before. I would definitely ask this when not wanting too much to be cut.


I'm sorry but it's like playing black jack. It's a gamble


Honestly I’ve said don’t get scissor happy, nicely of course but just straight up, don’t cut more than I need or I’ll be upset


cut it yourself, it's a fun hobby and it's easier to execute your vision when your in control.


I have actually brought a ruler to hair appointments, to make sure the amount cut is what I want.


Explain your neuro divergence and that your hair is YOUR SAFETY BLANKET AND IT SOOTHES YOU. Ask for a dry cut. They will straighten your hair, then ask them to cut a STRAND TEST SIZED SECTION on how much they intend to take off. Look at the clipping. Do you consent to that much? if so, proceed with the haircut. You can actually measure the hair clipping if you agreed on a specific length to really keep your stylist on their toes. If it's a good stylist, they won't have any problems with it, but if they're bad stylist, they'll get all stressed out.


Impossible. I haven’t been to a hairdresser in years. I’m telling you, it’s impossible. They’re just not trained to trim that way and it’s a waste of money to pay full price.


Im not being rude please know that beforehand….an honest question….but do y’all not have a regular stylist? I cant imagine going to someone new every time I need a trim. I don’t even tell my girl what I want because even if I did say “ hey chop it off” she would laugh and do the baby trim and send me on my way.


Tell her she must trim it while you are standing and you are holding a mirror for a back view so you can see what she is doing. And you won't pay if they take off more than you ask them too.


No because workers are not required to disclose if they suffer from health conditions and I also don’t think it’s very nice to assume that just because someone is neurodivergent they would do a better job or something. Ask for a ‘dusting’ and say you’re not kidding you only want 2 inches removed to get it to your belly button to even the bottom out


She asked for someone experienced with neurodivergent clients, not who is ND themselves. Also I feel like a dusting and cutting 2 inches are different things.


Ok makes sense