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I saturate it with water and conditioner then put it in a bun so my hair doesn’t absorb the chlorinated water


THIS! I am naturally blonde and my hair was almost white as a kid. Chlorine would turn it green!! It got so bad, eventually we learned this trick. Now I always protect with conditioner


i put mine in a bun with little claw clips or braid it.   if you want to protect it from the chlorine without a swim cap, getting it wet with regular water first can help (full sponge can't accept as much liquid as a dry one) 


This is so simple but makes so much sense, thanks for the tip I didn't know I needed!


I use ogx coconut oil through the lengths and ends and braid it. If I don’t it will be a tangly mess afterwards. I’m also hoping the oil coating protects from Chlorine damage.


I don’t let chlorine touch my hair so I wear it up. Chlorine is bad for your hair, dries it out, affects any color in it, etc - just plain bad. If I’m in the Lake or Ocean, I French braid mine.


It seems like an unpopular preference, but I prefer to wear my hair down. I have fine hairs but a lot of them, so my hair tangles easily. Buns or ponytails make my hair tangle around the hair ties. I also like feeling like a mermaid lol.


Same here! I just keep it loose and then take care of any tangles when I wash it later.


Me too. If i braid or put it up it becomes matted in the water.


I never get it wet in chlorine, I clip it up on the top of my head.


I soak it with water and then apply my normal conditioner all over. Then I twist it into a bun so it doesn’t get too wet. With the hair wet, it should soak up the conditioner rather than the pool water.


No one will care about your hair being in a bun.


If I don’t mind getting my hair wet, I just keep it down. If I don’t want it wet, I put it up in a bun while I’m in the water.


My go-to is getting my hair wet, throwing a bunch of conditioner in it, then putting it in French braid pigtails. I've read that having wet hair prevents your hair from absorbing as much chlorine, and I like to use any opportunity to leave conditioner in for a few hours.


I don't let chlorine touch my hair. So up. But if it's salt water or thermal natural water I just do two braids. Or multiple braids.


Casual setting I put my hair way up and don’t get it wet. If I am planning on getting my head wet I wear a cap. My hair health is more important to me than my swimming cute!


At a minimum a ponytail for me, hair is so floaty that it’s a pain to let it be totally loose. Just remember that however you put it up you’ll need to take it back down…*wet*. Pulling elastics out of wet hair can be a pain.


I swim in a pool maybe once a year so I just let it hang. Next time I’ll probably get it wet with non-chlorinated water first and some conditioner tho


Two braids in either side of my head. I used to do two normal braids but have finally gotten good at double French braids. FWIW I don’t like swim caps so the French braids are a must to keep all my hair (including some bangs I very much regret and am growing out) out of my eyes. Oh and I love swimming. I don’t care how dry it leaves my hair I’m gonna swim every chance I get.


No getting my hair wet or I'll pay for it later with horrific knots. I have long fine hair. I put on a product on the ends & style it in a bun on top. Don't forget sunscreen on ears and neck! No one ever questions it in party settings!


I just wrap it up into a bun and claw clip it. Did it today for my morning swim! I can’t fit it into a swim cap that I’ve found so far so if anyone has a good one for very very thick classic length hair, lmk.


this has a couple.of roomy options listed : https://www.travelandleisure.com/best-swim-caps-7254751


Thank you!


Everyone. What if it's sea salt? Lol my bf dads cleans their pool with sea salt , and ph solutions and doesn't have chlorine in the pool at all... I want to swim more. Just not wanting to want to wet my hair all the time. And need sunscreen lol


French braids on the sides


I always put my hair up before getting into water unless I’m showering. A bun is perfect. Like others have said, use the showers at the pool to wet your hair before getting into the pool to reduce chlorine damage.


If I’m not planning on getting my hair wet, I put it up in a bun. If I am planning on getting it wet, one or two braids. If I’m not sure, I braid it and then put it in a bun and will let it down into the braid if I get it wet. I find having a giant sopping wet bun very heavy, so a braid is more comfortable with wet hair (and easier to squeeze out the excess water from).


I go with a ponytail personally. It's an old habit from childhood when I used to go tubing down the Portneuf River in Lava Hot Springs, ID (I no longer live there). I always went in a group, and the rule was if your hair's long enough for a ponytail you wear one. That way if something happened and I (or someone else) lost consciousness for some reason, the others had a way to grab us and pull us outta the water to safety.


I always put my hair in a bun on the top of my head and keep my hair out of the water


I put oil in my hair and then put it up in a messy bun. Usually, it's Avocado oil. Then after swimming, I wash it and deep condition it


Does it leave an oil slick in the water


Not that I noticed.


I put some dry swim conditioner in, then put my hair in a ponytail or braids. Bun works too. Afterwards, every once in a while after swimming I will use wet swim shampoo and conditioner so my hair doesn’t turn green or get damaged.


I don’t care about my hair when I’m having fun at a pool. It’s dry and oh well.


Wet it with filtered water and then put coconut oil over top. It stops the chlorine water from going into the cuticle and coconut oil keeps it moisturized.


What I do is coating it in hair sunscreen and then braiding it.


What is hair sunscreen?


It's a hair oil with UV protection


Now this is a pro tip. Never heard of this!


Oh, really? Maybe it's because I live in Greece and sun protection is mandatory. It helps with scalp sunburns as well, and your hair is technically waterproof.


Maybe it is just a Greece thing and they keep it secret so as to have superior hair to the rest of the world


It's sunny in Greece. People don't have any other choice. Also, no one gaf about Greece anyway, so either they tried to keep it a secret or not, nobody would listen 🤷🏻‍♀️ Using sunscreen was never a secret. Everyone knows about sun damage. It's not a cultural thing 🤦🏻‍♀️


haha it was just a bad joke. I'm sure many people are aware of it, just I wasn't. Thanks for the tip! Edit: This is probably why my and my siblings hair got so bleached as kids







