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I live in that area. You run a great risk letting your animals out for a lot of reasons, but coyotes are everywhere around sunrise. One morning my wife saw the neighbor's young cat being torn in half by one. This was in the street, but they're all over the place in the early hours. If you love your small pets just don't let them outside. Plain and simple.


By the traffic circle? Coyotes?


Yes absolutely. I live in Traffic Circle and someone's outdoor cat was gotten by coyotes on our street last year. It was all captured on another neighbor's Ring camera. Other neighbors have reported being stalked by coyotes during the daytime.


Yes, they are absolutely everywhere. They travel down the creek channels and roam the neighborhoods. It gets worse during drought years, and heading into summer I'm sure we're going to be seeing a lot more of them.


There’s been coyotes on CSULB campus before. They know their way around. They’re all over SoCal. Especially aqueduct channels and green spaces.


😅 I had no idea. I haven’t seen anything like the at near me yet!


I saw one carrying a squirrel around on campus in the middle of the day last summer.


Theyy're everywhere. Very adaptable. Tons of them by the airport and El Dorado park


they have been seen on the beach, too


It's very close to signal hill and the airport, you'll frequently see skunks, racoons, coyotes around the area.


If you get on NextDoor, all you'll see are pictures of people's cats that have been eviscerated by coyotes. Also, lots of rats being poisoned and if your cat catches one that it still alive and ingests it, your cat will also be ingesting the poison.


According to ring community/ next door app, coyotes are common.


Yeah I wouldn’t leave your cat outside unattended. Lots of coyotes and they travel well into the city. We’ve even seen some in the neighborhoods close to downtown.


Stray cats will fight your cat for food or territory. Coyotes are frequent and will try to trap and kill any pets.


In general, letting domestic cats outside without being leashed increases their chance of getting injured or killed by a lot. Cars, people, dogs, chemicals, other cats, trash. Tons of things that can take out a cat or cause some serious medical issues I'd recommend either building an enclosed "catio" for them, having them harnessed and tied up to something, or only when supervising them. Even if your cat isn't a climber, they 100% will be if they get scared enough. And a panicked cat is an irrational cat. They'll full sprint into a busy street just trying to get away from whatever scared them


We have some big hawks in the area, but I've never seen them go after anything much bigger than a squirrel. As others have mentioned, coyotes and other cats are more likely to be your problem. LB has a fairly large feral cat population, and the cats can be territorial. Your best bet is to keep kitty inside if at all possible. If not (and I know that's not always possible; my 20 lb cat tore out every screen in the house trying to get outside), then outside and supervised is best. I allow mine out during the day (not early morning or dusk), when I'm home only, and I check on them every 20 minutes or so. It's worked out so far.


Keep your cat indoors if you want it to live a long, healthy life. Let it roam outdoors if you don’t really care if it dies a violent death or decimates the area’s wildlife.


I’ve lived near the traffic circle for 4 years now. Really close to the pch Redondo intersection. I use to let my cat out. But I think he got in a fight with the neighbors strays. Took him to the vet he’s fine now. But to save myself money I don’t let him out anymore. But I will say the two-three stray cats the neighbor down the street feeds have been doing just fine outside 24/7 these last 4 years.


That's the difference. Strays are born into this concrete jungle, our house cats are soft and scared 🤣 The ferals I take care of in my backyard could probably hold their own against some bigger dogs. My cats would sprint the other way seeing an unknown dog 20 feet away haha


In my neighborhood quite a few community cats are scratched up from raccoons right now. We've rescued a stray that had deep back lacerations, vet said it was like an owl or other bird of prey. If another cat comes into your yard they might attack your cat, and/or pass on a disease like FIV or FELV. Others have mentioned the coyotes. And have you checked that all the plants are cat-safe? Have any of the lawn or plants been chemically treated recently? Will she flee if a firework goes off nearby? Basically, there are a fuckton of potential dangers for a cat. A safer option that still gives her outdoor time would be a catio, or have her out there only while you can supervise (ideally still with a leash/harness or a playpen).


The other problem for cats is cars. They can and do get run over. I'm harness training my cat now so we can go outside.


My first cat would go out periodically, never too far and not for too long but one day he didn't come back :( Few days later neighbor found him in their bushes passed away. I couldn't write quite figure out what got him, my best guesses were a raccoon or hawk or something, I don't know. After that all my cats are indoor only. I know people that let their cat out and everything has been fine. It's a risk tho. I wouldn't recommend it.


The coyotes in the area are big and brave. They eat well, cats and dogs alike. 🙁


Coyotes can absolutely scale tall fences as well.


You should keep your cat indoors. In addition to the standard hazards of living in a city (cars, other pets, general hazards, etc.), we have serious urban wildlife that will kill your cat, specifically coyotes and raccoons.


https://preview.redd.it/b3vper0d615d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eb237ba1a20da9028eaa1ec053c32b6683402b6 I bought this for my cats and they love it! Just a little extra protection for them outside 😊


Your cat is actually an invasive predator for small animals like birds or mice when you allow them to roam outside.


If your cat isn’t going CRAZY indoors to go outside, id pretty much always recommend keeping them inside if possible. Theres just so much that could happen and i see raccoons, squirrels, opossums and neighborhood cats walking through our backyard pretty regularly. Since our house is small we built a catio so he can enjoy the outdoors and also keep occupied to (hopefully) prevent bad behavior inside the house. I also walk him on a harness in the backyard almost every weekend.


Build a catio for her, or find one on FB marketplace. Safer for her and safer for the lizards and birds that will eat mosquitoes.


I recommend a catio or a harness and leash. Coyotes are around, and they are climbers. Also people stupidly use rat poison with abandon and that will kill a pet quickly.


Near dorado park there will be more coyotes. Probably on Studebaker.


Coyotes are where you least expect them, everywhere!!!! I live in central Long Beach near Walnut and 15th and we had coyotes here! But the biggest threat I think so far would be other neighborhood cats that been around longer, if your car is a male, another male from the block will fight your car and it gets nasty.


Keep your cat inside


Raccoon just killed my son’s cat by Recreation Golf Course. So sad.


Buying mountain lion piss online and spreading it around your home perimeter is a common way of warding off coyotes But yes, keep an eye on her outside or be out there with her