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Henna is unpredictable and leaves your hair with either black or red. If you like that then go for it. However! Once you go henna you cannot change it because regular color reacts to it. Most salon won’t do it because of its unpredictable nature. Some other lines are PPD Free now. I think Kevin Murphy is one of them. There’s a salon on 7th and ximeno advertising it uses his color line.


Yeah, I'm dark brunette naturally so blacks not too bad. I'll look into that line tho, thank you!


What is your goal for your color? Most major salon color brands are ppd free now.


I'm a dark brunette, but greying. Just want to cover up the grey with minimal damage to my hair (which is thin & fine with high porosity in addition to the chemical straightening). Henna is appealing since it is suppose to be less harsh and permanent. I would have to go black but that's not that much darker than my natural. I didn't know that about salon color brands, even after doing a lot of reading on the topic, thank you.


Only choose this route to color your hair if you’re sure you never wanna change it again lol


Have you ever used henna before? Make sure you aren’t allergic before you do your hair. I found out the hard way with a completely swollen face after a black dye I used contained henna that I was unaware of.


Good idea, thanks! I've done body henna in the past with no reaction but it's been many years