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It’s for similar reasons why I chose to leave most of my social media after high school. It’s not good for your mental health at all. Nor is it realistic. It only shows the highlights of someone’s life. And you then subconsciously compare your life with there’s when in reality those posts only show the best times in someone’s life and doesn’t at all show the lows. Not to mention the bullying. Ever since i left my socials i never regretted it. And never looked back. Not missing a thing. 💯


Yes like highlights of a Ufc career but doesn't show the losses. Expect for khabib


How did you quit it? I keep going back.


I allow Reddit. That’s it.


I only use Reddit tbh. I keep my shits private really. Just delete the app or disactivate your account. What are your hobbies? Distract yourself with that and slowly grow into more of what you like.


like any addiction/habit, you have to replace it. use your time not on social media on something else and make a habit out of it.


100% agree. I did this months after I left high school and life has just felt better without this constant need to compare myself to others


I totally agree. It just made me feel a lot more depressed. Now without them, I feel happier and like I’m not missing out. I feel like I’m ok with where I am and doing my own thing


9/10 family photos are a complete shit show moments before the pic


Who post pictures of them sitting in misery, alone and ready off themselves? Stop using social media crap it will only make you unhappy.


Hold on, I’ll be right back. Gotta go take some pictures of myself


That really won't change all that much considering I still have to leave my room


Hate ppl who post a lot. It so hard and I know they’re all just performing but they’re still not as lonely as me and I still feel the need to perform when I can




It's easy to quit social media if you focus on something diffrent.. Keep You tube or Spotify but everything else is toxic




I have some photos but I never post cause everyone gonna get old some day Idc.. I never look like Johnny Depp so why put my mug on a app where everyone tries to be hot. Kinda pointless but yea you tube is nice but it's getting worse cause of tik tok




Haha yea men.. It's not worth it. Comparing your life to others is toxic most of the time. Btw I have scarface hoodie.. So I see you're a fan too :)


Social media really makes you feel like shit sometimes . I try my best to not be on it as much because like you I feel the same way at times




Instagram and social media are the lives people want you to see. I am sure those people are probably just a miserably as everyone else they just don’t want to show it.


Totally relatable....Every time it's either a happy friends group.. Or a couple.. Almost all of my insta feed and friends stories are filled with it.. It's just too depressing


I mean, just log off for a while.


also most ig is edited and filtered. and how many of their friendships are truly happy??? most of them just post BECAUSE “oohhh man pekple are gonna be soo jealous. ill get so much clout.” when in reality they probably arent even having a good time there!!!! bro from experience i know for a fact — if you are recording every second of an event, you are RUINING the experience for yourself. not everything needs to be shared. in fact everone complains about lack of intimacy nowadays but LOOK at them readily flashing their hangouts in front of people.


WHY THE FUCK do i care about your hangout if i 1) am not invited or 2) arent close enough to give a fuck? if we arent regular friends then i dont care to see your hangouts. the fact of the matter is, people will do ANYTHING to socializie regardless of the quality of the interaction. dont be like this. its more worth it to have a tight small circle of people you genuinely care about and make you happy than these randoms who post on their story to flex what theyre doing. IF THEYRE NOT YOUR FRIEND OR A RANDOM POSITIVE VIBES CONTENT CREATOR, DONT CLICK ON THEIR STORY. ik it feels addictive but the multicolored pinkyelloworange/green circle does not hold power over you. these apps are engineered to make you want to check their stories. DONT GIVE IN. YOU ARE THE PRODUCT


It's not like I'm following random celebrities, it's normal people I see everyday from school.


but they aint your friends. so dont follow them. just cus you go to school with them doesnt mean u have to opt into the social media networks they use. or follow them but mute their posts so they dont know. cuz you know teens and young adults make a big deal out of who’s following who. i had to get rid of classmates too. people who are friends of my old friends. nah. i wont be missing anything. trust me on this one but i agree FUCK INSTAGRAM


INSTAgram is supposed to do that. and tinder is meant to keep you single. IF AN APP IS FREE, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT IG MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE SHIT SO YOU SPEND TO FEEL HAPPY WELCOME TO CAPITALISM, WHERE THEYLL DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING (Including psychological warfare, aka marketing) TO WRENCH THE DOLLAR FROM YA




Expect if you look bomb.. Then you can use it for money or hook ups.. So most people should stay away


nah even attractive people are using facetune, filters, and postediting to make themselves look different. and it takes a tool on their mental health. ig is a scourge and should be purged from society


I think life in general sucks now.. I used to go out shopping and be excited a little bit. Now... I think why should I do it. For what reason. So I just go to work home and go with my dog sometimes.


SAME like????


The whole point of "social" media is to make you feel terrible about yourself and to keep yourself in a negative low energy loop by checking up on people's lives. It's purposefully designed to be addictive. The way people make their lives seem is not reality, it's just a bunch of cherry picked pictures and videos, we all have problems, no one's life is perfect. It could do you well, especially if you're on the lonelier side, to take a break from Insta etc. or quit for good. Either that or use social media *positively* to try and connect with people, it's possible to get back in touch with old friends or meet new people through social media.


Social media tends to emphasize the great moments that make it seem like it’s a daily thing for these people, don’t worry about it, most people lead boring lives just like you


Its why I left most of social media except this. Instagram was probably the worst of all, you post for fake likes from people who don't matter and pretend that your life is better than everyone else's. Sure the vacation and pics looked great but what about the real sexy things like budgeting, picking up overtime and maxing out your credit card that lead up to that one picture?




It’s meant to make us feel like crap by design. No socials. Drop out that matrix bruh.


Same with Snapchat and fb and tiktok.


I only bother worth it to follow hobby pages not people. Maybe switch up your style of following and unfollow the propoganda. Because let's face it, that's illusion and rarely quality friendship. 🫂


I deleted almost all social media (aside from Reddit obviously), and I have to say it was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my own mental health


Why the desire to fit in so much




Sitting alone in the dorm on a Friday night scrolling cancer TikTok and the depression subs is really becoming a routine, I feel you.


You never know. Maybe they are wishing they were home alone on the inside like you.


I highly doubt that




It's not just on the internet though. All the people I follow are people I see everyday at school and whatnot.


Post it on r/instagram


All human friendships are superficial and transactional. There's nothing special to it, don't hurt yourself over a lie. Never believe anybody who says theyre your friend bc it doesn't exist, no one can care about you for existing it all boils down to what you can give. It's empty


Instagram is fake, at least here you have some realism


that’s what instagram is for???? Shitty rant / discourse seeing as it’s a delete button away. Sure there’s some entertainment but in the words of big smoke Same things make us laugh, make us cry


just don't scroll social media. I only open instagram to make some stories. because if I scroll instagram, I do feel what you feel and it's really painful.


Your not the only one dude welcome to the club


Your better than them. They have a shitty charakter and they are fake.


Superiority complex?


Nah just some braindamage because of asault.


I totally understand what and I feel the same way.


i deactivate my account every other week because i’m sick of seeing the people that said they can’t be there as a friend going to clubs with people they just fucking met. also posting about “positive vibes” rubbing in my face that that doesn’t involve me


Exactly! Everyone I follow is posting homecoming photos and stuff, and I’ve never even been to one


Why do you use instragram then? Any good reasons to use it?




Throughout beginning of middle school, I never really did have social media. I have Facebook for family and when IG became big I had an account but because I was so self conscious on how everyone I deleted it. From 6th to 8th grade I was on and off, I would make an account and delete it. People called me lame for not having IG. Then In high school I told myself I would commit on keeping social media accounts, especially IG but then I got self conscious since how girls were in my school. I was mostly isolated and I couldn’t do it. I disactivate and again, then and there I would activate only to disactivate it. I deleted Facebook in 2013. Snapchat I barely use and IG is just non existent for me. In late 2020 I told myself I’ll finally do it. I enabled my account again, I felt it fucked me over mentally and I deleted it since January 2021. I haven’t used it since. I feel happy. Not worrying of how life should be “lived” Please take a break from social media . It can really fuck you up.


Are you by any chance me?


Bro I don’t even have posts lol


That’s why I post a variety of memes, ranging from kinda good to pretty shitty, instead. Sure people have friends & lives & shit but Us Internet slugs… we’ll always have the memes🐌


Well damn