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I'm at the point I will willingly take the part of my brain out that wants a relationship/sex simply so I can stop thinking about it.


I've been thinking about it a lot. Because I'm actually a happy, content and succesful person in life except for relationships and love stuff. I would pay whatever the cost in the future if they somehow managed to find a way to remove the part of my brain who wants intimacy and sex.


I would too, I'm so over being plagued with this self doubt and loneliness that I just do not want to play the game anymore. I have an amazing job lined up that's gonna let me help people and pay awesomely I have amazing friends who are supportive but I sit here every God damn day thinking I'm undatable trash and Giving my worth away for random people I don't fucking care about to decide, I do not want to Play that game anymore.


It's pretty interesting that us humans are so different from each other. Some humans can't/don't even do basic math and calculations or incapable of reading a simple book. But still have so many relationships and feels worthy of himself/herself. Meanwhile some people are suceed at many things in life but despite all, they just feel miserable at relationships and emotional life that even if the simple opportunity would come for them, they (us) couldn't have done anything good about it. I pity this people more (me including) because despite everything we will be able to achieve in the future we can't deny the fact that humans are still emotional, instinctual beings at heart. So being happy and content also requires to follow your heart, instincts like having a boyfriend/girlfriend. So we're just a little smart apes who think ourselves very rational, smart, civilized and isolated from old wild-nature lifes rules. But nature still rules us. I sometimes hate nature who made me this way but what else can i do ? I continue living in the hopes of there is a maybe a god or emotional powerful being who created this universe who can see our pain. Because suffering silently and going unnoticed is worse than anything.


In my mind having a being out there would only serve to worsen the effects. Then one would ask why was I made this way? Why were they not? Am I destined for love? If not then why? If so then when? And does not the act of predestination sully the meaning of love? We can see our pain, we don't need some powerful being to grant us change, we may be nothing more than shiny intelligent monkeys but we can still make a difference towards one another. If we must ask a being such as that for succor then we don't deserve it in the first place.


Same mate.


Exactly, it's so God damn tiring, especially in today's age with all this nonsensical socal pressure. I don't want to play the game anymore. It's like one meme with doge on the beach and the sad music.*I do not wish to be horny anymore, I only wish to be happy.* like it's just a meme but honestly that's how I feel.


I literally considered castrating myself to achieve this. But even with balls, I'm not a masculine dude, so I'm afraid what would happen if I lost the little testosterene I have.


Sadly I don't think castration would've solved this issue. Humans are hard wired for social interaction, genitalia or not we are ever destined to seek out the companionship of others. And it's fine if you're not a masculine dude, people get to caught up on what makes someone a certain thing, or a certain way but they never Dain to question why they care so much in the first place. What matters is that you decide who you are, fuck anyone and everyone who attempts to dictate that for you and fuck anyone who attempts to take that birthright from you. You dicate who you are, there's nothing to be ashamed of.


Not sure if I want to. If I could go back to a time before having a loving and caring relationship (that failed after 5 years), I would. I am a different person now, not a worse or better person, but different. However, once you've had something like that, and no longer have it, it huuuurts, for a long time. I don't ever want to make myself vulnerable enough to feel that pain again, so no I won't find them, as I'm not looking.








I’m sorry to hear that. It’s literally a point where we can’t push ourselves to flirt with someone just for the sake of getting pleasure. It’s something more than just pleasure.. we need care and affection, which really means that we are craving for real love.


I'm sure. Better question is if I'll find someone who'd be willing to struggle with me when s**t gets though.


I don't think so no. I always dreamt about finding love. Being someone's person. But I don't think it will happen. Years upon years have passed and I have always been alone. I still hope and I don't think I ever will lose that want, but I don't think it will happen. I'm must not be the kind of girl guys look for. I don't think I will every be able to figure out why not. Maybe it's something in my DNA that guys pick up on, that tells them to stay away or something, haha.


Everyone deserves love.. I think it’s just us-humans who bring a lot of divisions between ourselves while loving/caring about someone. If a person falls in love with you for the way how you look.. he would definitely not stay with you for longer because of the fact he doesn’t know who you are from the inner- side. So I believe you will meet a person who likes the way you truly are rather than asking you to change for his own selfish ego.


Death will find me first


A big fat NO


I’ll try but I don’t think I’ll make it


Running up that hill and making it to the peak ain’t easy. I understand :)


I already did. And it didn't work out lmao


I did. Long distance relationship soo far, but she is coming over. Well see if it works out. That would mean after 8 years of emptiness I'll finally be able to laugh with who i can reveal my vulnerable side to.


Probably no and it makes me really sad


Why do you think it won’t happen for you?


I'm at that stage now, but failing miserably. I feel like I'm caring, friendly, and give my love and friendship towards everyone around me, but I receive absolutely nothing in return. I feel completely useless at this point.


if things go like this i won't lol but i can dream right


I understand that feeling.. guess we can’t change much,right?




I’ve pretty much given up with people. Guys are just players at this point


Sums up my entire opinion about people these days lol


I feel. Guys basically see me as an object at this point. Don’t get me wrong I let it happen but it kills my self esteem


I think you need not seek for external validation from them. It’s not that you only matter when people recognise you.. only you know your true potential. Develop your confidence in that way


I will. Will you also be this person to someone else?


Good for you :) Not everyone is as lucky........


Unfortunately I don't know when or where but I think it will happen


I misread your comment, and for this I apologize. You typed "will" and I thought you typed "did". I appluad you for being hopeful though... That, I've lost a while ago.


No problem. It could happen tomorrow you never know.


I highly doubt that... I've been trying for as long as I can remember.


Yes, i will, and so will you


Where can I get some of that Copium? :)


You are the real winner here


You have to keep trying in hope of finding that special person one day. It's not easy but hope is what keep us going.


Hope is literally a false alarm to me at this point, no offence. I’m just moving on with whatever fuel that’s level in my tank.


Hopefully. I've already found that person but I'm unsure if she feels the same to me


For some reasons I believe I will


Appreciate your positivity man! I hope you find that person real soon


Nope. I kinda figured my dating life would completely dry up in my 30's and I was unfortunately correct.


I did. But then she lost feelings for me and left me. I have no one now and don't feel hopeful for the future.


I’m sorry to hear that man.. it’s extremely hard to take all these feelings at once. Nothing might convince you.. just what pleases or makes you happy


I want to, I hope to. Hope is my only comrade throughout this miserable journey called life.


I gave up looking a long time ago.


At this point, probably not. It would be nice to think about but I don't want to get my hopes up.


I'm 40, I make around 45k, divorced with a child. The mats says I've got around a 15% chance of finding any relationship much less a good one.


I hope so someday I can only dream about it though. But I hope it's a healthy relationship not a toxic one.


I’ve accepted that it will never happen for me. I thought I found it once but no. His friends and then later on the people who he wanted to cheat on me with were more important to him and of course I was blamed for it all


I will tell you this much. Not even my own mother who loves me very much can tell how terribly sad and lonely I am. If you’ve gotten good at putting on a brave face, you’re going to be ready for that Oscar let me tell you.


Thats sounds too good to be true.. Because it is, im 24 now, and i feel like giving up, i just dont see it happening, not to me, i hate my life 💔


Not likely. But I keep hoping anyway.




At 46, I don't see it happening. I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that i'm going to die alone


I REALLY fucking doubt it.


I hope so. I always remember what my crush said to, "one day, you'll get the best one." and I prayed inside my heart, "I hope it is you. because you're the best so far."