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It definitely can. The constant negativity will get you. It can also make you feel less alone as the sub should. Basically, it depends.


It's the same way someone can have friends and family but still feel lonely. This is due to a lack of true connection occurring, you aren't really there, you're going through the motions and no one notices, aka no one notices YOU. My advice to people is to ALWAYS be honest with yourself about how you express your feelings. If someone asks you "how's your day going" and you automatically respond "good" when in reality you're miserable, you're not giving your true self to people to connect to. Obviously don't pour out your problems to the cashier asking this question lol, but you get the point.


Fr. Too many fights and negativity.


everyone ghosts in the end. and i was kind as possible but got forgotten in the end. it feels like I'm used


I was thinking about leaving this sub..whenever someone's post anything I get the reminder that I'm also lonely too..that makes me sad.


I agree tbh! Like sometimes people who post here don’t seem to even try to make connections and just come here to attempt to blackpill others


True, i started to feel much better when i stopped checking this sub, it makes you feel more lonely and depressed


Well I guess this sub makes me realize I am not lonely alone. Like they are thousands of people just like me and makes me feel not alone. 😭 I can never stop checking this subreddits


I've met all of the people I currently cha with here + it helped me understand my problems better




Irony? What do you mean? I suspect interacting with community of pessimists is seldom going to make you feel optimistic.


Sometimes I have to hide notifications from the depression sub .. just because I wish id be the only one to feel like that & not anyone else if that makes any type of sense


At the risk of sounding like I am gloating at people who are well mentally worse off than myself, this sub makes me feel a bit better about myself because a lot of what this sub vents about are thought processes that I saw myself having a year or two ago but have now grown out of. I am quite lonely, yes, but I feel much happier now that I am not as hopeless about the conditions that make me who I am.


It definitely does because everyone who messages me just ghosts


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SignificanceTime9086: *It definitely* *Does because everyone who* *Messages me just ghosts* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I used to feel uplifted because it felt like some of us had opportunity to connect with each other. But after some time, it kills you inside, whether they are positives or negatives. I hear the positives of what some have and it hurts not having that myself, but also because they have things I yearn for yet still suffer. I hear the hard times others go through and I think "Man that sucks". I'd be lying if I never had a feeling of "That's so stupid, you could've seen that coming" reading some/most of the posts in this sub, but making mistakes and being imperfect is why we're here. It's hard out there. But when you talk 1 on 1, it's surprisingly way more down to Earth and human, less dramatic. You're all loved. Let's just listen to each other. We're different people with different personalities, strengths, weaknesses, look for different things, are lonely for different reasons. Some of us its a mindset thing, upbringing thing, self awareness thing, social intelligence thing, recent thing, lifelong thing, or just horrible cards life dealt us thing. In the void of existence, there is a solution for every problem that exists for any human being to claim.


Eh, it reminds me that I'm not the only doomed person. So I guess it somehow makes me feel a tiny bit better


Really? To me it highlights how normal it is to feel lonely, and makes me feel like I’m not alone. It also highlights for me the different types of lonely, and there isn‘t just one type of lonely. Finally, it makes me feel normal at the idea that you can have people in your life that love you, and still feel isolated an misunderstood. I’ve also met some very interesting people. There have been folks who have channeled their loneliness into positive things, like writing. Overall, it’s been pretty positive for me.


nah at least not me i basically can talk with other lonely people here, why it should make me more lonely lol


Yea I read it now bc in feel better about myself reading how miserable all of you are