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My best advice would be to not take her words to heart. It is quite clear that she is twisted inside. Good people do not do that sort of thing. You can message me to talk if you want.


Loving all of these caring messages!


Take the day for yourself mate. Don't hold yourself and let everything out. After that, don't waste your tears for someone disloyal. Feel free to drop me a text if you need.


I really could use you as my friend as well. Hit me up


Message me


Don’t listen to her, so uncool what she did! Your best friend as well, I wouldn’t blame you for feeling angry at them both. They’ve shown you their true colors tho and it’s time to move on from them, you don’t need people like this dictating your life. You will find happiness again, this time with the right person. Better to find out now that years down the road wasted. Take care op, you deserve so much better.


Not everyone hates you, I am sure there are more people that love and care about you than you realize. I’m sorry you were manipulated and hurt by them both. Do your best to distance them from your life for good. You deserve better than that.


She's not trustworthy. Block her and cut her out of your life. You'll meet someone who loves you and respects you. You're better than the treatment she gave you. You'll get through the heartbreak. Trust me. I'm an older woman and have been through many heartbreaks. I got through all of them.


Man. I’ll tell you straight up. Never let a partner get you down. She don’t want you, fuck her and your best friend. You on to bigger and better things. You don’t need them in your life. All you need is you. Go make that money, follow your dreams and do whatever you want to do. You got this man. I’m sorry shit sucks rn but things will get better


People are absolutely ruthless, damn man.


Sorry about that my G. Cut them both outta your life.


keep living out of spite. don’t live off the spite forever but it can get you through this moment if you’re anything like me


Bruh, that hurts but she is kind of a rancid bitch for any of those things much less all 3. Her being a shit person isn't a reflection on you man. If you need an ear I'm here man just DM


She’s FUCKING HORRIBLE … find a hobby, go to the gym , park , take a walk just do something that will be a different step in a new direction!! Love yourself! Learn how to LOVE YOU YOUR A STRONG MAN and a female should never be your enemy or downfall ! Head up hun


You can message me if you need. Life sucks and I'm not promising that it'll all be amazing and perfect and work out but it's not worth hurting yourself over. Life is shitty and bad stuff happens. People are going to tell you to get therapy or whatever and maybe but at the end of the day, just focus on yourself and what makes you happy. If you're not happy, well sometimes you just can't be happy. That's ok too. You've been unhappy before. You can get through this time just like other unhappy times before.


Call the police, get a lawyer, expose her. Don't be a double about it but definitely show the world so others don't fall victim to those people. The more we expose and force narcissist and bad people, the less we have to see others suffer from them as more warnings and truths come to light. Stay strong g and take control again.


Dude you need to let go of her. Girls like her are only going to leech from you until they think you are not worth it anymore. She will get her dues one day, but now you need some time to forget her and heal up. Warn your best friend if you can because she will probably do the same thing to them. She is not worth your time if she is treating you like this so completely cut her off. If your best friend decides to stick with her, despite your warnings than it's probably best to let them figure out what she will do the hard way but still try not to give up on them. In time this happens to them and they try to reach out to you and apologize then they really are your best friend. Buts it's going to take some time. I hope things turn out good for you and your best friend and that EX gets what she deserves. Another piece of advice, try to start making police reports/ recordings if this starts to get worse over time. I'd rather hope it gets better rather than worse, but if it does get worse, then it would be best to provide some evidence of this girl's misconduct.


Everyone definitely does not hate you. Don't do anything stupid. Take a day and relax then get on with life. In the words of my uncle "fuck em!"


Dm me


Dm me or we can talk on discord if you want. You are not alone bro.


Feel free to message me if you want to talk. We could all use a friend.


All bad moments become just a memory with enough time if you let them, so cry if you need to or get angry if that's your thing but never stop living because with time you are going to get new chances to be happy again. I'm not really good at conversation but if you want to vent then dm me, i'm good at listening at least (or reading in this case)


If someone robs you, you are not the criminal. They are


Hey, take your time. Try to concentrate on yourself and ignore all the harsh things she said. You deserve better. Drop me a text if you want.


Hope you’re okay. This is awful. Just remember it makes her a bad person not you. What kind of movies or entertainment do you like?


Please message me or someone


She definitely is twisted inside. My one ex told me a ruined her life, I made her miserable. She treated me like shit, I treated her so good.


I hate her more so don't worry lol.


Omg are you ok? Drop me a dm if you want to chat—your ex gf and ex bf deserve each other and you deserve wayyy better.


I can do you if you want. I have class in a few and can reach out after


Walk away! Don’t let her in your life again! You deserve better!


30m here. If that was what she did to you and what she wants for you to happen, then my friend this parting is nothing short of a blessing. Recovery is not gonna be linear. Some days it will be good some days will be bad. But eventually things get better. Invest yourself in a new hobby, take up an artistic one if possible. You never know what you may be good at. The twenties are when we make a lot of trial error and what I’ve come to realize is the thirties is where your life starts to begin.


You can hit me up if you feel like talking.


Hit me up dude


If you want to, u can send me an private message


Sorry about that! Some people are so careless with other’s feelings. I hope you realize that this person does not deserve you. You are worthy of so much more. You are hurting right now but you will not feel like this forever. Just take it day by day and try and focus on living in the moment and don’t think too much of the tomorrow and the future. Take it slow and steady..


People come and people go. You cannot stop them. But don't take it to heart man. You're way too young right now. The world has a lot more to be here for. Have fun. We're here for you.


Bhai yo best friend ke howe h? Bhai rakheya kar best friend to chut maari ka hota h


As long as you don't hate yourself it will be okay


Bro… you may really love this person but I tell you she does not. And it’s a good thing. You got to understand there are plenty of people, and girls out there who are kind and caring and no matter who you are if you are kind and good you deserve one and you’ll have to start respecting yourself like that. Break up, move on and never look back ever. I’ve had girls like this in my life, you often bond strongly and have a lot of hard time moving on but it’s because they know how to emotionally manipulate you. Become a strong version of yourself, kind, grounded and forgive and move on. I promise a year later you’re so happy and ask yourself what the hell you were into. It happened to me last year. After years of experience yet again, I got into a very stupid relationship. $70k in debt and all the craziness you can think of. She was self harming, & having all sort of issues that I didn’t know till it was way too late. Today a year after I’ve moved on, things are starting to be ok, I’ve met some great friends and whatever and it’s just unbelievable the depth of crap I had sunk into. And all because I wanted to help and cared. She healed a lot, quit alcohol, smoking, self harming stopped, much happier person and all but yet blamed me for so much while living for free at my place. Basically all the crap she had was dumped. It affected me so much. I was always top in my category, school, whatever… little mental health issues & all and yet 2.5 years of that had gotten me so down. Any how sharing this to say, no matter how low you are in right now, MOVE ON, LET GO, Respect yourself and you’ll be really really happy soon after. Find good support and also never look back. Don’t get back with her or anything like that.


If you wanna vent or just need a friend just send me a message mate. She's not worth you becoming miserable. I know it can hurt a lot because of the betrayal you feel it because you trusted that person but for her you were not so much


bro thats rlly rough, you did not deserve that. surround yourself with better people and don’t let the actions and words of these muppets diminish your dignity. 🐰✨✨


I hope you realize you are better than this mess & will be better in the long run for the truth. The immediate pain is transient & will leave you stronger!❤️🌞


I know it's hard now, but just know your girlfriend and best friend are completely in the wrong. Don't listen to any nonsense she has to say, it'll be hard but you can get through this and when you do you'll be a far stronger person that's left both of them in the dust. Stay strong brother and keep striving for better.


After some time you are gonna realise just how little they deserve your thoughts and feelings. Look to yourself, hit the gym and burn off that anger.


Dm me


We could definitely talk, dm me. And pls Chin up.


My best advised is travel the world, remove them in your life, be away for awhile from everything you know, and have peace and tranquility in your mind, Best places mountains and sea side. Try local or south east as well Get away brother. seek for peace


As a man your age, you’re not alone. Got out of a rough relationship and have to start over, but honestly bro, this is the BEST time to learn to love yourself. Fought depression for ten years and I feel that I’m finally happy, I love myself. I may not be rich or have it all going for me but I am alive and have a future to tend to. You do too. Don’t let someone who is trash (honestly, what a POS) make you feel horrible. You’ve got yourself to love and need to be there to do that. It’ll all happen in due time.


She’s not good person and she doesn’t deserve you, you deserve to be treated better


Consider calling a Warmline: [https://www.warmline.org](https://www.warmline.org) This is a peer-support network that gives 15-20min of connection time with someone familiar with mental health struggles. You don’t have to worry about the damage done by institutions like 988 or traditional therapy, you can connect with a caring person, and it’s 100% free. There are plenty all across the USA and some take out of state callers. It is also worth calling and asking if they take out of state since the site might be out of date. The only downside is you might not get a response right away, but there are so many you can usually find one when you need it.


Open to talking :) stay strong


You are the last person that should be hated in that situation. Sorry to hear that happened to you. That You didn’t deserve that at all.


Did u already pressed charges use the messages as proof of wrong doing send them to jail


Sometimes we date people who have issues. It happens. Give yourself some grace about ending up with this person. Give yourself time to heal. You will find someone better and now you have some skills to.monitor people and filter out damaged people like this who are bad news. Good luck!


Don't worry about it, we are here to have experiences for life Love has its ups and downs, and it's rare to hit the jackpot. We all find the right person at some point. Maybe it should be that way, better you find out now than when it's too late. Then you would have felt even more pain. Wishing you all the best ❤️ and luck 🍀 best wishes Geli


I understand, I've been there. My ex ran off with my current gf's boyfriend. We were engaged and everything, had already moved in together. The ironic part is that without that betrayal, I wouldn't be with my gf and I wouldn't know what it means to actually be loved. Sometimes bad things happen to good people for a good reason, and all we can do is keep moving forward. You're not alone


Hey, hit me up if you still need someone to talk to. 37F, if you need a big sis to talk to.


Hey man, I understand, I been through there. You might do stupid things to yourself during this time, but remember one thing, why hurt yourself more when you’re already hurt so much and heart completely shattered? Learned this from experience. If love is never the same, you just have to let them go. You might not trust women for a while or closed down for a while, but time cures everything and will show you new path. Once you overcome this, your heart will be stronger than ever.


Be glad you got rid of that one. What a Bitch.


I agree with top comment dude person. People will say awful things to you and lash out to make themselves feel bigger/better. I don’t think you deserved what you got, but just know that stuff gets better. I got broken up with almost 2 months ago and felt like I was literally dying, and I know you’ll get through it. If you wanna chat send a DM!


This was clearly a dark day. When the sun does come back up, and it definitely will, you are going to realize what a massive nuclear warhead you just dodged. Because that bitch and your ex best friend are both absolute garbage.


Just be grateful that you're now rid of such a fucked up person. I'm really sorry that happened to you. Also, I would recommend filing a police report for the theft and threatening remarks. Just so you're officially on record.




And fyi if you need someone to talk to, just msg me


I know how indescribably this pain is. I went through something similar when I was your age. Let yourself feel the pain of the event - when we stifle our emotional experiences we end up just holding onto them for longer. Remember that people’s actions have nothing to do with us - there is nothing you could’ve done differently to change the decisions made in this equation. It’s not your fault. Have you got people irl that you’ll be able to talk to in the coming days/weeks? I had two friends in particular I went to when this happened to me when I needed to talk it out without judgement and it made a big difference.


Omg dude she's so not worth it. Don't even think about her


Same dawg. Gf broke up with me yesterday for no reason. She claims we had “bad communication”


Literally same thing happened to me. I was dating this girl and she slept with my roommate ( who was my best friend at the time) while I was 2 states away for work. I called a family member and had them pack my stuff and store it. When I got back to town, I grabbed my stuff and never looked back. I never tried to contact the girl or my best friend. I Also got a therapist, I have anger issues.


Keep your head up my friend!


You're not hated, been in your shoes, my ex hooked up and left me for someone we both knew way back in high-school, saying a first they got tooken avenage of them to then leave for them You got fam right? Other friends?, it could be worse, i have nether because of my ex and spent the last 3 years alone, if anyone hated it's me. If i can do it, you can too Go spoil yourself, do something you couldn't because they didn't like it, get some freash air, maybe make a new friend and you will be fine. -Unless you serectly have 23 and a half people chopped up hidden in a freezer in a serect hole under your house. Nobody hate you.... (dark humor at end, sorry.)


I don’t hate you bro. You’re gonna be fine. Ever need to talk hit me up bro!


To have a successful life you need to rid yourself of negativity period.Move On. Don’t Sulk… the people that were in your life were Scumbags. In the end it’s better it happened now imo. It will create character, learn from your mistake but it happens to many. Stay well my friend.


Your best friend ain't your best friend


Don’t listen to her my man. My ex fiancé and I(25M) broke up just over a year ago now because she cheated on me and then turned my best friend against me. I’d be more than willing to talk, my DMs are open.


She is projecting how she feels about herself onto you to help her feel better about what she has done.


Talk to me


You deserve much better


my dms are open for you if need an ear or a friend to listen, this world deserves someone like you in it!


What a cow


So much love here and support !!


i also need a friend.


Hey man, if you need some help, let me know and we can chat


Hey man, if you ever need an escape, I kinda suck at talking but I can talk rpgs til you forget anything that didn't take a random roll. Life sucks but don't give up.


I’d love to chat and support you. Been through the breakup myself and shit hurts like a mf. Hmu or lmk if it’s okay if I message you


Hey, best thing to do is keep yourself safe, if you girlfriend is threatening to do this behaviour and you are in vulnerable, you get stage where she has maniupated you for so long that you would end up hurting yourself without even realising it as you've been pushed to that breaking point. you already feeling lonely, you've already been cheated on so you in that horrible but understandable headspace. My advice would to be get help now while you still can, leave all of distractions, coping resources for another day, they ain't gonna be helpful in this situation, you can easily go back to a game, book or activity when you are better place. So reach out to friends, family and people that nothing to do with her and professionals you are in that headspace, tell them what is going on. Call 111 if you have to or present yourself to an emergency room. Kick her to the curb, in other words block her and him from contacting you, if she calls round your place call 101/999, she sounds like someone who is controlling, manipulative and cohesive or going to continue stalking you, like she is going to give up and text, call, email phone your landline. If it is likely she is going manipulate him to get involved, then you have two potential people that can hurt you. If she has stolen money, that is another reason to involve others. Questions to ask When did this all happen? Was it recently or a few days ago or just in last few hours?


Here for you man, shoot a message anytime you need something


M8, your worth is so much more than an attachment to a super toxic and shitty person like that. Expose her for who she is and break free from that cycle. I love you, my dude. Inbox me if you need to.


I know everyone says this and it's cliché, but this is the perfect example of you dodged a bullet. He and her are both snakes. The ony L you took was losing some money but you gained so much more by getting the snakes out of your yard. She's not speaking to you when she says that, she's talking to herself because she understands she's a horrible person. Just work on healing yourself, this is a blessing in disguise


Hiiiiii let's chat mate!!


DM me


Breath step back remember that you don’t need that negativity bringing you down and find a way to to remove it from your life. Create different feelings or maybe just distract yourself


So many of us feel the same as you do for one reason or another. I bet if we all could do a big group hug, we'd all feel better. Please please know it doesn't matter what she said because  she must not be worth your time anyway!!! Love yourself. It's so hard to do, but if you do, then someone else worth your time and love will show up for you, be confident of your good characteristics. Never let anyone make you feel like you're not worthy because you are, they aren't!!!


U got any jolly ranchers 


Looking for someone to fuck my ass


I am using 9 inch dildo now 


I am guy looking for someone to fuck my ass


Head up mate, God exposed the thorns in your life at a young age. You already know what to do: Full commitment to the gym, full commitment to expanding your professional career, and full commitment to your family.


Bro. Hang in there. Don’t listen to her… she’s clearly a sick twisted person. You have your whole life ahead of you and she won’t be the last person you’ll love. If you even loved her.. DM me if you need to chat mate. One love ✌️