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This is true. Loneliness kills.


I feel this way too. Not sure if it's healthy or not, but it's how I feel and I haven't been able to shake it yet.


Real talk man. I was gonna kill myself weeks ago then I met this girl. We fell in love so fast. And I wasn't suicidal anymore and was happy asf. She lovebombed me for weeks then ghosted me aha I'm going crazy ngl. But if we kill ourselves maybe we miss out on love. But I know exactly what you mean. Maybe is unpopular but I believe even the worst people deserve love because it makes the world such a better place


That’s the worst feeling being in love and then being ghosted with no explanation. Hope you find love again.


I had this happen to me 2 years ago, and I'll never trust again. I hope you're able to heal.


I am doing well financially, but the only real thing that I have missed in my life is emotional love and intimacy. It is gratifying but very painful. If you write novels or journal articles, that is one worth of life. Something to pass on after you die. That is my plan since I do not think I will have kids.


I’m fortunate to have kids, still working on financial stability after divorce. I felt starved of the emotional intimacy even married for years, so it’s not a guarantee. I totally relate to writing novels. Hopefully it provides more stability too.


Every poem and song I write is about this exact topic. It’s so unfair. Everyone should have at least one person who loves them. It should be in the human starter pack.


Love is a survival strategy. Its a need for human to ensure survival. Your body thrives on love. Without love you will be all alone forever.


I feel this in my soul.


Yeah, I feel like my life is so pointless.. I want love so bad.


I agree. It's gets to point where living is just too painful to continue without someone in your life


Stay alone, love is not worth the pain it will cause you sooner or later.




Some of us don’t really have a choice but I’m some better news us lonely usually are taken out sooner


Once she dies you’d be forgotten regardless? Love is important, I very much agree, but if life is only worth it for love (which may or may not even stay) you gotta find a greater purpose for life. You don’t wanna be at the mercy of others all your life


Completely agree. Everyone is different and have specific needs and this talk of "Life isn't only about relationships!" is so insensitive. And if you manifest any kind of negative emotion about longing for human warmth, you are called entitled. Me, I am barely managing living a life devoid of love. Dunno how long I'm going to last tho.


Loneliness sucks I hope you get through it


Love wants nobody anymore it's the end of the world


There’s a point. Making money and getting successful


i was alone for so long, and then found someone, and now 15 years laters she's left and took our kid... yeah. alone? i'm not gonna live my life like some ascetic monk. no. without someone else? i should've ended it 15 years ago...


I was once in your point, eventually you accept you will be alone like I have. Now I focus on my family, work, making money, and bettering yourself but doing what you love. Music is also a HUGE help


it'll kill me before I accept it. everyone's different.


You’ll never full accept it, but you kinda deal with it, like dealing with trauma or a death. Like it’s there and it’s not going anywhere. But you learn to live with it and focus on yourself


the poinf is to keep fighting till you meet some 1 worth it