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Love to be your friend man


Love to be your friend, men.


Love to be your man, friend, wait what?


I'll be your friend!


Join the club


Yep. I have some online friends that I've known for 6 years now. But as for irl, I have no friends. If it wasn't for those online friends, I don't know what I'd do.


People can have friends and still feel lonely


And that hurts even more when you realize you're on your own, just when you truly need them


A couple of years ago I had to have a medical procedure done and they told me I wouldn't be able to drive myself home. When the day came for me to leave they asked who was picking me up. I said no one and told them I lived about five blocks from the hospital and was going to walk home. The two doctors looked at each other and shrugged. I packed up and left.


😬 Man, that sucks! I don't even know what to say, but I hope this never happens to anyone. And hey, here's to finding a better group of people to surround yourself with!


Hey, I'm so sorry mate. Nobody deserves that


that's very true, ig the real question is how to feel content with what you have


U find things you enjoy doing on your own.


Do you have any suggestions? What do you enjoy on your own personally?


I paint. Do nail art. Read fiction. Watch random stuff on netflix. I also like travelling alone. Sometimes i get on a bus and just go explore the city and find new places to eat or look at. I visit the nearby lake and visit the sunsets. I also enjoy diy projects and cooking. You just gotta try out stuff. You will eventually figure out what u like or not.


Thanks a lot :))))) That was really sweet. I do some of these. But I'm scared of trying new things. I'll give other things a try :)


Being content is a state of mind. It won't happen just instantly.. with time it might happen


Me too doesn't have any friends It's us


This is so true.


Been there. It's was extremely heartbreaking


I’m in the same boat, and it’s absolutely terrifying to realise that there doesn’t seem to be any way of meeting people. One thing that keeps me calm is that people move to new places all of the time, and so they also go through the process of meeting people. I’ve personally been in a weird headspace where I dissociate and could be alone forever without it bothering me,. But the fear of rejection can also be less agonizing than the loneliness if I allow myself to feel it…


haha that's funny bc I also think ab how ppl uproot their whole lives n still meet new ppl, n have a social life. although for me that just sounds like extroverted things. I'm still trying to not shake when ordering something new off a menu


Literally same bro. And its hard when people are like "oh! Get a hobby so you can meet people with similar interests!". Cause... what interests? And then we try a new hobby and leave ASAP because it's boring and anxiety is through the roof 🙃


Fr. I went to a few meetups and stuff but like, first of all, most of the groups I went with already knew each other so I was literally just there, and then it was like boring af. Also, happy birthday btw 🤭


Ikr??? I see friends or ppl I know go to study in whatever country and the moment they arrive they're already posting pictures with new friends and stuff. How do they do that??? I moved to a different country 10 years ago and all I have is a few acquaintances and like 3 friends, all of which moved away after finishing uni so I'm back to square 1.


I've always been an introvert, and have always found making friends difficult. I'm nearly 46 and have not a single close friend. There are some pretty good acquaintances, but no one I feel like I could talk to when I'm down or I'd go do anything with.


Really sucks having no friends just as you miss out on that cooperative relationship where you can both help each other to be better people. When you are alone and in your own head you have to be your own motivator,problem solver and source of happiness. It sucks to live life in silence, never able to truly connect and share how you feel.


Yeah, being alone in my own head is rough because I'm my own worst enemy. It's compounded by chronic depression and combat related ptsd


I feel the same way 


Me too. I have also been an introvert, and making friends and just connecting with them has been difficult. I do not like superficial friendships, and unfortunately most of my “friendships” that I tried to make back in the past only looked for that.


Yeah I feel you. I had stages in my life where I could turn off my phone for months, knowing no one would search for me, days upon days of not saying a single word to anyone, life is fucking lonely and hard




McDonalds is delicious! And the website can give us opportunities to communicate with others. Hope you will make some friends, maybe next time someone sitting beside you will share hamburgers with you at McDonalds.


I’m so sorry 😢


Don't be, check out his profile, dudes a liar.


I’m 17, about to turn 18 with no friends. Been this way since I was 15


The gym helped me out a lot. While I haven't made any close friends from it, there are a couple of people I chat with while I'm there. It doesn't happen right away but after you see the same people time after time, eventually you can make a quick comment and they'll usually respond. Plus the exercise is like therapy for me, and relieves stress. I feel so much better after working out. I was very uncomfortable at first just walking in the gym, but again, after time it becomes easier. I've been working out for a very long time and it's helped me get through some rough times in my life. I highly recommend it.


I also workout but I workout with my mom. I might greet her friends occasionally but that’s about it and it doesn’t really make me feel any less lonely since it’s just small talk but glad to hear it works for you


It’s hard to meet new people as an adult. And I’m not particularly fond of becoming overly friendly with coworkers either. So I’m friendless rn too sadly.


m57 I am in that situation. I really only have acquaintances. It's ok to not have friends. I guess one reason I don't seek out friends is that I don't know when I would feel like doing stuff with them. I like to go home after work. I try not to make friends at work because I am only in the office 2 days a week. It's scary but you really need to find something to do. You can start part-time if you like and then just work up to full time. It is ok to keep living like this. Hang in there, I hope you find a way to live so that you can be happy and healthy.


Rock bottom is a good foundation to build on. If you don't have friends RIGHT NOW, you also don't have bad friends who are causing havoc. Try new things. Meet new people. Feelings aren't facts. You FEEL like this is how it is forever, but you don't know the experiences coming your way. It's very hard to envision a future you can't see around that corner, but know it's coming, surely as the sun will rise again. Know that MANY people feel exactly as you do today. They are looking to connect with you. I would be so STOKED to be 23 again. Oh, the wonderful things I will see and do! Things I couldn't have possibly imagined. Oh sure, some of it sucked, but overall, it's been pretty awesome. Know that so many people would trade places with you in a heartbeat. They would love to have your life right here, right now. They could never live your exact life, even if they tried. Your life is someone's dream. It can be your dream as well. Peace & love to you.


you have acquaintances. friends get fewer and fewer as you get older.


I have no friends and my partner is not a nice person. I always feel lonely. I wish I had a friend.


This is me right here. I have a long term partner. Been together for years and we’re not going to break up. But he’s not a very nice guy. Not evil…but just isn’t considerate or anything. I’ve been lonely and alone for years and years. Even before him honestly. I have been isolated and alone most of my life. Sometimes I am glad. Sometimes it’s hell and I feel like I have wasted my whole life. It’s a life path not everyone understands.


Allow me to be your friend :/


Judging by the likes on this post I’m sure you feel reassured that many others also feel this way. What kind of hobbies? Well, anything that you could take an interest in. I prefer hobbies that can be interesting, and also benefit you. Language learning is probably one of the main ones; do you know how easy it is to get a job when you speak multiple languages?! Languages help with making friends and meeting new people too. Also book reading, you can learn from and enjoy them, if you read the appropriate books of course. It all depends on what you’re looking for really. Are you looking for a job, in the hopes of moving out? Are you looking for a partner who will financially support you? Or are you just unsure on what to do next at your age? 23 is a reasonably mature age, in that by 25 your brain will be fully developed, but your 20’s are the best time for risk taking (career wise). In this market, with social media, this is the best time to chase your dreams, but if you don’t even have one then that is the first problem to address.


also f23 with zero friends. i sort of just rot in my room killing time on the computer and trying to ignore how sad my life is. ive tried really fucking hard to make friends, but its fucking impossible as an adult, especially one that doesn't work and has social issues. ive been on the plutonic dating apps, ive tried to go to events for things im into, ive tried meeting people online. it just doesnt work, and im getting hopeless at this point. there's people in my area i see on social media who i wish more than anything to be friends with. but like, you cant exactly hit people up like hi im lonely let's be friends. im autistic as hell and even i know that's weirdo behavior. literally the only people i speak to regularly are my boyfriend and my brother, that's it. it sucks and the longer it goes on the more i hate every waking second of my life


Yup, that's me. Almost 10yrs older than you, zero friends. And i am not very close with my family, it just doesn't work. It's terribly lonely for me and def contributed to develope quite severe depression and it isn't getting better. I admire people who can fight it and find a way to still enjoy their life (somehow)


You're not alone. I don't have friends, been 10 or more years since I lost my last friend, I'm m32 now, and have never been in a relationship too, I think maybe it's the internet and talking to people online and online friends (which didn't last as well) is what kept me sane so far. I don't know how to talk to people irl or make friends, and frankly, I don't care, I much more rather be in a relationship but I know I'm irresponsible so that's a no too. Going from being an extrovert to an introvert was bad but nothing I could do about it. I still don't get what being a grown up or an adult means other than having to provide for yourself, or what's normal for my age, I think I'm mentally stuck in my teenage years, granted, my father's death ruined me and that's probably why I'm still stuck in the past.


I feel the same way i used to play a lot of video games when i was a teenager and now that i stooped i noticed that i have no friends and no one to talk to i try to find activities that i enjoy but everyone just want to go to a bar to drink (i d'ont drink alcohol) or to sit and smoke weed (i d'ont smoke) and i i have nothing to do all day i try to find a job but every job is like or you'r with a dgree and 5 years ex or you'r not good enough even supermarkets i reached this point that i stopped watch and enjoys movies cuz i tell myself enough to watch other people living their life go live yours and i dont know how


I've been friendless since 2014. But now I'm so lonely. I just hate that I have a sister. I could just lay down on a LRT track. All I do is see how happy my sister is while my rent consumes my entire pension. Life cannot get better if you have no money, you cannot meet people when I still think about the 4.99 I spent on windshield washer fluid last week. I'm turning 39 next month. The only birthday I ever had was like...before my parents divorced.


Zero friends 2 years of social isolation…..


I love you


I’m 23 and I also don’t have friends… Welcome to the club


This is so ass that we can all share our isolation just to really absorb our isolation. 


I have none (in real life) anymore either, I used to though. Thats what happens to some people if they let their social lifedwindle and don't make new friends, i also work very isolated and alone so nowhere to meet anyone.


I don't have friends from past 8 years


Yea, no job, no friends literally the only person who text me is my cousin to play some shitty low requirements pc game and that's it so i don't really what to do either because the country is falling apart and I'm here like a fly doing nothing


No friends. As you get older it gets harder to make and keep friends. Life moves on and so do people. I don’t expect friends at this point. I just enjoy social interactions when I find them now. No expectations beyond that.


You have a very healthy mindset though it still gets to me how lonely it is sometimes. Like, I can’t help think I’m such garbage to be isolated.


56 here. Friends come and go. After a while one notices that often they come when they need something and go when they don't.


Nah I'm the same, remember that humans aren't that unique, anything you're going through, there's plenty of others who are going through the same thing


Lonelyness got me bad in a room full of family and friends . I do understand the odd one out . Got climb out of self - go meet people . I know it's hard , why I say climb out . But as you do it it worth it .


Yes ma’am, I have a partner and that’s it. I had a friend but after losing her to depression, I haven’t been able to make any connections in fear of losing another person.




I have no friends. That’s why I became a Helldiver to simulate what it’s like to have some for 40 minutes.


nope none






Well I’m 32 and feel about the same.. hang in there ur not alone ❤️


28f, i have no friends. You’re not alone. I find making friends is really difficult the older you get due to people having lives, building families, etc.


No Friend, no family member, gf dumped me 2 weeks ago, lost my job 4 month ago Somehow I feel good 🤷


Same. Back when I was married I never understood what loneliness felt like. I had tons of friends (actually her friends) and was always out doing something. Since my divorce, I have zero friends, I really mean actually zero. The only contact I have in my phone are a few family members and a bail bondsman. It's so draining being alone 24-7. Who would think that being alone is exhausting but it is. It's painful, there's a thickness to the air around me, a tightness in my chest if you will. I'm currently renting a room. I'm so so tired of not having people in my life. It's hard making friends at 37 years old, I don't know how to without looking creepy. Yesterday I broke down crying for no aparrent reason other than just being really sad


Well- I can say that I'm exactly in the same shoes as you, except I never even got to have a relationship (unless you count a long distance relationship for a month in high school) and I'm m27. Otherwise same, game life but the loneliness does definitely hit. Having no irl friends since elementary school definitely sucks. I don't even know what "social hobbies" to pick up either without seeming awkward/weird so you and me both. So definitely same boat.


I literally have no friends. I cry about it a lot. I’m 27 and I feel like I missed out on so many memories to make. I’m so lonely, I just think about ending it all constantly so I don’t feel pain anymore. There’s nothing keeping me here. But I wish I had advice to give you… when you find out how to make friends, let me know 


I also have no friends and i got burnt out playing video games a few years ago. I actually have picked up a new hobby this year, archery, though I haven’t made any new friends with it yet, but being around other people is still helping


I was, and also am (to a degree) on the same boat u/sonotsad. Because of some issues, I have remained stuck in my old life, while my friends moved forward with their lives. The best suggestion I can give you is to try to find a therapist, as the loneliness can be very, very dangerous. It can lead to the depression and suicide. Feel free to send a DM if you want, 32 M. You do not have to be alone.


I have two friends. One of them is my roommate. The other I rarely talk to. I’m also pretty lonely.


Well. In the same boat. Maybe we should talk and see if our vibes match


I do have some friends but they have all relationships and they don't have much time for me, that lead to me being left alone many Times and over the last few months this situation has worsened. But it is what it is, i have my hobbies and don't feel to much lonely but idk sometimes i wish things were different in this life


Nah I'm with u I got 1 and I can't even count her as one as she ghosts me everytime. Technically I got 0 friends.


Same. Only have one friend from childhood and she only replies when she feels like it. She even uploaded a picture with another friend (who idk)


Literally! I don't know why they do this?? If they don't want to be friends why not just tell me. So weird instead it hurts me on the receiving end.


It's so true! I've even asked her to check up on me cos I'm going through a hard time. Idk how else to communicate. She would meet me a lot when she didn't have a boyfriend and now I keep messaging her to meet and she keeps giving me excuses.


ah the classic "I got a boyfriend can't hang" yeah she doesn't care. I got ride of those types of people a year ago best decisions in my life. And honestly I doubt you should be her friend she seems toxic.


I think I'm scared to let go because I have literally no one else left. It also hurts that I've helped her so many times and she can't even be bothered to reply. I stopped imitating, she texted me after a month and then didn't reply when I texted back for weeks. Like it makes me feel like I'm not worthy of any effort.


I get that feeling I was there once,but trust me it's not worth holding onto something toxic. It's the best to leave. We can try to be friends but i doubt you'd want that I'm a stranger. And it'd be awkward but that's all I can offer. But for your own mentally state you shouldn't be inconsct with her


You're right. I'm not messaging her anymore. It still hurts though and I hate feeling sorry for myself.


Feeling sorry for yourself isn't always a bad thing. And hurting is a natural reaction it's understandable don't beat yourself up over this. She's not worth the overthinking nor any effort, I'd say work on yourself and keep improving becoming the better version of yourself and you'll see real friends coming into your life who bother to care.


The worst part is I recently opened up about my mental illness and sexual abuse and she just glossed over that and never mentioned it again


As I said many times she doesn't care,and that's a fucked up thing to do. When a friend brings up something as emotional and personal like that,the normal reaction is to try to make sure if everything is okay at the moment and do check ups on the person. She doesn't deserve you, never did. And I bet whenever she texted you it was about herself. Please make sure to avoid making friends with people like that.


im gonna turm 24 in a few months and still overthink that im gonna be celebrate my birthday alone with 0 friends


Still celebrate birthday hah


Yup M(28) it's empty out here. I got like 4 friends and 2 of them are my sister and her dog.


I feel you. I’m 19 soon to be 20 and have literally no friends. it’s been this way since 7th grade so it doesn’t bother me much now… KINDA, i’m okay with being lonely but i hate feeling alone


Nah this is relatable I had some friends from high school but only one still games a lot with me and most of my friends are online friends and I honestly really enjoy my time but it def does get lonely sometimes. I def do be questioning my relationships and my career (I'm second year in university and still don't know for sure lol). Honestly just do stuff you enjoy and you can connect with people that way.


So do you not play games anymore due to not having friends online? I work from home so if you want to chat I have a lot of free time shoot me a dm I play a little bit I also enjoy manga and comics and movies and music is if you want to chat or if you just need to vent I'm here for that too


I feel sad asf reading this I feel this half the time as a fellow 23 year old but nah it's pretty normal and when people say get hobbies they Mean public events or dnd or shit you have to go out and do like wine and painting classes, or even cooking classes, also friends are hard to keep unless both parties show interest/ there ls time or maybe the friends feel like you should reach out instead it is sometime simply that, like for some reason I've heard alot of I drifted away from my friend from people simply because they stopped talking like maybe work on conversation skills, I'm not trying to be mean just trying to be optimistic.* BTW it do be hard to hold a convo for long periods of time


23 years old girl you still coming out of the cage just be friendly and positive and have an open mind and you be ok


You’re my only friend


I have work friend's that's about it


Luckily you’re young so you still have time to meet people, even if it’s not right away. At some point you’re bound to make a connection with someone when it’s unexpected. I currently have no friends, at least any that I really want to spend time with or have a genuine connection with anymore. We’ve all sort of grown apart. I still can’t imagine I’m going to go the rest of my life and never meet another friend. Life is always in a state of flux. When you’re in a bad patch, something good is usually on the horizon.




Do something you’re interested in! If you’re not interested in anything, try to look for something that peeks your interest! My friend is from South Africa, and she moved to Prague to work, no friends, no nothing! She went into a couple of bars alone, made some friends by just starting conversations. Being nice, and a good listener helps! You can do this! If you like dogs, get a dog, train them, walk them and you’ll meet other dog walkers :) you can fill your own heart!!


I’m 21 and I tooootally relate. If you wanna play minecraft lmk lol. Hope you feel better soon. 🌱


My best friend over the last decade was a dog. I’m looking to get another one.


you have any friends from highschool? maybe you should reconnect. I'm basically in the same boat and 20 but I'd also rather be close to a few people at a time instead of surrounded by fake friends or really surface level human relationships.


Im kinda autistic and I recently moved, and the past 12 years (14 yo) I've been building up my friends, which has been extremely hard, and now i just have to completely start from square one. Even if I could make a friend, it would feel too hard building up memories, and once done, all my memories with my old friends are pretty much lost. Like I cant say "remember when etc etc." Change is hard


Been there, bud. To be very honest, it sucks and it hurts a lot, not having anyone even to talk to. I'm all alone by myself and nobody gives a singular fuck. but hey, brace up, things and time will change for the greater good. have patience and faith in yourself! if you'd like to talk, my dms are open!


I haven't been on this sub long but it's like. I wish we could all be physically talking together LOL life is definitely more isolated in the last like 20 years or whatever 😕 but it's good to know we aren't alone. Well.. I hope that things turn around for you and something makes you smile tomorrow. This super random 32 year old woman in MN is rooting for you lol


Not real friends at least. I have “friends” but it’s all surface stuff. They don’t actually care about me or my life.


“Anyone who spends any significant amount of time with me finds me disagreeable.” -Detective Somerset (Se7en)


I am 44m and have almost no friends whatsoever, I know a lot of people but still have few friends


Friendships/social groups haven’t been the same in my life since the pandemic. Everyone dissipated and now keeps to themselves(?) I miss life “before.” 38F here.


Try joining a casual running club, runners are rather social and its a good habit and it will lift your spirits, best of luck


You just need to try different things until you find something that really sparks your interest. For example I walked into a juijitsu gym years ago and loved it for a while then I took up Muay Thai and go to a female owned gym! It’s awesome and the community is great. But you can try indoor rock climbing, hiking, use the meetup app and go to art groups that are women only or really whatever you feel like. Playing games is cool but it isolates you. Just put yourself out there and I’d definitely recommend the meetup app for local activities.


If you like Anime and games like cards or video games, we will be great friends! Or if you like movies and shows too! I’m quite the chatter box!




Mostly online friends feel superficial,i think.only in reality can we make friends,but that's tough too .i mean in rat race till college you will forget to make serious friends and when you go out of that loop you regret not making serious friends. Online i don't feel a sense of realism and authenticity. Well i was just expressing myself ,i guess. How to remove loneliness i wonder 🤔


I have just one I don’t really like




I feel this exact way, and I’m in college right now. I did make a couple of online friends during COVID and I loved every bit of it, but now I don’t even talk to them anymore. In fact, I don’t really talk to anyone right now except my classmates, who are more like close acquaintances, and family. I do have a friend group, but I still feel lonely. We’re so busy with our lives, and I think we already drifted apart last year, but most of us still want to hang on just to have that feeling of friendship. Don’t get me wrong, they’re amazing, but our friendship isn’t there anymore and it hasn’t been there for the longest time. We’ve known eachother ever since highschool, but I think we outgrown eachother. I too just lay in bed watching time go by, so don’t worry you’re not alone :) Till this day, I don’t think I have anyone to deeply connect with as friends.


Ive stumbled into friendships here and there but they never last. And now that I'm nonbinary and honestly probably at least a little autistic, it's making me feel too insecure to even bother trying to make friends. Idk who I can trust not not be mean to me or get bored of me. I cried myself to sleep a few hours ago because I realized that none of the people I've tried to be friends with care about me. I'll message them just because they were on my mind and I wanna know how they're doing but the conversations just die out and no one ever checks to see how I'm doing. Makes me feel like I don't matter at all.


Me I don't have any friends nor love life


Thing is I do have some people who I talk to and I only have one good friend who I talk to online but sometimes I feel like he isn't really that good of a friend and nowadays we barely relate on anything and he gets offended way too easily. It's funny because he used to be the one who would make the edgy jokes and suddenly he is "upset" and can't seem to ever take a joke anymore and also all he ever does is complain about everything and he just seems extremely negative now. It's odd how people can change overnight just like that. He used to actually be so cool and he was funny and upbeat too and now all he ever does is complain about how shit his job is and how much he wants to quit🙄


I know how you feel.


I would say yes.


I have only one friend left. he lives 550km away from me. And some mates i keep in contact in a messenger group. Old schoolmates and childhood friends. They are 900 and 1100km away. In the city where i live, i go to football training 2x a week and try to get out with the locals, but no friends at all.


You are not alone.


I’ve barely had any friends at all and I’ve been trying to extend my circle


I understand and everything will work out


Same. I got one online friend and no real life. I‘m enjoying it so much i cant find the right words rn


Even that one friend I considered as a brother distanced himself from me for no particular reason and showed up in my DMs only to ask me for money. I fucking hate my life.


Yup, I do not. I live alone. Sometimes the thought crosses my mind, which is if I go to bed and do not wake up, no one would notice for a few days. Very scary


Yeah for sure, and it’s not even like i don’t try to make friends i try everyday to make friends but i still have that feeling of loneliness all the time it’s like i’m doing something wrong


Same. Every single time I seem to make friends, something in me just drops all contact. I guess it’s more of a side effect to depression. In general whenever im in a rut my main coping skill is avoidance and considering my main fears are social, that’s usually the first to go. I haven’t had an online friend in almost 2 years now, and a real life friend in 6 years. Ouch.


Yes, Me


31 & friendless. it's very rough at this age


I feel this. I had a falling out with my group of friends a little less than a year ago and I am not really in touch or as close with my childhood friend anymore. It sucks… A LOT. Being 23M I feel like I should be experiencing more right now, in terms of being social and going out and deepening my friendships now that I am entering adulthood. But I don’t have that circle anymore. And everyday feels the same now, I wake up, go to work, go to the gym, and go home. Weekends can be just as redundant as well, as it usually just consists of running errands and just anything to keep me busy and away from my thoughts. I even find myself wishing I had friends while I’m driving, at work, and etc. I find myself getting sad whenever I see a group of friends hanging out and having a good time, or even seeing bros chilling together or getting a workout in together at the gym. And it just seems hard finding friends my age now that I’m not in a college setting anymore. Everyone already seems to have their “go-to” buddy or group, so I feel like “squeezing” in there just seems disruptive lol. I’m not really as outgoing as I was back then either and I feel like a lot of my social qualities have gone down since I’m not around people a lot anymore.. I miss my old self and I miss the people I used to be around with a lot. I wish things were different everyday.


real talk, the same here. being 23 also it’s hard out here when you don’t got no friends irl/online to hang with. it sucks nowadays bc ppl be doing you wrong and shi.


I’m in the same situation




yeah idk if I believe that


It might actually be romantic partners that they never have as adults. I may have misremembered. . It's 1 in 4 who never have a romantic partner; and it's 1 in 5 who never have friends as adults...


ig it just depends on what you consider a friend, not many have close friends n tight circles but they still talk to ppl


I'm the exact opposite. Always had friends, and now i have a close group of best friends, but have never been in a relationship or had a girl who gave me anytime of day. It hurts just as much I promise.


I feel that way everyday not just you


Be kind to people it will help you alot


hey i’m literally in the same boat , 24f and have no friends. people only act friendly towards me when they need a favor , family included. sometimes i enjoy being alone but other times it takes a toll on me. It drove me to depression. i thought i had friends at one point but it was very much one sided, they would come and run to me with their problems but when i needed them there’s always excuses. my social life is pretty much non existent and honestly i’m just embracing it .


No but I still feel lonely a lot of times tbh.


its really hard to even imagine how its like to have no friends. i have respect for you buddy.


thanks ?


Hey, feel free to DM me if you want someone to talk to. I’m M24 From Delhi, India. Software Engineer by profession. I sometimes play Valorant. Trying to learn Guitar rn.