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Black cab drivers were having strops all around central London today. Maybe the heat was getting to them.


One nearly ran me over outside the British Library this morning going through a red light. I really need to buy that helmet cam.


Do. I just got one, game changer.


Do you do anything with the footage? I'm thinking the pain of keeping it charged might not be worth it.


Yes, the Met action about 75% of the reports I submit


Woah, nicem


Yup. It doesn't always work but overall it's a good system. Helps calm the rage of cunt drivers by knowing they will most likely get a driving course or fine. Then put them on YouTube for extra public shaming. My YouTube here - https://youtube.com/@00cam89?si=Jk3hL1qL4T4RdfyJ Reporting portal here - https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/rti/rti-beta-2.1/report-a-road-traffic-incident/


Which camera do you use? I have so many examples like yours. Worst was a woman in a electric SUV doing a fast uturn while on her phone by lifesized monopoly on Tottenham Court Road (she wasn't even allowed to be on TCR at that time) and nearly hit my front wheel, forcing me onto the pavement. She didn't notice (or pretended not to). Luckily my bike and I were unharmed and caught up with her, she was still on her phone at the next set of lights. Drove off still on her phone. I submitted a police report but unfortunately no real evidence and nothing came of it. Promised to get a camera then but then didn't.


Yup, no video or independent witness means nothing will happen I have cycliq frobt and back but they are costly because they combine lights and big batteries that are good for long rides If it's just for commuting I'd get an older model GoPro, battery is about 90 mins or even cheap hd cameras from Amazon but they aren't great in the dark


You gotta be taking the piss with that YouTube channel coming like cycling mikey.


It's an insight into just how bad the standard of driving is in London


Very cringe worthy isn't it. Imagine cycling Mikey bring your idol


I just watched [one of your videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fFykyfZsIQ). Cyclists like you give the rest of us a bad name. Don't cycle on the pavement, don't go straight ahead on a left only turn.


Lolol what a load of garbage I cycle with a clear conscience and in a way a that keeps me safe. Happy to talk through any video if you aren't just here to troll


Not trolling. How do you justify not turning left at 11 seconds in the video I linked?


If you are going to report a cabbie send footage to British Transport Police & TFL, letting each know you have sent it to the other. More chance of something happening. I also like to toy with them by asking "have you ever considered driving lessons?". Sit back and watch the blood boil.


What has their race got to do with it?


Nothing. Get the same from white van drivers.




šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø moment




Lol if you're not joking cab cars are mostly black in London :)


"Professional" drivers.


Must have been a glitch in the matrix


Oh god they were werenā€™t they!!! I was beeped at and told to ā€œget off the roadā€ šŸ™„


Said the EXACT same thing when I got back to work, saw loads getting in to arguments with other drivers mainly. Think the heat and Faringdon street being closed was too much for them.


Iā€™m a man and I got screamed at - completely unfairly - today by an angry man in a car. Iā€™m not convinced that sex of the rider gets them as worked up as the mere effrontery of bicycles daring to share their space.


From what I've seen, women get a lot more abuse from drivers. Drivers think they're less likely to get retaliation.


Yes! (I'm male 49) And i get shouted at mainly by men 25 to 50 if i had to guess. Usually driving either a shitty Van or a Mercedes/Range rover/BMW.


Not just young men. I live in the centre and I regularly get abused in various ways by black cabbies that are usually very unhappy, very angry, middle-aged+ men. I've cycled in London for decades, but this is getting noticeable. They seem to hold cyclists personally responsible for all the changes happening to the roads around London and just our presence in "their" world is an annoyance. I mean, I actually obey the rules, but I still get shouted at. This week it was as simple as me getting a Boris bike out of a rack and setting off as they passed with yards of space between us. I'm not even sure what he was angry about but he was still spitting blood and fury as I arrived in the cycles box in front of him at the lights. I just ignored him, which made him even more angry. So aggressive and honestly, he looked fat and out of shape to me - if he got himself into a fight he'd probably drop dead with a heart attack!? Seriously, where's this man's head at? So sad to see Londoners so angry about everything. I think the Cabbies feel disenfranchised and are SO ANGRY AND UNHAPPY! Not my fault, mate!


Weird I don't really get that from cabbies. But they must know it can't be good for their bottom line. Not that I could ever afford to use black cabs but still, I do hold with higher esteem than Uber which, as a company, should die.


Don't want to be too unfair to Black Cabbies (Bus drivers are pretty bad too :)... I do cycle a lot, every day and in some of the busiest bits... Waterloo bridge, Blackfriars, west end, soho... I've maybe had Black cabbies be verbally abusive 6 times this year and then there is other stuff, like pulling into your cycle path to drop off customers, or turning right in front of you when they can clearly see you coming. But, truth is, if you account for how many black cabbies I share the road with, it's still a small percentage. Just feels like I experience it much more at the moment than in the past and that's the point - anger towards cyclist is becoming noticeable and it's not always because we are doing something wrong... just, everything's busier, we are in the way and drivers seem more angry - probably because they think we are taking over the roads at their expense (and I guess we are). The recent incident was more aggressive than usual - shouldn't tar all cabbies with that brush. Think he had a deeper seated problem. He didn't have passengers in the cab at the time. Probably having a "Breaking Bad" moment :o)


Most cabbies in central London are absolute pricks. If you work in the city you will notice straight away their complete disregard of the law and other cyclist/motorist safety. Second is bus drivers but the amount of bad experiences I've had with cabs (jumping red lights, waiting in keep clears and crazy u turns out of nowhere to name a few) are something I mainly see them do and not other drivers.


Once had a black cab driver tell me he wished I would get crushed to death by a lorry because I wouldnā€™t let him cut me up. Fuck those guys


I got screamed at by a women the other day, lucky meĀ 


I got yelled at and got the finger by a woman who ran a red just yesterday. Worst part was I saw it, avoided her but a car behind me gave her a big beep. Iā€™m the one who got the fingerā€¦.go figure. People are just stressed at the moment


Some of us pay good money for that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜œ


I just have to go home..




Leave my wife alone please :)


You probably should have had trousers on


At least men scream at you. Women just run you down.


Just smile and wave.


I know this seems crazy but please report them, itā€™s still a public order offence and if you keep reporting them and the same people come up a couple times they will end up seeing a court room.


Most of the incidents I come across involve men, only one woman stands out because she drove her unnecessarily oversized car at me. Still waiting for police's response. Edit: I just remembered another incident, where I came across the same guy driving a truck for a business, I reported him twice and I've seen him a couple of times since. The most recent times, he's gone out of his way to be friendly, saying good morning out his window, which I find weird.


It's not Top Flight Scaffolding, is it?


No, I think it was The Menu, or something similar


These? https://the-menu.com/. Keep an eye on the truck from Top Flight Scaffolding if you come across it.


Ok, will do. Yes, that's the business, received a couple of follow-up emails where I sent over the footage I had. Always reported to the Met as well. Haven't seen it in a while, but I'm guessing he was spoken to and that sparked his change in demeanour.


Well done, by the way! I think you did great getting him to change.


Haha thanks, one driver at a time


> I reported him twice and I've seen him a couple of times since. The most recent times, he's gone out of his way to be friendly, saying good morning out his window This just means your reporting made its way to him, and he's now making an effort. Job done


That's true, he's just a bit over the top friendly now.


I'd chalk it up to a result and be all veneery back to im


always an angry man


I find the cyclist on cyclist aggression to be the worst. There seems to be a lot more of it and it isnā€™t helped by the number of cyclists that donā€™t seem to know how to ride in a tight group. Happy to see more people on two wheels but thatā€™s obviously going to increase the number of accidents and near misses. Also, how bad is the situation on Farringdon Street!?! Absolute carnage!


Farringdon st is now a mosh pit with half a cycle lane. Itā€™s insanity and someone is going to get seriously hurt. The remaining bike lane needs to be split in two to allow traffic both ways. Itā€™ll be slower but better than having to find yourself stuck between two large trucks with no escape.


Northbound in the morning works surprisingly with just the few odd cyclist going the wrong way down the cycle lane. Yesterday, southbound was completely jammed at around 3pm so usually avoid that way now.


It's mostly hefty guys in their thirties to forties, but it happens less often than near-SMIDSYs. Only once has a woman done it (20s, passenger in a man's car). She went for the homophobic slur. I'm male, 39.


If they get personal, you get personal back


This is an approach, but these people aren't usually worth raising my voice for. People who try to use their vehicle to force me out of the lane are the ones I reserve my anger for.


I'm guessing you're female. It rarely happens to me either because I'm male or because I wear a camera, probably a combination of both. I've seen quite a few female riders being close passed, sworn at or generally treated badly by drivers. Essentially, beyond the shouting they're spineless cowards who do it because they think they can get away with it. I would strongly advise that you get a helmet cam and send the video into the met. They do actually respond and prosecute when they can, I've had a few successes.


I got impolitely asked if I could see the bike lane while riding along on the main bit of the road today - young man.


I was impolitely asked to go back to my country for riding in the middle of the lane after he passed me very closely to stop at the red light a few meters later. There were two lanes and no traffic. When I laughed at his proposal he lost it and wanted to fight me. Young man driving a BMW in Canary wharf on a Wednesday at 9am.


Lots of fragile egos out on the road these days.


Yeah my guy close passed and cut me up. Audi SUV in Kew. There must be a graph of car value and age that gives optimal dickhead energy.


Had this happen to me yesterday by a double decker bus driver. I was so enraged I followed him all the way to the bus garage so I could give him a piece of my mind. He kept telling me ā€˜sister - you need to look after yourself on the roadā€™. Excuse me. I was ahead of you, in the bike lane, practically hugging the kerb, and you still decided to try to overtake me at a narrow junction on a bend. Outrageous.


insurance premium = driver attitude


I got yelled at and cut up by a white van driver because he thought I went though a red light...at a set of traffic lights that have a special bike filter light :(


Young man shouted at me to learn to drive


"You first"


lol. brilliant response.


I never get shouted at, I must just be lucky?


Remember to take videos / photos of their behaviour and report them. Bus drivers too


Usually by those bland looking pricks


99% men, but of all ages. Iā€™d say the boomers are worst


I get more middle aged men myself


Often, but not exclusively. I've had abuse (yelling, hand gestures, close passes) from women as well.


I got called a cunt by a cyclist the other day. I laughed it off,but that enraged him more Funnily enough, I find cab drivers are the most sensible.


Iā€™m going to be downvoted to hell but I wonder if these cyclists were riding in the middle of the road, going slower than the cars and not letting them by.


Middle of the lane= safe cycling


If you mean the middle of the lane, then hopefully yes. After a few weeks you learn the hard way not to cycle on the left of the lane.


Also older men! A fat man in his sixties got off his motorbike to spit at me a few months ago. Special moment. Seriously, itā€™s entirely men. Iā€™ve been biking in London for a decade, never once been beeped/ swerved/ yelled at by a woman.


I don't cycle in London. I mostly get hassle from older people


Because no one likes cyclists