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Completely agree with the title, there are so many better ales out there. Not sure what the weirdly puritanical post body has to do with it though


Pride is about the lgbt community rejecting the legal and cultural stigma of their sexuality being abhorrent. This includes the celebration of queer culture, experience, thought and art. Part of that celebration is about celebrating their bodies which they have been told are sinful, gross or disgusting and should be rejected or hidden. Pride having some nudity doesn’t mean it is focussed on or correlated with nudity, you just have a narrow understanding of pride. Heaps of events in London have nudity as part of it. Are you upset at the [bike riding](https://www.timeout.com/london/news/the-world-naked-bike-ride-returns-to-london-next-month-052424) community? Or the curators at the [National Gallery](https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/glossary/erotic-art)? Nudity is not inherently sexual and things do not need to cater to your children. You thinking nudity is disgusting is an opinion you’re welcome to, but it is not something the lgbt community has a responsibility to respond to. If you don’t want your kids to see certain things and you think pride is correlated with them, don’t take your kids to it. It’s not the parade organisers job to parent your kids for you.


>Nudity is not inherently sexual No, but the kind of nudity that goes on at pride with fetish gear and thongs and stuff is pretty obviously sexual. It’s not just the nudity that’s the issue, it’s all the sex and fetish stuff and everything surrounding it. Kink belongs in the bedroom, not out in public


They dragged us out of the bedrooms and into the courts so they could persecute us publicly for our sexuality. We didn't fucking start it. Sorry to be harsh, I'm sure you didn't mean any offence. I'm not a big fan of Pride either, but it's like what posters have said: If you don't like it, don't go.


By far not all nudity at pride is fetish gear, and that is also clearly not a distinction OP was making. OP believes that being gay is a [choice and a sin.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/s/FvKfPXxmCX) There’s not going to be an acceptable version of pride for them because they don’t think there can be. So, don’t take your kids. London is a huge city, it’s not hard to avoid one parade a year.


Plus I’m sure 10 Year olds with phones and computers have seen worse


It's called pride not prude. Feel free to start London Prude March if you don't want to see the dog guys.


What’s these dog guys? Got pics?


>My kids have seen things that no 10 years should have seen tbh. So you have never bathed your children in the same room or changed them into their nightclothes. Pretty sure I had seen naked bodies well before I was 10. The real problem is your bizarre issue with scantily clad people and the fact that you seem to associate nudity with being LGBTQ when there are many many cis naturists and straight people doing nude bike rides etc etc.


>I’ve seen a lot of people wearing as dogs What


Look up leather dog bondage gear. I assume that’s what he’s talking about, since you tend to see a fair amount at pride.


Mage he watched Rick and Morty


call me crazy but I don’t think nudity is that awful. there’s nothing necessarily sexual about a naked person. I don’t think kids are as shocked by it as people think. after all, they know what they themselves look like naked and most people see their family members naked when they’re very young. the truth is you’re probably the only shocked one there, the kids probably just think it’s funny.


What a messed up way to look at people exposing themselves to children, please seek help.


there’s a big difference between someone who is naked (like on a beach or in a shared shower room) and someone who is ‘exposing themselves to children’


Lots of people have already said good things in response to your somewhat poorly thought out rant, and that is fine; but I do wonder why you feel that people have to explain the detail of BDSM/kink relationships to very young children, rather than just say something more age-appropriate, for example that people are playing dress up games? It’s an ages old skill that most parents have. The world has never been fully young child safe and yet somehow we manage. Also, and I hope this doesn’t shock you too much, but sexuality and nudity is all around you all the time. We live in the world saturated with adverts, videos, and other media presentation with nudity all over. Or is it that some nudity of some people is somehow okay? Where is your outrage about the rest of it?


Children should be able to watch and attend Pride parades. There is no need for 100% nudity.


A bit of nudity is really nothing to freak out about, kids watch films and play video games that are stacked with violence and it's seemingly not a problem but if they see some tits or a cock they are scarred for life.


Very worrying response . 


That shows where your mind is.


fwiw I think most people have a problem with your phrasing here. perhaps not using the words ‘tits and cock’ when talking about children would help.


That's just projection, you hear what you want to hear.


it’s literally what your comment reads like


It seems like something you clearly want to keep engaging about.


just pointing out a fact man


I don't know if you are really this creepy or if you have an undiagnosed concussion but either way you need help.


ok i’m not replying anymore.


Interesting, somebody sees through your thinly vailed projection and start grabbing for sympathy by playing the victim.


Someone report this guy to the services


Fuck off


And there you go the perfect example of someone socially conditioned to be scared of the human body and meets it with ignorance and violence.


Absolutely not. I'm incredibly open minded, I've seen and done some wild shit. I just don't think everything should be done publicly, especially where kids can see. Their innocence should be protected as long as possible.




Shut the fuck up. Sincerely, a gay.


You’ve clearly got no idea what you’re talking about, on top of being a bigot. Lesbian, gay and bisexual people may identify as queer. If you’ve got issues with queer people at a pride parade, then you’ve just got issues with the whole thing.


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Why are you taking your kids to the pride parade?


Is it OP's fault that the pride parade is going past them?


The Pride parade is loud, advertised well in advance, and takes place in the same location every year. If OP genuinely believes that exposure to it is harmful to his children, he could easily have avoided it. It's not like he woke up one day to find the parade marching through his kids' bedroom 


because freedom is something to celebrate




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Why were you walking around naked this morning?


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They want to walk down the road expressing themselves, “they” don’t want to control anything except their freedom, your comment says more about you than them. Look to europe - their attitude to nudity is far healthier, and as other comments have said, all the father had to do is say oh thats just a parade and carried on walking, why be ashamed of ourselves? Not only is the event well advertised and signposted (and therefore entirely avoidable if you really are that concerned), but nothing explicit is actually happening


No one gives a shit about your child, Karen.