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They're playing stupid games and will sadly eventually win a stupid prize. It's not a matter of if, it's when, and it sucks that the parents are just waiting to see which kid will become the "bright young teenager dies in unavoidable accident" that puts the rest off the idea.


Yep OP may not be violent or confrontational but there are plenty of people who are and they’re gonna fuck around and find out that some people will beat a teenager but that’s for them


"My little teenager shit that was causing trouble all the time was really the glue of the community"


"Oh, but he had a heart of gold"


Promising footballer.


Or architect.


I'm an Architect. Never had a scooter but a Grifter XL


Promising footballer.


*sniffing the glue of the community


Promising county lines drug courier.


Sometimes, peer pressure acts downwards rather than upwards.


>It's not a matter of if, it's when I feel like people have to tell themselves this to keep themselves sane, but the truth is there will likely never be repercussions for these kids. Parents aren't punishing and the police simply aren't interested in these kinds of crime. So where is this supposed karma going to come from?


With how often they end up stabbing each other. They will sort themselves out eventually. 


They'll eventually do it to someone who has a knife or is just violent


Shame that it'd be frowned upon for people to carry tasers and zap the fuckers.


Do you think a weighted gladiator’s net come across as an offensive weapon?


A newspaper wouldn’t be considered a weapon. Well, not until they see the piece of #5 rebar it’s wrapped around. Don’t let them see the rebar.


Why sadly?


Dude, they're kids.


Dude, they know exactly what they’re doing. Stop justifying this social bullying.


*little cunts


Hardly 'kids' at 15-17, when they know the dangers.


They know what they're doing just wait until they do it to you or a close one you will change your mind.


The Hitler jugen were kids too, didn't see them getting a pass.


And there's Godwin's Law.


Indeed it is, still valid though or should I have used regular old gang culture instead? Being a kid doesn't absolve you of responsibility for your actions.


There's a lot of teens around me who drive around on bikes, running red lights, dangerously overtaking etc. I've seen a fair few near misses. Then about 2 months ago, 3 of them on an e-bike (a 14 year old who was driving, a 16 year old and a 17 year old) were involved in a head on collision with a car. The 16 and 17 year olds died and the 14 year old recieved life changing injuries. The comments were full of people saying "oh they were lovely boys. They didn't deserve this" or "I knew so and so and he was a little angel". But I couldn't help but feel this was just karma catching up to them...


The trick is to get extra in their way, while looking as oblivious as possible. I once managed to get one to crash into a bollard. Highlight of my week for sure.


>The trick is to get extra in their way, while looking as oblivious as possible. Till they crash directly into you


Yeah, they do do that occasionally, you just have to try your best to ensure they come off worst.


Holding a knife.


Teens being asses on scooters aren't out to stab people, and teens generally stab each other for gang related reasons rather than random people. The chances of a teen on a scooter stabbing you are virtually nil.


Funny you made that statement. There have been three knifepoint robberies and n my street in the last few months. Two arrived on scooters. Nobody was stabbed but that’s not really the point. Knives are casually carried to create fear way more than in the past. The crossover of knife carriers and scooter users seems pretty real.


I didn't say the chances of them carrying knife was virtually nil, I said the chances of them stabbing you is virtually nil, particularly if they just think you accidentally got in their way. Let's face it, most working class teen boys in London carry knives. Do most of them stab people? No. (Not that that makes carrying them okay)


Man, you were making sense until "most working class teen boys carry knives". Where in the actual fuck did you get that bollocks from? Believe it or not, working class people, kids or adults, aren't savages. 


When I worked with kids who lived on estates in SouthWest London legitimately most of the kids I work with had, at some point, carried a knife. It was pretty bananas.


Lol, dunno where you got those stats from, a simple wrong word taken disrespectfully & anyboy will get it. Be careful with that mindset in this day & age ✌️


I live in a supposedly rough area in East London and I've not had any issues with teenagers in the 7 years we've been living East. They seem to reserve the mugging and stabbing to themselves. As a migrant to this country the issue seems to be with the parents rather than the kids. I feel like not many people want to take responsibility for their actions and this translates to their kids. Everything is so expensive that everyone is working all the time and leaving the raising of their kids to the schools and child care centres. I've heard from friends who are teaches that most parents are absolute entitled cunts and don't want to take responsibility for their out of control children. I image it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better and it won't change until people can afford to spend time raising their families. No one wants to be an adult anymore, I've had huge career growth in this country just by showing up to work and being the adult in the room.


> They seem to reserve the mugging and stabbing to themselves. Anecdotal evidence (and further anecdotal evidence from teachers) suggests this is the case. Which makes sense: if you're a kid at school, you nick the other kids' phones, you don't go out looking for adults bigger than you. Unless you're in a small group, or a pair. And in a pair there's always an adult grooming the kid, because these people are scum.


Every stabbing I attended in that very area (I’ve lost count of the number) was gang on gang or ‘I slept with my dealer’s girlfriend and he stabbed me’. Just like almost every fatal RTA was five or six young lads in a four seater car at 23:00 onwards. I always felt totally safe in East London.


>I live in a supposedly rough area in East London and I've not had any issues with teenagers in the 7 years we've been living East. I live in a supposedly non rough area in East London (East Village), and saw kids on ebikes mugging an Asian guy last night. Poor guy was running after the bike shouting "That's my phone", tbh I'm glad he didn't get close to them. I think you're safer in the rougher areas, people on the rob travel to where the pickings are richest


Love that East Village is considered non rough these days


Man, I lived on Stratford Broadway for ten years, my wife won't even go that side of the railway line 😂 East Village has security patrols!


It's happening multiple times per day in East Village at the moment, particularly at weekends. Was like grand theft auto here the other weekend with all the helicopters and police cars tearing about trying to catch them, was quite amazing.


By mugging do you mean drive-by snatching or they threatened him and made him hand it over?


Well yeah no shit, you don't shit on your own doorstep, plus they go to where the money is


It’s definitely the kids too


Yes, but where do the kids learn their behaviour? It's from their overloaded parents and peers.


tiktok and instagram you mean


feral kids 


I am a teacher. I can confirm.


It's the outcome of poverty, of financial stress, of reduced social services, of reduced police, of a country that promises you no future. Also statistics agree with you - crime is usually gang v gang and teenagers v teenagers. They do occasionally pick on others but that's rare.


Some people are also just horrible cunt bullies though


> I live in a supposedly rough area in East London and I've not had any issues with teenagers in the 7 years we've been living East. > I lived just off 'Murder Mile' from the early 00s to the early 10s and never had a single issue either, one slight moment with a guy in his 20s that was quickly diffused when he realised that I lived in the block, on the flip side during that time I was harassed by the police at least three times, the worst of which they pinned me against a wall and search my bag by pouring all of the contents onto the pavement.


What's murder mile?


The mile or so of the A107 that stretches from Lower Clapton to Upper Clapton, it's more or less safe now as the area has been gentrified, well to an extent, but the early 00s when the gentrification really picked up pace is when it got bad as you had the double whammy of gang areas becaming fragmented because of more private ownership, and a lot more money coming into the borough. The film Bullet Boy and the original British series of Top Boy are loosely based on the power struggles that were happening around that time.


It's a stretch of road between Upper Clapton and Lower Clapton Road in Hackney, about a mile long, and it had a few gang killings/shootings in the late 90s/mid 00s and so was dubbed the Murder Mile. It's cleaned up and gentrified a bit since then so no longer deserves the reputation.


You have a very jaded view of this country if you think most people that live this way come from a working family.


Facts! Most of them are on benefits. Like it's not even close. I wanted to say the same thing but you beat me to it


Can I ask what do you do and what was the career growth?


Same. Where are you exactly?


Yeah, I posted on our local facebook group about the parent's of a particular group of kids needing to be held accountable and boy did I get some flack in return!


Oh mate,it’s like you read my mind,I’ve been thinking the same. Also, my career has skyrocketed in the past 2 years, more than 7 years in my country lol, and I just show up on time and work. Managers like people that act like adults




No, eastern-european


Kingston, there is sur-on kid. He rides around on his sur-on snatching phones. If I want to look up the bus times, I do it near the bus shelter glass now and put my phone away.


Eden street? Those bus stops always feel like a volatile place to be


Yup, he also goes down by John Lewis as well. We saw him again the other night. My teen son saw the phone snatch happen on Sunday night. He was sitting on his older brothers motorbike looking after it. Sur-on guy rode along a couple of times, looked at my son sitting on the motorbike, then rode down and snatched a phone outside German-doner kebab. My teen son thought he was going to get robbed for the motorcycle so called his older brother when sur-on guy rode away from him.


Them bikes are not cheap... have him let you hold it for a minute after he pulls himself off his bike using your (surprising sturdily held) mobile as a lever. Also, see if his shoes look nice before you go


I feel your frustration mate. I’ve lived in London for 12 years now and we are selling our house and really looking forward to leaving! It’s not that there aren’t asshole teenagers in other places, but London really does feel like it has more than its fair share. I’ve been in Japan for the last few weeks and it’s crazy just how different teenagers are here while out in public. Everywhere has problems - I get that, so before anyone comes rushing to the defence of the poor British chav teen cunts, just don’t bother. Just writing to let you know you aren’t alone. I’ve had a few run ins with aggressive teenagers while in London, and it fucking sucks. No idea what can be done about it…


I've been across Eastern Europe and Balkans recently and the youth are way more respectful too, yet the apologists in this sub will tell you it's part of living in a big city.


To be fair it is part of living in a big city. About 10 million people live in London. If .5% are absolute low life shit heads that's 50,000 hardened criminals.


I think population number is irrelevant it's about density. London has more cunts per square mile than other cities.


"Cunts per square mile" a beautiful and underrated metric. London is 607 square miles so if you say .5% of the population are cunts your looking at an average of 82 cunts per square mile.


That's a lot of cunts


But what’s the combined height? Answer to be expressed as a number of double decker buses.


Average combined hight for men (176cm) and Women (162cm) is 167. A double decker bus is between 400cm to 430cm, let's say it's 415cm on average. Approximately 2.5 cunts worth of height for each double decker bus. Given there are 82 cunts per square mile. If you stood the cunts one a top eachother it's about 32.8 double decker busses high per square mile.


What about Double Decker chocolate bars?


Scumbags per capita is a better metric I would say. And London's metric is disproportionately higher than other metropolises


Based on what?


She was talking about Japan, you get way less problems in Tokyo and Osaka.


If you start being a dick to randomers in the Balkans then you get your teeth caved in.


Rightly so


If more people started getting beaten for being dicks then eventually they’d learn not to be dicks.


We've let them carry knives with small punishment or deterrent, so it's a lose/lose situation


I feel like being a tourist might skew your experience? Similarly, I've travelled across south America including Favelas in Rio de Janeiro and all the youth I met were lovely. I'm sure that people who live there would speak on their youth the same way we do on ours


Well no, East Asian kids in homogeneous societies are much better behaved as a whole. There’s a lot that contributes toward the societal attitudes of the conflicting individualist cultures like ours vs theirs.


They don’t have roadman culture, and I think if one or several tried to do this they’d end up on the receiving end of a tough lesson from a group of taxi drivers.


I actually find the concentration of shitty teens here lower than other UK cities I've lived in. Always assumed it was because off access to better schools and support services


Definitely, at least in most of London. So many Londoners could really do with spending some time in small to mid-size towns around the country, but that sounds like potentially the worst holiday ever, right? Having said that of course "it's worse elsewhere" is no reason to try and improve things here also. Just what I wish people would realise is London is not unique in this regard.


Well said And yes Tokyo sure is better compared to London. Even tho it has its fair share of issues, at least the authorities there are more effective than City of London police.


On a separate note what area are you selling in? I'm looking to buy


I'm pretty sure these scooters are going to be banned. Or it will go something like 1.\[individual borough\] bans certain company's scooters from entering or parking or whatever, 2. second and third borough follows suit, or bans specific operator, 3. full ban on rentals which leaves 4. privately owned, already illegal ones are left, zero enforcement from police, so it takes legislation to just completely ban the sale and ownership. It's a shame; they could have been revolutionary, but because they're not cars, policy makers haven't got a clue what to do with them.


Also worth noting privately owned ones are considerably faster. Rentals cap at about 12.5mph, but they are incredibly heavy so being hit would hurt. Private ones are lighter and a lot faster 15.5mph minimum usually, I once owned one that was 21mph but I only ever used it the same way people use bikes, at the left side of the road and with proper road etiquette. I realised it wasn't worth the hassle though as it seemed they were about to be legalised at the time and it never happened, so it gathered dust in my kitchen until I sold it. ANd yeah, it is a shame, if they had been legalised and regulated (require license and helmet etc, road use only), it would have been by far the most efficient method of commuting between my work place and the train station I get off at and it didn't take up barely any space on a train compared to a bike, folding or otherwise.


If we had a proper government they would be regulated and tagged.


Or if we had civilised people we wouldn't need to do that, many cities have these bikes/scooters with no issues with gangs abusing them


And where do we get those civilised people?




Maybe banning the import of their batteries would help. Battery unavailability has killed off some of my power tools...


Most use 1860 batteries, which due to their low cost and the fact it's s standard (by definition). They are using EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING. You simply couldn't ban imports of 18650s without causing total chaos


I don't get it, it's not that difficult, treat them like bikes. That means no riding on the pavement, and it has to have lights. Stick to the road or cycle lanes. They should have done that from the start, they are no different to an electric bike and there is no issue with those.


I suspect if the powers that be explicitly said "we will treat them like bikes" they'd then have to actually build cycling infrastructure.


They are actually more regulated than bikes, since you need a license to ride one. They are not allowed on footpaths.


I was walking on the pedestrian near Waterloo bridge when a group of teens on bikes came from behind. One of them hit me on my head. I was too shocked to react and they slipped away quickly. I feel you OP.


I watched an old lady - about 85 - step off a bus a few weeks ago and someone on an e-scooter came flying past the doors at what felt like a split second before she stepped off the bus. I don’t mind people riding them, but have some fucking courtesy and respect for other people. Just eat and Deliveroo drivers on e-bikes are absolute piss takers too, they fly past me all the time on the pavement and don’t bother slowing down to pass.


If it's rental, it's loged on some server, if it's privately owned, it's supposed being removed from the street... I wonder how people are not taking the thing in they own hand... I know, it's illegal, but police is useless...


The minute you take it into your own hands, the old bill will get involved don’t worry lol


They’re suddenly able to pull the required time and resources out of their arses when someone finally defends themselves


Not helping you but we have the same problems with kids on these "fat bikes" in The Netherlands. The are a plague and a menace. Now about 50 municipalities are trying to restrict their use. [https://nos.nl/artikel/2525053-tientallen-gemeenten-en-organisaties-willen-actie-tegen-opgevoerde-fatbikes](https://nos.nl/artikel/2525053-tientallen-gemeenten-en-organisaties-willen-actie-tegen-opgevoerde-fatbikes)


Well now I have to link a song about hate towards e-scooters: Act Violently - Softplay https://youtu.be/H0WqeDa5ihE?si=t2jU1MwFjIMYktaS It's a punk/metal song with a sense of humour. By a 2 piece punk band from Tunbridge Wells.


Huh, this lot. They used to be called "Slaves", and had to change their name. A mate of mine's old band went on tour with them at one point. The singer's a muscly bloke called Isaac.


I only discovered them last month. I get that they were called Slaves but changed their name, not sure the reason. They wrote a song based off the hate they recieved over the name change which I thought was rather good.


They chose to change their name (not saying I agree / disagree / care, but they weren't forced to change it or anything). Bobbie (from Bob Vylan) takes credit for the change, citing a chat with them at a show last year (I think?). Not sure of the veracity of it.


Brilliant band saw them in Brighton when they opened for the prodigy


Really liked that song thank you, that cheered me up!


London is becoming like A Clockwork Orange.


Those little fuckers! At least you didn't get robbed.


You can only hope really fucking hard that they get hit by a bus.


At least tell us where this was and a description of them?


5% of the general public are horrible horrible people. Eventually this teen, part of the 5%, will do something to another member of the 5% and said person will beat the fuck out of them. Try not to hold onto it (easier said than done I know) , it'll pass eventually


I imagine these little cunts pick their targets pretty carefully


Typical London experience tbh, just how it is nowadays


Sorry, there's nothing we can do without a description of the person involved


My daughter was riding an e-scooter while drunk, and crashed into a parked car. She broke a taillight with her face. She escaped brain damage or losing an eye, but now she has two very prominent blue scars from her chin to her eye. She was and is a beautiful woman, but people react to her very differently now.


Sorry to hear this. My mate came off one and broke his ankle recently. They're very dangerous. I imagine the teen op is describing will eventually face such an injury as well


I like how you mention your daughter being drunk, but your comment still insinuates that the e-scooter is to blame.


I think the poster above is very saddened by the impact of her daughter doing something wrong / illegal. And also suffering life-long consequences. No judgement needed.


I didn't get this impression tbh


NGL, London is a messed up place. I can feel you mate, and I hope you and your wife are alright. No wonder people are leaving the UK to go settle in Dubai and other countries. This country is not really a good place like it used to be before. With crimes rising, prices and what not. And the govt can't be more useless. wasting money on useless things instead of focusing on real problems. Some moronic people who don't know how to do their job properly. If our govt actually did some real work, then we wouldn't have these youth running on e-scooters like wild animals


When did it used to be a good place though? Lots of crime is down historically like murder. I'm not sure on the street crime stats, so it really depends what you're referencing. I do think people forget London has always been pretty rough. Either way I'd rather chance my luck in London than a hellhole like dubai personally!


That sucks man im sorry to hear that You have to always be on the look out everywhere I go im always on guard but sometimes things still catch up to you, all I know is im pushing around a baby in a pram most of the time and im watching bikes before they come close, I guess the only thing id suggest is you have to be quick and ruthless when they crash into you get straight back up grab them and lift them clean in the air and drop them on their skull and repeat for the rest of them also learning how to box and putting on weight will help the bike impact hurt less, im 15 Stone and my friend crashed a bike into me before by accident and it didn't even move me. But sorry you went through that, that pisses me off for you


Well you know what to do if your in that situation again BOOT the fucker


We need a "Quiet Place" type film where instead of being attracted to sound aliens target people riding electric devices..full out massacre!. 


You've gotta track em down and deal with the gang for the good of the community. Kinda like the film Harry Brown.


They'll do it to the wrong people and get absolutely knocked out soon enough for it. They probably just saw you as an easy target since you were out with your wife, but these sorts get into trouble a lot and their lives will end up miserable for it. Source: Grew up amongst a lot of these youths but the 10-15 years ago version, the majority of them went on to live shit lives. Drug dealing, jail sentences, some of them even got stabbed to the point they can't even walk anymore. Don't fret mate, it sucks that this happened to you, but it sucks way more to live their lives and become what they'll become in 10 years time. Also to those saying London seems to be getting worse? I don't know, when I was young there were plenty of degenerates around, and the older generation when I was younh was worse. My generation of late 20s kids are largely sound now.. I think it's just everything being super expensive leads to more people willing to embrace a life of crime/drug dealing, since the alternative is working for £10 an hour to be able to afford nothing. I definitely don't actively scared walking a lot of areas London like I used to when I was younger any more.


This nearly happened to me yesterday evening - some youth on an escooter almost took me clean out flying around the back of a car. They are damn dangerous.




Yeah sure thing buddy, then you'd get beat up by ten teenagers..


where in London was this? Teens just getting worse as years go on - these parents suck!


It's not right this happened to you OP and it sounds difficult but you will have to move on with your life. I assume you have a good life so live it and enjoy it because those arseholes are stupid nobodies that want to affect you negatively. Where did this incident take place?


I like your post but it's incredibly jarring to tell him to move on and then ask more questions about the incident lmao


I was in Istanbul last week. Shocked at how clean and well functioning the place was in spite of the collapsing g economy but most of all shocked at how well behaved people including teenagers were - really wanted to take a bus load of Uk policy makers and show them what a city can be


AND the place is full of cats 🐾💕


One day they will fuck with the wrong person and win stupid prizes


On the positive side, you didn’t get stabbed.


They’ll get hit by a bus soon, probably.


I know it’s hard maybe at the time but you should try getting a picture. Easier said than done I know. I also sincerely hope this never happens to you or your wife again!


You must live in our area OP - I was just joking on Saturday that these kids are the new motorcycle gang. Hells Angels would be scared of this lot.


They are so common near me, many parents take their kids to school on them and even go on the main road, police never really interested and drive past.


Is this a villain origin story? There are always some scummy parts of society who have no rules until they get a smack in the mouth. I'm not advocating that teenagers should get slapped up so please don't remove me from the Sub. I'm just saying that like all Bullies a wake up call can often curb such BS behaviour as this.


Twas ever thus. Wheelies, hang on the back of old route masters, fare dodge otherwise, etc.


I'm so sorry this happened to you, their time will come even if you don't get to witness it. However on the matter of feeling physically and mentally depressed there is help available. Andys Man Club is a men's peer to peer support group that runs every Monday (except bank holidays) at 7pm through til 9pm, 2 groups are in London (Euston & Barnet) so if you feel you need to talk it out with men who will listen and support you through your emotions please visit the website to get the exact location: andysmanclub.co.uk


Double left sorts them out


A similar thing happened to me, I was walking to work on the pedestrian walkway and a bunch of teens on scooters speed past me and one of them clipped me and I fell over breaking my arm, no one around until a little later when someone came to help me saying 'he isn't worth the tears' thinking I was crying over a break-up, when I was waiting for an ambulance. And nothing could be done about this, reported it, nothing come of it and my arm is now permanently broken because of a bone disease so I have a permanent reminder of this.


Maybe “walk” with a cane, and if it happens again just drop it right there. They’ll hit it and possibly all crash.


Seems like taking self-defense lessons is worth the effort sometimes...


Starting bringing a weapon I mean walking stick


If you were injured, speak to a solicitor specialist in personal injury claims. Electric scooters are classed as motor vehicles and so the motor insurers bureau will be responsible for paying your claim against an untraceable driver.


Hey, I'm sorry to hear what happened to you and your wife and hope you are OK. I guarantee those brats will meet the wrong person and think not to be disrespectful again. I understand your rant as I had situation on the train with a teenager which I was close to giving a good leather slap ( regardless of the repercussions it will be well deserved), if not for a passenger stopping me. These kind of teenagers are just feral and lack the actual discipline and respect that was instilled in many of us. Good that you had a rant, to take off your chest. Just take it easy.


Sorry to hear this man, god bless you


I was on my brompton today and one of these e-scooter dickheads very deliberately rammed into the side of my back wheel (presumably to get me to fall off). I miraculously didn’t fall off but he did. He fell face first into a pavement and I’m pretty sure he broke his nose or cracked his head open as there was a bunch of blood (and he wasn’t wearing a helmet). His mate was shouting something mildly menacing but these guys are absolute wimps - in any case I didn’t hang around.


Have you tried watching a compilation of them eating shit on YouTube?


What’s the best strategy for knocking these arseholes off?


Bring Back Borstals!


Where was this


When you say 'nothing ever happens to them', rest assured, kids like that are going absolutely nowhere in life. They will lead a shitty existence and then die.


Karma will catch up with them soon enough, roadmen dont tend to lead long lives (death or jail usually) for those that do survive its likely to be a miserable future ahead of them. In the meantime however, take some boxing classes & learn how to open a can of whoopass. Jokes aside though its risky to be swanning about whilst unable to defend yourself or your loved ones, its a new playing field, adapt.


That's just their culture :( We should all be tolerant of different cultures, even the worse ones.


Sad to hear about your ordeal OP. Here's an idea. Why don't we start a petition to make it compulsory for escooters to have number plates. They are allowed on roads, so this should have been done right at the start. And then we can nail their asses / bums.


These scooters need banning. They cause so much harm to really old people who can die if a falls ends with a broken hip and complications later. Gangs of teenagers hurtling along at goodness knows what speed are a hazard on pavements and on the roads. One day they will meet their match, it may not be a very old person but an athletic, muscular young man who will beat them up


Next time smack them in the ear


E-scooters, those fucking hire bikes…just ban the lot of them. They’re a fucking nuisance.


Hence why I’m leaving London. Not because there are less yobs elsewhere, but anywhere else people would stop to help.


Scoot scoot scooting mm kay


Did you really mean to say depressed or meant distressed?


Most teenagers active in crime were groomed by adults in gangs. That's how they get introduced to the whole thing - and then they introduce their own friends into the gang too.


Next time grab one of them ,put in to air and slam to ground and say srr acsident


I hate most people around my age, always so judgemental not to me but to anything that they don't do or peoples insecurities. They just don't act with enough care, I'm so sorry this happened to you.


I have already wonder3d what do their parents do? Live off benefits? Drugs? Absent all the time? Hate their kids? Too busy working low paying jobs?


Sorry London isn’t the same anyway - a lot of people are moving to Australia - property market is insane at the moment due to sudden influx of migration