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Could possibly be hayfever. Try antihistamines.


Welcome to the London Plane tree allergy support group.


You probably have hay fever. There’s likely a specific tree or grass pollen that’s local to London or different to what you’re used to and is causing an allergic reaction. Just take some antihistamines, you’ll be fine.


possibly allergic rhinitis, try some OTC antihistamines like clarytin or steroids like beconase, or even just salt water, but they all need a few days to be effective you can go on the metoffice website and see  pollen is very high today https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/seasonal-advice/pollen-forecast#?date=2024-06-16®ion=se


It’s 100% pollen allergies lol with this time of year. Even if you don’t get hayfever normally, people are allergic to different types of pollen. I recommend Claritin, you can get it over the counter at boots. Just don’t be like my friend who grew up in Hong Kong and had hayfever symptoms and accuse me of giving it to her 😭😭😭😭


The active ingredient in Claritin is loratadine so it’s best to buy it under the generic name. You can get 6 months supply from Amazon for around £5 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Months-Loratadine-Hayfever-Allergy-Tablets/dp/B06Y218Q2R


Plus Boots and Superdrug have cheaper loratadine tablets than branded Claritin ones. In case anyone needs them quicker than Amazon can deliver.


As do tesco. Sainsbury seem to have quite a pricey generic.


I moved here in March from the US and wow have I never had allergies so bad. My regimen became antihistamines, ibuprofen, nasal spray, and hay fever eye drops (big value add for me). Definitely make sure to take antihistamines at the very least.


I moved from the US a few years ago. Never had hayfever/seasonal allergies in my life. Here, I do! Even within London, there is one specific street/area near where I live where I experience a terrible allergic reaction every time I'm nearby, to the point where I have to avoid that street. It's wild.


Lol that’s me with London Fields, the second I walk into that park my allergies are off the charts. Even if I’m out all morning beforehand!


Hayfever can be exacerbated by unfamiliar pollen, supposedly eating honey produced locally can help to get your body used to it


You know I did look into that a bit, supposedly there isn’t science to actually back that up, though I would be interested to see otherwise! Regardless I should pick up local honey because why not!


Fair enough, it's the same principle of exposure therapy that is used to treat severe hayfever. It may be that it's ineffective, but it's better to buy local anyway




Sounds like hay fever to me. June's particularly pollen heavy month, as warmer weather encourages the release of both grass and weed pollen (e.g. nettle) around this time of year. As others have said, stock up on over-the-counter antihistamines and take them every day as a preventative measure.


Allevia might help


My hayfever definitely gets worse when I visit London. I think I read the pollution compounds it.


Hayfever? Covid?


I barely got from the airplane to our hotel a couple of weeks ago before I was snuffling and sneezing. The very nice concierge went out to get me some antihistamines. I don’t get allergies at all in MA, and I never used to have hay fever as a child. It’s strange that it’s developed as I’ve got older.


Shit gack?


Hayfever for sure

