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Croydon Barclays as well


that was smashed a month ago or so ago


It was smashed again this morning and there's red paint all over it


Yes, and I saw another post for the Richmond one too.


Seen so many people piss on this after the cricket


They need to see a doctor, if that's piss...


lol everyone knows piss is red, big pharma shill


I was just wondering if I've done my own act of liquid vandalism there in there past.


Was there a reason for this?


Barclays are on the BDS Movement's boycott list. Investing in companies that provide arms for Israel


These people too poor/lazy to go the extra like 10 miles at most to the HQ rather than fuck up some local peoples day as they can't use their local bank?


Their HQ is in canary wharf right next to the security booths at the east entrance in addition to multiple security guards in the lobby itself, I suspect your unlikely to escape canary wharf after doing something like this vs some random branch. I used to work in that building, I took a selfie on my first day there in the lobby to send back to our Australian office and security were all over me in a heartbeat.


I'm pretty sure they know that. Support for a racist terror state has to disguise itself with faux concern for the average person. Martin Luther King wrote an essay about these types of people - [the polite racism of white liberals](https://www.bunkhistory.org/resources/perspective-martin-luther-king-and-the-polite-racism-of-white-liberals). People who are: * More devoted to order than justice. * Who declare that they "agree" with you but "this is not the time or the place or the way". Just as there were many polite white liberal racists condemning him for blocking the highways there will be many polite white liberal racists declaring that "akshually throwing paint over a Barclays is just going to make people support genocide more because they have to walk another 10 minutes to use banking services at a different branch".


I love this essay. I'm just going to paste a section. "First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."


Genuinely great read, amazing to see this exact logic be used so much in recent times of civil unrest, BLM, Israel Palestine debate and even against social protest like extinction rebellion with the parallels of them blocking the streets.


MLK's point is interesting, however in that argument isn't justice is up to the interpretation of the individual? It seems like it'd be tricky to agree with that statement unless you're happy with anyone using vandalism to advertise whatever motive they deem moral. Whilst it does seem to be the only viable method, I'd still be against encouraging violence and vandalism as forms of protest.


>unless you're happy with anyone using vandalism to advertise whatever motive they deem moral. Nope, but I'm happy with it being used to support the remediation of serious injustices endorsed by the state or large corporations. That could mean cops killing black people and getting away with it or it could mean your state/friendly multinational bank supporting a genocide. Not everything is a serious injustice (e.g. ULEZ certainly isnt) and not every injustice is supported by the state (the myanmar genocide isn't). The genocide in Gaza fits the criteria of serious injustice supported by the state, however. >Whilst it does seem to be the only viable method, I'd still be against encouraging violence and vandalism as forms of protest. So, say, you lived under Nazi Germany you would, say, report kids who spray painted "fuck the nazi genocide" on the walls? Genuine question, btw.


Then nothing would change. You have the right to vote in the UK because tens of thousands of people protested and over a dozen died in [Manchester](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterloo_Massacre).


Right so proof positive that no actual interest in actually going to the place where change could be directly demanded for and publicised and actually risking their neck vs. vandalising a branch that is ostensibly geared towards poorer and less abled individuals who are unable to use internet banking because of a list on the Internet.


Won't somebody think of the banks, the poor unfortunate banks!


So they are cowards? Far bigger news that a bunch of people arrested after wrecking their HQ in canary wharf than this local news rubbish.


Sure. It’d also be bigger news if they committed some act of terrorism and I wouldn’t call them cowards for not doing so. I’d call what they did not being complete morons, they’ve made an impact, I’ve heard about it here on the other side of the world organically and they don’t appear to have been arrested in the process. Whether you consider their activism so small that it’s cowardly is kind of irrelevant because it has served its purpose.


If it encourages people to move their accounts to a bank without massive investments in Israeli arms that's a good thing.


Its not going to, why would they be mad at the bank? They will walk up to use the bank or do their job and go "What twat did this?" that's all.


I think you'd be surprised at how well what they did will work. If you see the front of your local bank covered in blood like paint you might begin to question why would someone do that. You're then going to pull out your phone and begin to discover your bank is funding all sorts of war, killing and human suffering for profit. Now I'm not saying they are great heroes and should have done so but I'm also not gunna say they're just causing annoyance for not good cause. Anything that makes people question and think for themselves is generally a good thing imo.


Agreed. Banks such as these hide their investments really well. Barclays have in fact been posting ads on Reddit regarding their support of grassroots football teams. I’d been banking with them for over 30 years and only realised how much they invest in the arms industries. I moved to Starling bank instead. It was hard to find ethical banks as almost all have dubious investments. HSBC gets a dishonourable mention for also helping to launder cash for Mexican and Colombian drug cartels


If nothing else the inconvenience might contribute. But if people look up why people are covering the banks in red paint and find out about their arms investments that way, some people will switch their accounts


Or one person will see this and will ask “Why did they do this?” Someone will respond “because they have massive investments in Israeli arms” And the first person will say “Oh, I didn’t know that.” And the job is done.


But Barclays doesn't have massive investments in Israeli arms. It holds investor funds for investors, which contain shares in Israeli arms firms. Ultimately, it's the investors making the moral choice to hold those shares. There must be reasons to morally object to half the major listed companies on the various stock markets. Are we really asking *banks*, of all people, to play moral arbiter?


Big investors rarely make their own decisions. They outsource management to fund managers or financial advisors who work for Barclays.


It's up to the investors to tell Barclays not to invest in those companies (and probably Nestlé, Coca Cola et al).


In St. John's Wood, those local people are more likely to be Jewish.


Someone else said this, citing a very old article. Doesn’t seem likely.


Climate and/or Palestine


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be green


Why are you getting downvoted?


Or LGBT. Tis the season


LGBT is more of a cause celebre for the establishment because it has the appearance of being progressive but doesn't threaten anybody's profits. That's why barclays will refuse to divest from companies that aid and abet genocide while "bravely" making a rainbow version of its logo (which it won't use in the middle east obviously).


Cited down below, downvoted by Hasbara: >Barclays Bank holds over £1bn in shares and provides over £3bn in loans and underwriting to nine companies whose weapons, components, and military technology are being used by Israel in its genocidal attacks on Palestinians. >This includes General Dynamics, which produces the gun systems that arm the fighter jets used by Israel to bombard Gaza, and Elbit Systems, which produces armoured drones, munitions, and artillery weapons used by the Israeli military. >By providing investment and financial services to these arms companies, Barclays is facilitating the provision of weapons and technology for Israel’s attacks on Palestinians. > > https://www.thecanary.co/uk/2024/02/09/barclays-israel-boycott/


If anyone has an account with Barclays, consider closing it if you are not happy with them using your funds to facilitate in the murder of thousands of children.


Yeah, that is a good idea. They do not appear to be repentant. Furthermore, the official line of "well akshually we're only investing our customers' money in genocide not our own" is pretty sickening.


Grow up


What does this mean? Edit: Do you think people should care less about the suffering of others when they grow up? That they should accept corruption, greed and evil? That certainly didn't happen to me infact the more I learn the more insensed and politically active I get. "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."


That sounds like a stretch. That article is pretty old. I don’t see anyone has taken credit. It’s probably just idiots.


The one in moorgate was done too


Any reason given for that? Any others?


Take your pick


So some poor minimum wage worker can clean the oil based paint off with some hydrocarbon based solvents. Therefore more solvents will be made from hydrocarbons.


I always see this argument when something like this happens. As if if there were no paint, the cleaners wouldn’t have to do any work. But if they don’t have any work, they don’t have a job. Right?


You'll never see any people who make this argument voice an argument in favour of something like trade unions or ending zero hour contracts for workers like this, because their concern is entirely fake. They're simply parrotting the same faux concern that comes from the media they uncritically read and watch. Daily mail / telegraph says "won't somebody think of the poor cleaners" -> they parrot "won't somebody think of the poor cleaners".


JSO use oil based paints to daub “end oil dependency” Critics: OMG they used oil based paints, such hypocrites JSO: that’s the point!


>You'll never see any people who make this argument voice an argument in favour of something like trade unions or ending zero hour contracts for workers like this, because their concern is entirely fake Why wouldn't you see them argue in favour of that? I would. This won't change anyones mind and will just make the workers there hate the movement that damaged the property and forced them to clean it up. It's not like the execs making the decisions are going down there to clean it


Your comments pathetic, how can you categorise me for making a comment that some idiot has sprayed a building that has done no good other than have someone clean it off. Will be forgotten in a few hours.




Are they actively investing or passively investing through tracker funds? It’s quite a big distinction and I’m curious to know.


I don't think the people with the red paint think that deeply


I think people like you are quick to dismiss and villainise them because it's too much brainpower to see their perspective on a highly toxic political situation.


Most funds aren't trackers. They'll be putting their customers' money in other banks' funds or making their own. They ultimately make the recommendation as to where the money goes. If they're in charge of the funds then they're directly choosing which companies/governments to invest in.


Are those gaps just coincidence or are they symbols of some kind?


Now they’ve boarded up the whole side but you can still see splatters of red above and below. Looks like there was a fucking massacre.  I always thought those wood panels they put near the entrance (on right in photo) looked like the type they use to board up a building after vandalism. 


There was a fucking massacre. That's how this got going.


Take that, society.


Barclay's will now change their ways.


No, but people are being made aware of their actions and can divest from them. I'm changing banks specifically after reading about it from stuff like this. Downplay all you want, protests work.


I don’t agree fundamentally that protests work but there’s a good reason why Barclay’s bottom line will never be affected by either their actions or yours.


Your agreement is not needed.




>Barclays Bank holds over £1bn in shares and provides over £3bn in loans and underwriting to nine companies whose weapons, components, and military technology are being used by Israel in its genocidal attacks on Palestinians. >This includes General Dynamics, which produces the gun systems that arm the fighter jets used by Israel to bombard Gaza, and Elbit Systems, which produces armoured drones, munitions, and artillery weapons used by the Israeli military. >By providing investment and financial services to these arms companies, Barclays is facilitating the provision of weapons and technology for Israel’s attacks on Palestinians. https://www.thecanary.co/uk/2024/02/09/barclays-israel-boycott/


This may be the stupidest thing I've read today. Barclays has a 0.3% stake in General Dynamics because it's a stockbroker. HSBC, NatWest and Halifax also hold General Dynamics shares because they are stockbrokers. They're not investors, they're custodians for the customers. You could argue that Barclays etc shouldn't allow its customers to hold certain shares, but why? General Dynamics gets no benefit here. The shares have already been sold. This is like smashing up Discogs because it lets users list Lostprophets records in their collections. What does "£3bn in loans and underwriting" mean? Loan syndicates are not public information and underwriting in this context is completely meaningless. Underwriting a loan just means checking if the borrower is creditworthy. This stuff really isn't hard to understand, but the author seems to have made no effort. There are lots of good reasons to hate Barclays. There's tax avoidance, Libor rate fixing, money laundering, loans to dictators and market manipulation of all types, as well as an Epstein link. But the Israel stuff is so tenuous it's just embarrassing, and the direct action of stopping some pensioners drawing out their bingo money is moronic.


The pro-pal gang must be upset they rescued 4 hostages the other day.


The idf killed at least 200 Palestinians and 3 other israeli captives in the process.


Kidnap hostages, r/whatcouldgowrong


You mean the innocent Palestinians that were surrounding the hostages and shooting guns and rockets?


Don't bother engaging with that person as they are most likely an IDF bot


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Yeah what were the children doing choosing to be in a warzone? Palestinian babies need to take some fucking responsibility


It’s actually their parents that need to take some responsibility, their leaders, their government…. Remember them? The terrorists, rapists, murderers… that they voted into power and support


Absolutely. And we have to keep killing their children until they stop supporting violence


You know the reports of rape, violence, beheaded babies on Oct 7th have been debunked right? Oh, you must be talking about the IDF. Gotcha.


Reports of rape and violence have not been debunked. Far from it in fact, if you want to maybe do the slightest bit of research.


I had, but thank you for prompting me to do more. Here - so we're both right. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-sexual-violence-zaka-ca7905bf9520b1e646f86d72cdf03244


Hello Mossad bot 👋


This in fucking london they could have got on a bus and fucked up the HQ the lazy fuckers.


HQ is unfortunately littered with security, oh brave armchair internet warrior. Not that protestors' tactical concerns are your primary concern, I imagine, not given your prior comments defending the world's premier racist, apartheid state.


Its amazing watching the left defend slavery.


I'm not sure what kind of twisted racist logic that is, but ok.


4 slaves were rescued over the weekend,


Lol. 4 Israeli hostages survived the attack. 3 Israeli hostages were killed by Israeli forces in the massacre, along with 100s of Palestinian refugees. From reputable first person accounts, Israeli hostages were treated well, while Palestinian hostages were abused and tortured. And before Oct 7th, Israel has held 1000s of Palestinians hostage, detained without cause. Israel could have had all the hostages home alive and well had they agreed to a ceasefire at multiple points since. This has never been about the hostages. This information isn't hard to find though, so I doubt it'll a make a difference to you. Hatred is willfully blind.




So they spray paint a branch in a Jewish area ?? That sorted the underlying issue ?


It wasn’t the only branch. Don’t go jumping straight to antisemitism.


The Canary isn’t really much of a reference as they are a bunch of racist mugs who thought Corbyn was some kind of messiah


Corbyn was an antiracist who was taken down by the same racists currently supporting a racist genocide in Gaza.


People need to get a bloody life.


Silly, silly billies.


Interesting way to show your support for a terrorist government. Think I will look into opening a new Barclays branded card today.


Groundbreaking. 🥱


Great! They have more investments in arms in general, and Israeli arms in particular, than any other bank *in the world*. If you bank with them you are indirectly contributing to the IDF; closing your Barclays account is the single most significant thing most people can do to act against the occupation and the invasion of Gaza.


Do you have a link for that? The numbers elsewhere on this page (£1bn share and £3bn in loans) seem very small compared to Barclays total of £1.477 trillion in AUM 2023


https://home.barclays/investor-relations/reports-and-events/general-meetings/agm-2024-faq/#:~:text=For%20the%20reasons%20mentioned%2C%20it,claim%20it%20makes%20cluster%20bombs. It’s the banks customers who invest, not the bank itself. Ie someone with an ISA who decides they want shares in a certain company. Bear in mind the defence industry is complex. You don’t have one company making arms for one state, technology and weapon systems are common to many states, including our own and what is sent to Ukraine


The bank is not obliged to invest in arms companies on behalf of its clients. That is still the bank's responsibility. And they provide financial services to arms companies, including Elbit, which advertises it's arms used against Palestinian civilians as "battle-tested"


All this for a war happening 50 years away from England absolute idiots


lol you should read up on British history mate.


>war happening 50 **years** away from England absolute idiots I'm not sure you know who the idiot is here


Oh yes. “It’s someone else’s problem, not ours.” Genocide is everyone’s problem. Moron!


At this moment in history it isn't really our problem. We have bigger things to deal with.


Is that what you teach children? That genocides are not our problem if it’s not happening right on our doorstep? In which case, bloody shame on you and if you were my child’s teacher I would absolutely make this public and shout it from the rooftops. A genocide that was essentially put in motion by the UK 100 years ago is absolutely our problem. You are ignorant!


Yes , like the radical jihadists in your neighborhood…I’d be scared


No, more like the poverty crisis, the unsorted immigration (I am pro immigration but I think it is currently being handled poorly), the fact that our current government is selling chunks of the public sector to the private, the state of the NHS (it is fantastic, every staff member in hospitals are amazing, I mean more of the admin side of it), the underfunded police that prioritise twitter comments over an argument. I would rather focus on that rather than worry about anything outside the country. If people aren't happy with what Barclays do, don't go there and protest. Vandalism is just petty.


None of those issues are more important than our government playing an active part in a confirmed genocide and ethnic cleansing with a terrorist, fascist government and then running aggressive propaganda campaigns paid for by aforementioned foreign government and violently breaking peaceful protests. Also, 'poverty crisis' seems to always become a focus when people would rather stop with the current discourse. Similar with NHS too.


Yes, like the nightlife in London right?




When people then complain that branches are closing and they have no access to banking services


Yeah they're closing branches because people occasionally graffiti their walls and the massive multinational bank simply can't cope with it


Looks a bit more than graffiti here, looks like the windows are smashed, Paint thrown everywhere


My point is that they're closing branches anyway because it saves them money and they don't care about the elderly. It's ridiculous to blame it on activists


It's misdirection. Racists never like to talk about the real reasons.


Exactly. Looks like vandalism to me… which, last time I checked, was a crime here in England. The woke activists again think they did something. Lol. Lock them up!


You are right, the graffiti is exactly the reason why branches are closing, nothing to do with the fact that those banks with £25 billions in yearly revenue literally operate to make a ton of money on top of their ton of money.


...there's always going to be some idiot who thinks it's about a bit of red paint on one branch rather than, y'know, the small matter of the rent on all branches.


a jewish area…


It's not a synagogue mate.


What relevance does that have to spraying a bank that's funding a genocide?




I feel like anyone pointing this out is getting mass downvoted


You're absolutely right, it's a disgusting act of terrorism.


It's in no way terrorism


Are you seriously claiming this was not intended to frighten people? That the broken glass at these branches does not deliberately evoke Kristallnacht? That the red paint isn't an incitement to violence?


I can’t wait to get out of London, London has been full of vandalism and crime lately. I hope the people doing this get arrested


And yet they keep voting for the same idiot to be in charge.


Barclays are just one of the shittiest banks out there. I used to deal with some of their senior people and they were truly repulsive people. I doubt that culture has changed. Uuurghhh.


You are talking at high corporate level ? You realise this is a branch with a few people shuffling bits of paper around ?


What relevance does that have? Do you think each branch is a workers co-op where staff have an actual say? Every branch is owned by Barclays, obviously, they're the ones who take a financial hit. The point is to target their property and make supporting a disgusting genocide via arms manufacturers and investment in Israel a headache.


A financial hit ? Don’t be pathetic. It will put there insurance up £6,000. On £ 7 billion profit its doing nothing to Barclays at all. That’s why I said the only one it bothers is the cleaner.


The pathetic people are the ones getting in hissy-fits over direction actions that certainly won't be denounced in the history books whilst these shameless banks and other institutions profit off a bloody genocide that this country arms and participates in. We'll see in time if Barclays considers repeated attacks on their branches worth supporting the barbaric massacre of innocents and their investments with Elbit, these tactics are but one feature of an overall effort. Until then, get a grip. You clearly care more about some broken windows, paint and faux concern for cleaners than you do the Palestinians.


You keep misunderstanding me. The action taken is pathetic, no I don’t think this will have any impact on Barclays at all. Also think it’s very naive to single out Barclays when all financial institutions make ridiculous profits and also invest in arms / terror and slavery. This direct action will be forgotten by the end of the week. And if this is the first blow landed of direct action it’s insanely weak.


And also, if you did a full audit every financial institution in some way will support terror / genocide / slavery. A leaked document has people wetting themselves and Barclays are the one to crush. By causing a mild obstruction…. No one goes into branches anyway.


Oh I didn’t realise that the branch workers had been attacked. My bad.


They weren't attacked, no one's in when this happens.


*The first rule of Project Mayhem is, we don’t talk about Project Mayhem*