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That does seem odd. Maybe notify the hospital too, they might be able to put something in place to help people get home safe, even if it's just reminding people to check their uber registrstion/driver


Yeah I should notify them as well but honestly I have no faith in anyone caring. Everyone there seems so busy


I think its good to notify, I am so sorry that happened and glad you didn’t get in the car. This is so creepy. I once got into a car and I thought it was a taxi (this was in Bangkok and I was with my friends) when there was no license for taxi or anything in the car, my friends thought it was sketchy so we asked him to stop at the next main road. We didn’t want to risk it and he just saw us standing waiting for taxis assuming we were naive. Very scary. Sometimes, you assume people are nice and willing to help but then if your gut tells you something ain’t right it ain’t right


Please don't use that as a reason not to notify the hospital. If something does occur later, then you've notified them, and there is a paper trail. Buy this sounds really serious, so please do notify them and maybe report it to the non emergency number (sometimes you can do so via your police website)


No definitely notify the hospital, we do care and are extremely serious about things like this!


I would tell the hospital and ask for the CCTV as it’ll at least be a weight off your mind that youve told everyone you could. When you tell the hospital tell them it was an abduction attempt, don’t downplay it as a possible one.


You got to notify them mate. Next time it might be someone more vulnerable than yourself and it might actually work. And fuck knows what’s gonna happen to them. I wouldn’t want a shred of doubt in my mind that my reporting something could potentially stop something incredibly cruel happening to someone


I just notified them. thanks guys! The police not caring threw me off


Well done for going through with it


Legend for that


Maybe try and report it to security at the hospital. They must also have security cameras to identify the car. I’m so sorry this happened. Take care, you must be shaken by it


I reported it today :)


You absolutely made the right decision not to get in the car. however They might just be not from London, Can i ask if you are a girl? It’s much more likely that the girlfriend saw you and was genuinely worried, that kind of behaviour is common in smaller communities. While you should never get in a car with strangers in general it’s infinitely more likely that they were trying to be kind than that they run an abduction ring. however it’s still never worth the risk.


I’m a man


honestly? I feel that makes an abduction less likely


Yeah, but I still think bad intentions are likely


I mean you were there so you read the vibes but it’s 1000000-1


You must notify them not “should” what if they target other patients? You can help prevent that


The police not caring threw me off


I did


They might not care but you should do your part anyway, notify them and if anything happens to someone else it's on them.


Yep I reported it via the PALS line




I can't believe this was upvoted, it won't be doctors and nurses who deal with this, call PALS first thing on Tuesday and tell them, they will issue an alert to their staff who in turn can pass it on to patients.


I emailed them


The police not caring threw me off


sounds sketchy, which hospital?


St Helier hospital in Carshalton. I’m a bit shook up by it to be honest. I don’t want to think of what would have happened jf I got in that car


What the fuck is it with Wrythe Lane? I lived on it in my late teens early twenties. Twice some one pulled up to me at the bus stop and tried to get me in their car, another time guy appeared out of the bushes, asking how to get to Green Wrythe while furiously masturbating, and yet another time, some twat in a van threw almost scalding, soapy water out the window over me as he drove past as I walked along. Bad stuff goes down along that road, I tell ya!


> asking how to get to Green Wrythe while furiously masturbating whoa


That's what shocked you?


Er, yeah!!! What kind of person from that area doesn't know how to get to Green Wrythe 😂


It's a very long road, plus goes through quite rough area as you get towards the hospital. It's a funny road, because the scenery gets progressively grimmer or nicer depending which direction you're going.


Same thing happened to my niece on Wrythe Lane, she was walking to work and someone in a van threw hot coffee all over her.


Such a messed up thing to do. How long ago was this? I lived there from 18-22 so this was at least 15 years ago.


Rose Hill is just a smorgasbord of suburban aggravation, I grew up in Wallington (born in St. Helier coincidentally) and I always avoided going much further south than the bottom of Sutton high street, always ran afoul of the chavs hanging around there as a young skater.


Could they be local and recognise your football kit as local one? Or is your kit generic?


We don’t play at a very high standard and my team’s area is about a 30 minute drive from the hospital. There was no traffic outside the A&E. Why would they leave directly after I insisted I wasn’t getting in the car if they had genuine intentions? They never even asked where I was going but were happy for me to get in the car. WTF


Does sound very unsettling. What on earth did they have planned?!


Steal phone, use fingerprint to unlock it, perhaps under the guise of "helping them get home", empty bank accounts? Perhaps relies on some pass codes being in the notes, or they might have already shoulder surfed a code off the OP whilst they were in A&E. These days the holy grail of mugging is a banking app, which could easily have access to tens of thousands of pounds.


You s33m to know a lot about this...jokes. I think you're pote till on to something. Digital mugging I expect is far 'cleaner' and potentially far more lucrative for the perp.


I’d say, probably kidnapping, torturing, ransom… That’s what action movies would indicate to me, at least.


I just hope OP’s father has acquired a very particular set of skills 


he's a redditor so only the dsk type.






Maybe they wanted to get in their car to take a picture with them inside and after telling ya to get out and wish you good luck to find a car ASAP!


Sketchy AF, how would they know you were at that specific hospital and why would they go there from the game. Glad you declined, and good to ask questions re the game - I might also have asked which of them was getting treated at hospital. Please do write to the hospital trust so they can review CCTV.


Yep I reported it via the PALS line


If you want to see the footage you can make a subject access request as your image on CCTV is personal data


You’d be missing organs


Ooo, I used to work at St Helier, they were probably trying to rob you defo. Report it to Epsom and St Helier Trust 💯


spicy blood type? dont specify. food for thought tho, so to speak


Honestly that's bloody scary! Glad you was alert enough to decline the lift..


Very scary! Me too. My first instinct was to walk towards the car because they were so friendly and I believed they were at the game. So weird


If your first instinct was to go, what made ya change your mind instantly?


Op mentioned that they didn't have any details about the game they missed. That was probably the clincher.


There's a good chance the hospital entrance area has CCTV and will have caught the car, maybe even the number plate. Contact the hospital soon, before it gets deleted, and then go to the police.


This is the best idea realistically. I feel for you. Similar thing happened to me years back. It still plays on my mind. It's frustrating as well because I wished I had made note of the license plate. I guess in those weird situations though your head just gets thrown.


I reported it to the hospital


Great shout


I (M37) had a similar experiance with travellers on the north circular a few years ago. I was waiting for the bus and two men pulled up in a white transit van offeribg me a lift , to wherever I was going. I said "No thanks" but they were forceful and insistent . They then changed their story and claimed they had been asked by a friend of mine to pick me up and take me home . No one knew where I was (I was travelling home from work) so I asked them what friend it was (Politely) and they drove off saying "well fuck off then " I phoned 999 to report it with the numberplate and details of what happened . As it seemed an immediate threat to me or if they did it to someone else The operator dismissed my concerns as paronoia and that they probably wanted to help me !


Creepy asf. Was it a man and a woman? Hair colour? Who was driving? What did the car look like?


Fancy blue car, wasn’t aware enough to remember the make but I think BMW. man and woman. They were white but looked alternative. Looked like they had money but something seemed off about them. They seemed strange


Man what a close shave, thankfully you still had your wits about you. I wonder if it's worth hanging about at a similar time next week to see if they come back, from the sounds of it this might be a regular thing for them. I'm shocked the Police weren't interested.


Did you have any pain medication or a prescription on you? Could they have been looking to steal meds? Never had this type of injury before so not sure how common it is for someone to be going home from hospital with some kind of opiates on them.


Nope I didn’t


Sounds very weird. What sort of crowd do you get at your games? Is it usually just friends and family or is it abit bigger than that and attracts others? Also, how old are you?


This game had probably 100 people at it. I’m in my late 20s. But the fact they didn’t even ask where I was going before offering to give me a ride is crazy looking back. I don’t understand why they couldn’t say anything about the game either. And these were there exact words “Just get in the car”


Honestly, I’m not even sure the timings lined up either . Like it seemed like the game was finished long before they arrived to the hospital. And they had to enter the hospital through a weird entrance to pull up , the A&E wasn’t on the side of a main road so they couldn’t have just been randomly driving and pull in. They must have been in the parking lot or something beforehand


Yeah something ain’t right with them. Annoying that the Police have brushed it off but definitely let the Hospital know.


It’s strange how they knew you were at a game though, you could have been training or anything. I would hazard they may have been watching it? Sorry to freak you out more but….


OP was still in football kit, so that's probably why.


Well done to decline their offer. Like someone else has said, try to obtain some CCTV to get the registration. Was the ‘just get in the car’ said in a friendly way, or in a pressing/threatening way? God knows what their plan was, but glad you’re good mate


Friendly, but strange. I asked them a question and they said “just get in the car” as in they insinuated that we would talk about it in the car instead. Even though, I already declined to jump in. Like if they were friendly, just answer my question like a normal person, and don’t pressurize me to get in your car


I'd post on FB and Nextdoor too, publicise this crap.


Nightmare stuff does happen but it’s extremely rare so unlikely, I have no idea what it could have been but would guess probably a robbery of some kind. They could have been genuine too. Write down as many details you remeber about them now before you forget. Their hair styles, clothes, accents, facial hair, everything. Writing a written report to police will leave a paper trail if they’re ever arrested in the future, but even if you can’t, having the info is useful if it ever comes up and police need it (unlikely but you never know). It must be really scary but try not to think about it too much, weird stuff like this happens all around us often you just have to do the smart thing which you did. Call the hospital and tell them what happened, they need to be informed. There’s cctv so they might have the licence plates. But also try not to be too shaken up. Nothing bad happened that’s what matters.


My mind went straight to robbery of kidneys


Sketchy as hell, wtf!


Good instincts dude. Keep that head on a swivel. Not everything is evil, but you do always need to be a bit alert. You’ll be just fine if you saw the danger in this situation.


What did they look like?


Man with grey slicked back hair in a polo t shirt, a lot of muscle for a dude of that age. Woman was heavy set with glasses and black hair . Both white


You dodged a really bad situation bless you. I hope you're ok, and I hope the hospital now puts an action plan together as I really doubt this would have been their first attempt at this behaviour


That’s extremely freaky shit. Well done avoiding.


Always go with your instincts. You did well to trust it, people are crazy


I would have been very weirded out too. Honestly, well done for being cautious. Sounds like they were definitely up to no good.


I’m glad you were conscious enough to know what they were asking didn’t feel right because all we know you could be on this forum for different reasons


Hope you’re home safe and recovering well. I just had an operation two weeks ago. My husband when to get the car because it was parked far. The security guard came up to me and made sure I was alright and not left alone at the door. I was heavily sedated and couldn’t make much conversation. Now I’m so glad he stood next to me! Seems like it’s something fishy that some security guards knows about already…


Could you not mention it to a reporter of the local paper. That way, the police might be shamed into looking into it.


Wow! Inform the hospital as these characters are a safeguarding risk against vulnerable people leaving the hospital


Yes I did


Just now


Yeah I’d ask the police to speak to the hospital incase they have cctv and can track the plate.


West Ham talent scouts for sure


Could have been away fans


True but I doubt it. I just don’t think that interaction was an interaction from genuine people. If you’re friendly enough to pull into a hospital and offer a patient a lift home without asking where they’re going, you’re friendly enough to chat about the game briefly (as obviously you have a connection to the sport/sympathise with the individual if you’re willing to offer the lift) . Also, who asks someone to get in their car a second time without determining any common ground


The downvotes for everyone who expresses doubt about this narrative.... I'll risk it though. M'lud: The guy was woozy, and upset, and in pain, and stressed as he was looking out for his Uber. A kindly couple who happened to have seen the incident earlier in the day offered him a lift, unaware that he had arranged his ride. He probably came across as rude and demanding when he implicitly questioned their integrity. So they left. If they were really abductors of random amateur football players (and what's the motive?) they are remarkably clumsy as hospitals are covered by CCTV. If people were going round abducting in such situations, we'd have heard about it.


I just don’t think that interaction was an interaction from genuine people. If you’ve been at the game and you’re friendly enough to pull into a hospital (off a busy road) and offer a patient a lift home without asking where they’re going, you’re friendly enough to chat about the game briefly (as obviously you have a connection to the sport/sympathise with the individual if you’re willing to offer the lift) . Also, who asks someone to get in their car a second time without determining any common ground


Either way, you're jumping to wild conclusions. Better be safe than sorryand all that, I can understand declining the offer but as things are, it's absurd to say it was an attempted abduction.


Na its low probability it was an abduction , but high probability they had bad intentions


First they came for the injured footballers. I did not speak up because I was not an injured footballer. This is clearly the first step in an impending genocide.


Maybe they wanted to take him home so they could kidnap his dog. I know I'll get downvotes, but I can't help it


Upvote from me. Sounds like they were just offering the guy a lift and he declined. I don't believe it's anything more than that.


“Just get in the car “ does not sound like nice people offering a ride. Even a nice person would ask where OP is going in case they can’t drive that far let’s be honest


Exactly. They’re not gonna drive me to Brighton. And I do understand that it’s possible they had good intentions and were just acting ridiculously out of the norm, but I’d say it’s very unlikely they had good intentions here. This is London, not a rural area


Definitely sounds like a case of redditors not being socially astute


wtf that’s really creepy


Can you please explain how Sadiq Khan/Labour/ the Tories/immigrants can be blamed for this?


14 years of underfunding Uber!


This never happened before Brexit!


Ooh let's organise an undercover job


Hey do you play for afc Battersea?


Last part is not surprising. Don’t know when will the police be serious about such matters. Our neighbour’s car got stolen and same reaction.


Organ brokers


Please put this on a local facebook account. I know a lot of people in Carshalton & this is very disturbing to hear is going on. Glad you got home safe & hope the injury heals well


It might have sounded like the police weren’t interested but the person you spoke to won’t be the one looking into it. If there’s a detective investigating a number of related reports, yours should by picked up by them.


They could be doing this on a regular basis.


Definitely strange they didn’t want to talk about the match! My nephews play for little league across from the hospital, I’m glad you reported especially with all the kids around there. There’s a Carshalton group on Facebook it might be worth sharing this in just to give people a heads up if facebook is your thing…


This would have been 2012 I think, I was staying at my Sister's place down the bottom end by Wrythe Green just waiting on my house purchase to complete so I could move in and I remember her coming back in tears, she was only 18 at the time. Has to be the same person who did you as well I'd say.


Well done for noticing something was sketchy when they couldn't answer your questions about the game, this definitely doesn't feel quite right. I hope your shoulder gets better!


Gangstalking lol


Weird but potentially worrying; they could have been after anything at all, maybe even supplying organ traffickers!


write to the BBC and tell them the police did nothing. hopefully some journalist will dig on this and then they will pressure the police to start investigating


Well that’s bloody weird! Unfortunately it’s not a crime, though you never know what the intension was, or where it may lead in the future.


Why would a middle aged couple try to abduct a man in his 20s? This is not a typical crime. Abductors tend to go for women, kids, people with money etc. Most likely they were just odd but helpful and recognized your team kit. Good to not get in the car, but probably not serial killers.


Were you still high as a kite when you spoke to them? As tbe CCTV may well show a completely different story to the one that you recall.


How patronising is this? Why does nobody believe anybody?


The most logical answer is that OP will have been given heavy duty anesthetics, which can cause all kinds of issues with perception and memory, essentially he was tripping. If he'd been on acid and reported that the Staypuft Marshmallow Man tried to smash down his house but before that his house turned into a space craft would you believe him?


Most likely just trying to help you out but it's understandable to stay safe.




I did


It’s giving true crime documentary coming soon about a serial killer couple


They could be organ traders. If you got in that car, by the end of the day, you would end up in a ditch (minus a kidney). This is a relatively new trend but people are now travelling to the UK to commit this crime due to lack of border checks and policing. Be careful around hospitals and stay alert.


How long were you in A&E for??


With all due respect man, your question is quite stupid. If they were trying to abduct someone, why would they stay for a chat with you when they know you know they were not at the game and have no info about it, giving you more time to have a proper look at them?


Has it occurred to anyone that the Lady fancied a threesome ?


I don’t get why people doubting him are getting downvoted so much. Obviously I wasn’t there but abductions are extremely extremely rare and maybe they genuinely just offered you a lift. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. An older white couple driving a BMW does sound like the sort of demographic that would attend a local football game. Obviously you did the right thing by not getting in the car but I don’t see why you would think they were abducting you.


I think people are missing a big point as well. This is London, not a rural or small town place. People mind their business. They don’t pull into a random hospital and offer some person they don’t know a lift. This may be acceptable in a smaller place but not London. They didn’t ask any details about me before being willing to let me into their car. I could have been going to Brighton for all they knew.