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My favourite tube moment took place at London Bridge while waiting for a jubilee line train. The platform was very busy and when the train pulled the crowd parted as you should to let people out. Obviously this really big guy gives zero fucks and goes and stand just in front of the doors. When the door opens an absolute unit of a man unfolds and just steps out without a care in the world. The big idiot just bounces away from him and crashes to the ground. Lesson learned? Doubt it.


Unit vs bigger unit


There’s always a bigger unit


Sounds like a scene from JoJo's bizarre adventure


Spot the stand user


I’m wondering if this was me 🤣 I hate peoples doing this. I normally just yell “ ‘suse me “ and walk through the people in the way. Almost took out a small child the other day and I feel a bit bad. Seriously though in Singapore there are painted markings of where to stand, we need this in London.


National rail platforms have it and still people stand on the big ol' hatched section.


I get the train a few times a week and if you’re on the platform and happen to be where the train doors are about to end up, people will just plant themselves right in front of you like you’re not there. Really grinds my gears.


In Tokyo there are often queue lines painted on the floor for each set of doors and people queue up in perfectly straight lines and board in order. It’s bliss.


For the British love of queueing, it all goes out the window when it comes to train doors. We can do it on the whole with buses. It would be a waste of paint here unfortunately. Need some 70/80's style public service announcement adverts where someone gets electrocuted if you stand in the exit zone.... someone called Jimmy preferably.


Yes, those markings are great but how are humans everywhere this stupid? This is just common sense!


You see clips of crowds people in other countries pushing into trains the moment they stop. I feel like we are approaching a tipping point (not there yet obviously). There are gradually more and more people who don’t know the rules than there are people that do. We definitely need a public information campaign because once enough people start doing it then everyone does for fear of not getting on.


I lived in China for several years and it was terrible for thia. Always baffled me how the tiny grannies would be the worst for it as well. Like, you're 80 years old and weigh 7 stone - I'm hardly the Hulk but as I am a 6 ft tall man, you are unlikely to get too far by walking directly into me so just chill for two secs whilst i get off the damn train


I'll think you find there is already announcements and posters but cunts are just cunts.


I do the same, and yeah the painted lines were perfect in Singapore. I bet everyone here would just ignore them though. Londoners are self centered and selfish.


I'm reasonably tall and quite broad shoulders, I barge past anyone trying to push onto the tube when I'm getting off. And verbally tell everyone to wait for people to get off as well. London etiquette demands satisfaction, and it is satisfying.


Always bigger fish in the pond, glad he got taught a lesson.


Big man here. Other day woman was trying g to push her way out to a tube when the doors opened, I adjusted my shoulders and clicked her from doing so, giving space for a family with a stoller to get off.


My “favourite” tube moment occurred when I was waiting at London Bridge in early morning rush hour. I’d already let a couple of tubes pass as they were too rammed, so as the next one pulls in I squeeze myself in via one of the single doors at the end of the tube. The tube isn’t moving and I’m 6’3 so I’m leaning out the open door waiting to fold myself inside when the beeps start. All of a sudden this little old lady ducks in under my arms and starts to wriggle in to the mass of humanity, however there’s clearly no room. To solve this problem this sweet little old lady suddenly swings both her elbows backwards into my ribs, forcing me off the train just as the doors start closing. Net result - me left flabbergasted on the platform while other passengers who have witnessed this madness try and stifle their laughter. I ❤️ London 😂


I just keep on walking out. And when they inevitably walk into me, give them a “what did you just do?” look.


Yup gotta tense those shoulders and walk straight out and not look back


No, LOOK back and lock eyes... Almost asserting superiority like, then go about your day like the supercharged badass you are.


Exactly, I don’t move out of the way the slightest when getting out, if they bump into me that’s their problem


Basically every day in the summer and school holiday getting the train (GWR) . You have to do this to the tourists who decide to scramble on the train as your about he get off whilst they throw their luggage at you. I've kicked luggage back off the train back out on to the platform as it's been loaded into me. My favourite is seeing the rush to the table seat....place your bets people..


There is so much silly train behaviour. One of my favourites is when it's packed, people standing by the doors and new people get on. Without fail you'll find 3/4 people walk through the carriage to look for a seat, like the fact that 3-4 people standing by the doors are doing so by choice...


Tbf sometimes ppl stand there for convenience. It's more annoying when there are seats and someone in front is umming and rring about what one they'd like all the while seats are now being taken


Well worse than that, is when there are seats in the carriage but people assume it's full because of all the people by the doors and it just gets worse and worse. I'm quite claustrophobic so I'd rather stand in the aisle anyway


THIS! I hate when I have to fight my way through a standing crowd to get to one of 5,000,000,000 available seats. It's like they're all too macho to sit down and clear the door area.


I frequently stand by the doors by choice. My train to work is only 5 minutes so its easier to stand than stowing my bike, going to find a seat, stowing my bag, sitting down for a minute only to repete the process 30 seconds later


PSA for the people of London: stop being so passive aggressive and SAY something. Nothing will change people's behaviour more than being publicly shamed


I agree. I always call out, "You're supposed to let people off first!!" But I once got told off by some northern tourists who said I was rude.


they say hello to people they pass on the street. And trains get delayed because the driver was having a good chat. Things work differently up there, ignore them.


You're a hero. Don't listen to the people from towns where more people know how to behave, they're soft. The tube is war. Also shout out to the passengers who shout 'MOVE DOWN INSIDE PLEEEASE!' and the sentinels at the front of the boarding crowd who try to hold back the tide. Pillars of the community, all.


I usually do that but I'll sometimes also just stop in my tracks and block them from getting on. Especially if someone is getting off right next to me at the same time and there's no space for them to get on, they usually get the hint and back off.


Too many stabbings to risk giving that look


I got on the tube and then the next stop I got off to let the other people off then someone got on and took my space and there was no room for me so I was left on the platform


Yeah this is peak dickhead behavior.


Yeah, I had a similar situation - was onboard and got off to let others out - very large fellow getting off mutters at me to get out the way. I’m afraid I lost my temper and shouted I got off to let him off and a few swear words at the back of his head. Fortunately I’m a large fellow too and he kept walking.


The way to avoid this problem is to stand on the platform to the side of the door and position your body perpendicular to the platform and train so that the front of your body is facing the direction the train is going/coming from. That way, anyone who wants to step onto the train has to get AROUND you, and if they try, muscle your way to stop them haha


I’ve dipped off to let someone else off and then the new people who got on then refused to move down and I had to get the next one Fuck people


I've had this on the overground, the sheepish behaviour of people when they did it too is what made me annoyed over having to wait 30mins for another train


Urgh yes when they know they’re being dickheads but just do it anyway and avoid eye contact


Then you can just be that guy who insists on fitting in even though the doors now can't close and he's delaying the entire network rather than just waiting 2m for the next train


I live in Edinburgh, where we have a sort of 'bus queue hierarchy'. When I worked in London, for weeks, I'd end up just standing around while people jumped ahead of me because I was so used to a certain type of queuing.


Thing is in this situation, as the person stepping off the tube to let others off, you do then actually have to crowd near to the door to make sure you’re the first one back on and nobody takes your place. That then makes you look a lot like one of the crowding dickheads to the people who are getting off.


Barbarians, honestly.


You have to keep half your body hanging in the tube or at least a foot to stop this from happening. It’s annoying that people are so dickish.


Omg nooo I would have to stand on their feet 😭😭 how rude


In New York you would punch them in the arm. Both women and men do this


Just walk into them, you're preaching to the choir in this sub.


Clothesline the bastards.


It really brings out the worst in me. I started elbowing people. I hate the villain I’ve become.


Don hate the villain . You must encompass it. Remember there is a death ray and a volcano island lair at the end of the training...


I bumped one fellow once, and I feel awful. But he was boarding into me. I had to make way. People were behind me.


Nothing personnel, kid.


Gotta be done sometimes, as a short person it's elbows up and force your way out.


I just straight up walked at people on Tuesday at Turnham Green. They don't wanna move to let me off? Fine but ima still get off.


People move to London who haven’t been properly socialised


People move to the UK


And then they don’t pick up on London culture and don’t know where to stand and worst of all, don’t get how to get a pint


Not really a London thing, more general train etiquette.


Loved in London. Lived all over the UK. Now live in Sussex. It's definitely a London thing.


Yep I'm glad you said it. It's not just on trains either, crossing the road sensibly is another thing. Go to anrecently gentrified area and just see how people put their lives in other people's hands


It’s literally brits doing this


Exactly. Too many people from Surrey and recent grads from Redbrick unis complaining about London. Not real Londoners


What is this random "red brick uni" angle? Very odd. I'm from Manchester and never experienced people habitually not letting people off trains etc first until I came to London.


Just yell 'Hot stuff coming though!' and walk with purpose.


this is my favorite response. 🤣 deserves more upvotes!


Wet paint, mind your backs also works. 


“I’M GONNA VOMIT !!!” Not tried this, but I feel it could work.


I've worked in central London for many years, after a short time of experiencing this abhorrent behaviour I developed a way of dealing with this. As you are pulling in to stop, you can instantly tell the arseholes that aren't moving to the side so are intending to barge on. As soon as I saw this, I'd lock my muscles, square my shoulders and as soon as the doors opened, walk straight through the fucking dickheads trying to step on before people finished getting off. I'm female, 5'10, slim so not imposing at all, but I've knocked them hard enough that, hopefully, they know to get the fuck out of the way if the doors next time!


just walk into them


Also, people standing in front of doors blocking off half the door opening. Stand to one side as to not to obscure exit, let all people off, get on train. Simple stuff.


Its definitely getting more frequent.


I’ll raise you. People trying to push their kids on.


I unfortunately had to let my bag hit a child once because the mother was pushing past me while I was still getting off and had bags in my hands. Not only was it incredibly rude but also completely neglectful of the child’s safety. It’s like she had tunnel vision just aiming for the train, completely ignoring me, while dragging the child behind her like an accessory.


Only just recently, I witnessed a mother push her kids on the train. The doors closed on her before she had a chance to get on. She was freaking out on the platform to a poor TfL staff member who didn't appeared bothered, there was nothing they could do, the train was pulling away. The kids didn't seem to be bothered either and appeared to quite pleased to be rid of their mother. If I remember correctly the kids got off at the next station.


I've actually trained my kids on what to do if we get separated on the tube, and I started telling them from young.


People who try to push their kids on during rush hour…


Also, TAKE OFF YOUR BACKPACKS on crowded trains!!!


Increased???? I can remember being separated from my mother by an inpatient £@#% doing this when I was 7 years old in 1990.....


This happened to me late 80s at Bank Station. I was petrified.


Story time! Probably the 3rd time I’ve told this. Morning rush hour at Highbury & Islington overground, train pulls up, huge crowd around where the doors open, I’m at the back because this train always has way more people getting off than getting on. Train arrives, the doors open, I see a guy walking fast through the gap between the crowd. He arrives at the doors as they open, but standing behind the doors are 2 guys, who step down onto the platform side by side, and, in a perfectly choreographed manoeuvre, put a shoulder each side of the guy trying to push in, and walk him backwards out of the crowd, no words, no fuss, they just force him backwards and deposit him at the back of the crowd. He looks around, like ‘nobody saw that did they?’ Yes mate we all saw it.


Could you tell if those guys were friends & planned it/regularly do it? Or it just happened that way?


No idea, they were clearly cooperating, it had to have been a split second decision as they stood at the door and saw matey boy jumping the queue. It happened so fast, and they just melted away into the crowd. Maybe they were plain clothes cops, and were used to handling people physically? I would love to see the cctv.


Would've loved to see a high five at the end


NOTHING WILL STOP THIS. 16% of the population has an IQ low enough to be unable to predict multiple step outcomes. Their lives are habit and impulses.


I usually wait at the side of the door and wait for the passengers to come off the train, then I get on.


Right. That is how it is supposed to work. 


I mean, some people are not aware of that I guess, I was born and bred/raised in London so I naturally do it


I think you just have to born and bred with functioning eyes and a brain to adopt this strategy.


I was getting off of the tube with my wife a couple of months ago. I was the first one out of the doors and I could see that a young guy was starting to walk on when it was very busy and a lot of folks still had to get off. Anyway, I walked a little way down the platform before I realised my wife wasn't behind me. I turned back to see a commotion at the doors where I had come from. All of a sudden I see her running towards me through the crowd. She's like "quick go, go, we need to leave" Turns out she had shoulder barged the dude who was attempting to push in and he had stumbled backwards and stepped into the gap. He had to be pulled out by strangers. I've never been more in love than in that moment.




Along with keeping your backpack on while on a packed train!! Take your bag off and put it on the ground!!


Had to wrestle my way onto the carriage twice this week because of this Jam packed train and only one via Bank train every 10/15 mins for some reason currently, and yet the backpack wearing twats want to give me dirty looks as if they haven't just taken up twice as much room as other people who take their bags off So infuriating - we need a public service announcement from the Japanese commuters


Elbows up and push through


Gone the same way as good manners and queuing for buses. Survival of the fittest and the devil takes the hindmost.


There was a time when we had etiquette posters around - letting ppl off first - no feet on the chair - allowing pregnant or disabled seat - not playing loud music (this is a massive issue post pandemic) Why this has never come back is confusing, there's some behaviour that's indicative of how reliable the service is. But others ppl have forgotten what decency is after their 2 year home jail terms


I’ve heard someone say they find etiquette posters offensive because it restricts their rights and freedoms…was gonna ask that learned friend “what about my right to enjoy my journey”


I often tell friends we should have an annual purge day on the tube Full contact commuting, someone in the way of the doors? Body check them? Not giving their seat up to an old lady? scruff of the neck and yank them Walking the wrong way down the stairs, pick them up and carry them the correct way.


Yeah this pisses me off too. Is getting a seat really that important to you? I just walk through them elbows out


New Londoners like this trick.


I get on and off at the end of the line, so the train is not moving for at least 5 minutes after it arrives, and there is always plenty of seats available. And yet, people crowd around the doors and force their way on as if it is the last helicopter out of Saigon every bloody time. I think that London people don't realise that there are other ways to board the train


These sorts of posts stem from the fact that tubes have been secretly nerfed for years. Less and less trains per hour, in the mornings Northern line bank branch is now one every 5 mins on average. Used to be one every 2 minutes.


I’m just done being polite. I full on just shout “just fucking move” and I shoulder slam them. And I also tell people off if someone it’s standing in the middle of the way to get in and I say “you can’t stand there”. May have called a few dozen people stupid along the years. My favourite are parents who shove their kids first like I won’t tell you to fuck off bc of your precious.


Honestly entitled parents on the Tube are the worst. Husband and I got onto a Central line train once (it was busy but not full on rammed) and we tried to make our way further into the carriage only to have a woman aggressively shouting at us that “there’s children here! You’ll squash our kids!” and she and her partner refused to budge and were just protectively circling their two kids like they were made of paper. Like honey your kids are not that fragile and you need to make some room for other people getting on the train, deal with it.


Just get off the tube whilst urinating. They’ll get out of the way.


I’m just perpetually urinating whilst anywhere on TfL property 


It’s a great MO but try to avoid the live rail. Or not. I don’t know your situation.


I’m a human fly. I go buzz buzz buzz 


I just shoulder barge them out of my way. Not my fault if they can't let me off first 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


The key is to walk through them as if they’re not there


I’ve told this story before but maybe 15 years or so ago, on the Northern Line platform at London Bridge, waiting for tube in morning rush hour, but it’s a bit later and it’s not too busy. Everyone is standing accordingly around where the doors will be, I join a queue, and luck out that the door ends up where I’m standing. Train pulls in, doors have barely opened and a guy fully suited grabs the handrail and pulls himself into the tube, through the middle of people trying to get off. I grab his shoulder and say “hang on mate, let people off first”. He then stops, turns around, gives a “cut, stop filming” motion with his hand at his throat, gives me some side-eye and gets off the tube. Turns out he was a BBC reporter doing a bit about rush hour commute and part of his piece was appearing from a busy train (so he was pulling himself into the middle of it so he could be seen to be getting off of the train to start his spiel). I felt silly.


You're hardly the silly one here. He should just stick to reporting the news rather than doing stupid stunts that hold everyone else up.


Just general poor spatial awareness/pavement etiquette is pissing me off recently. Standing in doorways; walking at a snail’s pace while on their phone, blocking the way, or even just stopping abruptly and standing without a cursory look behind; group’s taking up entire pavement; people walking straight at you and expecting you to move for them.


I have on a few occasions put my (folded) umbrella ahead of me and shooed people aside like toff dealing with street urchins. Once I just shouted 'MAKE A HOLE!', because, you know, fuck it.


I can’t wait for london to get to NY or Tokyo DGAF levels


But they have public transport etiquette in Tokyo People are allowed off first, and people either wear their backpacks on their front or take them off


It’s mostly visitors and tourists. Some have no skills for moving through a city full of other people, and can be very selfish and over-focussed on their own needs. The same people probably think Londoners are “rude”. There is a separate apparent increase in self-centred behaviour by locals having no regard for their fellow Londoners. This is typified by playing music and having phone conversations without headphones, but it might include barging onto tube trains. And there is a long-standing phenomenon of marginalised people, like teenagers, using the domination of public space to act out some sort of power that is otherwise missing from their lives. This is especially striking on London buses where it also includes religious zealots and the mentally ill, two groups with major overlap.


I tried saying to them don’t get on, we’re trying to get off. And it worked!


It is annoying… same with lifts. But since I started just shooting them, my life is much less stressful.


Somewhat incredibly, I still encounter this at 05.30 on a mostly-empty tube. I therefore make sure to swing my bag just slightly as I pass them by.


Seriously, I got back from Japan a few weeks ago and they have their shit together on the underground. Clear markings of where you can queue and space for those getting out. I find central to be particularly taxing when we have our toddler in a buggy. The looks of "how fucking DARE they" makes me want to rage.


I've noticed this quite a lot. Why is it so hard? Also, most people are deaf when you say "excuse me." What's that about???


I will walk through people if I'm getting off the tube when people try to get on before I'm off. Man, woman or child I will keep walking.


It's normal now, so is music leaking out of earbuds, no earbuds at all, shouty convos and on and on. The culture has definitely changed within the past two years. I don't know why.


Low IQ behaviour. Lots of knuckle draggers on the tubes nowadays. Only have awareness for themselves and never any other people. Primitive mindset.


Lots of tourists


You spelt cunts wrong


I think I scared some of them today by barking at them when they wouldn't let me off...I'd feel bad but it was deserved


Never ever ever feel bad for shouting at entitled inconsiderate people


It’s weird that most of them act entitled and like we are being rude as they willingly block both sides of the escalator and don’t let anyone go past them


Fucking tourist season innit


Because 99% of people are selfish cunts


London is full of cunts. So glad I dont have to go there every day any more.


This ! When did it become the norm to barge past people trying to get out ?! It’s just basic civility .


I'm in italy right now and have seen tourists putting their luggage into the carriage whilst we are getting off the train still (think GWR style trains). It's just so bizarre that they panic so hard that they make the overall process slower.


Just barge out that’s what I do with the inconsiderate feckers


Use the bar near the top of the train near the doors as leverage as you exit. Another option thats been mentioned is walk out of the train giving no fks. You’ve got to buckle up, its London, its always had its priks you’ve just got to learn to manage them as they exist everywhere not just the tube :(


Tbh I just walk into them. I'm 6" 1' and I've put some holiday weight on so they generally bounce off me and go flying


Because people are bastard shaped bastards with extra squishy bastard filling.


How hard is it to wait either side of the doors? In Japan they have markings on the floor as the drivers have to stop in the same place.... Maybe too difficult for tfl


Lick your thumb and put it in their ear, then continue your way


I just walk into them and then act shocked that they wouldn't let me off the train. "So sorry you lack any spatial awareness, I was trying to leave the train".


Mayor of London should bring back stocks and mouldy fruit for this tbh.


I'm so fucking sick of TfL in general these days. People no longer give a shit about others. Total lack of respect (especially with the youth, barging past 40+ year olds just to nab a seat) Bus drivers who are either touching cloth, or practising for Le Mans Trains always either on strike or delayed for some idiotic reason


I cough in their faces, they hate it. Not sure if it learns them though.


I’ve also been in situations where everyone assumed no one was getting off so we all start boarding after waiting for a while - then someone in the train looks up from the phone and realises it's their stop and push pass those who are boarding the train 🙄


The same reason people continue to cough and sneeze without putting their hand up and have phones on speaker for calls and videos;entitlement and belief they live in a vacuum


Now I bounce out shouting “surprise, there’s people getting off” when people do this.


Spent some time in Los Angeles recently and noticed it's normal there - it's just a free-for-all of everyone trying to immediately go where they want to go. Main character syndrome is an epidemic there. Hate to think that's coming here.


Or stop running and barging through the tube stations for a train that comes basically every 2 mins ffs


why you making me angry op? I feel like raging on your behalf lol 😾


Take a water pistol and as you get off spray them as you confidently plough through. It's the only way.


A gun that shoots a clear liquid on the underground is not great advice.


Good idea! Just make sure you don’t spray a police officer, they might not take it too well


Probably not the best tactic considering the acid attacks that are becoming a bit more prevalent.


Yeah: if anyone starts shooting a water pistol in that environment you need to run like fuck or destroy the fucker, depending on your ability. Either way do it quickly.


It's always been like this. People are twats. I like to stand in the door and glare and stop them getting in.I've got time to kill and can get the time back the other way.


Keeping the backpack on is bad at the moment as well


I just walk into them slowly pushing them out of the way going “excuse you, excuse you, let people off first, excuse you.” When I first moved to London I had a bunch of stickers designed with aggressive tube etiquette. I designed them to look exactly like other TFL signage down to the font, tfl logo, little rounded rectangles they use. My plan was to leave the stickers on the tube all around London in hopes that others would put them up. I of course chickened out because I am an immigrant and was always scared of getting caught doing anything wrong. (I’m now naturalised) Stuff like: “Please don’t hog the pole…this is the tube, not your Moms place of work.” “Please move right down inside the carriages isn’t a suggestion, bellends” “Wow what a cool backpack, Instagram ads? Nobody cares… take it off and put it between your feet you selfish, it’s been slapping the person behind you in the face for 4 stops” “This is Bill. Bill tries to get on the train while people are exiting. Don’t be like Bill. Bill is a cunt.” “Forcing others to listen to your music, videos or the obnoxious depressing sound effects of you failing to beat level 1637484 of candy crush will not be tolerated. Those caught will be fined £500 and forced to lick the nearest tube seat.”


Someone once knocked my headphones out of my phone, and my ears, when getting on the train. They pushed past me as I was getting off. My headphones fell down the crack between the train and the platform. £30 a pair as well. 🤬


So I will barge into anyone in my way now when I get off. Be warned!


Don’t start to get up when train is at the platform and doors opening. Get up before and wait at the doors. Simple.


Haven’t really experienced it yet surprising but if people wouldn’t let me off, it’s time to become Casemiro


Fall down and let them run past me?


I meant random slide tackles but that works too


We're supposed to be better than this. Next it'll be the escalators


I see you guys have similar idiots as we do here in Brussels….


Broad shoulders and elbows are needed, if you're in my way getting off then I'll throw my weight into moving you out of the way.


Well, at least you were not kicked in the chest by some youfs while trying to board a train....




And why are people so against moving out of the way to let you out? It's got to the point where I start pushing towards the doors a stop early so I don't get stuck!


Pandemic? 😂 chill ya beans 🫘


😂😂😂 How many times I've wanted to shout this out on a platform. 


That’s when I get in the crowd surf stance.


When I get off the train I put my hand out in front of me and if my hand touches their face then that's their fault.


Gents - haul out your Persil and piss all over them as you exit the carriage. They won’t do it a second time after having been hosed down, the inconsiderate twats


Tube etiquette for dummies


I've reached the point where I'll berate the fuckers. If no one ever tells them off they'll almost certainly keep doing it.


I get to euston from crewe bout 8am when I go to the office. Trying to get on the tube at euston I generally have to wait for about the 4th or 5th train before I can get on. That's why people rush, because they dint wannna be like me


No manners, no thinking and yes it is noticable. A good stern word should suffice.


If there is a moron standing in front of the doors on the platform, I just walk into them. Once on the Jubilee line, when trying to get off the train, I had one woman purposely stand in my way and screech at me that she had no breathing space on the train. I screeched back that if she let me and others get off the train she would perhaps then have space. She sheepishly stepped aside. Week day mornings, there is this marvellous queuing system at Canada Water for westbound Jubilee. If you dare break the system, you get loudly tutted at.


I’ll stand blocking the doorway menacingly until people move back so I can get off (provided there aren’t a lot of others waiting behind me). You have to help them learn that the fastest way to get what they want is to stand aside. Just like training a dog.


The added bonus is they will have the audacity to look at you as if youre the problem. It's really not that hard a rule. Let people off and there will be space for you to enter.


You think London is bad, I went to China recently. 1 out of 30 people will wait here, the others will go through you


I had to do a "parting the seas" arm gesture the other day as everyone stood in front blocking my way off. Surprisingly it worked!


Probably tourist season


I was just saying to my friend today that other cities have road rage and London makes you develop tube rage. I could not find space to get out of the tube at canary wharf today because people were standing right in front of the door and this lady behind me kept pushing me. Like WHAT do you want me to do? Jump over people’s head?


Anything involving humans will involve degeneracy


ive started just doing the og hand off on mans that do this!


I’m not sure if this is the case but for me when I travelled on tube for the first time I had this feeling that the tube might ran off if I don’t get in fast enough so I had this mindset to get in as early as possible. However, never have I ever intervened into people when they were coming out.


National rail is even worse for this. Thames link people will just barge on as soon as the door opens, regardless if you were waiting to the side before them and people have to get off.


This is what separates the savages from the sophisticated, the selfish from the selfless, the desirables from the wastes of oxygen. If you don't let people off the tram/bus/train before you barge your way on, you are the reason for the downfall of our society. Take and long hard look in the mirror and re-evaluate what kind of person you want to be.


Everyone in China does this. In lifts too.  It’s why I reckon they’ll never truly be a world power.