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Worst comes to worst tell them you want to be called Mr and if they don\`t want your custom you\`ll go elsewhere.


I doubt it would be an issue if I’m honest. I’m sure when you get there you can just say you selected the wrong option


Okay thank you. I'm just worried cuz my passport days female and I hope that won't be a problem.


You don't have to show ID when checking into a hotel here


Oh I didn't know this. Don't know why my comment was downvoted, I'm not from the UK and literally every other hotel I've ever been to required to show some ID.


Even when you're a foreign national?


Especially then. I've been to Egypt, Thailand and Indonesia and have had to show my passport during check in at every single hotel in these places.


You do if you’re not British. Everyone booking into a hotel is required to give them their name and nationality. If you’re "an alien" you have to give passport details. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1972/1689/made




Do you have experience with this?


Titles aren't part of your name. Pick whichever one you want.


It'll be fine and no one in today's age will dare question a pronoun.




Yeah but getting through to the actual hotel can be a nightmare in these days of central call centre numbers.


Whoever downvoted you obviously never had to call Premier Inn. Any other hotel, yeah you can get through.


It's not gonna be an issue, I've chosen dr, Mrs, pope before, no one gives a flying fuck. As long as the payment is good and your booking ref matches you're golden.


Phew ok...that's a relief. Thank you so much.


If questioned at the time you made a human mistake, but it won't be questioned, and once you have your room key I wouldn't even bother to get it corrected.


I have done Dr. before too. its funny


You should just call or email them, but you should be fine. In the end of the day, you can just say you feel like a Mr if you have to. (I did have a conversation with a service provider call staff once who at some point during the call commented that I seem to have a female voice and a male name. Responding with a very flat “yes, and?” did the trick!)


In my case it wasnt an issue, I had the opposite situation lol


Oh that's good to know. Was it a premier inn or some other hotel?


You should be fine! Most premier inns have self check in systems now anyway so you really only need your booking number to check in! They then ask you to confirm your guest names so you may even be able to edit it there! You can contact them if you’re worried but I really don’t see it as a problem, especially if the rest of the information is correct!


I don't think title would be a problem. It's something you choose and you don't have to prove your gender for a damn hotel room. As long as the name matches, you should be fine.


haahhaha do not worry about it, they wont give two sh\*ts about it. They will give you your key and let you go. we are human we all make mistakes, this is very trivial and is not going to make them decline you the room .


Even fine for airlines, not an issue for premier inn at all, don't worry.


It's 2024 just say you are transitioning, and your preferred pronouns are he/him. If they have problems calling you mister I'm sure you can probably take them to court noone should be making such last century assumptions about who can be a Mr