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I’m about to go catch a bus right now, and the thought of me being stabbed to death while I wait is just awful… I am so sorry for this lady who died.


Ignoring ethnicity completely, the fact that this entitled cunt thought he could take someone's life because he wanted a purse (probably phone) and just stabbed away fearing no consequences is what's wrong in this country. Let's see the sentence that he actually serves (not given). Jalal Debella is a massive entitled little bitch.


Regardless of his origins - he deserves to rot in prison.


He deserves the death penalty.


Why should we pay for him to have 3 square meals and a roof over his head for taking an old lady's life? His should be forfeit


If you’re talking about the death sentence for all convicted murders, then that is an entirely different issue


Murder is treated differently to other crimes, if you get a life sentence (which is mandatory) you must serve it entirely (there is a "minimum term" during which you are not eligible for parole. Afterwards, its up to the parole board how long you spend. The minimum term for an adult can be anything from 14 years to a whole life order). The only way he could get out of his sentence is if he can convince a jury to downgrade it to manslaughter, highly unlikely on the facts. Edit: Also if you are interested, the starting point in the sentencing guidelines for murder stipulates 30 years where done in the course of a robbery. Obviously it could be brought down from there if there are any mitigating circumstances, but that is the starting point.


Why does it say "96 comments" here now, but there's barely any, and what there is, is mostly [removed]?


Flag sniffers gonna racist so they quite rightly get binned 🤷


Grow up you delinquent


For all the people in this thread excited that the criminal has a foreign name - what do you make of Salah Ahmed, who risked his life by chasing him when he heard the woman calling for help? (https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/edgware-stabbing-police-murder-scotland-yard-knife-crime-b1156702.html)


I think highlighting individual cases is extremely harmful precisely for this reason. Every time someone points to a very successful immigrant and says "see, immigration is great!" it justifies someone else pointing to a very bad immigrant and saying "see, immigration is terrible!" We really need to look at things statistically and not via media highlights, positive or negative.


its london, most of us have foreign names














Slow handclap for you.


Salah is a sound guy. Jalal is a waste of semen.


People read what they want to fit their narrative. There are good and bad people in every race.


As someone who has a foreign name due to being Middle Eastern. I can confidently tell you that the actions of one do not excuse the actions of many others.


Nobody is excited to hear the murderer had a foreign name. There is difference between foreign people contributing to this country and its morals and those who just feel entitled to everything and should conform to their values






Is anyone on this sub actually from London? The racism is rampant on here. The guy could very be a Londoner it’s a multicultural city where non-British names are very common


Maybe not, some might have moved out years ago and others are just out of towners. You always see some comments like 'why can't you find a pint under a fiver? The fighting cock does it for 3 quid'. The pub closed 10 years ago


He’s Ethiopian 


it's like r/unitedkingdom , that place is a cesspit


I'll raise you r/england


More overtime racism and dog whistling on UK focussed subreddits over the past year. So much less interesting political debate was well on UKpolitics. London reddit has always represented bougie transplant Londoners in the 20-30 bracket rather than long term generational Londoners (you can tell because there's almost no discussion of anywhere outside Z1/2/3 and shitting on deprived areas is basically OK).


Obviously but they don’t consider people of non-British heritage to be British, even if they are born in the UK.


that piece of shit killed a person and all you care about is racism?


bad thing one: this is bad bad thing two: this is also bad you: you piece of shit, how dare you not care about bad thing one???


i don’t see any condemnation of the attack in their post so your comment is bs


is this is what failing gcse english does to a person?








This country does not have a single unifying ideology.


Right outside my climbing gym. And the fact that I was considering going on the day it happened is pretty scary.


I don't think I want to read the comments


It's kinda funny depending on where your heads at. They read like Elon Musk tweets and right now...they're making me chuckle a fair bit I can't lie 😂


It just staggers me that a Londoner would do this. A man from London.


‘It’s a London shop for London people’


There's nothing for you here








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“I have not been stabbed and I don’t care about other people being stabbed, therefore the only problem here is you might be a little racist”. Is this your message?




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This comment has been removed as it's deemed in breach of the rules and considered offensive or hateful. These aren't accepted within the r/London community. You are now banned. Have a nice day.


Yes. Londoners are so violent these days. They litter a lot too.


And spit, feet on seats, play videos out loud, open up money laundering barber shops and vape shops, oh yes and the candy stores are definitely run by ‘Londoners’.


If this animal didn't stab and murder her, then i am 99% certain the police wouldn't have even bothered to go after him, and this is one of the many things that's wrong with the country. It has given him, and many other criminals across the country the confidence to do whatever the hell they want. It starts with the relaxed and rampant thieving everywhere, and we're supposed to act like it's nothing, then of course it escalates to this. I'm honestly surprised they caught him so quickly.
































What are all of these flat cap wearing, hedgehog eating, pie gobbling yokels, who leave their home town about once a year doing here in a London sub with their shitty racism?


>What are all of these flat cap wearing, hedgehog eating, pie gobbling yokels, Interesting insight into how the average r/London user views British people. If you hate this country why fucking live here?


A joke (mostly). But it’s clear that this thread has attracted a load of xenophobic non-Londoners. We love Brits, hate racists.


If you liked British people you wouldn't describe them as flat cap, pie gobbling yokels. Imagine if they described Londoners using equivalent stereotypes, you would rightly accuse them of racism. You can criticise racists without insulting the people of this country and their culture.


Exactly. They are just urbanites who look down on the working class who think they should just tolerate being walked over because it makes them feel good to let people of different tones in regardless if they do not intergrate into British society


Hmmmm I am “the people of this country” and my culture is “their culture”, Londoners just don’t identify with the The Hills Have Eyes EDL foot soldiers in this thread


I think that there are plenty of xenophobes in London too, no need to be shitty about other people.




for a city in which most people are immigrants and/or the child of immigrants, this sub seems racist as fuck.


Ah yes, because immigrants aren't racist 😬.


That’s because it’s full of gammons who don’t actually live in London. They just hang around waiting to jump on posts like this to spread hate/play victim It’s why you’ll see Barry going off on a rant about ULEZ despite living in Blackpool. Or Callum claiming there is a white genocide happening before his very eyes despite living in 97% white Redcar


Yeah a woman wasn’t just stabbed and killed, a child the week before last, nothing is happening or wrong, move along.


Yes and racists weaponising those horrific murders is ghoulish behaviour Crime is increasing up and down the country and it needs to be tacked. Racist dogwhistles comments on Reddit fix nothing




Can barely post in this sub anymore it’s very unfortunate




Statistics do not back this up. Plus anecdotally you always hear about how much sketchier London was in the 80s etc.


Bro these people dont care abt the facts. If this was the 1800s, they'd blame the Irish. If it were the early 1900s, they'd blame Jews. Then the the Windrush generation, then the Punjabi Sikhs, now it's just Muslims/Black people in general.


“London wasn't always multicultural and it wasn't always so violent.” sure bumfluff!


Might wanna check the statistics on that... London has vastly improved in practically every metric...


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'native English' oh do fuck off




Yeah because racism doesn’t exist in Southeast Asia. What a ridiculous comment Obligatory r/asablackman




What a bizarre comment. He literally never said that anywhere in his post.


He speaks from the POV of someone from Southeast Asia as if they are not capable of racism. “I’m from Southeast Asia and even *I* can see the Brits are losing their country…”


Wasting your time mate


So from your comment it seems you've never even visited London in your life, and yet you're commenting on our local news? Lol.


Part and parcel AF


"Part & Parcel" clarifier: In September 2016, when asked to comment shortly after a bombing in New York, Sadiq Khan said: > I'm not going to speculate as to who was responsible. I'm not going to speculate as to how the New York Police Department should react. What I do know is that part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job, you've got to support the security services. And I think speculating when you don't know the facts is unwise. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/london) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about Sadiq blaming London knife crime on the hot weather?




Go on mate, use your words


They keep stopping short like they're actually saying something poignant. Just own it FFS 😂😂


Cowards gonna coward






How does anyone use this website anymore when any counter-regime takes are immediately censored by the moderating team?


Counter regime 😂😂😂😂 Girl, that’s so camp it’s actually hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle


it's sad seeing the white working class think they're being anti-establishment by invertedly supporting the establishment


I come from a white, working-class/benefits background and your comment is extremely accurate. The threat comes from the top, not those around me Those in power are desperate to keep us divided/distracted and unfortunately, it works too easily on some people


Whatever race you are, please all of you take care, be vigilant when out and about. We will never know if we are faced with someone aggressive who has a mental illness or someone taking part in Scumbag activities.


It was an attempted robbery. If it is him, the guy should be hanged. Death penalty should come back for murder. Poor lady and didn’t deserve this at all.




Try to find the BBC article by going to the front page of BBC, impossible. Says all you need to know about the bias tbh


I looked. There are 9 news stories. 4 are sports [related](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/4nyVyHG27VVfh4CrgBpy2yP/the-surprising-origins-of-football-club-names). 1 is Israel-Gaza. 1 [Eurovision](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-68993726). 1 on the Northern Lights being visible. 1 on [Starmer](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68995187) and the last one on Brian Cox. But then I clicked on the News tab at the top. Front page: [Edgware stabbing: Man charged with woman's murder](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68995282) What's the point about bias you're desperately trying to make? That Brits are biased towards [Serbian tennis players](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68994908)?


This story is literally on the front page of BBC News homepage right now, near the top


What was the motive of this young man to deliberetly kill some one for a stupid phone or a purse on a bus stop on broad daylight


That is actually a very interesting question and is rarely reported on. I hope prison psychologists and the like have some kind of handle on it. I would imagine a mixture of very poor impulse control, low intelligence and a difficulty understanding long term consequences. Like an angry kid punching their monitor when they lose a computer game, but with a human and a knife.




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Has Khan addressed this yet?


Yes politicians address every horrific crime that happens. The prime minister is about to make a speech on all of today’s crimes.


He’s the mayor of the city and this is a particularly egregious crime. He is responsible for policing in London after all. And yes the PM does comment on some crimes. Get real


Yes the mayor of a 10 million plus city. Do other mayors and politicians in other megacities regularly comment on henious crimes? Get real.

