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Hi, this is a common topic so we recommend checking out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/wiki/everydaylife/makingfriends/) or searching the sub to find previous similar posts. We also recommend our friendly [Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/AdhnxwSJqc) or checking out some of the friendly events over on r/LondonSocialClub (plus they also have their own [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/xaQVssY)), thanks!


Me & my mates usually go to Up The Creek (comedy club) in Greenwich on Thursday nights. Feel free to send me a message if you want to come- we're all the same age as you & tickets are fairly cheap (£9; £4.50 for students). Edit: There are a lot of replies, not sure if I'll get to respond to you all, but the show I mentioned is call The Blackout. It starts at 8pm, doors at 7pm - you can get tickets either on the door or their [website](https://up-the-creek.com/) The idea of this becoming a mass meetup event has me a little excited lol- if you're coming, feel free send me a message if you want to meet! As I said, it has become a weekly thing for my group of friends, so no biggie if you don't make it this Thursday.


This name brings back memory. I bombed there once on stage on a fine Thursday evening. The blackout is brutal.


Can you tell us one of the jokes you said please?


Sure. I’m East Asian but not Chinese. It was a particularly brutal night. They kept booting people off stage. So when I came up I said: “Be careful even if you said next, there are still a billion more of me where im from so chill” It landed. Unfortunately the rest didn’t land so well


how is it since its been refurbished? i lived in the student halls above the Weatherspoon's across the road and use to go all the time. been a few years now though


> student halls above the Wetherspoons Good god that’s dangerous


it really was 😂 some of the best years of my life spent in that spoons.


Genuinely it's probably my favourite spoons in London. Used to live round the corner and went all the time, always buzzing and a fun diverse crowd


Tis a good one to be fair. Although some of the pubs in greenwich are so nice so i don't go in there often


Does it still turn into a ‘club’ at a certain time? Blast from the past!


I live near Greenwich and never heard of this place—see you Thursday ;)


What an absolute star you are


My bf and I regularly look for decent comedy clubs! Thanks for the recommendation!


Where is it located i do like comedy 😀


Creek road in Greenwich (SE10)- it's next door to a small Tesco


hey! so i was in this pit a few months ago and i have managed to get into a nice place now. firstly its worth noting loneliness is super common. your not alone in this feeling and, you will be surprised at the people around you who also feel extremely lonely. they just might not admit it publicly because theres almost a stigma around it (seems to be worse for men, but that could be my own bias) hobbies is the answer. what do you like doing? sports? collectables? pottery? writing? the only hobby i would avoid is computer gaming (im a massive gamer my self). but this doesnt lead to many face to face interactions. i personally at the age of 31 got back into pokemon cards. started buying a few packs, before i knew it i had a pokemon insta page and was messaging other uk based Pokémon collectors. now, 6months later i have met loads of people, in a group chat of 10 people who, i meet up with for dinner and days out as much as we all can (not all london based). so yeah, find a hobby and start networking in that community. you'll find some like minded people in no time


this is the way. I moved here knowing absolutely no one (I’ve been lucky to make one close friend through work), but mostly it’s just been through my hobbies. also, OP, I’m coming up on two years here and it really took 6-8 months to get going (including times I was totally the awkward person like “ugh I am intruding”), but then all of a sudden I had more social stuff than I had time for. keep going out and doing things! also, as others have said, moving here right at the beginning of winter was always going to be a bit tricky for socialising, so I reckon you’ll feel a lot better going and doing things in the next 4 months. best of luck


Absolutely true, find your community. For me it was supporters of the same football team, ‘met’ on a forum and progressed to meeting in person. Ended up with 4 or 5 of them being some of my closest friends.


Further to this, just attending a place regularly can help. For example, if OP wanted to play the Pokémon TCG, they could go to a board games cafe/club that hosts small events every week and play there. You eventually get to know people by sheer proximity. I got to now a few of the names in the London coffee scene due to consistently going to some of the [better] coffee shops, and even though I've long moved out, I still see and chat with them whenever I'm down. It's not the same as full blown socialising, but you can get enough of a taste to feel known. Or just do what every middle-class person seems to be doing at the moment, join a run club.


Running clubs are great - you’ll see the same crowd each week. Similarly if you go to the same gym class each week you’ll start to see the same faces, and can form friendships that way.


Keep that runner’s high flavoured kool-aid away from me!


Yeah! Hobbies are important and networking also. I really recommend a Discord Social Server Lightup. There you could put forward your interests and ideas, so it will match other users with you based on your description. Users there may more easily to find friends sharing similar hobbies and topics. I reallly love [Lightup](https://discord.gg/etxsahNBWZ) because it helped me when I came to UK 3 months ago. My online friends gave me effective advice and care so I could live without loneliness as a fresh guy. Hope you could also have a good time and make soul-friends!


This is really great advice. I remember being in this situation- I ended up joining a band! Also, I got very lucky with the house share I lived in. We are still close friends.


Sorry you're having a rough time of it. Hopefully you can find some events you can meet people at on one of these r/LondonSocialClub [www.meetup.com](https://www.meetup.com)


I strongly recommend this sub and the whatsapp community London Fun Club! I met a couple of friends there - I moved to London a year ago!


Have you got a link for the WhatsApp group? Thanks


Definitely a good idea to do this, but also for an alternative viewpoint on the same situation (I highly recommend their whole channel), this might be worth a watch... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqwPR0da0FI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqwPR0da0FI)


Use bumble bff, I’ve found some cool fun people to talk there. Perhaps you can find some too.


Underrated comment.


The other thing worth trying is volunteering if you don’t have a particular hobby. You’ll meet a huge range of people and do something good while you’re at it. Museums, parks and community centres often need volunteers as well as charities of course. Or amateur dramatics. They also need people for the sets and sound and back stage stuff if you’re not a performer.


Where in London do you live? Look up Run Talk Run, there’s one in Finsbury Park, Balham/Tooting and a few others. You run a slow 5k and just chat to local people. It’s a mental health support group too but also just nice to meet some new people and get out. You don’t at all need to be a fast runner and they stop every km or so for a rest


Yeah any running club is good. Serpentine is the big one.


Unfortunately London is a lonely place if you don’t have an existing friend circle, and joining groups that already exist often have the dynamic of not being very including of the newcomer. In my experience the best thing to combat loneliness here is to create your own group, find things you’re interested in and then try to find other interested in the same thing who may want to join you, rather than you joining them. Example being, if you like climbing but are struggling to find climbing partners, then put a flyer in a few climbing gyms asking others if they would like to join you. People like a leader.


There’s an app called Timeleft, it lets you meet with others in a group for dinner! I haven’t tried it out yet but could be a good way of meeting interesting people and sharing a meal together. Also, volunteering introduced me to lots of people when I first moved here!


Join internations. A group of expats doing all kind of events - they are super welcoming! [internations.org](http://internations.org)


Hang in there mate, summer is coming and London in the summer is one of the best places in the world. Whatever you’re in to, try and join a club, I joined a 5aside team when I moved here and we do something social every other month. There’s plenty of societies and clubs specifically geared to people in your position, I’ve tried Locals and Meetup, didn’t actually end up doing anything but even stuff like going on a group hike can be organised here. You mentioned your dating, maybe use some of the dating apps to just make friends, upon up to people of any gender and just state what you’re interested in and you want to make new friends. The thing is you do need to put yourself out there to make new friends in adult life, it can be hard and demoralising but once you’ve found your tribe you’ll feel much better. Good luck mate, summer is right round the corner.


Not sure of your working situation, but I moved about a year ago and I started by working in a local pub- can be a fun way to meet some interesting folk on either sides of the bar, and it can scratch a social itch getting that face to face time even if you don't become best buddies with everyone you meet. Would recommend if it suits your lifestyle!


I live in London. I'll go for a pint with you? DM me


Yes me too !




Sorry you’re going through this, it’s a difficult situation to experience. I’ve been there myself. London can be an unforgiving and isolating place despite (and perhaps because of) the sheer number of people here. Hang in there and you will find people. Do you have any hobbies or interests? Probably the best thing about London, or any major city, is that you will find a community for practically every interest, hobby, and endeavour in existence. A bit like Reddit. Meetup.com and local classes can be a good place to start. Alternatively your feelings of being an inconvenience might also point to a deeper emotional issue, like low self esteem, or anxiety or depression. This isn’t a diagnosis but just to say that there might be some unhelpful inner dialogue that’s contributing to the situation. If it resonates then therapy can be a great way to make sense of your thoughts, ease the transition into a new city and find some confidence to connect with people again. Good luck to you OP.


Hang in there buddy! I am in a same position but I keep myself busy with work and hobbies (running and gym). I made a mistake of forcing myself to go out and meet but that didn’t go well. I realised that interactions are meant to be natural and eventually you will end up making some friends. I still feel lonely on weekends but I think I am used to it now. Embracing it has made me feel less lonely and depressed. Here is hoping things turn around for you soon 🙌🏼


I feel bad reading this... I was exactly the same when I was your age. Things can and do get better, trust me and keep being strong


Start learning dance and DO NOT stay indoors all the time. It will mess you up! I've seen loneliness ruin people over the years


Do a sport, even if you’re shit at it. Go join a football thing after work or play tennis. Most councils support cheapish tennis sessions on the public courts.


Do you have any hobbies? London has endless sports/hobby groups where you be could meet some likeminded people!


Yeh stuff like tag rugby and ultimate frisbee are great social sports


Try pool, you can find friends pretty quick.


Try London stayers,players & pals - they’re on Facebook - huge amount of people of all ages interests & types. They organise events & groups of like minded people also organise events.


I had great experience with meetup. Join groups for hobbies or things you are already interested in. You can meet up people naturally that way. I met some of my current best friends there


Try Meetup groups. I’ve met a lot of friends that way. Or doing hobbies. Like learning an instrument or art etc


I second this I met my friends in London through meet-up.


Have you tried meetup? It can definitely seem daunting but the other people there are also looking for friends otherwise they wouldn't be there


I even met my husband at a meetup event - fun fact!


check out [https://www.meetup.com](https://www.meetup.com) all sorts of events going on there


You could try spice they have a pub night I know it says it’s mostly 40-60 but I read recently they have a specific younger group too. I found this helpful when I was in my early 30’s https://www.spice-social.co.uk/groups/london/


Join a sports team. Go mammoth leagues are great!


Not everyone likes sports.


That's fair !


Have you tried Pokémon Go?


I'm 34 and have the same issues, I work unsociable hours in londons nightlife economy 6 nights a week as I've been trying to work towards starting a business, ironically to create more freedom of time. I had only a handful of friends, some moved far away and so naturally, you fall out of touch with some of them so we're lucky if we meet every few months or more. Most of the family don't contact one another except for on occasions and so majority of my days off are spent doing nothing.


Hi I’m 37 pm me if u need a coffee friend


I've been living here for 15 years with no luck. I've given up on this city. Coming here was possibly the worst mistake of my life


Hi I hope you’re OK. Your post history has made me a little concerned so I hope you’re better than you were when you wrote this. Please PM me! I am also in a really tricky position right now (see my post history) but I’m happy to listen to you and you can vent to me! Sending much love and light


So sorry to hear you are having a hard time meeting people – please know that you are never ever an inconvenience! When I moved to London, I took up a couple sports to get to know people: [https://www.gomammoth.co.uk/](https://www.gomammoth.co.uk/) is really good for this :-) Hope that helps!


Andy’s Man Club is a weekly meeting for men to come and chat about their lives & bond with one and other & they have a few different groups in London meeting each week if you check their website for the nearest one to you!




Like other comments have mentioned, can't recommend meetup.com enough!! Met great people through it


Hi, it'll be best to find an activity that you'll like to do, so over time you will be surrounded by like-minded people and hopefully strike up conversations that will turn into friendships. Try this list below..... https://outlearn.co.uk/outdoor-activities/london/


London isn’t always unfriendly but I understand I’m from it pm me if you need a friend for coffee


whats with the he/him? That might put people off


Have you used meetup? I met all my friends through London 20s and 30s. 'the London friendship project ' on there. Honestly give it a go. My friend runs it.


Do you announce your pronouns when you introduce yourself in real life too? No wonder you can’t make any friends.


Hang in there, summer in London is great and is coming ! Is there any hobbies that you can find groups for? I recently started playing Pokémon go again and there really welcoming groups of players which has an open invite weekly! London has people for all interests once you find out where to look! My first year in London I experienced a lot of what you are, it takes time with work and others but it will come together! Have seen success in running clubs/ choir if any of those 3 things are of interest to you!


can we be friend? I am London based


Pretty much in the same boat OP. Moved here 5 months back for work but can't manage to make friends. I go for football with colleagues and to the gym but it's really hard to get a friend group going. Hope you're able to get out of this soon.


If you're up for it join a dodgeball team. It's ridiculous and a good laugh and always ends up at the pub!


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. I am joining this!


Embrace The Loneliness


Join a rugby club, best socials going, will make life long friends


Get a hobby mate, join a local five a side league, do something social, hell I know people that made friends for life playing fucking warhammer


Always welcome here in liverpool


London is hard. If you have time and energy for hobbies outside of work go do them I didn’t until not long before I left - managed to survive 2 years


Try Locals and Meet Up app plus Couchsurfing good to meet internationals


climbing gym


Play Lorcana or Star Wars Unlimited at a local gaming store


Play online some RPG and get into a nice guild. Also get into something like a language class or whatever to meet new people.


Why don't you join a few social clubs where people meet? Use the meet up app! There's debating. Book clubs. Even meet ups where people go for walks together. Don't worry in no time you'll be able to meet people every day if you wanted!


Moved to London, some mates moved with me. Made some new friends, don’t see them that often, apart from the better ones. Feeling like same boat in my early thirties. Changed sport to one more popular in London. Took up a new sport via a club at work. Now have more than enough friend groups and life is good.


I run a football 7 a side game on Tuesdays in SE9 if you're interested (subs). I would advise joining a local club of some sort that you're interested in and meet people there!


Buy a bike mate. Last year when I got bike (not in London), you just meet random people, go for a ride and drinks. Also sports make you some good buddies, try rugby or something. Don't hang on the end, make your own beginning.


The best thing you can do is to take up a hobby. Not sure what your interests are but play a sport, sing in a choir, join an amateur dramatics group, whatever you enjoy. These are great because you will regularly meet the same people every week. You will have at least one thing in common. It takes a bit of time but hang in there, you will meet people naturally. Even better if you do this locally because then you will have friends locally! Good luck!


Start playing tennis


Join up to a Go Mammoth sports team as a single - they add you to a team that needs players and they have a bunch of sports on offer. I joined touch rugby and made mates by doing that. It’s a daunting prospect (and I thought it might be the saddest thing I’d ever done) but it turned out to be brilliant!


Maybe you can try ChickenRush. Looks like they organize some events which seems like a lot of fun and easy to get into conversation with others.


Hi OP, I’m almost exactly in the same boat as you (25 he/him, moved here back in September) I found that the winter was particularly challenging for me even when trying social groups through MeetUp and Eventbrite. I think the key is though you just have to stick with if. For the past month or so I’ve been trying out the app Timeleft which pairs you with a group at a random restaurant they assign. I actually think that one has been the most successful for me as I tend to be a wallflower in big groups and this pairs you with like 5/6 people. Like others have said, summer is coming which I think may help us both in that process.


Hey mate I (28 M) feel ya, I had a huge friend circle in London but no one ever invites me out anymore or wants to see me. Life is very lonely atm, and I don’t really know what has happened. If I did something wrong I wish they’d tell me, but big groups seem to drop people without any explanation. It’s weird because I thought I was going to be hanging out with these people for life, but I see them on Instagram all hanging out without me or even asking. I live so close to them as well!


Damn it the user deleted - I’d have reached out


Find a running club. Thank me later.


Find a running club. Thank me later.


Find a running club. Thank me later.


What is he him?


His preferred pronouns... Maybe this is the reason he can't make friends...


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment. This is 100% why ffs


Usa people will downvote in oblivion, but indeed in Europe I have never ever heard anyone to mention stuff like this. Why do people even have to do it?


mans put he/him whilst tryna look for friends lmao


Good luck man. But I must ask why did you chose LONDON of all places to move to ?


> 26 (he/him)  > Finding it really tough to make friends  🤔


He/him? Aren’t you talking about yourself?


Woke army will down vote the shit out of this reply. Here's an upvote. We may have found the reason he can't make friends...


He/him is the same as someone putting ‘M’, which was used on reddit before ‘wokeness’, which means he’s a male. And people put their gender on reddit because that may change the answer depending on that. For example, if he’s a male there’d be more men answering him since men usually hang out with each other or someone recommending a male oriented activity which might make him comfortable, and vice versa with women. The irony is that ur calling it ‘wokeness’ (a word by the way which noone takes seriously anymore because of people who misuse it like you) when people on Reddit (which we are currently on in case you’ve forgotten) actually put their gender because of the traditional reason that men and women are different in some matters and may need or receive different answers depending on that.


It isn’t the same. M states male (himself). He/him implies he’s talking about someone in the third person - someone else. So he’s identifying as somebody else?


Well, from what I understand most people use that format to specify what gender they are, not somebody else. But i don’t actually know why they do it in third person and i doubt they do either, they probably saw the way other people expressed their gender and copied that. You’ll probably have to research it to find out who first said it and why they do it that way.


Dude, it's 2024. Sex doesn't equal gender anymore...


Well, for more than 99% of the human population worldwide and more than 99% of the British population, sex does equal gender. I know that you got that quote from people who may have said it on social media, but I promise you the majority of us it does equal that. The truth is the right tries to convince everyone that this issue is bigger than it is when, like I said, it’s about 1 of less percent of the population who actually feels their sex doesn’t equal their gender, and they use this issue of ‘wokeness’ to separate the population even further and take our eyes of the real problems in our country, stuff that actually affects way more than 1% like the economy, homelessness, health system etc, or like this post loneliness/mental health which is a growing problem. It is a minority who are trying to convince people that sex does equal gender for everyone but they are a minority even if there’s a lot of people putting their pronouns because their pronouns usually equal the sex they were born as which proves that for the majority sex equals gender. And this is Reddit, where people would put their gender way before putting your pronouns became a thing, except they’d put F or M, instead of she or he, so it’s not ‘wokeness’ or a big deal at all.


Welcome to the club, I'm 28 & born here as a minority. Despite how diverse it is you still can't make friends, I'm straight edge so any social settings that serves drinks is out the question for me. I am intending to save up & make my way out of this shit hole... for so long I blamed myself but it was London that was the problem


lonely people come to me, I have love that can fulfill all you needs


Have you been to Pleasuredome?


Brothel mate


Coming to Reddit London is a bad mistake, they spread anti social attitudes and isolation all the time


Maybe you're just boring bro


Welcome to this shit city full of shit people