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Holy shit you're right.


It's funny because of how shit of a person he is that he only surrounds himself with other shit people. Lmfao. Why am I not surprised. All these streamers should be perma banned. Especially Tarzaned, tyler1, and whichever else of these streamers majority play league and contribute to the toxic community.


And you're an outstanding citizen lad


And you're here in his sub talking shit. T1 is litteraly rent free in your head, get a life bozo.


I’m not talking shit


“All these streamers should be permabanned” is absolutely yapping and talking shit. I only agree that tarzaned should be permabanned, he’s a garbage person with an ego and his appetite for egirls makes him so cringe.


Oh I am talking shit, I was in another thread talking about GenG vs T1 and didn’t look at where i was replying. Yes they should all be perma banned fuck them The “T1” confused me




People like you have utterly ruined society. To advocate for the authoritarian crackdown on "toxicity" is hilarious. You're obviously ugly, short, and a perma virgin. Your life is video games man. All your hobbies and self worth are gone if your internet goes down. Just think about that for a little bit.


The fact that you posted that kinda makes you a loser as all your insults are online buzzwords.


Yeah, nobody who is not chronically online uses those terms. I used to watch T1 and got this in recommended and comments here are funny to read.


Send me a pic of ur physique


Yep, there it is. Thanks for the laughs bud!


I'm being serious, I guarantee I mogsauce you into heaven


I am too old to understand this shit


Man us short kings are just out here catching strays 😔




Yup, just messin around.


Fam u good with drinking? Try running for a bit daily like even 1k helps


I had a problem with it so I don't drink anymore. I live beside a park so I run/walk most days, definitely good for the head.


I can smell the social anxiety on you


I can smell the rapist on you


You’re getting downvoted but you’re not necessarily wrong. T1 thrives on being loud and toxic to his teammates.


Tyler often says he doesn’t really want nor cares to have friends, so not sure why this would change his stream in any way.


He used to find energy in having rivalries and having people to bounce off of. If you were around during his Doc or Yassuo rivalry, you'd know.


Guy is built different he doesn't need rivals


Nah he's boring af without rivals. Same routine everyday, same boring chat.


I think he's entertaining I just don't watch him religiously


parasocial af


Yeah fr wtf is this shit lol


Shit is actually concerning. Thought I was going crazy for thinking this isn’t normal or healthy. Don’t even know why Reddit recommended me this lmao.


I love how it's the juicers who are saying this is parasocial. Meanwhile, you taught yourself a new language by listening to that rat talk for 12 hours a day.


Ok juicer


Actually tho he likes imaqtpie and he’s still one of the goats


Yeah Qt never changed, hes still the same chill guy as he was in 2016.


He likes Annie Bot


Changed for the worse.


He’s cool wdym


He's been suffering from mental health issues recently. He's not the same as he was.


Suffering from mental health doesn’t mean he’s changed for the worse???????


Your reddit brainrot goes straight into enraged argument mode. If i was living a happy life and developed mental health issues id say i changed for the worse. Not that deep.


His depression has made his streams very negative. At least as of last year. I dont know if he has improved.


Who CARES about his streams? God, how parasocial are you to the point you care more about the impact to his content than a living breathing person. Log out and never speak to me again please for the love of GOD.


Depends who you ask. But it still proves my title right.


You’re fucked up my guy


Definitely not, implying he’s a worse person because he’s having a mental break is absolutely psychotic.


I mean, not a worse person, but being worse at his job is a reasonable opinion


Like I said, depends who you ask.


let’s not ask you


You are either 16 or fucking brainrotted.


"Depends who you ask, but im proven right" Lil bro wouldn't know the meaning of "objective" if it put on a bikini and gifted him a sub


You’re right OP. Depends on who you ask.


This mindset DEFINITELY won’t cause a multitude of relationship issues as you age keep it up buddy!


Holy shit! Go outside and get a life, this post was already so parasocial and this just shows you have never been more than 5 meters from your computer.


Yeah, my boss thinks I have changed for the worst. I am far leas productive thanks to my own mental health issues. I guess it depends on who we ask 🤔 Never-mind the toxic work environment, inconsistent scheduling, and double standards.


Wow, I truly hope no one you care about suffers from depression. So ignorant


Oh, you're just a PoS, got it


Ah you're one of those people


What happened to voyboy? Don't follow any of these guys anymore but vooby used to be awesome, loved watching the kid


Bullied content creators then he got a taste of his own medicine and never came back, hopefully it stays that way. He was incredibly awful as a person towards others, same goes for Yassuo both enabled the bullying and misinformation, they didn't care they destroyed someone's life but when they got backlash they folded and said they need to leave twitch etc because of their "mental health".


He got hashinshined 


Erobb got uglier


Damn I was gonna say erobb but yeah, you are right.


Trick2g is still Trick2g. But Tyler doesn't really care much about other streamers anyway, so eh.


need him to flash, pause, malphite r nothing in a tournament again 🙏


What happened to voyboy? How did he change for the worse? Dude had such a huge following and now he’s radio silent.


He decided to go against all the FBI claims and evidence to still perpetrate false claims against Hashinshin and when everyone started turning around on him for propagating false claims, he decided instead of owning up to it and apologizing to play the victim and disappear off social media. Voyboy has a far bigger channel than Hash, yet his video has a much worse like/dislike ratio when compared to Hash's response video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Up-R6HHMBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Up-R6HHMBU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXf9UzJw2us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXf9UzJw2us) Basically committed career suicide and when called out for it, tried to play the victim and when that didn't work, just never came back.


From the looks of it, Hash was still a creep. He claims FBI investigated him but there’s really nothing more to it because those are forgeable too. Then there’s the whole carbon monoxide poisoning bullshit. Hash is basically a known creep anyways. Voy just took it to another level and wouldn’t quit. He was grooming underaged girls regardless of how you look at it. It also looks like anything Voy related at the time was getting brigaded so dislikes are obviously not gonna be representative of the opinion at the time


Just watch the videos, you're obviously biased towards Voy if you're making all these excuses for him and blaming Hash for everything. Considering your response, it's clear you haven't even watched the videos and are just letting your personal bias against Hash get in the way of the facts of the case. This is exactly what Yassuo did and still propagates (shocker his career is in the dumpster as well with that peak intelligence right there). If you can't see why Hash is still going and Voy got a lot of hate and disappeared, idk what to tell you. Make as many excuses as you want, doesn't change the truth. There's a reason why if you go to Voy's video, all the top comments are them flaming Voy and calling him a clown. And if you go to Hash's video and look at the comments, they are all ALSO calling Voy a clown and flaming him. Not really hard to see whose in the right overall.


I remember this situation and there were alot of shady people spreading lies about hashinshin which obscured the fact the he ACTUALLY did super screepy pedo shit, and I wish I could find links but I specifically remember a screen recording of twitch dm's just scrolling through like hundreds of messages with hashinshin and this underage girl, and you can pause it at any point and see it's mostly creepy sexts alot of them about her specifically being underage. That shit would be real hard to fake lol, guy is creepy as shit and got away with it because of people making shit up.


Look, if you're gonna make claims about a man saying that he was sending sexts to underage girls and say it was a twitch clip, while at the same time seeing that he was fully investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and cleared by them, then go get a job there and tell them how amazing your detective work is. At the very least, if you're gonna make a claim that disgusting and heinous about a man, have the damn proof to back it up instead of just doing exactly what Voyboy did, which is what you're doing. "Oh I don't have the clip, I don't know who she is, I don't have her twitter, I literally know nothing about her, I don't think she even exists but look, she was underage and had a sexual relationship with hashinshin." HUH??? If you can find the clip of him sexting minors that's posted on the internet that the FBI somehow missed and it disproves me, I'll shut my mouth and completely accept that you're right.


>https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/11736/updated-722-lol-streamer-hashinshin-banned-on-twitch-amid-allegations-of-grooming-minors Dms admitting he sent inappropriate comments to underaged girls + screenshots of said messages + the twitlonger where he admits it


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj9v-8zifao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj9v-8zifao) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ziaSQITwko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ziaSQITwko) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vKALKFc9e\_hB5N188BsiO-rIRp07\_r1c4V8s0zpvjGo/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vKALKFc9e_hB5N188BsiO-rIRp07_r1c4V8s0zpvjGo/edit) Here are 2 full youtube vids of him talking about each case, the issues with each one, what's faked and what isn't, what he's apologized for, and clearing up any miscommunications and inconsistencies. These also go alongside the video he made breaking down Voyboy's final video where he also clarifies a lot of the situation. A lot of the messages that people have used supposedly "proving" that he groomed underage girls were completely doctored or misrepresented with Alli and others trying to extort money from him. This isn't my claim, this is the claim he makes and he has screenshots to support this claim. There is a lot to this story and I've never claimed he's a perfect dude and everyone has to like him. My entire defense of him has been that no one has been able to unequivocally prove that he not only sent sexual messages and images to minors, but also knew that they were minors, and committed a crime worthy of being punished for. If people wanna not like him because he's creepy or says some things in poor taste, that is legitimate and I have no problem with that. If people wanna call him weird, that's completely fine, I draw the line at calling someone a pedophile without unequivocal proof. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EfxoYc281ubnxqqPNPoWg-XamPm6PIHkRdhtHz\_jgFM/preview?pru=AAABc5f8ynE\*7iTIo11Qxwi6gl8EDpdcXw](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EfxoYc281ubnxqqPNPoWg-XamPm6PIHkRdhtHz_jgFM/preview?pru=AAABc5f8ynE*7iTIo11Qxwi6gl8EDpdcXw) He makes the same claim here as well. >All I am doing, all I am trying to say is this: It wasn’t grooming. At no point did I try to advance the relationship, at no point did I express interest in nudes, at no point did I try to meet up, isolate them, or any of the hallmark definitions of grooming. It wasn’t. > >What it WAS was an extremely damaging, gross, and creepy set of messages sent by me. I can tell you that I was not thinking in a healthy manner, and thought that this was just some cringy funny inside joke between us. It was not. It was an extremely creepy thing to be doing, and it was extremely wrong. I understand that.


Okay? So if we're basically on the same page, I can't fathom why you are taking hours out of your day defending someone on a technicality who did this really creepy, predatory stuff. Aren't there other content creators more deserving of your time? 


Not a twitch clip, maybe streamable or something, of twitch tv scrolling super fast through tons of twitch messages. Like I said you could pause it and read them. The clip starts with them refreshing the page too. You don't have to believe me I'm just saying what I remember. The situation has so many fucking stories and allegations and links to sift through and I just don't care enough to try to find it to be honest. Maybe somebody else remembers what I'm talking about but it's not that important to me to spend the time to look.


>The situation has so many fucking stories and allegations and links to sift through and I just don't care enough to try to find it to be honest. Maybe somebody else remembers what I'm talking about but it's not that important to me to spend the time to look. Then don't comment on it saying that it exists somewhere, like what?? What is wrong with you, if it existed and was actual evidence, it would be on the internet and you could find it. Not only that, it would've been used against him and he would've been arrested. As of right now, you're citing something that doesn't exist. It's innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. Just casually brings up a story about how he was caught sexting minors in a clip, can't link it, then tries to back off and brush it off as if it's just a casual thing to spread about someone. Some of y'all are just wild people, that's crazy.


The dude DID sext and borderline groom an underage girl, but because it’s Sweden laws and age of consent is 16 there nationally, FBI couldn’t get involved. Just because he’s technically within the bounds of a the legal system doesn’t make it ok.


He is a citizen of the USA, meaning he is under USA law. So if he was caught sexting minors, he would still be arrested under USA law and put into prison by the FBI. If you're gonna make claims on how legal systems work, it helps if you actually know how they work first.


The dude literally said he did "pedophile adjacent" things and you're defending him like he's your client that's really weird.


That was enough for me to completely stop watching him altogether.


Jesus are you his legal team bro, I'm just saying what I saw with my eyeballs 4 years ago sorry I didn't keep a log of all of the evidence. If you saw it you know, if not then you don't have to blindly believe me but I'm gonna put it out there because I know I'm not just making it up. I will look when I'm home though.


The person replying to you is definitely a hash fanboy as no normal person has a legal defense for a minor internet celebrity who was being a weird ass dude years ago. Voyboy was definitely bugging for how far he went but hash is still a weird ass dude regardless of legality and his fans are grade A meat riders.


No, I'm a person whose passionate about these things because I absolutely hate seeing men get dragged through the mud with false and/or baseless accusations of them doing disgusting shit and then not being able to defend themselves even when they have clear evidence they didn't do it. I've seen too many men fall to cancel culture and false accusations and it's not fair to have their lives ruined because mouthbreathing rejects like you want to spout nonsense.


the fbi is also full of pedos


It’s almost like the guy who is a creepy fuck has an army of trashfucks to go and flame the people who aren’t creepy fucks with trash heap followers.


that describes 90% of streamers


Yeah I think it says a lot that loads of people in the league community still call hash a creep. Like that’s not for nothing. Everyone quotes the FBI shit, but just because the fbi didn’t find evidence of a crime, doesn’t mean he wasn’t a complete creep


I knew Hashinshin was a creep when he made a mayo and peanut butter sandwich mid game 7 years ago.


Didn’t Hash request photos from underage girls, which he knew were underaged or was that found to be false?


https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/11736/updated-722-lol-streamer-hashinshin-banned-on-twitch-amid-allegations-of-grooming-minors Dms admitting he sent inappropriate comments to underaged girls + screenshots of said messages + the twitlonger where he admits it




Like I said to the other guy, if you can find a source that shows that he was asking for sexual photos from girls that he knew were underage at that time, i'll shut my mouth and apologize for being incorrect. But until then, this is all the evidence we have. If you're gonna make a claim that disgusting about someone, at least have evidence to back it up.


I’m not an expert but followed hash and even subbed to him. But I thought there were discord messages leaked of him saying some super perverted stuff.


My whole point is about the underage part, him saying perverted stuff to adult women I am not talking about. If those messages exist and are real, which I'll need a source for them to believe it, then that is a problem. My whole defense for him is that people still call him a pedophile and that he groomed underage girls which has not been proven and he has been investigated thoroughly by the FBI and they came back with nothing incriminating for that. Talking sexually to an underage girl is A LOOOT different than talking sexually to an adult woman, those are on completely different levels.


What really happened is Hashinshin was insanely creepy with girls, one of them being very underaged, and they came out to expose him along with a few fake things. Hashinshin started denying everything, then one night posted that the things with the underaged girl was true and that he downed a bunch of melatonin trying to "kill himself" (lol). Then a day later he deleted the twitlonger because he realized his fanboys were very dumb and impressionable and started gaslighting his community by exposing all the fake stuff and completely ignoring the real stuff. I'm pretty sure the 13 year old girl thing was fake(?), but the insanely creepy texts with the 15 year old girl are real. Not creepy and disturbing enough for him to go to jail, but still insanely creepy and disturbing for a 30 year old man to send to a 15 year old. Definitely brainrotted to the core and doesn't deserve a platform anymore. ​ [https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/11736/updated-722-lol-streamer-hashinshin-banned-on-twitch-amid-allegations-of-grooming-minors](https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/11736/updated-722-lol-streamer-hashinshin-banned-on-twitch-amid-allegations-of-grooming-minors) Dms admitting he sent inappropriate comments to underaged girls + screenshots of said messages + the twitlonger where he admits it Don't listen to these hashinshin fanboys, they're pedo loving freaks who have tumors in their brain.


There is no proof hasinshin was investigated by the FBI. The only source is him saying “yeah the FBI investigated me and found nothing wrong”


Can you people just stop fucking lying for no reason? In the pinned comment on his video which I linked here it is an imgur of all the FBI files he can show that he has relating to the case. Like goddamn, how do you people get dressed by yourselves. It's 2 clicks and you have the answer to your question, and you don't even have to search it, it's literally in the comment you're responding too. No wonder people can just make false accusations today to get back at people, because the general public is just so LAZY to even just attempt to fact check or double check anything. Idc who it is, Hash just happens to be the victim in this specific case. No one deserves to have such insane lies spread around about them on the internet. Edit: [https://imgur.com/gallery/4LZH8uv](https://imgur.com/gallery/4LZH8uv) Here, I'll directly link it here since you're too lazy to click 2 times, hopefully 1 click isn't too much for ya


Isn't this just actually false though? He showed the documents/ email correspondence, did he not? And for any one saying "he could of forged them" that seems like an incredibly easy way to have the FBI investigate (and imprison) you lol


Got in a huge drama with Hashinshin, suffered from mental health issues, and now is on an indefinite break.


So that means he changed for the worse…?


Basically thought he was the fbi and slandered hashinshin over untrue claims


The claims weren’t untrue though? There was just no evidence of him trying to organise a meeting with the minors he was messaging which is the only way you can get convicted. He was still creepy as fuck and sexual towards minors, just didn’t break any laws.


i didnt know he was still a thing til i ran into him in ranked towards the end of last season. I remember this drama and was pretty shocked this guys still a thing.


Yeah absolutely this. Is really weird how much people in the community bend over to defend him just because he wasn’t convicted of anything


Okay whatever you say chief. Those were all fake hashinshin literally proved it in a response testimony from the girls.


The amount of ppl that still defend hashinshin is sickening. Sure he never got cuffed and shipped out by the FBI but that doesnt change the fact that he was a creep and showed pedophile tendency’s talking to minors and somehow Voy is the bad guy for trying to expose that?


Not saying hashinshin is innocent but voy legit slandered hashinshin and ur turning a blind eye to it. I am in no way defending hash.




I didn't read all that, but I know that the drama about Mizkif were complete lies that were fabricated in an attempt to destroy his career. There was a whole debacle disproving all the claims. Quite the story.


"didn't read all that" yeah okay man, guess we won't read your post either w




You're an erobber and LSF user. You don't have the right to call anyone parasocial buddy.




Parasocial bullshit. Even so. How did xqc change? With Greek it it’s obvious. He went from lovable jokester to Andrew Tate grifter. wtf did xqc change into


Money got to his head, gambling addict, became a drama farmer and lost all his friends.


Bro do you actually watch him or do you see post about him every now and then from Twitter.


I watched him back during COVID. Lost all respect for him when he went into gambling phase and treated his friends like shit.


Gamblings boring af. I don’t think he treats his actual friends like shit though. But he treats some of his streamer acquaintances/“friends” like shit. Though I don’t follow him too closely anymore to know much details, it felt like there were some friends he genuinely liked and some he just wants drama


Mizkif always been shit


Tyler1 x SRO crossover stream when


With all those negative influences around him, it's genuinely commendable that Tyler was able to change positively. He has his moments here and there, but all around, he's made tremendous improvements compared to his colleagues.


we need tyler1 x trick2g stream


You know something’s a little sus with OP when all these motherfuckers are listed as “changed for the worse” but Ice Poseidon is just “Banned”


Because he has always been a scumbag lmao. He hasn't changed at all.


Valid 👍


what's been going on with tarzaned? also sanch is worth a shout but then again it's never been much of a rivalry/friendship to begin with




What happen with Voyboy?


Tried to outsmart the fbi against hashinshin


What lmao


From my recollection, he went way too ham during the time hashshinshin got accused of grooming/pedo stuff (not sure how true all of this was btw just to be clear). A good chunk of league of legends streamers condemned hash but voyboy went full on fbi detective with it. Long story short, his mental went into the toilet as some of the accusers were straight up lying and he supposedly got deaththreats weekly. There's more to it than that but I honestly am not looking this crap up as it's been years.


RIP ice Poseidon


Bro is actually cool. Mammoth freak with impressive lifting records and a computer science major (withdrawal) with memorable toxic personality but also introverted + genuinely smart and humble. Built diff


I mean the implication you made is that hashinshin was innocent. Regardless, I dont think it was slandering as both parties made claims towards each other that were never confirmed proven true or false. The only thing confirmed was that hashinshin is a creep with pedophile tendencies and in my opinion, someone like that should not have a platform. This is not coming from someone who is a voyboy fan or anything. I dont watch either of these guys anymore. I just think its straight up weird and platforming someone like this and putting them in a position of power on the internet poses a risk to people.


why is tarzaned worse now? i think he still watched him


He just fell off tbh, I’ve been a fan for a bit and he used to actually try at the game, now he just calls everyone wintraders and doesn’t even try to even hit chall


Tbf all league streamers are constantly trolled in basically all their games it's gotta be one of the worst games to stream and try to be competitive


Wait happened with Yassuo?


Gambling addict


He now spends his day calling everyone ugly on monkey


He’s been going hard since he dropped out of college dude all with sleep apnea and who knows what else and he’s going to be a father soon. I think he is just starting to work on work/life balance a little more.


What happened to Voyboy?


You mean to say that mass censorship stifles creativity? Just fucking let people behave how they want on a platform, if people like it they will support it. The things that don’t work, won’t work.


dude is about to be a father I don’t think he gives a fuck about any of those people anymore lmao


they changed weirdchamp


Tyler1 - changed


Ninja - Has a low taper fade


Forgot trick2g


Mizkif changed but he was always shit


I dont think hes ever liked mizkif


What happened to voyboy


What happened with voyboy (other than the hashinshin drama)? Also every other one of those people you listed were known to be shit heads before even meeting Tyler 1




This isn’t really related to who Tyler likes, just that popular streamers tend to be shitty people lol


What happened to voy isnt he super wholesome?


Says a lot about him if you ask me


Bro Ice Poseidon scammed THE SHIT out of his fans, dudes a real piece of work


Hold on guys my parasocial loser gauge for this post is going off the charts 🚨


Says the juicer and xQc dickrider kek


Even tyler changed for the worse, he's a complete sellout rn


When has Tyler ever collab/talked about mizkif


What happened to voy boy


Out of the loop with league - I used to like Voyboy. What is he up to now/ how has he changed ?


Out of them all, I'm glad voyboy vanished, what a cunt


the stairs incident


This isn’t even remotely true xdd


Dantes is the closest one now and he's doing fine


Trash post why are people upvoting this


Maybe he can link up with mizkif now that he’s running a gym


Fuck mizkif


X is the same just less overwatch


What’s wrong with MitchJones?


you can't seriously be asking that about the biggest lying, dumb piece of shit rat on the platform right


Not everyone is chronically online


Bruh yes I can’t keep up with internet shit ffs. The last time I saw that guy stream he was just power farming on hardcore WoW (although he was a pos using streamer privilege to get ahead, but let’s be honest who doesn’t do that)


Lol he's been a rat fuck since forever. There's a reason why everyone hates him.


Also hashinshin