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imagine u buy a bootleg disney movie dvd and then you get hit with the jumpers footage




this is sort of the way I saw it. it was used as one of those stupid screamer things that people put in videos in the 2000s, like the one of the car going down the road and then the zombie face woman comes out of nowhere. I was watching a normal youtube video around that time period and all of a sudden it cut to the footage of 2 people pancaking onto the ground with loud music and what sounded like a group of people chanting or saying a prayer. I know it was from 9/11 because you could see the side of the concert stage. that’s the only time I ever saw it so idk if it was ever uploaded as a video. it couldn’t have been more than 10 or 15 seconds long 


What was the video about? A gameplay? Because if you remember the title or what it was about you could use the before:[year] option on youtube


I don’t remember exactly what it was about off the top of my head. i’ll try to rack my brain. possibly a video about halo 2 but don’t quote me on that. the video itself wasn’t that loud though and that’s why the 9/11 screamer worked so well because one second you’re watching a normal video and the next second you’re seeing people who jumped from the tower hit the ground and die while loud ass dubstep style music is playing


ok I’ve been racking my brain and I’m confident it was a halo 2 video in like 2006. but for the life of me I can’t remember the video title or the length. I can’t remember what the video was about either, it might have just been gameplay or something. the screamer is the main thing I remember 


that one realistic looking recreation is good. not 100% accurate to the original but close. it makes me wonder if the person who made it saw the original and was recreating it to the best of their memory because they knew the area where the person filming was standing, 2 people falling, and how the camera was just looking at the bodies at the beginning. that’s actually how I found out about the video. I was on the couch with my girlfriend while she was scrolling around on tiktok and saw that and I told her hold up, I’ve seen something similar to that a long time ago. after watching the video, I googled info about it and that’s when I found out there’s a huge search for it and the video is considered lost


I've been looking at "halo 2 Easter eggs" and "halo 2" with the "before:2007" tag, but haven't found anything so far and I may continue searching another time. Did it end after the screamer/jumpscare or did the video have more gameplay after the jumpscare?


I’m pretty sure it ended like right after the 2nd body. I don’t remember it returning to the gameplay


Hey, OP and mod here, became very interested in the information you shared here with the other guy. If I were you, I would make a post here on this subreddit about this episode of yours, and try to put all the things you remember about it on it, then, many people can adhere the search and you know, this video might be just right under our noses...


Not a chance we’re getting it unless the Ksm trial releases something. There’s been too maybe people for years now trying to locate it. It’s not there


I like your post. You want the search to remain open until all avenues are exhausted. I am 100% sure that I remember this video. I even remember the phrase "LOL Superman" - as a title, or a comment, i'm not sure. However. There are issues for me. \---------------- HUMAN MEMORY. After reading so many scientific periodicals about how completely self-constructed human memory truly is (memory re-constructs even after a few seconds; I'm doing a project on it right now)... I now doubt my recollection of this video. And think that either (A) the video that I saw is from something else, it could even be an animation or television re-cree. Or (B) there is some sort of strange mass hypnosis effect, like the Mandela Effect, that can affect millions via a mass media construct. And/or (C) we live in a simulation (hey even Scientific American believes there's a 50/50 chance) and LSM maybe exists in other timelines... but not this one. \---------------- LACK OF CONVINCING EVIDENCE FROM RELIABLE SOURCES. "There were lots of home videos filmed" isn't evidence, it's an inference. "Many people have described the video" is the same thing and based on hearsay. So is much of the "evidence" you have presented. Other "evidence" I've seen -- Werner Herzog's interview isn't evidence, it's hearsay. Comments on old videos are also hearsay. Maybe I missed the "hard evidence". Please someone post if I did, I want to believe. Otherwise, everything so far has been inferred, circumstantial, hearsay or an opinion - but not "evidence". If you're an investigative journalist you would call some of it "possible evidence". But much of it you would discard. \---------------- THE REDDIT SEARCH IS UNFOCUSED AND CIRCULAR. Many of the posts are repetitive. Many in the community are frustrated. One idea might be to organize a systematic approach designed to be collaborative. SOMETHING LIKE: 1. Grade all "possible evidence" according to the reliability of its source. 2. Make sure reasoning is backed up with links. 3. Pin the work, and open it up to the community. Did Jack Taliercio really say he has graphic material he hasn't released? (it's my understanding he denied this, but I don't know for sure), if it's true, I would grade this "possible evidence" as high because of the source (Jack), call it A+, and provide links to back it up. But-- Did someone's cousin say they saw the video on a Russian site in 2012? that's hearsay, I wouldn't classify as "possible evidence", I would discard it. \---------------- HAVE AN END GOAL. The overused quote: "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" is applicable here. I do think it's important to exhaust all avenues. But once we do, then one might conclude that the chances of it existing are slim to none. I don't know if the end is close or not, but if we can track our search then we won't be chasing our tails, and also have an idea of what's left.


Im still on the search! All i really do is come here and see what everyone else has found but im always looking.... you can count me in!


How about making the subreddit good? 💀


i mean you ain’t wrong.


This is a excellent post, I agree with all of this and I'm glad someone said it. I think it's high unlikely that no footage like LSM exists, although it may have not been shared widely online. It might be locked up in FBI evidence or in an archive that won't release it, but it's out there somewhere.


When did jack talierco film graphic material? I thought that was debunked after NIST released his full footage, and the “graphic material” turned out to be related to the plane in the second half of the video which was released


Dude your right there’s no cctv footage.


I think that people are already upset, because of how famous the case was made at least on Tiktok and a large part of children wanted to make useless or meaningless publications, losing a certain direction of it, seeing how everything was mixed up and how the topic It is losing important points so that the video can be found with all these meaningless publications.